@kayjay44 had the same issue with my SIL all’s I could thing of how nice Christmas will be just me H and kids because not sitting though that BS again.
@shellperry I have no idea what to do about Christmas. I might just have it catered and call it a day because I can’t work my ass off and have them complain so much.
@cass06_07 mine too and I’m not putting up with it. He spent all day drinking with his dad while I cooked and then cleaned up and then stayed up too late and has been pissy all day. Not my fault and not my problem.
@kayjay44 u miss understand me they will not be invited for Christmas. I’m not capable of dealing with that kind of BS. And it will be are last one with just the boys befor the baby
@jgrodo I kiss my babies on the crowns and sides of their head. Just not face or hands. I have patients that kiss their newborns directly on the lips over and over and oh my goodness I want to faint when I see it.
Hey hey! Happy belated turkey day Americans! Went to PA at my cousins house now I’m in AC with family. DH and I got a date night because my mom watched DS. We had dinner and gambled a bit - tomorrow is my birthday
@danixbanani24- We had a date night tonight too, while we’re still at my SO’s family outside St Louis. The two of us went to a very nice Tuscan restaurant full of grownups and ate a totally not-family-friendly meal. It was magical.
@lindseybick thanks for clarifying. That's something I wonuldnt have thought twice about before but glad to know better I feel like I would cringe too now seeing people do that! I work in a hospital too(I'm an slp, work with adults) I cringe at other things at work hehe
@becks_726 i saw that! Between that and romaine lettuce, my god. And of course the day the romaine lettuce had a recall I had eaten a big romaine salad with cucumbers.
Separate question: has anyone tried RRL iced? I kind of want to make a days worth each night, refrigerate it and drink it throughout the day. Otherwise I get to 9:00 and chug it. That won’t work once I get up to more than one cup daily lol
Heads up for all looking to buy RRL tea. I just ordered some organic loose leaf on amazon. If you’re looking for the best price, that’s the way to go if you have a tea ball already. I just got a full pound (about 150 cups worth) for $7.08! You have to use subscribe and save to get the coupon, but you can always cancel the sub after you get your order.
Thanks everyone!! I had a wonderful birthday - we went to Big Bass Pro shops for the winter wonderland in the morning so DS has a blast although he was not in to Santa lol. Then I laid in bed all day - perfect. We had a big family dinner at Guys Chophouse but I wasn’t feeling well - my stomach is a mess. Ended up in bed early - decided to gamble a bit this morning before we left to go home and I hit a jackpot for $3,000!! A good weekend indeed
I seriously have no control over my appetite! This morning @ 7am I ate approx 2.5 breakfasts (based on estimated calories), but now it's 2pm and I still haven't had a desire to eat since. Is that even a problem? I started this pregnancy, and have certainly gained at least 20 pounds, so I know baby is good. I am so over having no control over my body and my emotions!! Also, when I do kegels I think it gives me BH more frequently... WTF!?
Sooooo we're taking in this poor little stray kitten. My husband found it in the dumpster behind his work. It's been back there crying all day, so he brought out some food for it. It is SO stinking cute. We're going to bring it home for tonight and see if we can get into the vet tomorrow to get it checked out. Am I crazy? Is this a terrible idea?
@BourbonBiscuits I’d say it depends on the kitten’s age. Kittens and puppies separated from a mother (or surrogate mother) too early tend to lack bite inhibition and other social skills which could definitely be an issue with kids.
@megpants209 it’s not teeny tiny - it ate some canned food. They’ve been watching it for a while and haven’t seen a mama. They did find another little kitty who’d died nearby so we think he’s all alone
Tell dh he's on poop duty. Were still trying to figure out why ours cant pee... going on a month and a lot of dough.. so i wont comment otherwise lol but we do love her bits.
@megpants209 I did not know that about bite inhibition. We took in a cat that was separated from it's mom way way too soon. He's over a year old, but I still have problems with him biting me, but he only bites DD when she's antagonizing him.
Re: Weekly Randoms 11/19-11/23
Also picking up the carseat tonight
Glad i killed myself for 10 hours for a fake meal you just complained about 🙄
BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019
BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019
Seems like it's mostly in western Canada. And Salmonella apparently doesn't pose a particular risk to pregnant women.
Just put this note on my neighbor’s door. I’ve confronted them about it before, and I’m sure I will again. Why are people so trashy??
DD born 4/1/2023
Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019
DD born 4/1/2023
Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019
BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019
Frontier Co-op Organic Red RaspberryLeaf, Cut & Sifted, 1 Pound Bulk Bag https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001VNGO9G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_XeR-BbDM107MR
BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019