December 2018 Moms

Bitchin' - week of 9/2


Re: Bitchin' - week of 9/2

  • I’ve been “yelling” (stern voice) at a 2 year old to take a nap and at a 4 year old to be quiet and rest for a hour. This is so pointless and has only led me to being frustrated. They are having an awesome time antagonizing me. However my SIL gets in town in a hour. Now im
    going to have overtired kids. 
  • @Activebaby I can relate. My son has been having what sounds like a rave in his room for almost 2 hours. He is going to be so cranky later, so I’m not ready to throw in the towel, yet.
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  • @katy0990 thanks for the consideration. I showered the kids because I’m not really sure what the plans are tonight. Well ds2 passed out after his shower. Ughhh 
  • I'm on the treating-myself-too-often train lately too.  I Googled Brewer Diet checklist and found this.  This kind of thing would normally be helpful for me since it tells you what to eat instead of what not to eat.  It would be hard to eat two bowls of ice cream in addition to meeting the requirements listed every day.  It's a little intimidating though -- I'm not sure I can comfortably get that all in every day! There also isn't much space for fruit and I love fruit.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @Katzalia I used to be an editorial assistant at a chemistry journal and we had the same categories you described.  Most manuscripts that were eventually accepted started out as revise/resubmits.  The email we got said reject though, and then there was a note saying we were encouraged to revise and resubmit if we felt we could adequately address the reviewer comments.  That wasn't as encouraging sounding to me as an actual revise/resubmit decision.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @PensiveCrayon thanks for sharing!  Unfortunately on mobile I can't open the attachment for some reason. I have found a few resources myself in my research of the diet.  I am definitely going to try this out!

    @kadeephd I'm sorry that your paper wasn't accepted, but revisions aren't the worst thing that could have been.  As @Katzalia said, very few papers are accepted without revisions. It does stink though, and I'm sure it shook your confidence a bit. 
  • Man I'm sorry @kadeephd. Rejection really sucks. Do you need to be published to get (sorry I don't know the technical awarded??) your PhD?
    Me: 31 | DH: 31
    Together since 2003 | Married 2010
    TTC #1 January 2016
    BFP April 18 2016 | EDD December 29, 2016
    Welcome baby A! January 9, 2017

    TTC#2 March 2018
    BFP March 30, 2018 | EDD December 12, 2018
  • @kadeephd I’m sorry the response wasn’t what you hoped for. At least you still have some time before the baby arrives and even then, it will be a balancing act, but you will figure it out.
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