So this is our third baby, we have 2 boys, ages 3 and 1. We were planning to start trying for our third around October, but I found out this morning that baby #3 will be coming a little sooner than we planned! Anyway, I really want to make this announcement special as it *may* be our last (still trying to decide if we want 3 or 4). I purchased the Sneak Peek test in hopes to find out the gender early (I know this isn't 100%, but after doing extensive research, seems to be the best option, outside of the doctors office, to find out early). I really really want to announce the pregnancy and the gender to him at the same time, and if I am correct on my due date (May 12, 2020) that's a little far out.. Am I crazy? Should I just tell him or try to wait it out until I get the results? (I have to wait until at least 8 weeks to test, and then it takes another 5-7 days for the results).
Re: Hiding Pregnancy from Husband!
I wouldn't be able to keep it a secret either, and my H wouldn't be happy if I hid it for another 4 weeks. Good luck with whatever you decide
Thanks for helping us keep the board organized so everyone can more easily participate!
Married Sept. 2013
DS1: Nov 11, 2016
MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
BFP! 8/24/19
DS2: May 10, 2020
Also, I looked into the sneek peek yesterday and it seems to have a 50-60 percent rate. So you might tell him the wrong sex (not gender) anyway.
If this is your last one, then I say do whatever you want, make it memorable. Although I have to say, I am 💯 curious to see if you really will be able to hide it without him knowing. For 8 weeks? Girl don’t you get sick? No wine? Margaritas? Beer? For 8 weeks and he’s not going to ask any questions?