Since we have the poll, I’m changing this to a different topic.
What maternity clothes have have you liked/disliked? Anyone try the monthly subscriptions? How about active wear? I can’t seem to find good leggings.
I have ave lots of maternity clothes from my last two pregnancies but nothing I really love. I just got some black madewell maternity overalls that I can’t wait to wear when the weather cools a bit.
Re: Maternity clothes
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
Also, I'm team full-panel once the bump is big enough. Side panel stuff annoys the crap out of me!
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
I cannot get enough of my beyond the bump leggings. They’re so comfy. LOVE.
Also a huge fan of pea in the pod basics.
@jenEP for activewear I love Beyond the Bump. I got some great leggings and a top that I LOVE. Also got a maternity New Balance top from Pea in the Pod that’s great. I figure 2-3 outfits that I can wash and re-wear will be fine. I used to like the target active wear but their new brand isn’t my favorite.
You can pick your clothing (stylist picks first and then you can swap stuff out), so I always had clothes I liked. And you can keep the clothes if you choose to buy them (sometimes they have really good sales and I’d buy an item, but usually I just sent back everything).
If anyone wants to try a free tote, here is my referral link:
You just need to make sure to cancel your subscription and return your tote within two weeks if you don’t want to keep up the subscription/pay!
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
I loved my Motherhood maternity shirts. Now I’m struggling though bc I need shirts that are not only maternity but have easy nursing access. Hoping I can find some deep v-necks or scoop necks that I like bc the ones that are actually for nursing all seem so expensive.
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
DS2 10/2017
DS3 due 03/2020
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
That said, the things I wore most the first time around were a pair of ruched T shirt dresses I got from Target maternity. They were so comfy and went with everything.
Any tips on maternity clothes hand me downs/borrowing stuff from ppl who've had babies? Like, how far out do women keep that stuff? If I know couples who are Done having kids, is it... gauche to ask if they have anything? Should I just wait to see who offers? (I have this one woman in mind particularly bc I LOVE her style and would love to borrow some of her maternity stuff.)
Otherwise, for me, I bought some bras already from Knix (if anyone is interested, here's my referral link: and some clearance stuff at Ross mostly that was just... bigger, but i could see fitting once i get bigger-- since this is first tri, I didn't want to get stuff I'd grow out of too quickly and I'm a FTM so I'm not big at all yet, just like... I look like a slightly heavier version of me naked lol. I am hoping once I need more stuff that the Good Will near me will have some good stuff, bc that's where I normally shop. (I'm a super broke grad student lol, in case that was not remembered.)
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
married 11.1.14
ttc #1 since 5.18
bfp 12.22.18 letrozole + progesterone
d&e due to trisomy 13/hydrops at 15wks
bfp 7.21.19 letrozole + IUI
little girl A born 3.26.20
I feel like I missed a nursing bra question on another thread, but I'm too lazy to find it. I love the wireless bras from motherhood maternity. They go on sale for $10 each pretty often. I can post a link of anyone is interested.
you can wear it when pregnant, not, and it has a removable/addable zippered piece for baby wearing. I used it for all those. I loved babywearing DS and keeping him snuggly in the warm winter coat.
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
So far I have a few pieces from Motherhood, purchased some on FB market place, and I 2nd Thread Up.
married 11.1.14
ttc #1 since 5.18
bfp 12.22.18 letrozole + progesterone
d&e due to trisomy 13/hydrops at 15wks
bfp 7.21.19 letrozole + IUI
little girl A born 3.26.20
this new one looks warm too and is longer:
and that’s why I do a rental subscription for most of my maternity clothes (besides a few staples) ha. Maternity clothes are so freaking expensive, but so many are super cute.
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
married 11.1.14
ttc #1 since 5.18
bfp 12.22.18 letrozole + progesterone
d&e due to trisomy 13/hydrops at 15wks
bfp 7.21.19 letrozole + IUI
little girl A born 3.26.20
They used to let you have multiple rental totes per month and now you only get one a month (3-4 clothing items per tote), but I’m still planning to do it again this pregnancy once my blump becomes a solid bump. It was a really awesome deal when you got more totes per month. I really liked the clothing options though.
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
Also. Anyone have recs for a maternity support tank top? I’m looking at the blanqui one, but it’s so darn expensive. But my back is already starting to hurt and I haven’t even gained weight so I know it’s only going to get worse. I need something now before it’s too late.
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
edit - I actually loved this one when it came in:
married 11.1.14
ttc #1 since 5.18
bfp 12.22.18 letrozole + progesterone
d&e due to trisomy 13/hydrops at 15wks
bfp 7.21.19 letrozole + IUI
little girl A born 3.26.20
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
married 11.1.14
ttc #1 since 5.18
bfp 12.22.18 letrozole + progesterone
d&e due to trisomy 13/hydrops at 15wks
bfp 7.21.19 letrozole + IUI
little girl A born 3.26.20