2. Previous loss(es)? CP, early m/c, still birth at 32 weeks
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? I started this selfishly because I have my NT scan tomorrow with the MFM and am just so anxious about it. I'm so afraid they will find something wrong like they did with my daughter. That they will find the same thing wrong or something completely different wrong.
4. Any appointment updates? My NT scan is tomorrow at 1:45.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I know it sounds crazy but I swear I felt the baby move today. This is my third pregnancy and I know I for sure felt my daughter move at 12 weeks.
6. Any milestones coming up? Tomorrow is the big one. It's when they first found the CDH with my daughter.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I love fall because it finally isn't as hot here. Plus I love what little leave changing colors we have here in TX. I would say spring, but that comes with storm season.
@sparklingdiamond FX that tomorrow’s appointment puts your mind at ease.
1. How many weeks are you? 13+5
2. Previous loss(es)? 1 CP
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Nausea is almost totally gone, but I’m having lots of headaches. Emotionally I’m all over the place; I cried over Raisin Bran yesterday. Is this what being pregnant is?
4. Any appointment updates? Next appointment is Dec 21.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? We bought a new car! I’m so excited to have a family car. Although going from no car payment to this is a bit shocking to my wallet.
6. Any milestones coming up? Nope.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I love summer. I hate being cold and I like the long days. It gets super hot here but I am happy to deal with that instead of snow and ice.
@sparklingdiamond will be thinking of you tomorrow. I know how huge of a milestone this is for you guys. Praying everything is as it should be.
*TW* Spoiler
Me: 33 DH:30 DD: Aug '16 10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks. 10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery 11/2/17 Twin A & B born 11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU Benched 6 months BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
3. Feeling nauseous and nervous. More good days then bad. Which surprises me and then worries me that’s I am setting myself up for heartbreak.
4. I have an apt tomorrow with our first ultrasound (NT scan) I don’t expect to sleep tonight.
5. I just want time to hurry up so I know if things are okay. I also hate that I have to try to figure out how to get my blood work done without everyone of my coworkers finding out. Working in the lab can suck for this reason.
6. Milestones, probably not until I’m past 13 weeks.
7. I love summer because spring and fall barely exist anymore here in Iowa. I’m over winter. Summer I get more time with my kids out of school.
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3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Still wavering emotionally. My nausea is starting to ease up, and I had awful back cramps last night, so that freaked me out. I think I'll try to find baby on the Doppler tonight.
4. Any appointment updates? Nothing until NT scan on the 13th. Waiting on NIPT results, but that probably won't happen until around the same time as NT scan.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions?
6. Any milestones coming up? This is around the time baby stopped growing with MMC, so it's going to be a long and nerve wracking couple of weeks.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I love the summer; give me all the heat and sun! We have long, snowy winters, so summer is always a relief!
Thinking of you and your girl @sparklingdiamond! Hoping this appointment puts your mind at ease.
1. How many weeks are you? 13w3d
2. Previous loss(es)? one termination, one cp
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Physically I feel great which always worries me. Its such a catch 22 because so many of you ladies are so sick and I know its horrible (I lost 20 lbs with DD because I was so sick) but its also shitty to have nothing. I haven’t thrown up one time this pregnancy and just a handful of bouts of motion sickness. Emotionally I’m starting to believe this is a take home baby. Not all the way there yet.
4. Any appointment updates? Nope. Next one isn’t until 12/12.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I swear I’ve felt this baby move. Feels like the occasional small thump on my bladder.
6. Any milestones coming up? No
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I really love this time of year. The holidays are my absolute favorite.
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Emotionally I’m ok. I have a lot of stuff at work that needs to get done and will set me up for mat. leave so I really don’t have the time to worry. Physically I am kinda a wreck. I’m still nauseous and heaven help you if you get in my way if I’m hungry. We were watching this show called Kidding and I sobbed so hard my husband had to stop it. I was never like this with my daughter.
4. Any appointment updates? NT scan on Wednesday. NIPT draw then
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I’m teaveling the next three weeks. I just need to not get sick.
6. Any milestones coming up? No
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I’m enjoying th holidays now because of the baby. I’ll suck up my hatred of the winter for her excitement.
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Physically, I’m just waiting to start feeling better. This nausea never seems to end. @bakerstreetboys I woke up with bad back cramps the other night. They freaked me out. Emotionally, I’m just so ready for my next appointment. I keep reading about how the baby is progressing, and it reminds me of last time. So, I start to wonder if everything is still progressing as it should.
4. Any appointment updates? Next one on 12/12. I think we’ll only do a Doppler check up.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I’m so ready to be able to eat food again. I’ve really wanted donuts the past couple of days, and I bought some sparkling juice rosé that I really want to try, but I haven’t felt good enough to eat any of that. It makes me sad.
6. Any milestones coming up? I’m getting closer to 12 weeks.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? Spring! I love the warm weather, all the green, and the pretty flowers.
1. How many weeks are you? 7w2d (in case you missed it last week I don't really go here but there's not much going on with July PGAL)
2. Previous loss(es)? 4 losses in the past year. 2 CP and 2 MMC dx @ 9 weeks and 14 weeks.
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Emotionally struggling. I've been dreading this month for a long time. Found out about our 1st loss on 12/8 of last year and our most recent loss was supposed to be due 12/14. The anniversaries of the deaths of three close family members are also in the midst of those days so it's just going to be a really rough week. I'm also terrified of getting more bad news in December. Physically I'm not having a ton of symptoms which also makes me nervous. Some boob soreness, needing more sleep than usual and occasionally feeling kind of crappy, but nothing compared to how horrible I felt in my only successful pregnancy so it's hard not to compare.
4. Any appointment updates? Had a good u/s last week, baby was measuring on time which was a huge relief since last time I was 4 days behind. Follow up ultrasound is Wednesday afternoon, just as nervous for that one as I was for the first.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Did anyone else not tell friends and family for a long time? The only person I've told IRL so far is my sister, I thought after my first u/s I would tell a few close friends and other family but I'm just not feeling it. In my other pregnancies I told people early because I wanted support if it didn't end well, but I found that the support was always really short lived and the silence that followed always seemed to rub more salt in the wound. I'm also really not ready to hear any congratulations, and on the flip side I worry that people won't really have much reaction since they're already assuming it won't work out.
6. Any milestones coming up? With the first MMC baby stopped growing at 7+4 which is what I'll be on Wednesday for my u/s so getting past that will be good. Still have a long ways to go before I pass all milestones though.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I like summer. I don't love the heat but I'm in Wisconsin so fall and spring are often not that nice weather-wise. I like being able to just walk outside without bundling up and I like doing outdoor activities in the water.
Me: 35 H: 35 Married: 4/5/13 "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." ~Peter Pan
BFP #1: 11/12/12 EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13 BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18 BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18 RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28 BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19 Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
@sparklingdiamond I'll be thinking of you and baby today, let us know how everything goes (ETA missed that your post was from yesterday)
@MomaPetey630 I hope your appointment goes well! Are you sure you're getting the NT scan? I thought they don't do that until at least 11 weeks?
@bakerstreetboys FX you can get through these next couple weeks, the wait between scans is so hard when you have a history of MMC. Have you used your Doppler yet or will this be your first attempt? Hopefully you can find that beautiful little heartbeat
@ncm1919 we've been watching Kidding too and while it's funny a lot of the time it definitely has some seriously depressing moments.
Me: 35 H: 35 Married: 4/5/13 "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." ~Peter Pan
BFP #1: 11/12/12 EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13 BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18 BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18 RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28 BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19 Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
@sparklingdiamond Fx super hard for you tomorrow. There is something so different about facing those milestones that have gone poorly for us in the past-- no matter how "unlikely" or "irrational" there is just that dread lurking in the pit of your stomach. I'm really hoping that a good scan brings you some peace and joy!
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Better and better on both fronts.
4. Any appointment updates? NT was today, and was totally healthy/normal. So fun to see baby dancing around in there! Next routine prenatal 12/14.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Had NT scan today which went great, still waiting for the doc to call with NIPS results. I know she has them because I logged into the company website. Don't make me wait!!
6. Any milestones coming up? Passed!
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? Fall-- I live in New England so it's an easy choice. Foliage was terrific this year.
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? I am doing ok. I have adjusted to one bonjesta a day. I still feel like crap most of the day but I have not actually thrown up recently. Emotionally I am kind of a wreck but surviving.
4. Any appointment updates? No apt until Dec 27th and that will just be a regular OB apt. I don't meet with MFM again until Jan.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions?
6. Any milestones coming up? Tomorrow should have been my due date. Realistically I know that I would have had the baby before tomorrow due to my health issues but I am still struggling with the idea of tomorrow. I should have a baby in my arms I shouldn't be nauseous and in my 1st trimester.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? We mostly just go from summer to winter here. I want to love the fall but we really maybe only get a week of fall a year.
@sparklingdiamond can't wait to hear about your appointment today. Thinking about you.
1. How many weeks are you? 9W6D LMP, 9W2D Ultrasound
2. Previous loss(es)? Early MC, 5 weeks, January 2015
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Physically, nausea is tentatively getting better? It really comes and goes, so I won't call it over until.... gosh idk. Maybe 2 weeks of betterness? It's so weird because with my son it was just constant for 6 months, but this is much different for me. I'm extremely grateful, but I do not know what to expect. Had a few headaches, lots of back, hip, and stomach discomfort, and of course, much more easily exhausted. Pregnancy is extremely frustrating to me. I go from being able to walk 4 miles without breaking a sweat to not being able to walk through my grocery store without feeling like I'm going to pass out and vomit. And that inability to function at my normal level really takes a toll on me emotionally, but at least this time I was expecting it. Emotionally, I'm ok. I get really worried that something is wrong, but honestly, my toddler is so distracting that I can't lay around and worry about it the majority of the time. There's no real reason to think anything is wrong, it's just a constant fear I'll have until I'm holding the baby in my arms. And it gradually decreases as I get closer and closer to viability and as I can feel the baby move.
4. Any appointment updates? Nope
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? MIL is here! At least the last two days I've been doing tons of grazing and actually been able to do things and interact, so I'm very grateful for that.
6. Any milestones coming up? Just waiting for those baby kicks. I hear STMs can get them as early as 12 weeks? I got them pretty early with my son, but I'm a bit squishier this time around, so idk how its all going to balance out. I would love some baby movement at 12 weeks though.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? It used to be summer when I lived in freezing cold PA because it was the only season of halfway sort of decent weather that I wasn't freezing in, but now I love spring. It's a wonderful temperature here, and everything is blooming and so gorgeous, it's like every week is a new flower of some sort blooming. And I swear every plant here has a flower, so it's really just a wonderful time of year.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Thanks guys. I am so anxious I can't concentrate. And I have three hours until I leave work. Which seems both not very long and super long. They told us it didn't appear to be genetic and there was a less than 1% chance of it happening again. But when it's already happened to you, 1% seems high! And I'm more worried they will find some completely new issue. I keep reminding myself I have a healthy son and that there doesn't appear to be a genetic issue.
@coco2787 I'm sorry that this is such a rough week for you, that's a lot to deal with. I keep hoping that these anniversaries will get easier from year to year. I found baby once on the Doppler, but it was very faint, so I'm going to try again tonight!
@coco2787 wow that’s so much for you to be handling the next few weeks, will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. @bumblebee0210 yay for a good scan! @dntstpbelieveing hugs to you for this week, take care of yourself tomorrow.
1. How many weeks are you? 13w4d
2. Previous loss(es)? Ectopic Feb2018
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Emotionally my nerves are starting up again. Physically- it changes daily. Nausea is better but still having major food aversions. Exhausted all the time, headaches every day, and some dizziness.
4. Any appointment updates? I’m waiting on my NIPt results, I should get them this week. We announced on social media and at work last week so I’m now extra nervous something is going to come back on the tests. And can I just vent here for a second? We will also find out the sex of the baby with the results and I honestly could care less what we are having as long as it’s a healthy baby, so it annoys me so much when people ask “do you know the sex yet?”...no I don’t and frankly that’s not what I’m worried about! Ok, I’m done...for now
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave - only 13 days of work left for me this year 🎉 rant - see above
6. Any milestones coming up? Passed those
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I love summer! I live in the wrong state for this but bring on the heat and the sun. I love swimming, lounging by the pool, and just being able to be outside and active. I’m super excited for the timing of this maternity leave ☀️ I HATE winter.
Lots of love to all the ladies struggling this week. ❤️
*TW* Spoiler
Me: 33 DH:30 DD: Aug '16 10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks. 10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery 11/2/17 Twin A & B born 11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU Benched 6 months BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? I’m
feeling good physically. I’m still tired, but all of my other symptoms are
gone. I am seriously considering buying a Doppler because I no longer have my
symptoms to reassure me.
4. Any appointment updates? Next appointment isn’t
until 12/27
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave: We had a giant snow storm over the weekend and I had so much fun playing in the snow with my kids. Rant: I found out last Christmas I was pregnant
which ended up being my first CP. I’m so happy I’m pregnant now, but feeling a little
sad about that loss. I was so over the moon with happiness and felt like it was
such a beautiful Christmas gift. The loss felt like so much more than just the
loss of the pregnancy. The loss made it hard to ever be able to enjoy a
future pregnancy the same way I did with my living children.
6. Any milestones coming up? No
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I love
all the seasons except summer. I don’t like when it is above 90 degrees.
Me: 33 DH: 32 DS: March 2014 DD: May 2015 BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN
@coco2787 I guess I am not sure. But I might lose my mind if I don’t see this baby today. The nurse counted out my gestation for my apt and said it was good. So I’m stressing now.
also im sorry you are struggling a bit but I can say you are not alone. I feel the same way this time of year. I lost on 11/3 and the other due 12/24. I also get how people are quick to say they are sorry for a loss then disappear. Like the pain isn’t still there. We don’t just forget!
Thank you for you support.
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I posted on the other thread but figured I’d update here as well. NIPT results came back normal! I am so relieved. I was on the phone with a coworker when the drs office called and basically hung up on them so I wouldn’t miss the call 😂 it only took 5 days for results which significantly helps my anxiety today.
@ncm1919 I give you major props for powering through and keeping up with work travel! I hope you start feeling good and it’s smooth sailing.
@coco2787 I’m sorry December has so many challenging dates for you, but I’m glad you decided to participate here so we can help support you through it. January will be here before you know it!
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? My nausea seems to be getting worse instead of better for the past few days, but I'm also starving constantly which is a really fun balancing act. Emotionally, I cry over everything. McDonald's forgets to salt my fries? Tears. My dog rests his cute face on my lap? Tears.
4. Any appointment updates? I had my first appointment with the midwife today. She was awesome, and I got to hear that beautiful little heartbeat. On 12/14 I have my NT ultrasound.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? My full-time job is as a social worker in a state prison, and the various smells in this place are not working well with the nausea at all.
6. Any milestones coming up? No.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? Autumn--colors, holidays, temperature.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Measured right on track. They said she looks like a normal baby right now. The heart is on the correct side. I asked about the cord and if it was 2 vessel and she said it looks normal. I go back in two weeks. I'm trying to accept that things are okay but still have that fear that there is something they just can't see yet.
@sparklingdiamond I am so glad that things were positive today. I am sorry about that fear though. I dont know that it will ever go away but I am glad you got good news today!
Me: 33 DH:30 DD: Aug '16 10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks. 10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery 11/2/17 Twin A & B born 11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU Benched 6 months BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
@sparklingdiamond So happy to read this! Hoping in time that anxiety lessens for you. After what you’ve been through, I don’t know that it will ever go away. But hopefully it will diminish enough to where you feel more comfortable.
Me: 35 H: 35 Married: 4/5/13 "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." ~Peter Pan
BFP #1: 11/12/12 EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13 BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18 BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18 RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28 BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19 Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
Ok now I am home and can finally catch up on everyone else! Thank you so much for the support today you guys. I am trying to be accepting that things are okay and to try to stop with the "waiting for something bad". It's hard though!
@TJtheGoat Yep I have cried over random things too. Sometimes I'm like why?? That is so exciting about a new car!
@bakerstreetboys I got frustrated with the doppler at first and couldn't even find it the first two times I tried. Then I tried in the morning as opposed to the evening and found it pretty easily (also after watching a youtube video on it haha). Hopefully you can easily find it!
@carleym93 I have felt this baby move early too. It's hard to believe, but I know it's the baby since this is my third pregnancy.
@ncm1919 Where do you get to travel to? Anywhere fun? Good luck on Wed, I will be thinking of you!
@coco2787 Sending you big hugs. Those times are so hard. Make sure you take time to take care of yourself. And we are always here for you to talk to.
@bumblebee0210 I am so glad everything went well today! That's great news!
@dntstpbelieveing I will be thinking of you tomorrow. My daughter's due date was really hard too. Big hugs.
@tuxielove93 I felt this baby move in the past few days at the end of 11 weeks/beginning of the 12th week. So I know it's possible even if people say it isn't lol.
Has anyone else dealt with sciatic pain? I never had it with my son, but did with my daughter. But I had it really bad last night and it seems too early to start with that. And with my first daughter, the pain mainly hit at night and didn't stick with me all day, but this one stuck with me. I can't even sleep on that side because it was hurting.
Re: PGAL Check-In Week of 12/3
2. Previous loss(es)? CP, early m/c, still birth at 32 weeks
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? I started this selfishly because I have my NT scan tomorrow with the MFM and am just so anxious about it. I'm so afraid they will find something wrong like they did with my daughter. That they will find the same thing wrong or something completely different wrong.
4. Any appointment updates? My NT scan is tomorrow at 1:45.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I know it sounds crazy but I swear I felt the baby move today. This is my third pregnancy and I know I for sure felt my daughter move at 12 weeks.
6. Any milestones coming up? Tomorrow is the big one. It's when they first found the CDH with my daughter.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I love fall because it finally isn't as hot here. Plus I love what little leave changing colors we have here in TX. I would say spring, but that comes with storm season.
1. How many weeks are you? 13+5
2. Previous loss(es)? 1 CP
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Nausea is almost totally gone, but I’m having lots of headaches. Emotionally I’m all over the place; I cried over Raisin Bran yesterday. Is this what being pregnant is?
4. Any appointment updates? Next appointment is Dec 21.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? We bought a new car! I’m so excited to have a family car. Although going from no car payment to this is a bit shocking to my wallet.
6. Any milestones coming up? Nope.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I love summer. I hate being cold and I like the long days. It gets super hot here but I am happy to deal with that instead of snow and ice.
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
2. 2 losses. 12 weeks 5 days and 8 weeks 1 day.
3. Feeling nauseous and nervous. More good days then bad. Which surprises me and then worries me that’s I am setting myself up for heartbreak.
4. I have an apt tomorrow with our first ultrasound (NT scan) I don’t expect to sleep tonight.
5. I just want time to hurry up so I know if things are okay. I also hate that I have to try to figure out how to get my blood work done without everyone of my coworkers finding out. Working in the lab can suck for this reason.
6. Milestones, probably not until I’m past 13 weeks.
7. I love summer because spring and fall barely exist anymore here in Iowa. I’m over winter. Summer I get more time with my kids out of school.
@sparklingdiamond Good luck today, I'll be thinking of you!
1. How many weeks are you? 10w4d
2. Previous loss(es)? Two CPs, one MMC
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Still wavering emotionally. My nausea is starting to ease up, and I had awful back cramps last night, so that freaked me out. I think I'll try to find baby on the Doppler tonight.
4. Any appointment updates? Nothing until NT scan on the 13th. Waiting on NIPT results, but that probably won't happen until around the same time as NT scan.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions?
6. Any milestones coming up? This is around the time baby stopped growing with MMC, so it's going to be a long and nerve wracking couple of weeks.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I love the summer; give me all the heat and sun! We have long, snowy winters, so summer is always a relief!
1. How many weeks are you? 13w3d
2. Previous loss(es)? one termination, one cp
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Physically I feel great which always worries me. Its such a catch 22 because so many of you ladies are so sick and I know its horrible (I lost 20 lbs with DD because I was so sick) but its also shitty to have nothing. I haven’t thrown up one time this pregnancy and just a handful of bouts of motion sickness. Emotionally I’m starting to believe this is a take home baby. Not all the way there yet.
4. Any appointment updates? Nope. Next one isn’t until 12/12.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I swear I’ve felt this baby move. Feels like the occasional small thump on my bladder.
6. Any milestones coming up? No
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I really love this time of year. The holidays are my absolute favorite.
2. Previous loss(es)? Early MC Oct 17
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Emotionally I’m ok. I have a lot of stuff at work that needs to get done and will set me up for mat. leave so I really don’t have the time to worry. Physically I am kinda a wreck. I’m still nauseous and heaven help you if you get in my way if I’m hungry. We were watching this show called Kidding and I sobbed so hard my husband had to stop it. I was never like this with my daughter.
4. Any appointment updates? NT scan on Wednesday. NIPT draw then
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I’m teaveling the next three weeks. I just need to not get sick.
6. Any milestones coming up? No
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I’m enjoying th holidays now because of the baby. I’ll suck up my hatred of the winter for her excitement.
1. How many weeks are you? 11+1
2. Previous loss(es)? MMC at 12 weeks
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Physically, I’m just waiting to start feeling better. This nausea never seems to end. @bakerstreetboys I woke up with bad back cramps the other night. They freaked me out. Emotionally, I’m just so ready for my next appointment. I keep reading about how the baby is progressing, and it reminds me of last time. So, I start to wonder if everything is still progressing as it should.
4. Any appointment updates? Next one on 12/12. I think we’ll only do a Doppler check up.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I’m so ready to be able to eat food again. I’ve really wanted donuts the past couple of days, and I bought some sparkling juice rosé that I really want to try, but I haven’t felt good enough to eat any of that. It makes me sad.
6. Any milestones coming up? I’m getting closer to 12 weeks.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? Spring! I love the warm weather, all the green, and the pretty flowers.
Thinking and praying for you today @sparklingdiamond!
7w2d (in case you missed it last week I don't really go here but there's not much going on with July PGAL)
2. Previous loss(es)?
4 losses in the past year. 2 CP and 2 MMC dx @ 9 weeks and 14 weeks.
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically?
Emotionally struggling. I've been dreading this month for a long time. Found out about our 1st loss on 12/8 of last year and our most recent loss was supposed to be due 12/14. The anniversaries of the deaths of three close family members are also in the midst of those days so it's just going to be a really rough week. I'm also terrified of getting more bad news in December. Physically I'm not having a ton of symptoms which also makes me nervous. Some boob soreness, needing more sleep than usual and occasionally feeling kind of crappy, but nothing compared to how horrible I felt in my only successful pregnancy so it's hard not to compare.
4. Any appointment updates?
Had a good u/s last week, baby was measuring on time which was a huge relief since last time I was 4 days behind. Follow up ultrasound is Wednesday afternoon, just as nervous for that one as I was for the first.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions?
Did anyone else not tell friends and family for a long time? The only person I've told IRL so far is my sister, I thought after my first u/s I would tell a few close friends and other family but I'm just not feeling it. In my other pregnancies I told people early because I wanted support if it didn't end well, but I found that the support was always really short lived and the silence that followed always seemed to rub more salt in the wound. I'm also really not ready to hear any congratulations, and on the flip side I worry that people won't really have much reaction since they're already assuming it won't work out.
6. Any milestones coming up?
With the first MMC baby stopped growing at 7+4 which is what I'll be on Wednesday for my u/s so getting past that will be good. Still have a long ways to go before I pass all milestones though.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why?
I like summer. I don't love the heat but I'm in Wisconsin so fall and spring are often not that nice weather-wise. I like being able to just walk outside without bundling up and I like doing outdoor activities in the water.
Married: 4/5/13
"You know that place between sleep and awake,
that place where you can still remember dreaming?
That's where I will always love you.
That's where I'll be waiting."
~Peter Pan
BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks
BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18
RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl
Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19
BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
@MomaPetey630 I hope your appointment goes well! Are you sure you're getting the NT scan? I thought they don't do that until at least 11 weeks?
@bakerstreetboys FX you can get through these next couple weeks, the wait between scans is so hard when you have a history of MMC. Have you used your Doppler yet or will this be your first attempt? Hopefully you can find that beautiful little heartbeat
@ncm1919 we've been watching Kidding too and while it's funny a lot of the time it definitely has some seriously depressing moments.
Married: 4/5/13
"You know that place between sleep and awake,
that place where you can still remember dreaming?
That's where I will always love you.
That's where I'll be waiting."
~Peter Pan
BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks
BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18
RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl
Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19
BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
@coco2787 Welcome! Fx for Wed.
1. How many weeks are you? 12w3d
2. Previous loss(es)? MMC Dec 2017, CP Jul 2018
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Better and better on both fronts.
4. Any appointment updates? NT was today, and was totally healthy/normal. So fun to see baby dancing around in there! Next routine prenatal 12/14.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Had NT scan today which went great, still waiting for the doc to call with NIPS results. I know she has them because I logged into the company website. Don't make me wait!!
6. Any milestones coming up? Passed!
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? Fall-- I live in New England so it's an easy choice. Foliage was terrific this year.
BFP 11/30/2017 | MMC 12/31/2017
BFP 6/22/2018 | CP 6/27/2018
BFP 10/5/2018 | EDD 6/14/2019
Baby girl born 6/19/19
TTC #2 May 2020-November 2021
BFP 7/18/2020 | MonoDi Twins | MMC 9/10/2020
BFP 11/7/2020 | CP 11/9/2020
RE Consult January 2021 | Dx "borderline DOR"/RPL
IVF with PGT:
Standard Antagonist:
ER #1 3/27/2021 7R | 5M | 3F | 2B | 1 PGT-A Normal, 1 low-level mosaic
ER #2 4/22/2021 10R | 7M | 3F | 2B | 0 normal, 2 aneuploid
ER #3 5/19/2021 2R | 1M | 0F
Estrogen Priming Antagonist:
ER #4 7/10/2021 5R | 4M | 3F | 1B | 1 PGT-A Normal
Duostim (Standard Antagonist):
ER #5 9/22/2021 13R | 11M | 8F | 5B | 2 PGT-A Normal, 1 low-level mosaic, 2 aneuploid
ER #6 10/9/2021 9R | 6M | 4 F | 1B | 1 aneuploid
FET #1 11/5/2021 | EDD 7/24/2022
Baby boy born 7/19/22
TTC #3 since May 2023 (ntnp)
IVF Started Fall 2023 (Standard Antagonist)
ER #7 10/6/2023 | 9R | 6M | 5F | 3B | 2 aneuploid, 1 high-level mosaic
ER #8 10/31/2023 | 5R | 4M | 3F | 1B | 1 PGT-A Normal
FET #2 11/27/23 | CP (bHCG = 8)
FET #3 planned Jan 2024
2. Previous loss(es)? MC in may
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? I am doing ok. I have adjusted to one bonjesta a day. I still feel like crap most of the day but I have not actually thrown up recently. Emotionally I am kind of a wreck but surviving.
4. Any appointment updates? No apt until Dec 27th and that will just be a regular OB apt. I don't meet with MFM again until Jan.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions?
6. Any milestones coming up? Tomorrow should have been my due date. Realistically I know that I would have had the baby before tomorrow due to my health issues but I am still struggling with the idea of tomorrow. I should have a baby in my arms I shouldn't be nauseous and in my 1st trimester.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? We mostly just go from summer to winter here. I want to love the fall but we really maybe only get a week of fall a year.
@sparklingdiamond can't wait to hear about your appointment today. Thinking about you.
2. Previous loss(es)? Early MC, 5 weeks, January 2015
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Physically, nausea is tentatively getting better? It really comes and goes, so I won't call it over until.... gosh idk. Maybe 2 weeks of betterness? It's so weird because with my son it was just constant for 6 months, but this is much different for me. I'm extremely grateful, but I do not know what to expect. Had a few headaches, lots of back, hip, and stomach discomfort, and of course, much more easily exhausted. Pregnancy is extremely frustrating to me. I go from being able to walk 4 miles without breaking a sweat to not being able to walk through my grocery store without feeling like I'm going to pass out and vomit. And that inability to function at my normal level really takes a toll on me emotionally, but at least this time I was expecting it. Emotionally, I'm ok. I get really worried that something is wrong, but honestly, my toddler is so distracting that I can't lay around and worry about it the majority of the time. There's no real reason to think anything is wrong, it's just a constant fear I'll have until I'm holding the baby in my arms. And it gradually decreases as I get closer and closer to viability and as I can feel the baby move.
4. Any appointment updates? Nope
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? MIL is here! At least the last two days I've been doing tons of grazing and actually been able to do things and interact, so I'm very grateful for that.
6. Any milestones coming up? Just waiting for those baby kicks. I hear STMs can get them as early as 12 weeks? I got them pretty early with my son, but I'm a bit squishier this time around, so idk how its all going to balance out. I would love some baby movement at 12 weeks though.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? It used to be summer when I lived in freezing cold PA because it was the only season of halfway sort of decent weather that I wasn't freezing in, but now I love spring. It's a wonderful temperature here, and everything is blooming and so gorgeous, it's like every week is a new flower of some sort blooming. And I swear every plant here has a flower, so it's really just a wonderful time of year.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
@coco2787 I'm sorry that this is such a rough week for you, that's a lot to deal with. I keep hoping that these anniversaries will get easier from year to year. I found baby once on the Doppler, but it was very faint, so I'm going to try again tonight!
@bumblebee0210 yay for a good scan!
@dntstpbelieveing hugs to you for this week, take care of yourself tomorrow.
1. How many weeks are you? 13w4d
2. Previous loss(es)? Ectopic Feb2018
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Emotionally my nerves are starting up again. Physically- it changes daily. Nausea is better but still having major food aversions. Exhausted all the time, headaches every day, and some dizziness.
4. Any appointment updates? I’m waiting on my NIPt results, I should get them this week. We announced on social media and at work last week so I’m now extra nervous something is going to come back on the tests. And can I just vent here for a second? We will also find out the sex of the baby with the results and I honestly could care less what we are having as long as it’s a healthy baby, so it annoys me so much when people ask “do you know the sex yet?”...no I don’t and frankly that’s not what I’m worried about! Ok, I’m done...for now
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave - only 13 days of work left for me this year 🎉 rant - see above
6. Any milestones coming up? Passed those
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I love summer! I live in the wrong state for this but bring on the heat and the sun. I love swimming, lounging by the pool, and just being able to be outside and active. I’m super excited for the timing of this maternity leave ☀️ I HATE winter.
@sparklingdiamond I’m thinking of you and your little girl today. Crossing everything that you have the most boring NT scan ever.
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
1. How many weeks are you? 13w 1d
2. Previous loss(es)? 1 MMC 2 CPs
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? I’m feeling good physically. I’m still tired, but all of my other symptoms are gone. I am seriously considering buying a Doppler because I no longer have my symptoms to reassure me.
4. Any appointment updates? Next appointment isn’t until 12/27
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave: We had a giant snow storm over the weekend and I had so much fun playing in the snow with my kids. Rant: I found out last Christmas I was pregnant which ended up being my first CP. I’m so happy I’m pregnant now, but feeling a little sad about that loss. I was so over the moon with happiness and felt like it was such a beautiful Christmas gift. The loss felt like so much more than just the loss of the pregnancy. The loss made it hard to ever be able to enjoy a future pregnancy the same way I did with my living children.
6. Any milestones coming up? No
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? I love all the seasons except summer. I don’t like when it is above 90 degrees.
DS: March 2014
DD: May 2015
BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN
also im sorry you are struggling a bit but I can say you are not alone. I feel the same way this time of year. I lost on 11/3 and the other due 12/24. I also get how people are quick to say they are sorry for a loss then disappear. Like the pain isn’t still there. We don’t just forget!
Thank you for you support.
DS: March 2014
DD: May 2015
BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN
@coco2787 I’m sorry December has so many challenging dates for you, but I’m glad you decided to participate here so we can help support you through it. January will be here before you know it!
@bumblebee0210 Yay for a good NT scan!!
@sparklingdiamond I’m waiting with baited breath to hear that everything looks good for baby girl.
2. Previous loss(es)? Early miscarriage 6/2016
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? My nausea seems to be getting worse instead of better for the past few days, but I'm also starving constantly which is a really fun balancing act. Emotionally, I cry over everything. McDonald's forgets to salt my fries? Tears. My dog rests his cute face on my lap? Tears.
4. Any appointment updates? I had my first appointment with the midwife today. She was awesome, and I got to hear that beautiful little heartbeat. On 12/14 I have my NT ultrasound.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? My full-time job is as a social worker in a state prison, and the various smells in this place are not working well with the nausea at all.
6. Any milestones coming up? No.
7. GTKY: What is your favorite season and why? Autumn--colors, holidays, temperature.
@eleven_ snow with the kids sounds so fun! It almost makes me want to make a trip to the mountains.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
How did your appointment go today @MomaPetey630?
Married: 4/5/13
"You know that place between sleep and awake,
that place where you can still remember dreaming?
That's where I will always love you.
That's where I'll be waiting."
~Peter Pan
BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks
BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18
RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl
Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19
BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
@TJtheGoat Yep I have cried over random things too. Sometimes I'm like why?? That is so exciting about a new car!
@MomaPetey630 I hope everything went well today!
@bakerstreetboys I got frustrated with the doppler at first and couldn't even find it the first two times I tried. Then I tried in the morning as opposed to the evening and found it pretty easily (also after watching a youtube video on it haha). Hopefully you can easily find it!
@carleym93 I have felt this baby move early too. It's hard to believe, but I know it's the baby since this is my third pregnancy.
@ncm1919 Where do you get to travel to? Anywhere fun? Good luck on Wed, I will be thinking of you!
@coco2787 Sending you big hugs. Those times are so hard. Make sure you take time to take care of yourself. And we are always here for you to talk to.
@bumblebee0210 I am so glad everything went well today! That's great news!
@dntstpbelieveing I will be thinking of you tomorrow. My daughter's due date was really hard too. Big hugs.
@tuxielove93 I felt this baby move in the past few days at the end of 11 weeks/beginning of the 12th week. So I know it's possible even if people say it isn't lol.
@nmbrcrnchr1 So glad you got good results!
Has anyone else dealt with sciatic pain? I never had it with my son, but did with my daughter. But I had it really bad last night and it seems too early to start with that. And with my first daughter, the pain mainly hit at night and didn't stick with me all day, but this one stuck with me. I can't even sleep on that side because it was hurting.