April 2019 Moms

Symptoms 10/19-10/27


Re: Symptoms 10/19-10/27

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    @eli_belle oh man, that sounds awful. I really hope it's not that. 
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    Ughhhh. This new symptom I'm having is not cool. A few nights ago I started burping while eating, which lead to intense vomiting for a solid 5-10 minutes. I thought it was a one-off, but the enormous, near-vomit, burps have NOT STOPPED. I've tried to eat my lunch twice, and I made it through about 1/3 the first time, then started having massive burps, barely held my food down. Just tried again, made it through a little more before massive burps started again. Does anyone know What the F*** is going on with this? And preferably how to stop it? 
    I have no idea what it is, but it's been happening to me, too. I've only been puking in the morning, but the burping lasts all day!
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    lilpotatomamalilpotatomama member
    edited October 2018
    @professormama I had the same issue all weekend long. It was horrible, and the worst was that I had nearly no warning when I was going to vomit. So far I have it under control. I’m eating almost constantly instead of eating set meals. So there’s always something in my stomach. Even if it’s just a few crackers. So far, that & papaya enzymes have helped, but who knows how long that’ll work 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hope you start feeling better soon!

    Eta: forgot to mention that the burping didn’t actually stop... just the vomit and the REALLY bad burps. Now it’s just little ones that are somewhat manageable. 
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    I just remembered that Omeprazole is pregnancy safe! I was prescribed it when I had the beginnings of an ulcer last April. And I started taking that again this morning. Like some of you said, I think all the burping is heartburn related, it was really bad last night. So hopefully this will help. 
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    Pelvic ache when I stand too long. My doc thinks it's likely from loose muscles in the area, which never really got fixed after DD and have been getting worse over the past year or so (just started peeing when working out right BEFORE I got pregnant, ew.)

    So now I am officially a cautionary tale:  DO YOUR KEGELS, LADIES, OR YOU WILL END UP LIKE ME, threatened by your doctor with vaginal weightlifting, which involves actual vaginal weights, not even kidding.
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    I hit the ole barf/pee yourself a little combo last night while brushing teeth. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @MRDCle, bleh, no fun!  Hasn't happened to me while brushing teeth, but I randomly puked (and peed myself...) in the middle of the night yesterday x_x.

    @TheSouffleGirl, are there any physical therapists in your area who could help?  I had a friend with the opposite problem (muscles were tight all the time, she had trouble with tampons even), and she went to PT for it.
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    @MRDCle been there, it sucks

    Me: 32 / DH: 33
    DD born: 3/31/19


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    I had a dental cleaning yesterday and my gums were so sore and swollen afterwards. I did not expect that!

    Insomnia has struck in the past few days. I can’t seem to make to work on time. 
    I have also started eating vegetables again! Oh, and I am craving all things dessert. Last night, I drove around the city looking for a Dairy Queen that was still open because I had to have a dilly bar. I bought 2-6 packs in the hopes of having plenty for the week (couple days?). My husband asked for one and I gave him the side eye. 
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    @midway_mouse I definitely feel the dessert cravings. My friends and family are laughing at all the dessert recipe videos I’ve been sharing on Facebook daily. 
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    @midway_mouse OMG the "side eye." I love it haha!
    @MRDCle that sucks. I have yet to pee myself, but I'm barfing like every other morning. This didn't happen to me in the first trimester so I'm pissed and a little concerned!
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    lilpotatomamalilpotatomama member
    edited October 2018
    Today is a bad reflux day. Puking up mouthfuls of stomach acid every few hours. Sitting in the waiting room for a midwife check up and hoping I don’t vomit everywhere 😑

    eta bad spelling. 
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    Reflux and/or heartburn with anything in the afternoons and evenings. I've mostly been popping papaya pills and downing apple cider vinegar, and that's kept it at bay except when I try to go to sleep.
    Me: 29 DW: 44
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    @lilpotatomama Awww that sounds really rough, hang in there!

    afm.. This is probably TMI but I keep feeling faint flutters today and it feels super awkward because I don’t know if it’s gas or the baby. Like, lol should I even be excited? My tummy is new types of weird each week so who the heck knows.
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    @lin0442 - I have had gas flutters every night when I lay down for bed. I figure out it's gas pretty quickly but I get my hopes up every. single. night. If you're not passing gas after it very well might be flutters!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @sheepshepherdess same with the papaya enzymes. Keeps it away some days and some days it just isn’t enough.

    @lin0442 I’m trying to! Had a good appointment right now and that was encouraging. I guess I just have to power through 
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    I feel like all of us are still feeling like garbage... or I guess maybe those of us that are still sick are the only ones complaining about it lol.  Regardless, there are a lot of us and we are supposed to feel better by now!  Damn you, second trimester, you were supposed to bring relief.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @Piccola1988 I was thinking the exact same thing! I mean, I have more energy but I still have the pukes. Totally blows.
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    @lin0442 I keep feeling the same. In my head I know it’s gas, especially because I’m only 14 weeks tomorrow, but every time I feel something I think “oh! Baby! Oh wait. No. Just gas.” Lol. 
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    edited October 2018
    @Piccola1988 I keep thinking I'm feeling better and then i get nauseous again. I also keep thinking i might be getting some energy back and then i want to take a nap when i get home and be in bed by 9. I think i kinda resigned myself to feeling absolutely awful for the entire go. I mainly just wish i could eat more then rice krispies, Caesar salad and McDonalds.
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    So is anyone else taking iron or magnesium supplements?  My doctor recommended both (iron because my prenatals are gummy, magnesium for my migraines), and I've been so nauseated I haven't taken them.  Well, started off two nights ago taking them and ended up vomiting partway through the night the first night and had diarrhea this morning.  Not sure if my body is reacting to my flu shot Tuesday or the new supplements.  Did anyone else have upset stomachs from the supplements and if so how long did it last?
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    @kangstadt I’m taking my iron with food, but I also got “gentle iron” that’s supposed to be easier to take. Magnesium gave me diarrhea until we found the right dosage, which is practically nothing for me! 
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    Thanks, @lilpotatomama, I'll have to look into maybe a smaller dose.  Gentle iron?  Is that just a smaller dose or is it a different mineral version or something?  I'll have to see if my body keeps reacting this way, I definitely would rather deal with an occasional migraine than daily stomach upset!
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    Yes, I get diarrhea with both iron and magnesium. The magnesium citrate was better for me.

    Haven't found an iron supplement that I like, considering trying that "little iron fish" thing. But we cook on cast iron a good portion of the time so I don't think it would really do much. My current resolution is to eat steak a few times a week  :p
    Me: 29 DW: 44
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    @kangstadt I take iron, it’s says from/as ferrous sulfate. I think it’s slow release so easier on the stomach? There are a couple different types and i think it’s based on what the source of the iron is.
    Sulfate, gylcinate or phosphate...I think. 

    Iron usually makes you constipated and turns your poop green. I take 3 stool softeners a day with it and always take my vitamins before bed, if not I get super nauseous. I’ve never been on magnesium. 
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @sheepshepherdess, I think because I'm vegetarian they especially wanted me on iron, since I don't eat red meat.  Hm, the magnesium I have is magnesium oxide.  Maybe I'll have to look into different kinds.

    @thatbaintforbetty, mine is ferrous sulfate also.  (TMI again, haha) It definitely affected the color, but didn't make me constipated, lol.  Maybe just because the combination of magnesium also.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @kangstadt I just checked, and mine is 25 mg of iron bisglycinate! The brand is solgar. It says “gentle iron” on it in huge print on the front. So far, so good for me. 
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    @kangstadt I found iron gummies on Amazon since I've been too nauseous to swallow my regular prenatals and have been on gummies too - they don't seem to upset my stomach.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @kangstadt with DD I stopped taking prenatals with iron through the first tri because they made me so much sicker than I already was, and went back to them around 17ish weeks. This time I just quit taking them and did iron-less prenatals the whole first tri and am planning to switch back here soon. 
    I read something today on a pregnancy app that said many women quit taking prenatals after the first tri. Wtf. Why on earth would any app recommend that? 
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    I bought some Amazon brand prenatal gummies and they taste like candy. I can usually get them down with no problem but sometimes my gag reflex acts up and I have a really hard time with the iron and stool softeners. I actually probably need to double my iron dosage, not looking forward to that. 

    @HGRich I can’t imagine anything or anyone advising to not take your prenatals especially during pregnancy. I had a doc recommend that I take them throughout my entire child bearing years. She said that so many pregnancies are unplanned or a surprise and that extra vitamins, iron and folic acid can help reduce the risk of certain neural tube defects while making sure you have all your daily amounts that diet is probably lacking, it was a no brainer. It’s literally a win win, also helps hair and nails and who doesn’t want that. I have been taking them since before I really even started thinking about kids in a realistic timeframe. And I will take them long after. 
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @thatbaintforbetty yep, I’ve been taking prenatals nonstop since summer 2015, when I was TTC my first. 
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    @thatbaintforbetty my high school biology teacher said if there was one thing we took away from her class it was to take prenatal vitamins during our reproductive years. She basically said the same thing as your doctor. As soon as I got married I started taking prenatals as my daily vitamin, I don’t know why more women don’t.

    Magnesium: I’ve taken 400mg every day for the past 4 years. It has made a significant improvement in my migraines, especially when pregnant. I haven’t notice any adverse side effects. However after reading others comments I wonder if it causes my random boughts of diarrhea, especially since becoming pregnant. 
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    @blueberrymomma my mom suggested I take 400mg magnesium but it gave me really bad diarrhea so I had to lower to 200mg
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    I'm so exhausted all day every day, peeing constantly, and I hate these constant headaches. 2nd trimester energy my ass
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    @booksandlace I'm right there with you.
    Me: 29 DW: 44
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    Hello SI joint pain!!! I need to get an adjustment (yes they specialize in Prego ladies). I hope I can get an appointment this week I’m gimpy. 
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    My husband and I had cake before bed (because we are WILD), and by the time I laid down, this LO was soooo active!!  I've felt movement for the last week or so, but these were the first full, consistent body rolls.  Yay little lady!!!
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