March 2020 Moms

PGAL Check In Week of 7/8

Hey, PGAL Ladies! I know early in pregnancy might be when we need this support the most! Copying from February, because their post is pretty organized!

1. How many weeks are you? 

2. Previous loss(es)? 

3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? 

4. Any appointment updates? 

5. Rants/Raves/Questions? 

6. Any milestones coming up?

7. GTKY: What is your favorite show/movie on Netflix?

DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 


Re: PGAL Check In Week of 7/8

  • @Noodlepig Hey, Girl! I put this here just to get a weekly one and not a monthly one since it might get super long! I hope you don't mind!

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • 1. How many weeks are you? 5 +6 

    2. Previous loss(es)? I had a loss on July 9, 2016 at 9 weeks 2 days. It was an MMC. I had a second loss on May 28, 2019, it was a CP. 

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? I just need it to be July 10, and still be pregnant. I hate my loss anniversary. 

    4. Any appointment updates? I have another beta today, and then I’ll set up my dating scan and first midwife appointment. 

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I asked this in the group one post, but I’ll ask here too. My acne was almost nonexistent with my son, but this time around it’s terrible. Do any of you have a pregnancy safe acne wash you use?  I feel like I’m 16 again. 

    6. Any milestones coming up? I’ll be 6 weeks tomorrow, and that’s further along than I was when I had my CP, so that’s a good feeling. 

    7. GTKY: What is your favorite show/movie on Netflix? Netflix original, I love stranger things, and will start season 3 tonight. I also love call the midwife, and the great British bake-off. 
    **TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned**
    Married: 7/21/12
    BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16
    BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
    BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
    BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
    BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
    Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
    IVF started Feb 2020
    retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
    Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
    Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy! 
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  • rainbowdashhrainbowdashh member
    edited July 2019
    1. How many weeks are you? 5w4d

    2. Previous loss(es)? Miscarriage at 15 weeks in 2015 and the loss of my newborn son at 3 weeks old in 2016

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Emotionally I'm kind of all over. This was a surprise and I didn't want to get attached because I know a positive test doesn't mean I'll get a baby. But I am attached and I desperately want everything to be okay. Physically I'm just exhausted.

    4. Any appointment updates? First OB appt is July 31. Waiting on a call to schedule an appt with a genetic counselor so I can get my CVS scheduled too. 

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm exhausted but I also can't sleep and coffee isn't sitting well 😑

    6. Any milestones coming up? Nope

    7. GTKY: What is your favorite show/movie on Netflix? That's hard. Right now probably The Great British Baking Show. It's oddly calming.
  • 1. How many weeks are you? 5 weeks

    2. Previous loss(es)? March 2019, Blighted Ovum with a very traumatic recovery. 😕

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Physically my only symptoms so far are fatigue, frequent urination, and munchies. Emotionally I want to be excited but I’m scared to be excited. But, I’m already attached to this sweet babe. 

    4. Any appointment updates? First one not until 9 weeks, so forever...August 6

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? No

    6. Any milestones coming up? No

    7. GTKY: What is your favorite show/movie on Netflix? All of them. 😂 I have binged so many things on Netflix. Right now I’m watching Schitt’s Creek and dying!

    Me: 31 | DH: 33

    DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16

    BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20

    TTC3: 11.18
    BFP: 02.05.19
    CP: 03.07.19
    *really traumatic recovery*

  • 1.  How many weeks are you? 4 weeks and 4 days (and man oh man, I can’t wait until we are updating at 21 weeks!)

    2.  Previous loss(es)?  I had a miscarriage in May. Found out the heart was no longer beating on May 7th, D&C on May 8th. Loss was preceded by an AWFUL month of back and forth reports from the doctor etc. etc. 

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Hmm… emotionally, I’m so excited, but that terrifies me. I refuse to do any planning until 12 weeks + and only then if all is going well.

    4. Any appointment updates? I had bloodwork done last week and the results were great. HCG more than doubling in two days! I am in denial about scheduling the next appointment (see below).

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? QUESTION/Rant: I really cannot make up my mind re: an early US. My doctor’s office said I can do whatever testing I want this time… but I am very scarred from seeing LO measuring behind each time last go around with a “below” normal heartbeat. Part of me just wants to wait until 10 weeks this time… anyone else struggling with this?

    6. Any milestones coming up? Not yet… although sort of a weird question because every day something amazing is happening with that little ball of cells. 

    7. GTKY: What is your favorite show/movie on Netflix? I asked this question to get ideas haha (selfish!). But we do like Mind Hunter!


    @littlebug2010 Hugs. I can’t even wrap my head around the loss anniversary. Can’t wait for you to get to 6 weeks!

     @rainbowdashh I have tried to resist attachment too, and well… it’s not exactly working.

    @RanFan28 Googling Schitt’s Creek asap! Also I totally forgot about munchies as a symptom… I’m there!


    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • @rainbowdashh I had tried to be less attached last time but it ended and I was just as sad, so this time around I’m just trying to enjoy every moment. 

    @RanFan28 OMG the munchies are awful!  They are 100% contributing to my bloat and not fitting in my clothes. 

    @EmilyLove25 I hear you on the not wanting to measure behind. I was terrified of that with the betas. I’m sure I’ll be just as nervous later today with mine. 
    **TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned**
    Married: 7/21/12
    BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16
    BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
    BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
    BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
    BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
    Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
    IVF started Feb 2020
    retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
    Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
    Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy! 
  • @EmilyLove25 It is so dry and sarcastic and hilarious. 
    The munchies are real and often. Trying to train myself early to reach for healthy choices. @littlebug2010

    Me: 31 | DH: 33

    DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16

    BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20

    TTC3: 11.18
    BFP: 02.05.19
    CP: 03.07.19
    *really traumatic recovery*

  • I put this in the appointment thread too, but I got my beta back and it’s 1319, and last week it was 544.  These numbers are a week apart. I’m freaking out and struggling because today is my loss anniversary too. I just want to know that I have a sticky bean in there! 
    **TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned**
    Married: 7/21/12
    BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16
    BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
    BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
    BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
    BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
    Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
    IVF started Feb 2020
    retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
    Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
    Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy! 
  • Hugs @littlebug2010. Any way they can get you in for an early scan?


    1. How many weeks are you? 4+5

    2. Previous loss(es)? 5 - 2 CPS, 2MCs, 1 EUE

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? 
    Emotionally I'm flipping between excited and terrified. *TW LC mentioned* All of our losses were before DD, and I am really hoping for a better/easier road this time. DH isn't really excited at all yet, but that's more a self-preservation thing.

    4. Any appointment updates? 
    First US is on 7/25.

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? 

    6. Any milestones coming up?
    I just had my most traumatic loss anniversary on 7/2. 

    7. GTKY: What is your favorite show/movie on Netflix?
    Ooooo this is hard. I love Netflix! Maybe Grace & Frankie.
  • @WorkingOnMyNightCheese that was the plan. She just called me back and said the doctor wasn’t concerned, but wants me to have another blood draw tomorrow. If it doesn’t double for tomorrow, they will have me do an ultrasound this week and if it does then they will have me wait until next week. 
    **TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned**
    Married: 7/21/12
    BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16
    BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
    BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
    BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
    BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
    Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
    IVF started Feb 2020
    retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
    Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
    Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy! 
  • @littlebug2010 I’m so sorry! Praying they can get you in ASAP for a VS and you see a happy little bean in there. 

    Me: 31 | DH: 33

    DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16

    BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20

    TTC3: 11.18
    BFP: 02.05.19
    CP: 03.07.19
    *really traumatic recovery*

  • @littlebug2010 I'm glad you are getting another draw tomorrow. Will they give you results tomorrow? Hopefully there is some show or something that can at least shut your mind down from the anxiety etc. for a bit. I really deeply feel for you. 

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • @EmilyLove25 Thanks.  I am just really hoping that the draw is much higher.  This anxiety is killing me.  I will probably be able to see the number tomorrow afternoon, and I would assume that the nurse will call on Thursday.  If I get the numbers early enough I might try and call her.  
    **TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned**
    Married: 7/21/12
    BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16
    BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
    BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
    BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
    BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
    Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
    IVF started Feb 2020
    retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
    Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
    Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy! 
  • 1. How many weeks are you? Somewhere around 6 (due 3/1)

    2. Previous loss(es)? Two losses, one around 9 weeks, the other around 6. 

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? So-so. I have good moments and bad. Because this was a surprise pregnancy I think it has helped with the anxiety because part of my problem in the past was the whole TTC process, since we dealt with infertility for such a long time. 

    4. Any appointment updates? I’ve had two betas, 69, then 293, and I had another draw but no results yet. Those tripling numbers super helped my emotional state. 

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? The bloat is UNREAL. this will hopefully be my third takehome baby and I think my muscle memory is like “oh hi small baby lets make ALL the room for you” 

    6. Any milestones coming up? Just getting the last beta will help. I finally stopped testing because my test line got so dark that the control line nearly disappeared 🤦🏼‍♀️  I also am anxious to have my first ultrasound. 

    7. GTKY: What is your favorite show/movie on Netflix? Omg how can I possibly choose only one?! Lately I’ve been binging Schitt’s Creek. Also looooove Queer Eye. 
  • RanFan28RanFan28 member
    edited July 2019
    @littlebug2010 Praying you get exactly what you’re hoping for! 

    @miss.sally I literally finished Schitt’s Creek tonight. It was is SO far from what I normally watch, but I loved it! 😂

    Me: 31 | DH: 33

    DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16

    BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20

    TTC3: 11.18
    BFP: 02.05.19
    CP: 03.07.19
    *really traumatic recovery*

  • Anyone else still peeing on things, or am I the only crazy one?
  • @WorkingOnMyNightCheese Yes, I caved yesterday and peed on a FR. I had an earlier post (maybe my intro?) where I pointed out that via Betas and compulsive First Response testing, I can now verify that they can be VERY misleading... and yet, I did it again... I've gone so far to get to the hook effect, where you dilute the urine and it actually makes the test darker... Really hoping I resist and don't go that far this time. Haha. When do you plan to stop?

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • *TW* 

    Betas don’t look good. They went from 1319 to 1300. I’m devastated. I don’t know what the next steps are, I’m waiting for a call back from the nurse. I’m hoping to get this over with, as we leave for vacation soon. I’ll be rooting for you all. Thanks for all your support. 

    **TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned**
    Married: 7/21/12
    BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16
    BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
    BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
    BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
    BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
    Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
    IVF started Feb 2020
    retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
    Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
    Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy! 
  • Oh @littlebug2010 I am so, so sorry. Sending you big creepy internet hugs. Hoping the next steps happen swiftly. <3 
  • @littlebug2010 Sending you all the wishes for peace, clarity, and swiftness. Hugs times 100,000,000.

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • @littlebug2010 I am so very sorry! Praying for you in these next days and weeks. 

    Me: 31 | DH: 33

    DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16

    BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20

    TTC3: 11.18
    BFP: 02.05.19
    CP: 03.07.19
    *really traumatic recovery*

  • @littlebug2010 I’m so so sorry. Take care of yourself and we will all be thinking of you. Sending all the hugs. 
  • @WorkingOnMyNightCheese I was peeing on all the things until I took one a few days ago and the control line was basically gone because the test line was so dark. I figured that was a good stopping point. Lol. 
  • Oh @littlebug2010 I am so, so sorry. Sending you big creepy internet hugs. Hoping the next steps happen swiftly. <3 

    ETA, I just realized how shitty that must have sounded. What I meant was... I hope you get answers soon, and I'm so very sorry that you have to deal with this. 
  • @WorkingOnMyNightCheese I knew what you meant. Thank you. 

    Thank you you all for the support. I have an obgyn appointment that was supped to be in a few weeks, that was moved to Friday. However, I’m still (5 hours later) waiting for someone to call me back about making sure this isn’t ectopic. I’m so angry that this is all happening and I just want answers. 
    **TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned**
    Married: 7/21/12
    BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16
    BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
    BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
    BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
    BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
    Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
    IVF started Feb 2020
    retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
    Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
    Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy! 
  • @littlebug2010 I am so sorry to hear about your betas. So many hugs to you. There's a great community over on the Trying to Conceive board for TTCAL, when you're ready--or if you feel like you need support more immediately. <3 And when I say "great" I mean, seriously some of the best people I have had the privilege of being internet buds with.

    @miss.sally I will be peeing on all the things until my line gets as dark as the control line too, haha.

    @WorkingOnMyNightCheese LOVE Grace & Frankie!

    @RanFan28 Schitt's Creek is SO GOOD. The most recent season has some scenes I still think about sometimes. +1 for "Scared to Be Excited" over here.

    SO, I didn't realize there was a weekly for this and just posted in the monthly one...wondering why it was so dead/without prompts! Glad you communicated w/ the person who started that one, @EmilyLove25! Sorry to be dumb and post in that one and not here =/.

    1. How many weeks are you? 3+4 days

    2. Previous loss(es)? cp in Oct. 2018, mmc w/ d&c Jan./Feb. 2019

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Hesitant and tentative to get to know people here and/or celebrate too much (haven't even told DH yet--I did this last time though, held out for a bit. IDK if that is normal, but that's me-- I am waiting for those lines to get stronger on a few retests over the next couple of days & to really feel like this is happening & then hoping, hoping, hoping I can make it to March this time! But I love TB & the community it affords, so at the same time, here I am, participating!

    4. Any appointment updates? Not yet--See #5.

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I've decided not to do betas this time--for two reasons. One, which is something I am going to have to get over really fast, is that I still owe my ob's office a ton of $ I can't currently pay back from my most recent loss. I send them something every month, which is all they need, but I still feel like... they will judge me or tell me I can't come in or something. Secondly, I think betas will give me MORE anxiety rather than less. I was a MESS last time. Looking to stay positive and hope for the best come our first reg. appointment. So, short story long, question: Should I still call them and  them I am KU & schedule that, even if I don't want to go in until the standard first appt?

    6. Any milestones coming up? n/a

    7. GTKY: What is your favorite show/movie on Netflix? Right now we are watching Stranger Things. We finished the most recent season od Kim's Convenience before that, which we really liked. IDK if I have an OVERALL fave tho? 

  • @kagesstarshroom Welcome! Welcome! We are so glad to have you! I feel you on not wanting Betas. I did it for the first time, but I do NOT want to do an early ultrasound because of (can I say this without being dramatic?) some latent PTSD. Seriously. I can't do that again and I don't want to so vividly remember it... Yes, you should call to set up an appointment, but there is NO rush at all. When I got my second Beta results, the nurse said, "Let's go ahead and schedule a 7 week appointment." I said, "Can I call you back Monday?" and still haven't. I just want to be pregnant for now and try to get my mind in a good place. It's not like they'll book up haha. And seriously, I get the concerns about owing money, but I PROMISE no one is judging you... and, if they were, F*&% them, to say the least. SO SO glad to have you here!

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • @kagesstarshroom I had that situation, though I only owe $150. I called yesterday and they told me they won't see me or call in anything for me or even schedule an appointment until I pay the balance. I asked why and apparently I missed 2 payments, though I did say it was because I moved and changed my number and wasn't getting statements so I forgot for a bit. But I've been paying since and I've already paid them quite a bit over the last couple years. The lady had an attitude and I did not appreciate it. You will probably be fine as long as you didn't miss any payments.
    @littlebug2010 I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking of you. :disappointed:
    @miss.sally I plan to pick up a pack of frer today or tomorrow and check the line.... I only had a few wondfos and I got a positive on my last one.

    1. How many weeks are you? 4, +1

    2. Previous loss(es)? I've had a blighted ovum, a mmc at 12 weeks due to triploidy and a chemical pregnancy.

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? I'm in denial, I don't feel it yet, and I'm trying not to even get my hopes up given my past history. Physically I'm ok just hungry and tired. Though I usually get no more than 5 hours sleep a day so I need to work on that. (Night shift)

    4. Any appointment updates? I will pay my stupid balance today and book an appointment. Also going to leave a message for my doctor in hopes he will call in progesterone.

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm so exhausted. 
    Tw LC mentioned:
    My son caught a stomach bug Tuesday but it really became evident yesterday. He was sooo miserable and sick, with puking. It was terrible and his sleeping was all over the place. So now he's wide awake and I have no idea if he will sleep again anytime soon and I really need to get some rest!! :Cry: I work nights and haven't gotten any sleep yet. :Disappointed:
    6. Any milestones coming up? In 4 weeks I get my ultrasound

    7. GTKY: What is your favorite show/movie on Netflix? I enjoy a lot of shows but I need to watch Stranger Things now that season 3 is on....
  • @projectalice Oooo yr story makes me nervous. I sent in the most recent payment a few days late, actually, bc we LITERALLY did not have any $ to pay it. I wish my school did maternity at the health center, but they only do gyn stuff =/. I could get the PG confirmed w/ a blood test (& I could get HCG counts if I were doing that, I think) but that's it. I haven't been sleeping great either--it seems everyone I talk to hasn't?
  • @kagesstarshroom thanks. I was on TTGP before my first, and I know how great they are!  Congrats to you!  

    Everyone, thank you for your comments. I really appreciate it. The last 36 hours have been hell, and I still don’t have answers (including whether or not this is a viable pregnancy). I don’t have my hopes up, but who knows. I’ll be rooting for all of you either from this board or in lurking.  <3<3
    **TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned**
    Married: 7/21/12
    BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16
    BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
    BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
    BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
    BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
    Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
    IVF started Feb 2020
    retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
    Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
    Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy! 
  • @littlebug2010 I'm so sorry. Waiting is torture. Thinking of you ❤️
  • Hey, ladies... having one of those nights (last night)/days. Wondering how much is going to be like this  :/ Just doubting everything, suddenly not feeling pregnant even though I hadn't yet anyway... I wish so badly there were things we could do to help reassure us that the same thing isn't/won't happen etc. Can't believe i'm just 5 weeks. My oh my. Anyway, thought I would share. Hoping this current mood passes.

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • @EmilyLove25 So sorry you are feeling that way. I try to focus on the positive as much as possible, but sometimes it's SO HARD. Is there anything you can do to distract yourself? Some of my best moments since I found out have been when I've been deeply concentrated on something else & then the thought comes to my mind "you're KU!"-- like, I forgot I was so I am excited all over again? So those are fun bc the distraction (not thinking about it/worrying about it) is what causes the (albeit brief) positivity? 
  • @kagesstarshroom You are so right! I need a distraction. I've been super not busy at work this week (randomly), and I think that is giving me TOO much time to obsess. I'm going to put together a plan to be more distracted tomorrow and have some go tos! 


    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • I’m finding myself getting more and more anxious as the days go on because I still don’t really have symptoms. I was puking my brains out 24/7 at this point (6+4), with DS. DD is nearly 10 so I don’t have a ton of memories of first tri with her. Though I know it wasn’t like DS. So I’m trying to tell myself that it’s probably a girl and I’m going to have a light-symptom pregnancy. Which would be nice, but it’s also playing all the mind games. As much as I don’t want to be sick, having some nausea or boob pain or SOMETHING would do wonders for my PGAL brain 😭
  • EmilyLove25EmilyLove25 member
    edited July 2019
    miss.sally  I 100% feel the same way. As more time passes, my panic re: no symptoms will set in... does anxiety count as a symptom? Ugh. TRY not to overthink it, but I 100% totally get it. I hope you find some peace! When is your first appointment? 


    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • @EmilyLove25 my first appointment is on the 26th. She said they’ll schedule my scan for the following week. I wish they’d just send the script so I could book it a day or two before and have the results for that appointment. I just feel so all-over the place. 
  • I’m not tagging anyone because I’d have to tag everyone! I feeling very anxious and find myself wanting to be excited and then not wanting to be connected at all. The anxiety is CONSTANT. 🙄

    Then I start feeling guilty that my anxiety and lack of connection to this babe is somehow already effecting their tiny development adversely, which I didn’t experience with my boys. Uuuuggghhhhh. 

    Me: 31 | DH: 33

    DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16

    BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20

    TTC3: 11.18
    BFP: 02.05.19
    CP: 03.07.19
    *really traumatic recovery*

  • introducing a little late - I also posted on the other thread @kagesstarshroom, so don't feel bad.  :)   The first test I took the control line was light, so what you were talking about @miss.sally makes sense to me now!    

    1. How many weeks are you? 5 ish

    2. Previous loss(es)? I've had a CP in Dec 2014, MMC at 8 weeks in March 2015, and a late miscarriage at 13.5 weeks in Oct 2018.  My last loss was traumatic for me, I found out at through early prenatal testing that the baby had down syndrome, so I went through all the emotions of that and how to prepare, then right before an amnio to confirm the diagnosis, no heartbeat was found.  :( 

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Emotionally, I'm anxious, yet excited.  I feel like I've waited a long time to see another BFP, yet, I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Physically, I was peachy up until yesterday, when I started to feel a little nausea and a lot of fatigue.

    4. Any appointment updates? First Beta on Wed. looked.. high for 5 weeks.  11,000.  Which, of course, my mind immediately went to 'molar pregnancy' and now I'm freaking out a little.  I have another draw today.  Everything is crossed.

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions?  None at the moment..

    6. Any milestones coming up? None

    7. GTKY: Just watched season 3 of Stranger Things, can't wait for season 4.  I too watch a lot of TV..  I like home improvement type shows, and too many others to list at the moment.
  • @RanFan28 Everything you wrote is me 100%. I appreciate you putting it out there, because it helps ti know when we aren't alone. 

    @treetop19 Hugs. I know what you mean re: waiting for the other shoe to drop. I feel the same way. By nature, I tend to anticipate the worst case scenario, so I can emotionally prepare for it... but that doesn't even help in this situation, but needless to say, I expect the worst.  

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

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