March 2018 Moms

MOMS (MoMs of multiples) weekly check in for the week of February 4th


Re: MOMS (MoMs of multiples) weekly check in for the week of February 4th

  • @vflux33 Where does your doctor consider your BP to be in the bad range? I've been keeping track of mine at home and am not sure what numbers I should be looking out for. I normally run pretty low and have been running higher than that my entire pregnancy but my OB isn't concerned so I'm not sure what I should be looking for.

    @sardavbak I'm sorry to hear about the % difference :( My girls are IUGR, but they are only an ounce different from each other. I hope everything goes well with their birth, keep us updated :)
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
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  • @sardavbak Wow, tomorrow! I hope everything goes smoothly--please keep us updated!

    @amanning2011 I know the first number was considered borderline but acceptable on it's own, that was 140. For me it is the diastolic number (the second one) that is more concerning. I thought she said 193 but that doesn't seem possible looking at the ranges online, so maybe I misheard and she said 93. At the last reading 4-5 days before that number had been I think 80 something. So I had been borderline for a couple weeks and then slipped into "high". Without the protein in my urine if it was just pregnancy hypertension and not preeclampsia I'd still be on alert but I'd be a lot less concerned. I don't work in the medical industry and I don't measure my blood pressure at home, but that's my understanding. I think if your OB thinks your OK then you're OK, but this chart may help you:
  • @momma6angels11 look at those babies!! Sooo sweet  <3 also the blankets are adorable! What a fun way to do the monthly pics. Hope your incision feels better. Seems that everyday gets to be better and more manageable.

    It’s great that you got a hospital pump. The hospital pump seems to work much better for me and I hope it works better for you too! I’m not sure how often you are pumping, but it was recommended to me to pump every 2-3 hours or at least 8 times a day. LC told me only for 10-15min at a time...I do 10. They also told me to put babies at breast for about 15 minutes and then supplement and pump (until their weights go up). The euphoric herbals supplement seems to be helping...I appreciate they come in capsule form. In the breastfeeding class, they recommended golacta. I managed to get just shy of 3oz last pump session, which was magic for me....pumping enough has definitely been tough. Also, allow yourself to recover and rest.

    If you figure out how to rest and do all the pumping let me know how lol :D
  • @awolfff thanks! Wow almost 3 ounces!! I havent gotton there yet! I pump every 2 hours and during night take one four hour break. I breastfed in hospital and supplemented and pumped.. i only have pumped and supplemented since being home..but when i got home i only had my regular breast pump and only pumped every 3 hours and barely got anything. Since getting the hospital grade pump i have seen an increase, but just not to the point of getting what you just got in one session. Ive been eating the lactation bars and cookies and drinks to help..and have done 2 power pump sessions in the last 2 days.. Thanks! I got them from Zulily a few months ago! Any new picts of your babies?
  • @momma6angels11 They’re so cute! I love the blankets. 

    I think a monthly check in is fine, considering how busy we all will be/already are. 

  • My supply is sensitive to calories and fat.  Make sure you are eating.  Cute babies!
  • Thanks @mdfarmchick! I’m really curious about the lubricant on the pump..I’ll have to give that a go.  
  • @momma6angels11 I’m the worst at taking pics...husband has been the photographer this time around!! I’ll post more as I get their newborn pictures done the other day and I’ll share one for sure.

    It’s so easy to get discouraged pumping when there’s little output (or not what you want it to be). Also, I really dislike washing pump when I don’t get much, I’m like “man, now I have to wash these parts again and I barely got 5ml!” It’s annoying. And to be clear, I definitely don’t get 3oz each time! It seems to have been a fluke. I’m averaging around 40-60ml depending on the time of day. Just gotta keep on keeping on and hope that I won’t have to pump this much later on. Letting baby girl nurse on demand now and baby boy is starting to nurse but still figuring things out. Hoping that once he does, my supply will increase some more! 

  • Have any of you tried Mother’s Milk Tea?? That is supposed to really help your supply—I had one cup of it today and am already seeing results. It’s the only difference between when I pumped 4 hours ago. It says you should drink at least 3 cups of it a day. At this point, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to establish a good supply—with my first, I ended up having low supply after a few months and I don’t want to run into that this time, especially with an early baby. 
  • awolfffawolfff member
    edited February 2018
    @mdfarmchick I have tried it and it definitely helped me. I was not a fan of the taste! I’ve been taking capsules with a blend of different herbs that help...just easier for me to take a pill than drink the tea. 

    Eta: here’s the link to the ones I’ve been trying-
    Right now I’m testing out milk far it’s been helpful...I think...About to test the lush leche the next few days to see which one works best for me. Somewhere on their link is a quiz to find out which one they recommend to start with.
  • @mdfarmchick thank you i am also going to have to try the lube for flanges!! I have some mothers milk, just havent tried it yet.. I had a busy day yesterday as babies had their second weight check and then they had their newborn photos done towards the evening.  My pumping schedule went out the door from this crazy day..But i was so glad that it didn't seem to affect my supply. I pumped 295 mils yesterday so it has went up from my Tuesday total of 155 mils!! 
    @awolfff i read somewhere that you can put your pump parts in a Ziploc bag and in the fridge between pumps. Just simply rinse them between sessions and wash them once a day. I have been doing this and it saves so much time!! I will be looking into your milk machine advice! How does your other toddler react to the twins? Mine wants to "help" but is slowly learning having a baby brother and a baby sister is not as fun as he wants it to least not right now! He tries to pull their hair, but also wants to be sweet and give kisses..hes getting there just taking ahile lol!
    @i-wanna-b-the-girl-w-most-cake how did your C-Section go on Wednesday? I hope you and babies are doing great and hope to see an update soon!! @mnddnvn how are you and how did everything go yesterday? Hope you and babies are doing great! Cant wait for your update as well!!
  • @momma6angels11 wow! That’s quite an increase!! Way to go!! Great idea with the putting the parts in the fridge. I’ll be doing that today for sure. Thanks for the tip!

    Our toddler was eager to help in the beginning and now he’s back to being pretty indifferent about them. Still likes to pet them..which is his way of being affectionate..I *think*, BUT he has been a little terror otherwise. Tantrums have gotten way worse, he’s louder in general and he doesn’t listen to us anymore. I’m hoping it’s all part of the transition and it’s just him trying to grasp some control in the chaos....but it’s been rough and my patience is really wearing thin these days  :|
  • Love hearing everyone’s updates. I on the other hand don’t have anything too exciting to share. After 36 days of bed rest the doctor sent me home from the hospital yesterday since I’ve had no further dilation and the babies and I are healthy. This has been a roller coaster — from thinking the babies will come within hours and have a long nicu stay to now having my induction scheduled for March 5th. Let’s just say I’m not taking bed rest quite as seriously now since I don’t want to wait until March 5th! Anxious to get this party started and envious of all you who have had you babies already.
  • @mnddnvn so happy you are finally able to go home and that you and the babies are doing so well!

    @momma6angels11 have you heard of c-panty? I bought a pair...going to call my ob to see if I should start using it yet....just curious if anyone else has used them?

  • Sorry, i meant how are you and babies doing? @Sardavbak

    @awolfff I have heard of them, but haven't bought a pair yet..
  • @mnddnvn I understand and feel you on not wanting to wait til March 5th. Im sure they will be here before you know it. Im sure being out of the hospital is a relief..
  • Sorry for the delay ladies! Just got home from hospital last night and was too busy resting, cuddling and healing since c section to post.
    I posted in birth announcement thread but will write more here later about birth and I want to get in on this pumping topic with you all as well. 
     It's been an exhausting and emotional week but so happy to be sitting here in my room at home with both my sons nearby sleeping. Feeling grateful! Xoxo

    @momma6angels11 - they are stunning. Congrats mama!
  • @sardavbak they are perfect and beautiful!!! Congratulations!!! Glad to hear all is well <3
  • @sardavbak I'm so glad you and your LOs are doing well and didn't require any NICU time! They are super cute  <3
  • @i-wanna-b-the-girl-w-most-cake and @sardavbak congratulations!! They are all absolutely adorable and I'm glad all went well !! @vflux I am looking forward to your update this week and cant wait for pictures!!
  • Congrats @sardavbak! So cute and love their hats/swaddles!

    I wish I could say the same about c section recovery/pain. It was a lot tougher physically and mentally than I had imagined it would be for me. Since my boys were taken to NICU right after birth (5p) I wasn't able to hold them until I could stand up out of bed (3a next morning).

    In the meantime I shook uncontrollably for an hour or two from spinal meds them proceeded to itch uncontrollably for the next 24 hours, another lovely effect of spinal. Once that was under control I had my boys in room (8p day after they were born) but gas pains were pretty awful affecting my shoulder and back.

    I don't regret the c section but I will say it's a lot to go through in a very short time span. During surgery doctor found that Caleb's (baby b) cord was knotted which could have been a problem had we attempted a vaginal birth since it can put pressure on the cord. So we're lucky there. (See pic)

    I also just feel a little confused because everyone keeps calling my twins premature and I know officially they are at 36 weeks. But they sure don't feel like it weighing 6.6 & 7.6 lbs and measuring 18.75" & 19.75"! 

    We had our first pedi appointment yesterday and they are still doing great!

  • @i-wanna-b-the-girl-w-most-cake That sounds completely awful. I’m so glad it’s over for you and that you and your boys are both doing well. <3

  • @vflux cant wait for your update!! I hope all went well and both you and babies are doing great!
  • Any updates from anyone?  How are you new twin mamas doing?  @vflux33 how are you?  Who else still has their babies on the inside?
  • @Gingham still cooking these babes over here! 35 + 3 and feeling ready to be done but also thankful to have them still safely growing inside! My c section is scheduled for March 8th if they don’t come on their own sooner than that!
  • mnddnvnmnddnvn member
    edited February 2018
    @Gingham Still cooking over here too at 37+2 (I’m 5 cm dilated, mostly silently!) and feeling genererally miserable. Induction is scheduled for 3/5 but really hoping that we can get that changed to 3/1 or 3/2. Can’t bear to go through another weekend waiting!
  • @kikikav and @mnddnvn yay for keeping those babies cooking, but yeah, I'm with you on wanting to be DONE.  36 weeks here and just SO uncomfortable. My doctor won't even talk delivery until 38 weeks. @mnddnvn if you're 5 cm, I bet you won't make it through the week!
  • I'm still cooking, but not sure for how much longer. At 36+1 but having cramps and gastrointestinal upset issues. Called the OB office and was told to take Imodium and eat bananas to try and see if that helps. Not sure if the cramps are from the gastro crap or something else. I have an appointment tomorrow already anyway so fingers crossed these girls stick inside just a little longer.
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
  • Hello everyone!! Me and babies are doing just sleep deprived and still pumping and not making enough milk for the both of them yet.
    @awolfff how are you and breastfeeding going?
    Still hoping to see your update @vflux
    @mnddnvn yeah 5!! I agree with @Gingham im sure those babies will be here soon! 
    @amanning2011 keep us posted, your cramps could actually be labor!!
  • @momma6angels11 hey there!! I got so sick of pumping and kind of gave up. Baby girl gets fed at breast only now and is gaining weight crazy good still! Baby boy is at breast most of the time and gets two bottles over night, both given after he feeds at breast and both bottles are formula— his weight gain has definitely picked up a bunch since his tie was corrected and pediatrician says to keep him at breast as much as he wants to as it will help his tie heal correctly. And pediatrician says since they are both healthy and gaining weight beautifully that we don’t need to bring them back until their two month well baby visit :smile:

    Honestly, I don’t care as much about breastfeeding as I did in the beginning and during the pregnancy. I still prefer to breastfeed than bottle, but if it came down to it, I don’t think I’ll take it as hard if I were ever unable to breastfeed. I hate pumping so much that I think I would rather formula feed than pump. I just don’t see it as practical for me with a toddler and twins and I just hate it too much. 
  • Quick update before I go to bed, eating bananas and taking an Imodium (per midwife) seem to have helped with both the gastrointestinal upset and the cramping, seems they may have been related. The gastrointestinal stuff can still be an indication that I could go into labor soon, though. I have an appointment tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
  • @awolfff I definitely feel you on the absolutely sucks but im trying to do it for as long as possible and it is hard with a toddler.. how much have they gained? How often do they eat thru the night? My twins go back to drs on friday and then again when they turn 2 months..
  • @amanning2011 I'm having some gastro issues as well...I'm pretty "cleaned out", so to speak, which happened in the days leading up to my son being born as well, so I'm on high alert.

    At my growth u/s yesterday, Baby B had fallen (slightly) off his growth curve. Baby A measuring 6lb10oz and Baby B measuring 5lb15oz so this has my doctor kind of concerned.  So that means an appointment with the MFM tomorrow.  Sigh...
  • @Gingham those are still some good weights! Maybe they will go ahead and take the babies after seeing the MFM?? Or who knows..maybe you will go into labor soon..
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