We've had our first birth!
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I use Hypnobabies! http://www.hypnobabies-store.com/link.cgi?affiliateID=472
J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies!

EDD: 1/6/2018
Eva Jane: 7/23/2014
Re: January 2018 Birth Announcements
DS2: Jan. 2016
DS3: Dec. 2017
Baby #4 on the way!
I use Hypnobabies! http://www.hypnobabies-store.com/link.cgi?affiliateID=472
J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies!
EDD: 1/6/2018
Eva Jane: 7/23/2014
Sophie Elizabeth born 11/25/17 @12:47PM, 5lbs 0oz & 17.5 inches.
edited-- oh shoot, realized I wasn't supposed to comment here, and I don't see how to delete. My apologies! I'm scheduled for c-section or induction on 12/11, so I'll come back and edit this post with my details, okay?
edited with my birth announcement, and while I'm overjoyed to say I have two healthy girls, TRIGGER WARNING about my traumatic experience...
So on Monday, 12/11, I went in for induction. We tried various things, had plenty of contractions, but could not get my cervix to ripen.
On Wednesday 12/13, we agreed to C-section. That itself was a challenge, since I could feel everything after the initial cut. It was very painful. But then I heard the babies cry, and I stuck it out.
In recovery, I was cuddling one of my babies, and starting to nurse. Then I was bleeding. And I kept bleeding. Someone took my baby from me, and different people took turns pushing hard on my belly and distended uterus, pushing blood out of me. At a couple points, my doctor reached her arm up into my uterus to pull out chunks of clots and placenta.
The decision was was made for an emergency hysterectomy. I was taken back to an OR, knocked out (after the incision was reopened, losing consciousness as they were splashing me with antiseptic).
So I woke up with no uterus, no cervix, no tubes, and only one ovary. I learned that I lost 2500 ml of blood (about 40% of total volume), and over the course of days, received 5 units of blood.
I'm still incredibly sore and weak, and I may not be able to breastfeed (shock may have disrupted my pituitary gland). After fighting for fertility for the last three years, I now have no uterus.
But I have two perfect, beautiful little girls. Judith Ann, 6 lb 13 oz, and Mavis Marie, 6 lb, 3 oz.
7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!
fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP!
Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)
My water broke at 1:30 , they tried to stop them from coming but these boys had different plans ! They were born at 32 weeks and 3 days and are in the nicu to grow and learn how to eat
Here is a side by side of my identicals
The picture below is him yesterday at 5 lbs 13 oz, 34+1 gestational age. He's doing well, but still having a lot of apnea issues and he went back on oxygen today. He can't come home until he has gone 7 days without apnea.
Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
ETA 8 pounds and 2 ounces, 21 inches at birth!
DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015
DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017
BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019
BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020
I had an appointment Wednesday and was scheduled for an elective induction because I was completely thinned and my doctor said she was comfortable with it if I was. Went home that afternoon and lost my plug that night. Went into the hospital the next morning at 5:30 for my induction. As soon as they hooked the pitocin up around 6, my water broke on its own. I started off at 1cm when I got to the hospital and quickly dilated about 2cm per hour and was ready to start pushing about 11:30. I got my epidural around 4cm because I couldn’t take it anymore. Literally have no idea how you mommas do it without one. They turned mine off at one point so I could push better and I felt like I was gonna die. Haha anyways, Her head was turned so they called another doctor in to reach in and try to turn her (holy crap!!). Pushed on and off for about 2.5 hours. Doctor finally offered to use the vacuum because her head was just kinda sideways in the birth canal. At that point I was so exhausted, I was just like “yes whatever you have to do!” So the doctor and what seemed like a swat team prepped and after 4 pushes, our sweet girl was here!
Her glucose levels were low so she had to stay in the nursery last night. She’s currently on an IV for 24-48 hours. Hoping she will get to come to my room tonight.
We had a bit of a sugar scare with her because she was technically "premature" by one day, they had to check her sugars after her first breast milk feed. And she tested 33 when it needed to be 40. So they forced me to give her formula to ensure her sugar levels would go up or she would be taken from me to the nursery
I pushed for us to go home at 24 hours so we could be in the comfort of our home, bed and with our son. I'm glad I pushed for it! Do it momma's, if it something you are wanting!! As a STM, I felt totally comfort going home and being able to do that on my own even with a toddler.
Even though, I truly wish things went smoother, not everything can go perfect. We're all home and comfy now!
Born January 3rd on her due date at 12:47 pm
8 lbs, 20.5 in
I cant get over how much she looks like her big brother. She also was much bigger than expected-even bigger than DS when he was born.
I had period-like cramps throughout the night but this was not out of the norm. I texted my sister to let her know that I had been cramping and she decided to come over since DH was working. She arrived after lunch and at that point (around 1:30 pm) the cramping was wrapping around my back and coming every 4-5 minutes. Still not super uncomfortable but I was wary enough to call the midwife. I waited for a call back and decided to leave for the hospital, since we had to drop DD off on the way. There was some confusion about the plans so we ended up bringing DD to the hospital to be picked up by my aunt.
When we arrived at 3:30 pm my contractions were very long and strong, but I was only 2cm dilated. The strength of the contractions was causing baby's heart rate to drop but she was able to recover. The midwife wanted to send me home but I refused. I knew this was it and it was a 45 minute trip without traffic. The midwife said I could walk around downstairs for 2 hours to see if things progressed. After 45 minutes the contractions were much stronger and I could barely walk 2 steps so we returned to triage. I was 4cm so they admitted me. This was around 6pm.
Here's when things got crazy.
DH called my doula and I was moved over to a birthing room. It was not a midwifery suite with a tub, but I was told that I could be moved to a suite shortly. Contractions were ramping up and I started to feel very overwhelmed and out of control. I told my doula that I either needed to get in a tub or they would have to drug me - it was that strong and intense. Little did I know, but I was clearly in transition at that point. My doula suggested getting into the shower, where she sprayed my belly with water. I was almost crying because I was in so much discomfort and feeling scared and frustrated.
Suddenly my body started pushing and I felt baby descend into the birth canal. The power of my body pushing threw me to the ground, onto hands and knees. I was making primal noises and I told my doula that baby was coming. She calmly asked DH to peek into the hall to signal the midwife or a nurse. Two pushes later and Lorelei was born, on the bathroom floor. The midwife ran into the room just in time to catch her at 7:01pm, an hour after being admitted.
I use Hypnobabies! http://www.hypnobabies-store.com/link.cgi?affiliateID=472
J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies!
EDD: 1/6/2018
Eva Jane: 7/23/2014
I lost my mucus plug around 6:30 the previous night, followed by some light cramping. Thought it was just BH or false labor, but then about midnight, contractions got real. Got to the hospital around 2:30 and by time I got out of triage, was at 7cm. While small, baby was Sunnyside up, so it took a few pushes, before he rocketed out in the last one, to be caught by a nurse.
He is the sweetest little boy and I can’t wait until his big sisters meet him today! Sorry if the pic is huge!
DD2: 9/12/13
Baby #3: Due January 2018
We made it to the hospital by 5, at which point I still hadn’t started contracting at all. By 7:30 they’d put me on petocin and within an hour I was contracting intensely every 2 minutes. By 11, I asked for the epidural and they did my first exam only to find I was 8cm. I was able to rest for an hour and after 5 pushes Quinn was here!
On day 3 we had to be readmitted to the NICU for jaundice but she responded well to phototherapy and is now back home. She’s getting a lot better at eating and we are so happy to be a family of 3!
He is officially the hungriest baby, but has taken to breastfeeding like a champ. My colostrum has come in really well too, so he is definitely keeping himself full. I am expecting my full milk to come in closer to Saturday, fingers crossed.
Together Let Us Seek the Heights
Daphne made her grand entrance into the world January 16 at 4:53am weighing in at 8lbs 2 oz and 20 1/4 inches long.
We we went in Monday night to be induced for high blood pressure (for the second time). After getting all the paperwork done and all checked in they checked my cervix and I was already at 3 cm and had been in early labor for several days without knowing it. Had a Foley bulb placed at 8:30pm, it fell out at 11. They started Pitocin at 1 after I took a quick nap. I was feeling some pretty strong contractions between 3 and 4 so I asked to be checked around 4:15. I was shocked to be at a 9 and able to just breathe through contractions. I was going to ask for some IV meds to take the edge off when I started transition, but I was too late again. They set up, broke my water, and it was go time. I pushed for 8 minutes and there she was! We are so thrilled!
Pretty unevenful induction. I was group B positive but was never told. They had to run two courses of antibiotic before they could really get things started. Once they broke my water, things moved FAST! I got an epidural that worked a little to well. They told me once I had constant pressure to let them know. Well it was pretty constant but would let up for a minute or so at a time. DH went to get coffee and I told him when he got back that we should call the nurse. Well Isla had another plan! Just as DH returned, the dr came in at the same time, Isla was half way out on her own! DH had to assist before the nurses rushed in. One slight push and she was in my arms ♥️
She is such a sweet baby, always happy, really doesn’t even cry but fusses if she needs something and is already sleeping four hour stretches at night. We are absolutely in love!
At 25 weeks, I was diagnosed with preeclampsia. We got steroid shots to help her lungs develop faster and the hospital doc said we would give birth within days or weeks. My OB and midwife had faith in us so we were sent home. With strict bed rest (only allowed to get up for bathroom), we were able to make it til 31 weeks before another hospital stay and started blood pressure meds. At 32 w 6 d, at our normal bi-weekly OB appt, her amniotic fluid was quite low (5.1). We were sent home with ways to increase it. 2 days later it was even lower (3.2) so we went to the Maternal Fetal Specialist to see if there were any options besides induction. In the few hours between appts, the fluid improved but was still low (5.3). She sent us home to pack a hospital bag and were admitted.
At the hospital, IV fluids kept her fluid in the 5s (which at the hospital they were ok with since she & I were monitored so closely and she was doing great for all other BPP tests). My blood pressure kept creeping up and would not go down even with IV and oral meds. At 34 w 1 d, my OB decided we would induce the next afternoon. The next morning (34 w 2 d, 12/21), my blood pressure spiked to 205/108 so I was taken in for an emergency c-section right then. 9 weeks after a preeclampsia diagnosis my body just could not hold out any longer and they were afraid I would seize or stroke.
Rosalyn Joy was born at 11:41am on 12/21/17 weighing 5 lb 10 oz, 18.5" long. She had several good cries, but then needed to get on the cpap to help her breathe. That evening she had to get surfactant to help her lungs expand. She had to be fed by feeding tube but only 1 bad blood sugar reading. Thankfully our area has a breast milk bank so she was able to receive breast milk in the NICU. She got off the cpap in just 1 day but her suck/swallow/breathe reflex was not doing well. Her pulse ox was hesitant to stay up so they kept the cannula under her nose most of her stay. On New Year's Eve she made it 1 whole day without needing to be fed thru the tube so we spent NYE rooming in at the hospital with her and she came home on New Year's Day.
My recovery has been quite tough. I had to get IV magnesium after surgery to reduce stroke/seizure risk so I didn't see her for over 27 hrs after birth. They wouldn't let me go see her unless my blood pressure was below 160/110 so I only saw her a couple times a day. My blood pressure still has not returned to normal but it finally got out of the dangerous/stroke risk range last week. The docs think that since I was preeclamptic so long (9 weeks), it is just being stubborn. I had to return to the hospital 9 days after delivery due to a bad hematoma but my incision is now almost healed again. Hopefully my blood pressure will start to return to normal soon or I can at least cut down on meds.
Most importantly, our sweet girl is home with us. She had the most amazing staff in the NICU and is doing good so far. At the 4 week check up, she had grown 1.5" and almost 1 lb (to 20", 6 lb 7 oz)! She is still calm and sweet and squeaks when she's happy. We are so in love...
Skylar is perfect though and passed all her tests with flying colors! I'd upload a pic but mobile bump hates me and I don't have an on my computer yet...