June 2019 Moms

PGAL Check-In Week of 12/3


Re: PGAL Check-In Week of 12/3

  • @sparklingdiamond I am having sciatic pain as well and I’ve never had an issue with it before. It’s so. Annoying because I can’t get comfortable at night and keep waking up to change positions. 
  • @TJtheGoat That's my exact problem.  I wake up so many times just to turn over or readjust my position.  It's way too early for this already.
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  • @ncm1919 wow, that’s a lot of traveling. I get super homesick after about three days so it’s not for me, but it does sound cool to eat delicious food in all those different cities. If you do come to California, let me know so I can recommend some fun stuff. 
  • @sparklingdiamond I‘m so happy for you guys that you got good news! FX that it just keeps on coming. And thank you for the hope of flutters at 11 weeks. Even if it doesn’t happen, I’ll know Im getting super close. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • I am so happy for so much good news! <3 
  • ncm1919 said:
    @coco2787 ok so I glad it’s not only me. Have you seen the episode with the pen pal yet? That’s the one that got me. 
    OMG yes.  That one was so sad :bawling:
    Me: 35  H: 35
    Married: 4/5/13

    "You know that place between sleep and awake, 
    that place where you can still remember dreaming?
    That's where I will always love you.  
    That's where I'll be waiting."
    ~Peter Pan 

    BFP #1: 11/12/12  EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13
    BFP #2: 10/29/17   MMC dx @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
    BFP #4: 3/2/18  MC 3/9/18
    RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
    BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl  :'(
    Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
    BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19  <3  Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 
    BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022 
  • @bakerstreetboys that’s so exciting you heard baby on the Doppler. Sorry about the UTI and sciatica. That’s a rough combination. 
  • @TJtheGoat to be completely forthcoming I do a lot of one night trips or I’ll do a quick day trip to Toronto/NYC

    Good  luck today everyone!!!
  • 1. How many weeks are you? 13+2

     2. Previous loss(es)? April 2018

     3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Emotionally I'm doing ok, impatiently waiting getting testing done. Physically I think its getting better. The nausea seems to be less frequent. Still tired and having trouble sleeping. Sciatica doesn't seem to be getting worse but I know it will as baby gets bigger. 

     4. Any appointment updates? Had an appt today just to check in really. Thought he was just gonna doppler but ended up getting to see the baby, which made my day. Quad screen in 2 weeks and then MW on 12/26. US with MFM on 1/26.  Anxiously waiting for those results. 

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? My SIL is graduating from nursing school on the 15th and were driving to Louisiana. I'm so excited for her. But honestly not excited to deal with my other SIL. She's just incredibly selfish and already causing issues about xmas dinner that weekend, since DH and I won't be there for the actual holiday. She just had a baby, due date was 2 weeks before mine. She didn't even bother to reach out to us when we found the issues or after. She didn't bother to text me until Mother's Day 🙄

     6. Any milestones coming up? 2nd trimester on Sunday! Too much to ask to miraculously feel better?!

     7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? Fall. Being from MA, I love the fall. I've really missed it the last 6 years moving around for the Army. 
  • Sending lots of love to the ladies in here this week! ❤️❤️ Seems to be a tough week and a lot going on for everyone. But so glad to see so many good results coming in!
  • I know this sounds dumb but I was told I could stop my progesterone at 12 weeks but now I'm scared to stop . This is when I stopped with my daughter but I'm afraid something will happen or I don't know.  
  • @sparklingdiamond I was shocked at how scary it was to stop. I was so excited about the idea of stopping until I actually could. Then it was terrifying. I ran out of pills exactly at 12 weeks so it forced the issue but I am with you. Its hard. 
  • @dntstpbelieveing I have a bunch left still.  I'm weaning down to one a day then stopping. Just because it makes me feel better 
  • Okay so this probably sounds weird, but we broke down and looked at the NIPT email to see baby’s sex. I’ve been wanting to post something, but then I get nervous. Somehow it seems like a jinx to say, “we are having...”. This is dumb, right?
  • @TJtheGoat Ok because I'm excited I'm like tell us now!!  But I totally get if you don't feel ready.  
  • @sparklingdiamond I felt the same when I had to stop mine last pregnancy. I think weaning off of them is a really good idea. 

    @TJtheGoat tellllllll ussssss! Haha! But in all seriousness, I get wanting to just keep it in. I feel like once you find out, it changes how you view the pregnancy and makes the connection different. We didn’t share what DD1 was and it was so special to have our own secret. 
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • Wahooooo! Breaking the girl streak! It didn’t sink in for me on what we were having until two days later. It makes it so much more real after you find out. I bet in two days time it will sink in more for you as the new normal! Congrats boy mama! 
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • @meatballs37 thank you :blush: We are happy. 
  • @TJtheGoat Yay, a boy!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! You're right about finding out the sex making it feel more real. You are making me want to know so bad  :D
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    DS:  March 2014
    DD: May 2015
    BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
    BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
    BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
    BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN  <3 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @eleven_ thank you! But I really love the idea of team green so you have to stay strong lol. I’ll be so excited to hear everything when your baby is born. 
  • @TJtheGoat ahhh so excited for you!  I'm still having a hard time believing I will get to bring this baby home.  But I wanted to know the sex the second I could.  I could never be team green lol.
  • @srscott3 thats so exciting! I hope the flutters get stronger soon. 

    And I’m so grateful to have this thread and all you ladies to talk to. It really helps. 
  • @TJtheGoat congratulations on finding out you’re having a boy!!
  • @TJtheGoat that’s so exciting! Congratulations!
  • @TJthegoat Yay for your little boy!  It always makes me feel more connected to the pregnancy when I find out.  I'm going to be impatiently waiting until the end of next week to find out what we're having!
  • @srscott3 Definitely possible! I felt the twins at 14 weeks for sure! I didn’t feel DD until like 18 weeks, but she had an anterior placenta. I can’t wait to feel this one move for sure!
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • carleym93carleym93 member
    edited December 2018
    Thinking of you @meatballs37! Funny enough that was my exact complaint to my dr at my 11 week appointment. She asked, “How are you feeling?” and I said, “Um... really good. Which concerns me.” But she was awesome and said, “I hear that all the time around this time! Totally normal.” FX that girl in there is doing well and has just decided to give you a break! ❤️
  • @meatballs37 Have a great appointment!  Maybe this is second tri bliss for you :)
  • @meatballs37 @coco2787 I'll be thinking of you both all day today. Everything crossed for you  <3
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    DS:  March 2014
    DD: May 2015
    BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
    BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
    BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
    BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN  <3 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @coco2787 I know exactly how you feel.  I think PGAL brain makes it impossible to relax until the baby is born safely.  I hope you have a great u/s this afternoon!
  • @srscott3 I swear I’ve felt movement too I’ve been telling myself it’s way to early and it’s gas but this week I’m going with flutters, it makes me feel better mentally so 😁
    @meatballs37 @coco2787 thinking about you both today, I hope everything goes well with your appointments
  • @meatballs37 and @coco2787 I will be thinking of you all today! I hope today speeds by. 

    @TJtheGoat congrats on having a son! It is really so much fun.

    Man being team green is so much harder this time. With my 1st pregnancy I was in a weird team green bliss bubble. I even confessed to a coworker the other day that if DH can't make it to the AS I may find out and just not tell him. hahaha. I was the one who completely pushed to not find out the 1st time now it is him. I love the idea of being team green but for some reason it seems hard right now. 
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