November 2018 Moms

N18 Chit Chat & Updates m/o December 18


Re: N18 Chit Chat & Updates m/o December 18

  • @highsteaks Doing well!  Mister is going to be two months tomorrow!  How is he already two months old!  Then on Sunday he's going to be baptized!

    @offtoneverland:  We've started supplementing with formula.  I pump as often as I am able (3-5 times a day) because I have the same problem, he hates being put down and I feel worse having him scream while I'm pumping compared.  I've just gotten to the point where I don't fuss about how much he's getting of breastmilk vs formula.  Generally half of his feeds are breastmilk, but sometimes it's more and sometimes it less.  As long as he's getting fed, that's what's important in my book!  You do what makes you happy!
    Infertility Journey (in spoiler because it's way too long and child/loss mentioned)
    Married: 08/09/2013; TTC #2
    Me: 31, possible PCOS and Septate Uterus (Septum removed in November 2017)
    DH: 31, MFI (Low Count and Low Motility)
    July 2017 - IUI #1 - Letrozole 2.5 mg, no trigger, Prometrium 100 mg 2x a day - BFN
    August 2017 - IUI #2 - Letrozole 2.5 mg, no trigger, Prometrium 100 mg 2x a day - BFN
    September 2017 - IUI #3 - Letrozole 2.5 mg, no trigger, Prometrium 100 mg 2x a day - BFN
    November 2017 - Uterine Septum removed
    December 2017 - IVF Consultation
    January 2018 - IVF #1 - Retrieval 1/24 - 2 Day 3 embryos (1 transferred fresh, 1 frozen) and 2 Day 5 embryos frozen
    February 2018 - Fresh Transfer - Transfer 1/27 (1 day 3 embryo) - BFN
    March 2018 - FET #1 - Transfer 3/2 (1 day 5 embryo) - BFP!  1st beta (10dp5dt) - 101; 2nd beta (17dp5dt) - 3061! Due 11/18/2018
    March 2018 - Remaining embryos lost in malfunction.

    October 8, 2018 - Son born at 34 weeks and a day due to preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome.  Spent 13 days in the NICU.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    June 2019 - IVF #2 - Cancelled - Cyst on Ovary
    July 2019 - IVF #2 Take 2 - Retrieval 8/1 - 5 Day 5 embryos frozen
    August 2019 - FET #1 - Cancelled - No Trilaminar Lining
    September 2019 - FET #1 - Transfer 9/25 (1 day 5 embryo) - Chemical Pregnancy - 1st beta (9dp5dt): 110; 2nd beta (14dp5dt): 357; 3rd beta (16dp5dt): 188; 4th beta (23dp5dt): 7
    November 2019 - FET #2 - Transfer 11/6 (1 day 5 embryo) - BFN
    December 2019 - FET #3 - Transfer 12/11 (1 day 5 embryo) - BFP! - 1st beta (8dp5dt): 102; 2nd beta (15dp5dt): 2636! Due 08/28/2020

    August 13, 2020 - Son born at 37 weeks an 6 days due to failed BPP (Gestational Diabetes).
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • @offtoneverland ugh... How frustrating :( there's nothing wrong with formula. I understand not wanting to be tied to the pump. It's so frustrating. Do what you need to momma! And hopefully you can find a way to relay that to YH.

    @highsteaks thanks. Hopefully I can keep it up. No the shield didn't help at all :( so frustrating. Also awww too much cuteness!!!

    BFP 3/21/2020!  OMG We're having TWINS! 4/17/2020
    LO arrived 11/9/2018!  We have a baby!
    Me: 33 | DH: 41
    Married: March 2016
    TTC #1/IUD out January 2017
    PCOS dx January 2018
    Medicated cycle 2.5mg Letrozole CD3-7 February 2018
    BFP 3/10/2018! 

    TTGP December Siggy Co-Winner: Favorite Moments from Holiday Movies/TV 
    TTGP October Siggy Winner: Animals in Costume 

  • highsteakshighsteaks member
    edited December 2018
    @wildrainbow i feel so sad thinking about how tough it is for you right now with everything going on plus M not wanting to be put down. i hope you got a chance to see a doctor to figure out what’s going on with your ear and throat.

    @offtoneverland i’m certain the girls would love another person to come over so they can get some extra snuggles; lord knows they’re not getting as much as they deserve lately. and ha—nope, that interlude only lasted about 15 minutes. they have been crying so much more now, i have no idea if it’s still reflux related or a mental leap or what.
        i agree with pp above that fed is best. your happiness is an equally important gift for Sydney. i hope your dh can start sympathizing with you. it can be so disheartening and mentally draining to be stuck to that machine for so much of your day.

    @marfi236 congratulations on his baptism! will he wear something traditional and adorable?

    @hollyeva —first off, those cheeks are so nommable. what a cutie! do you just kiss her all day? second, what a fantastic idea to stash snacks wherever you sit.

    @lurvleybunchococonuts bummer about the shield. i think i tried one in the early days with dd1 and it was a flop for me too. 

    afm—have completely cut out all dairy, soy, and nuts for a few days now, and the girls are still spitting up. i have no clue where to go from here.
  • Thanks everyone for your reassurance about using formula. We haven't started using any yet (aside from what we use to fortify her bottles for extra calories) but it's probably not far off. My milk production is dying for some reason and I'm getting so frustrated. With my first, I had awesome milk production even though I was exclusively pumping. After having Sydney, my production was really good for a while, but after having several clogged ducts it seems like my production is dying and I have no idea what gives. I'm still pumping 4-5 times a day so I don't know what's going on. I'm trying to add in a few power pumping sessions, but after pumping for 50 minutes just now, I got 2 ounces. And that was after not pumping overnight at all so I should have gotten so much more than that.  :'( 

    @highsteaks I'm so so sorry that the girls are still so fussy after you cut out all those foods. Do you think it might take a few days to get all of the allergens out of your system? I'm not quite sure how it works. Are they on meds for reflux? Maybe that would be worth a shot?
    Me: 31 | DH: 33
    DD1: 8/2014  <3
    TTC #2: 6/2017
    BFP 8/3/2017 | CP 8/4
    BFP 10/16/2017 | CP 10/21
    BFP 12/18/2017 | CP 12/28
    BFP 2/15/2018 | EDD: November 2nd | It's a girl!
    DD2: 10/2018  <3
  • @highsteaks Get on Zantac or something and do probiotics. It was a game changer for us. M will start them after his 2 month appt. Did your pedi just not want to do that? I can't imagine having both babes so miserable. Hugs.

    @offtoneverland Do you think stress could be causing your milk supply dip? I'm just pulling ideas out of my hat. Also, have you tried a rice sock with S? I do it with M sometimes, heat to warm, and either put it over him or beside him. It settles him. You can also try putting a shirt that you've worn in bed with her. This way she can smell you. 
  • edited December 2018
    @wildrainbow it could definitely be stress related, but my production started dipping about 3 weeks ago when I got several clogged ducts in a row. I think I fixed the clogged ducts problem by getting a new flange size, but my production never seemed to recover.

    What kind of probiotics do you give M? My sister was wondering if S should be on probiotics since she's on long term antibiotics bit I wasn't sure if infants can take them.

    I'm glad you're feeling a little better with the Sudafed. Hopefully the day goes by quickly until your H gets home! 
    Me: 31 | DH: 33
    DD1: 8/2014  <3
    TTC #2: 6/2017
    BFP 8/3/2017 | CP 8/4
    BFP 10/16/2017 | CP 10/21
    BFP 12/18/2017 | CP 12/28
    BFP 2/15/2018 | EDD: November 2nd | It's a girl!
    DD2: 10/2018  <3
  • @offtoneverland Gerber soothe is the best right now. It's expensive, but totally worth it! I subscribe and save it on Amazon, it's the best price.
  • @offtoneverland 50 minutes?? oh hun that sounds like misery. i have a ton of formula from the hospital if you want it, something like maybe 8+ small cans of enfamil; i’m willing if you are to meet up in frederick next weekend for a quick drop. if you’re going to stick it out, may i suggest getting some coconut milk&fat in your diet? i have been eating a bunch of it since stopping milk and my supply has very noticeably increased. 

    @wildrainbow near zero decorations up here too, except for the tree that dd1 decorated with paper “ornaments”. also, the big gift she asked of santa is sold out everywhere. so, definitely feeling guilty. 
       ever since you recommended it the first time, i’ve been checking a bunch of stores for the probiotics with no luck. i’m just going to order from amazon at this point. we have a pedi appointment this week so i’ll ask about zantac.
       and M’s eyes!! he is so stinkin’ precious.
  • @highsteaks Thank you so much for the offer! There is actually a special formula for babies with impaired renal function (Similac pm 60/40) that she has to use otherwise I would totally accept your offer! We got a huge case of formula with our home medical supplies delivery is we have a bunch already. I may just make a batch today without H knowing... I've already thawed 2 bags of frozen milk and will need a few more to get through the day at this point.  :| Thanks for the tip on coconut milk and fat! 

    Thanks for listening to me vent and complain. 
    Me: 31 | DH: 33
    DD1: 8/2014  <3
    TTC #2: 6/2017
    BFP 8/3/2017 | CP 8/4
    BFP 10/16/2017 | CP 10/21
    BFP 12/18/2017 | CP 12/28
    BFP 2/15/2018 | EDD: November 2nd | It's a girl!
    DD2: 10/2018  <3
  • I know I already addressed this on facebook, but continued hugs @offtoneverland. I am not sure I could ever exclusively pump especially with another LO at home. Your happiness and spending time with your beautiful girls is more important than breastmilk vs formula IMO. 

    @highsteaks - those girls are adorable! I'm sorry you're not seeing a difference after cutting those things. I don't remember - are you thinking there is a sensitivity due to fussiness? Are their stools normal? Do you think they are refluxing? It's very normal for babies to spit (I don't know how much they are) and my pediatrician told me reflux is pretty normal at this age too. Spencer definitely has some (he'll gag and sometimes cry after), but for the most part it doesn't bother him (he's happy, gaining weight, sleeping well for his age, etc). If they are fussy and you suspect it maybe it's worth looking into treatment? Just trying to help figure it out with you. 

    @wildrainbow - he's adorable! Glad the sudafed gave you some relief!
    Me:35 DH:35
    Dx: PCOS
    DS1 born 11/2014
    DS2 born 11/2018
    3 previous losses
    Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green

  • thanks @mockingjay1
    ack—i just accidentally deleted a whole long novel here when i was trying to put it in a spoiler. ugh. basically, when i talked to the pedi about suspecting that nuts made their reflux worse, she said it was more likely dairy. stopped eating dairy and did see an improvement, but it didn’t last long. on bad days, they spit up more frequently and more volume. they are harder to comfort. i see them gag on acid usually right before a feed. otherwise, stools normal, gaining weight, sleeping ok.
       i just feel lost on where to go from here—do i keep up the restricted diet even though i’m not seeing improvement consistently? 
  • @marfi236 <3 too cute!!! loving his sunday best!
  • @marfi236 Omgoodness, he is too cute!

    @highsteaks ((Hugs)) Will they not do any meds for them? The Zantac hasn't exactly stopped M from spitting up, but it has cut down on his fussiness from spitting up and just straight stomach acid coming out. Their digestive system is just so underdeveloped. I feel like if they had a milk allergy, there would be other signs, I.e. poop. It's a twice per day med and it will need to be adjusted every month according to their weight, but it does help. I would ask/push for it. 
  • @wildrainbow @mockingjay1 @offtoneverland  the last time i discussed meds with a doctor was in the nicu—he prompted the conversation when we talked about the girls’ oxygen desaturation spells, that they were likely because of reflux from underdeveloped system. i remember him mentioning that they no longer prescribe antacids (specifically in the nicu) unless it was a serious case. honestly i’m not certain i’m remembering why for certain, but i want to say it was because they were leary of changing the acidity levels in the stomach for some reason unless absolutely necessary. i haven’t requested meds from the pedi because i had that conversation in the back of my head. i was hoping that controlling some external factors might help enough to not need antacids. it was obvious that the formula was really bothering them back when i was adding that to their bottles. but it’s not obvious what exactly is bothering them now—i wouldn’t worry about it, except that the days are not consistent; some days are just fine with no spit up and no signs that the reflux is bothering them. other days their reflux gets really obviously bad and they spit up after every meal and are extra fussy. i’m trying to figure out what it is that makes those days bad. like i said above, when i mentioned noticing a few bad days after eating pecans to the pedi, she suggested it could be dairy and to try cutting that out too to see if they get better. that’s the reason i’m trying out dietary changes—just to try to pin down the culprit. if it’s normal spit up for their age, i understand, but if there is some way i can help them and not have to deal with spit up everywhere, i’d be happy to know.
       it was dh’s birthday yesterday and i broke down and had a huge piece of delicious birthday cake that had lots of sources of cows milk—and the girls are fine so far this morning. i just ran out of coconut milk creamer this morning, so my next cup of coffee i’m putting in regular milk. we will see how the day goes.
  • @highsteaks I hope you can figure out the culprit and the girls get some relief. I know it's miserable. Maybe you can go back on dairy.
  • @wildrainbow thanks!

    sorry if i sound whiney. i don’t mean to overly complain— i know this isn’t nearly as bad as dealing with colic. 
  • @highsteaks - hmm I don't really have any advice especially since it's so inconsistent! I agree if it was a food sensitivity you'd think their stools would be abnormal and it would be more consistent. I'd be hesitant to start them on meds too if they are fine plenty of the time. Spencer's reflux and spitting up has really increased the last week which the pediatrician told me would likely happen at his last appointment. A quick google search tells me reflux peaks around 4 months. I had to wash burp rags earlier than usual so I counted.... I used 18 in 4 days (vs 1-2 a day before that). Today Spence turned a lovely shade of magenta before vomiting everywhere and he's spit up some clear fluid a couple times since. It doesn't seem to bother him though so we're just riding it out. I hope you can figure out what is causing their on and off fussiness. Do you think it's abnormal kind of fussy? It's so hard to figure out what's going on with their little bodies!
    Me:35 DH:35
    Dx: PCOS
    DS1 born 11/2014
    DS2 born 11/2018
    3 previous losses
    Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green

  • highsteakshighsteaks member
    edited December 2018
    @mockingjay1 that is interesting to hear that reflux peaks at 4mo; good to expect that. i don’t think the twins are abnormally fussy, but then again dd1 cried all the live long day at this age, so anything less than that is, like, wonderful. eta—hearing what your lo’s spit up is like actually makes me feel like maybe the twins aren’t abnormal. sorry that Spencer is having a hard time, though. wish this wasn’t such a common pain for babies.
  • @highsteaks My oldest spit up ALL the time and it was so frustrating. She was never officially diagnosed with reflux because she never seemed to be uncomfortable or in pain because of it. But oh, the spit ups. We had to use burp cloths and bibs all day long with her and doing tummy time and other things was difficult because she would spit up when she laid flat. And I'm not talking little spit ups either. Huge spit ups that went everywhere. Sometimes we used receiving blankets as burp cloths to catch it all.
    At one point I did try cutting out dairy with her for about 2 weeks, but it didn't seem to help at all. I tried everything I could to fix it...different positions when eating, different bottles (I exclusively pumped with her too), dietary changes, etc, and nothing helped. It stressed me out so much until my sister, who also had a spit uppy baby, reminded me that there was really nothing I could do about it and I just needed to expect the spit ups instead of being upset about them.
    Not sure if that helps you at all, but I wanted to add that since it really helped me a lot and made parenthood easier for me. Of course it could definitely be that they have some sort of food sensitivity, in which case my advice is pointless. :) 

    AFM- I'm still pumping.  :/ I've supplemented with formula a couple times when needed and I'm seeing the LC this morning. Yesterday I only pumped half of her intake (10 ounces when she consumed 20). I ordered new flanges from Amazon--Pumpin Pals. Has anyone used them? Some people say they get more milk faster with them. We'll see once they arrive. I should go to the store soon and pick up some coconut milk to see if it helps. 
    Me: 31 | DH: 33
    DD1: 8/2014  <3
    TTC #2: 6/2017
    BFP 8/3/2017 | CP 8/4
    BFP 10/16/2017 | CP 10/21
    BFP 12/18/2017 | CP 12/28
    BFP 2/15/2018 | EDD: November 2nd | It's a girl!
    DD2: 10/2018  <3
  • @offtoneverland let us know if you see an increase in production after adding more coconut milk.

    I'm working on combo feeding and trying to pump to up my production, it seems to be less than with dd2 but definitely more than with dd1. I find myself making judgment calls on when I will pump on a feeding by feeding basis. Since the girls are in school during the day, I can pump and still get bonding time with Penelope. In the mornings and evenings when they are home, I figure out if I can pump and still spend time with them. Mostly, I am just trying to be realistic, and I definitely believe above all that fed is best.

    @highsteaks dd1 went with undiagnosed acid reflux for a time, we waited until she was 3 months to really take action because a lot of studies suggest that antacids when taken too long can be ineffective. Our pediatrician encouraged us to back off the antacid by 6 months and she fed better after that. Spit definitely happens  :D
    We only decided to pursue the meds because she was so uncomfortable feeding and her sleep was attrocious. Hopefully your foray with dairy turns out great, food sensitivities take a long time to really diagnose and they can turn on a dime. Do the time get a rash? (I recall there being one, but maybe mixing up babies in my head.)

    @marfi236 that picture made my morning, so adorable!!!
  • @offtoneverland spit happens :D yea, all that does sincerely help me put things in perspective. sorry you went through that with dd1. i have started eating dairy again, and i don’t see a difference from last week when i had zero dairy—i’m ready to say that i don’t think it’s a cow’s milk sensitivity. 
        that’s great that the lc caught and cleared all those clogged ducts! i hope everything combined starts to help. 

    @hollyeva no rash, which makes me further think it’s not a sensitivity. 

    dh, dd, and i are all sick this morning with a sore throat cold. fm. also, emilia had an appointment this morning with the ENT doc to get her tongue tie cut—but i ended up having to cancel at the doctors office because i found out they were not in-network like the pedi’s scheduler assured me when she booked the appointment. i got up early, rushed around to get everyone ready, drove an hour to the office, and filled out a ton of paperwork before i found out. i’m so mad that i didn’t verify myself first.
  • @offtoneverland I hope that greying rid of the milk blisters fixes the problem and your supply pucks up. 

    @highsteaks Ugh, I hate that you had to deal with that! Are you going to find an ENT in network?

    AFM: M had his cardiology appointment today. Everything looks really good. He still has the PFO, but no more narrowing of the vessels. We have to go back in 6 months for another recheck. All in all, I feel pretty good about it. The cardiologist said he like good. He weighed 7lbs2oz and was a little over 21 inches. The Dr wanted him to weigh more, but I was quick to tell him that wasn't how my kids were. I have tall, skinny kids. Ds1 use the same way. Almost 38 inches tall and just hit 30 pounds. I'm happy with M's progress. He's gained almost a pound since 15th. 
  • @wildrainbow so great that Matthew’s heart is looking good! ugh with the weight comment. 
  • was it here that i mentioned that i thought dd1 was over the hump of new baby emotions? because ha has she been a terror the last week. she screamed for 2 hours yesterday after she woke up from nap and wet herself... two flipping hours even though i was actively trying to help her calm down. she fought tooth and nail this morning before preschool, and dh had to drop her off kicking and screaming. anyone else losing their mind?
  • @highsteaks Solidarity. I'm right there with you. It's so hard. Let's be real here, toddlers are holy terrors on a "normal" day. On the hard days, they are terrorists holding everyone hostage. Hopefully this afternoon will be better for her and you.
  • @wildrainbow that makes  me laugh probably more than it should  :D 
  • I may have a stomach bug, which pisses me off and scares me. I've been nauseated all day. M has been fussy and cluster feeding all day. I really hope this is nothing and tomorrow is normal. If he gets sick I may lose it. I have no idea where I could have picked this up.
  • @wildrainbow hope you feel better soon! stomach bugs are the worst. could it have been something you ate? 
  • @wildrainbow hope you feel better soon! stomach bugs are the worst. could it have been something you ate? 
    I eat cereal, so no. Ive been eating on the same box for the whole week, so I've ruled the cereal out too. Who knows?
  • @highsteaks same with dd2 over here. She's been acting out a lot in both home and school lately. She's been better this week but man, is she unpredictable!
  • @hollyeva what was it like with lo1? did they act out too? how did you survive?
  • @highsteaks I’m not all the way through this thread yet but my oldest son had reflux and food intolerances. We ended up having to see a pediatric GI through Lurie Children’s Hospital. Dairy takes 10 days to be completely out of breastmilk. The pediatric GI said most people stop a week after cutting out dairy because they don’t see a difference but that’s too early to stop as the difference won’t be seen until 10-12 days after completely stopping dairy. I had to cut out dairy, soy, gluten, egg, and nut for DS1. He also went on Prevacid for reflux (Zantac didn’t do much since the dose is dependent on weight and he was a chunker and weight changed quickly.) Difference after two weeks of no dairy and daily Prevacid was like night and day. Sorry if you already covered this later in the thread, I just wanted to comment before I forgot lol 
  • I may have a stomach bug, which pisses me off and scares me. I've been nauseated all day. M has been fussy and cluster feeding all day. I really hope this is nothing and tomorrow is normal. If he gets sick I may lose it. I have no idea where I could have picked this up.
    Oh no :( I’m sorry 
  • was it here that i mentioned that i thought dd1 was over the hump of new baby emotions? because ha has she been a terror the last week. she screamed for 2 hours yesterday after she woke up from nap and wet herself... two flipping hours even though i was actively trying to help her calm down. she fought tooth and nail this morning before preschool, and dh had to drop her off kicking and screaming. anyone else losing their mind?
    When my daughter was born, my oldest son adjusted really well until about 6-8 weeks in and then the big feelings started. It’s like the honeymoon period ended and he realized how much life was changing. 

    My daughter is currently struggling big time. She adores the baby thankfully. But is a holy terror with me. 
  • Moms who are BFing and going back to work- at what point will you introduce a bottle? With DS1, we introduced a bottle at 4 weeks. He fought it for months and it was so stressful. He ended up finally taking one but still preferred nursing so wouldn’t drink much all day when I was at work but then would nurse all night to make up for it. DD got a bottle from Day 1 since she had an immature sucking reflex and I EPed with her until she finally latched at 2 months. She went back and forth between breast and bottle with no issue from that point on. I’m nervous to try it because of my experience with DS1. This little guy is an amazing nurser and I don’t want to mess with it. But I do go back to work in 6 weeks (he’s 6 weeks now.)
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