March 2018 Moms

MOMS (MoMs of multiples) weekly check in for the week of February 4th


Re: MOMS (MoMs of multiples) weekly check in for the week of February 4th

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    @awolfff That’s reassuring that you’re going between both breast and bottle. So no issues with the babies refusing to BF after having the bottle? Having my husband give baby boy a bottle as we speak and he said ‘we should have been doing this days ago.’

    @vflux33 @momma6angels11 This is also reassuring. I was beating myself up but needed reminding that’s what important is feeding these babies and helping them grow in whatever way possible! Keep up the good work, ladies!
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    @mnddnvn no issues at all. I think because we offer breast first and then bottle feed, it helps? I’m not first and I had the worst time breastfeeding because we introduced the bottle too early. But with the twins we are limited on options and had to find something practical for us. The lactation consultant showed us some techniques with the bottle to make it more closely mimic breastfeeding. Maybe have a chat or meet with one? 

    Ultimately, you are right though. Getting those babies fed and growing is the priority. 
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    edited March 2018
    Anyone want to start a fb group just for us MOMS?? Look @awolfff I caught a pic of Willow with a face kinda like your babies photo!! I actually scheduled another newborn session this Saturday to attempt to get some better photos of the two with my regular photographer.. How is everyone doing? 
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    Anymore babies born yet?
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    @momma6angels11 Aww very cute. Also I have 2 of that same boppy. 

    I've overexplained this elsewhere on the board, but I'm no longer on Facebook. Deactivated almost 2 years ago for mental health reasons and don't feel comfortable going back. If you guys migrate there I will miss you! 
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    @momma6angels11 LOVE it! She’s so dang cute! What a sweet smile.

     I recently logged into Facebook for an e course I signed up for, but otherwise I’m no longer on there. It was pretty toxic for me too...and even now when I’ve logged into it, I had to unfollow basically everyone to make it okay for me to go on and participate in the ecourse group. I don’t plan on staying active on there, so I’ll be here still @vflux33! Maybe there’s another forum that’s more personable? Like a google plus? Not super familiar with it though..I’m on Instagram and that’s about as social media as I get. 
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    @awolfff @momma6angels11 Would you guys be interested in a private group here on the bump? I'm a moderator of 2 groups here and I think they work really well. It's more private than Facebook in my opinion, and without the element of everyone you've ever met being on it-- I'm more comfortable personally sharing pics and more information about myself there than I am on the public board. Since I'm already moderating a couple others, if you guys wanted that I don't mind setting it up, bringing 1 or 2 or 3 of you guys on as additional moderators, and just going from there. Let me know! They are super easy to set up and I think this group here in this thread is so small it would be very manageable. 
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    @momma6angels11 I'm up for a private group on either :) My girls are going to be here on Thursday! I think I might be one of the last in our group, lol! Had an appointment with one of the midwives today and everything looks great for our scheduled birth on the 15th, but the girls can't make up their minds if they want to be breech or head down. They were both head down last Thursday, but are breech again today, so we'll see what position they are come labor day :)
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
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    @amanning2011 That's so exciting!! GL Thursday! Hope your girls make the labor easy on you  :)
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    @amanning2011 hope it all goes well!! Looking forward to seeing pictures :) 

    @vflux33 I’m down for a private group. Glad you know how to do all that good stuff (I’m not at all bump savvy). 
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    Congrats they are handsome little ones!! @Gingham

    I would be fine with a bump private group @vflux33 I dont get on fb very much anyway! 
    @amanning2011 I too will be waiting for pictures!! I hope everything goes well and you get the birth your hoping for.
    @awolfff thanks!
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    Congrats @Gingham! They're adorable!
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    OK I started a group! You should all get a notification about it but the bump can be kind of wonky with that sometimes and not everyone even gets notifications at all, so if you don't see one click on groups and you should see it under new groups. 

    I started off by just inviting all you MoMs but I'm wondering if we should expand to other ladies in March who have not yet and aren't planning to migrate to Facebook? What do you guys think? I don't know how much you guys go to other parts of this board. I'm down with being more inclusive and even changing the name of the group to reflect that, but I interact with lots of other moms in March so don't want to do anything you guys are uncomfortable with. 
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    @Gingham yay! Congratulations!

    @vflux33 I’d love to join a private group to keep in touch. FB depresses me.  
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    I guess there is some error in the invites so here is a link to the group--you should be able to click join since you all were already invited, but if that doesn't work let me know and I can "uninvite" you and just have you request to join, then approve (this has worked in other groups where we had the same issue).
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    @vflux33 I can't just click join :/ Of course, right? lol!
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
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    @vflux33 its saying duplicate entry when I click join and post why i want to..
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    vflux33vflux33 member
    edited March 2018
    @amanning2011 @momma6angels11 Try requesting to join now and then I'll approve. (I had to uninvite all of you first--like I said the joining is wonky, but the groups work fine once you're in them)
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    @vflux33 requested :)
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
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    @vflux33 request sent earlier..
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    You’ve all been added!  :)
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    @amanning2011 thinking of you today! Cant wait to hear an update!
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    @amanning2011 hope all went well yesterday and you and babies are doing well.. cant wait to see pics!!
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    Sorry I haven't updated sooner, but things have been pretty busy, lol. Emily and Elizabeth were born Thursday morning at 11:16 and 11:18 respectively. Emily was 4lb7oz and Elizabeth was 4lb14oz. Both girls are healthy albeit small. I still have no milk supply so we are having to formula feed until my milk comes in. Any suggestions on how to get my milk to come in?
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
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    @amanning2011 they are beautiful..congrats!! As for milk i suggest you pump every 2 to 3 hours maybe even power pump! I wish i would of done these things in the hospital..and make some lactation cookies, eat oatmeal, blue or red Gatorade and lots of water..
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    @amanning2011 Congratulations!! They're very cute. 

    It took me 5-6 days for my milk to come in after my c section. It was super frustrating. I had the cookies, the tea, and some PCOS specific supplements, plus pumped every 2-3 hours for at least 15 minutes at least 8 times/day or after every feeding. I'm not sure whether the supplements helped, but the pumping definitely did. Also make sure to eat and drink a lot of water. I was stressed mine wouldn't come in, but it eventually did and now I am making enough milk pumping for both my boys (though we are fortifying the milk with preemie formula based on advice from the NICU doctors). Good luck!
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    @amanning2011 they are awesome! Congrats!

    I second the comments about pumping/nursing all the time to get your milk to come in. Also, it does just take a few days for the milk to come in which is unnerving but normal.  I also started drinking Mother’s Milk tea this week to try and boost supply, not sure if it’s really that effective but I guess it doesn’t hurt. 
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