**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!**
Typical LP length:
Re: TWW Monday 1/6
Month/Cycle: 17/17
CD/DPO: 16/2
Timing: Good
Typical LP length: 12-14
Testing: Nope
R/R: I'm already getting antsy for this TWW to end, because the end officially starts my IVF ER cycle!
I'm feeling kind of congested today, hoping this is not the beginning of MH's flu/virus/whatever. He's been down for the count all weekend, although we did get in one session of BD right before O. It was nice for me to have a very chill weekend.
CS/Q: Nope
IVF Cycle #1 February 2020 4 embryos frozen, 1 fresh transfer = CP
FET #1 Natural Cycle March 2020 CXL'd due to Covid-19
FET #1 Natural Cycle June 2020 - CP #2
FET #2 Natural Cycle July 2020 - BFP!!!!!! Beta #1 = 273
June Signature Challenge - Favorite TV Quotes
Month/Cycle: 17
CD/DPO: 30 / 10DP5DT
Timing: FET
Typical LP length: Doesn't matter because of the estrogen and progesterone
Testing: BETA is scheduled for tomorrow - but see below
R/R: Sorry I've been such a debbie downer lately - but I've got to be one again today... I took at test Saturday morning at 8dp5dt and it was negative, and then Saturday afternoon my grandfather passed away. I feel like I cannot even reach the surface for a breath right now. I have my beta tomorrow so I'll do a final update on that, but then I'll probably be MIA the rest of the week with my grandfather's services and my sister's wedding on Saturday.
CS/Q: nope
IVF Cycle #1 February 2020 4 embryos frozen, 1 fresh transfer = CP
FET #1 Natural Cycle March 2020 CXL'd due to Covid-19
FET #1 Natural Cycle June 2020 - CP #2
FET #2 Natural Cycle July 2020 - BFP!!!!!! Beta #1 = 273
June Signature Challenge - Favorite TV Quotes
Month/Cycle: Two year anniversary this month
CD/DPO: 18/ 2
Timing: We’ve been doing every other day, so I’m sure we got it.
Typical LP length: 14 days
Testing: my husbands birthday is the 27. I’m really really hoping that I can give him a bfp
R/R: the peggys! Omg. So many. Is it a full moon?!
Oh @feather_heather I’m so sorry for your loss. Hopefully it’s just too early for a bfp.
@mvt2003 yay for moving forward with Ivf!
IVF Cycle #1 February 2020 4 embryos frozen, 1 fresh transfer = CP
FET #1 Natural Cycle March 2020 CXL'd due to Covid-19
FET #1 Natural Cycle June 2020 - CP #2
FET #2 Natural Cycle July 2020 - BFP!!!!!! Beta #1 = 273
June Signature Challenge - Favorite TV Quotes
Month/Cycle: 20/14/4 AL#2
CD/DPO: 29/12
Timing: Good.
Typical LP length: 14-16
Testing: January 9th or 10th so I can stop progesterone if necessary.
R/R: We had a nice weekend, relaxed quite a bit but also got some stuff done around the house! We decided to postpone starting T25 until February...we are enjoying doing the elliptical right now, and figured it might be better for us to be in a little better shape before starting T25! We have committed to working out in some way 5 of 7 days a week though, and I’m excited to hopefully see some results!
CS/Q: None...not temping in TWW.
@mvt2003 yay for being so close to your IVF cycle...I hope the next 2 weeks fly by! I also hope you aren’t getting YH’s sickness!!
@feather_heather I’m so sorry for your loss!! Sending you all the hugs, friend! 💜 I hope it was just too early and you get a nice surprise tomorrow!! Take all the time you need with your family, and I hope your sister’s wedding goes perfectly!
@the_road_to_oz so sorry you are about to hit that milestone! I have everything crossed you can give YH that wonderful birthday gift!
CD/DPO: 24/6
Timing: -4, -2, O
Typical LP length: 10 days if going off last cycle but I only have 1 cycle of data so we’ll see.
Testing: Probably not at this point because this morning I woke up cramps and nauseous which is usually how I feel leading up to AF.
R/R: Pretty annoyed to realize that nausea is a part of PMS for me. Having had the IUD for the past 5 years, I am just now realizing that when I get the first PMS cramps they come with some mild nausea. And I think it’s always been like that for me, I just never quite connected the nausea to my cycle when I was younger since I never used to track my cycle in any way. On a happier note I had a great weekend.
CS/Q: Nope. I haven’t been temping consistently so there’s really no point.
Month/Cycle: 6/3
CD/DPO: 52/?
Timing: 🤷🏻♀️✔️
Typical LP length: 11-12 days
Testing: Lol
R/R: I swear to god if I reach like CD 60 I may scream anovulatory cycles are actually the worst
@feather_heather 😞 so sorry for the ongoing sadness. Take all the time you need. Try your best to enjoy your Sisters wedding!
@bl@bluetickgal yay for better healthy living!
@kr@krystrist2014 that does suck! I get nauseated before AF too sometimes its a double edge sword lol
@feather_heather I am so so sorry. I can’t imagine having to deal with everything stacked up like that. Sending you all the good thoughts!
@the_road_to_oz I’m sorry for your two year anniversary, but yay feeling good about timing!
@bluetickgal yay for enjoying the elliptical! Glad you’re getting in a groove! And thinking all the good thoughts for you on the 9th!
@krystrist2014 it seem unfair that early pregnancy symptoms are similar to PMS symptoms. I also had an IUD for a while, so I still haven’t worked out the different between my PMS, early PG and the beginning of MC. Blaargh.
Month/Cycle: 5/5, 1AL
CD/DPO: 25/9
Timing: Good
Typical LP length: 11-14
Testing: Probably tomorrow, and if BFN I’ll probably buy an expensive test for 1/9
R/R: I am feeling really hopeful about this cycle (well, hopeful about BFP not necessarily hopeful about sticky baby) which I feel like is a setup for disappointment. Which will only be enhanced by next cycle probably being a wash due to DH’s 2 week business trip...
CS/Q: Ignoring my chart for now, otherwise I keep freaking out that O wasn’t when I thought it was (and it’s too late now)
@feather_heather I'm so sorry for your loss *hugs*
@krystrist2014 I get nausea as part of PMS, too. I never did before, so I was symptom spotting every month the first few months we were TTC. AF is a sneaky bitch!
Month/Cycle: 12, 3 AL
CD/DPO: 20/5
Timing: -3, -2, -1, +1
Typical LP length: 10-12 days
Testing: FF says next Tuesday
R/R: I joined a pilates/yoga studio and I'm really excited about all the classes. I've been wanting to join for awhile, but it's sooo expensive, so I waited until they had a reasonably-priced new client package. I already signed up for 3 classes this weekend since AF is due and I need a distraction.
CS/Q: n/a
Me: 35 DH: 34
Married: April 2014
DS born 9/16
TTC #2 since December 2018
BFP 8/19 MMC 10/19
BFP 5/20 MC 6/20
@notagoodpatient ugh, I feel you on second guessing when O was. I find myself playing that game of “well if it was actually a day earlier then we’re still good but if it was a day later then there’s no way we caught it, etc etc.
@bluetickgal thanks!
@feather_heather I hope that you start getting some good news soon and that you enjoy your time at your sister's wedding.
@the_road_to_oz A BFP would be an amazing birthday gift for YH! FX
@bluetickgal I hope that you get good news later this week! I also plan on testing on either the 9th or 10th.
Month/Cycle: 5/5
CD/DPO: 22/9
Timing: -4, -1, 0
Typical LP length: 14
Testing: Thursday (DPO 12)
R/R: I'm not working today, so I thought that I would get a lot done around the house and that I would run some errands. I'm still wearing pajamas, and I haven't gotten anything done yet. Oh well, I guess that I deserve a day of doing nothing.
CS/Q: nope
Month/Cycle: 1
CD/DPO: 18/1 I think?
Timing: Most likely -4, -1, 0
Typical LP length: 11-12 days
Testing: I have a bunch of cheapies so I'll start next Sunday
R/R: This is my first suspected ovulation since removing my nexplanon. No temping because it drives me crazy but going by CM/OPK/cervical position it happened, either way I'll know in less than two weeks!
CS/Q: Nope.
@AB518. I totally hear you! Had a bunch of time off and was going to get stuff accomplished. Yep...that didn't happen. Neither did the normal week prep things like laundry and meal prep. I had less laundry though with many pj days.
Month/Cycle: 6/6
CD/DPO: 18/2
Timing: good
Typical LP length: 11-12
Testing: trying to WFAF
R/R:. I got a cold on New Year's Day and it just seems to be persistent!
Month/Cycle: 2/2
CD/DPO: 25/10
Timing: -1
Typical LP length: prob 12ish
Testing: BFN today, but at 10dpo, trying not to let that get me down. Got a ton of internet cheapies, so I'll keep testing until AF shows!
R/R: I'm now addicted to the Netflix show about figure skaters, Spinning Out. I should not let DH go out of town.
DS2 2010
DS3 2014
DD born 8/24/2020!
Me: 35 DH: 34
Married: April 2014
DS born 9/16
TTC #2 since December 2018
BFP 8/19 MMC 10/19
BFP 5/20 MC 6/20
@mamasloth I used to go to a hot yoga/pilates studio and I loved it! My favorite was the "inferno pilates" which was mat pilates in a heated room. It was a pretty serious workout but I always left feeling amazing!
Month/Cycle: 1/1
CD/DPO: Unsure. WFAF. Just got off of BCPs so waiting for CD1 to begin tracking.
Timing: See above
Typical LP length: Unsure.
Testing: Nope
R/R: Excited to finally be starting this journey. Ready for AF to arrive so that I can begin tracking. We will see how it goes! Haven't had an actual period in almost 8 years now, so it'll be interesting to see how it goes. Also, I get my wisdom teeth out Friday (when I'll probably also be on my first period in forever), so that'll be fun, lol!
CS/Q: None.