TTC After a Loss

October TWW


Re: October TWW

  • With the clear blue advanced once I got the blinking smiley I tested twice a day. Thanks @Mack2342
  • Oh wow, okay. I hadn't even thought of that. Thank you! I think I'll just order from Amazon. Not sure I want to go buy 30 OPK tests at dollar tree. 
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  • I only buy 5 a month and start testing cd14. Mine was super dark on cd17 last cycle. All other days the 2nd line is faint.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I just ordered more on amazon. @vlagrl29 ur lucky it is obvious. I never could tell and I know when O typically is! 
  • @kbelly777 yes get more than 5.  If you are temping, I would use until you get a temp increase so you know you have Od.  And yes test twice a day, I have been low in the morning and high in the afternoon or high in morning and peak in afternoon. If you use advanced clear blue once you get that solid smiley or peak it will not allow you to test for 48 hrs I think is the time frame but it according to their tests you will O with in 24 hrs.  I keep the test stick from mine so I have a bunch and then keep testing lol.  Sometimes your body gears up to O and then stress keeps it from Oing and then you will O later so I think it's important to keep testing until you see that temp spike 
  • I personally don't like clear blue, since last time i tested on cd12 it showed smiley face right away and the US following day indicated I still have few more days to go. I prefer interpreting lines by myself and I use first response opk that works for me best. I think I just have high levels of baseline lh, but I had it even when I got pg with my loss, which was second month of ttc.
    my cycles came back to normal length right away, but I am struggling with new crazy PMS symptoms and weird af flow. I am now expecting 4 th af after loss this week (or not :) ) . Everyone is different, also I don't think there is a clear correlation between how regular your cycles are and how fertile you are, as long as you ovulate and your luteal phase is good length I wouldn't worry too much. Good luck!!!
  • vlagrl29vlagrl29 member
    edited October 2017
    My solid BD advice - BD EOD days 10-20 and you should hit it hopefully. For me I get the EWCM a day or 2 before I actually O. I'm usually dry the day I O. BD until you've had 4 consecutive dry cm days. Since I O a bit later we will BD starting on cd 12 this cycle and go thru day 22. I like to make sure to also BD on pos opk day.
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  • Ugh I’m feeling so down this morning. I’m 7dpo, and yesterday had a big temp drop (just shy of my cover line). It went back up this morning to just about where it was the day before, so I thought ok maybe it wasn’t anything, but then when I went to the bathroom after I got out of bed, I was spotting reddish-brown. Still spotting now, so I’m feeling pretty out for now. 

    I wouldn’t be as upset, but I’m only 7dpo, so if AF really is coming, than this would be the 2nd month with a short LP :disappointed: Last month I had spotting on 7dpo and then AF came on 8dpo, so I’m not being hopeful. Sorry for the rant, but I’m just feeling down today. 
  • @pumpkinpancake - no need to apologize for the rant, that's what we're here for. Rant away!
  • sorry @pumpkinpancake. I had a slightly pinkish mucus in the morning and I am afraid it's pre AF spotting .... :( my travel won't be as happy as it could be, but I promised to myself to make the best of it.
  • @aga31 this all sucks. I hate spotting and AF being imminent. Hope you can still enjoy your travel! I just got back from 3 days traveling for work, and it was nice to be alone and not thinking about TTC for a few days (also happy I didn’t start spotting until after I got home...)
  • @pumpkinpancake - maybe it's just your cycles trying to even out now.  I'm sorry for the spotting.  I think there are natural ways you can increase your LP. 
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  • Had some very light spotting on Sunday  (cd26) but still no signs of AF, today is cd29. I'm normally 28-31 but last month I was 25. I've never had spotting before (that I know of) so of course I'm now going bsc. 
  • @pumpkinpancake sorry for the spotting. I'm not sure about remedies to extend LP.  Maybe you should check with doctor if this is actually AF.   It may be body getting back to normal.  

    @40momma will you test? 
  • @40momma - are you going to POAS? Or will you wait until after CD 31? FX! 

    *TW child mentioned*

    I had spotting with DS around the time I was supposed to get AF and I was so bummed because I thought I was out. But it was only once when I went to the washroom and then I didn't have it again. I thought AF was just being wonky but I tested a couple of days later and it was a super strong BFP. Here's to hoping your story is similar!!!!
    Me: 35 I DH: 38
    *TW loss and children mentioned*
    DD:2006 | Dx: Unexplained Secondary Infertility | DS: 2011

    TFAS since 2012

    Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C
    Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
    May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
    Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
    Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
    Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
    Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
    Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen  
    Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
    Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201  Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715 U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125!
    EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
    My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019 <3 

  • @Mack2342 it could definitely be my body just trying to get back to normal.. I just wish it would get there already. I never know officially when it crosses the line from spotting to AF. I’ve heard the line about soaking a pad or tampon, so I definitely don’t think I’m there yet, but what if I’m just having a really light period? There’s too many unknowns for my liking, and it all just sucks 
  • I stared at my hpt (in the box) for about 5 min this morning but I've promised myself I will wait until tomorrow (cd30). I've had a few other weird symptoms - on Friday I couldn't stop burping, and my breasts were a bit sore but not anymore, of course it could just be pms and regular old gas.  I've flip flopped so many times thinking maybe I was pg but now I'm not... I've got my first night at a pretty intensive spin workout tomorrow night so I'll test in the am and hopefully I can cancel my spin class for a good reason  ;)
  • @pumpkinpancake RE always tells me it's when you see bright red flow.   Last month my AF was literally 2 days of spotting and that's it.  I'm way beyond my body getting regular it's just from all the hormones I'm pumping in.  Anyway I hope you get it figured out.  Hoping it's implantation bleeding 
  • @40momma I have my FX for you! 
  • Good luck tomorrow @40momma! You are a much stronger woman than I...I admire your will power! I, on the other hand, just ordered 50 internet cheapies that should be here by the end of the week LOL!!!

    Me: 35 I DH: 38
    *TW loss and children mentioned*
    DD:2006 | Dx: Unexplained Secondary Infertility | DS: 2011

    TFAS since 2012

    Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C
    Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
    May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
    Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
    Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
    Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
    Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
    Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen  
    Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
    Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201  Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715 U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125!
    EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
    My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019 <3 

  • @40momma good luck tomorrow! I’m rooting for you! 

    Honestly, I’m not sure why this is getting me so upset today. Maybe it’s because the thought of getting AF at 7 or 8 dpo two months in a row is making me worry that there is actually something wrong. Maybe it’s just pms hormones toying with my emotions. Either way, I just feel like curling up by myself and crying. 

    Add to that the two 9-month pregnant women that i just practically walked into on my way to lunch, and it’s not my best day. Way to kick me when I’m already down, universe... 
  • I'm so sorry @pumpkinpancake if you do have a short LP there are things you can do.  How long was your LP before pregnancy?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @pumpkinpancake Sorry you're having a hard time :( 
  • I'm sorry you're having a rough day @pumpkinpancake. Your feelings are completely valid and it's OK to have "off" days or weeks. Loss is tough.  I hope tomorrow is better.  

    Me: 35 I DH: 38
    *TW loss and children mentioned*
    DD:2006 | Dx: Unexplained Secondary Infertility | DS: 2011

    TFAS since 2012

    Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C
    Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
    May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
    Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
    Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
    Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
    Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
    Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen  
    Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
    Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201  Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715 U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125!
    EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
    My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019 <3 

  • @vlagrl29 I honestly don’t know. Before I got pregnant with DS, I had been on bc for the longest time and then I hadn’t started tracking my cycles yet back then. When we started TTC a second, my cycles didn’t return for a while because I was breastfeeding, and then when they did, I got pg with my loss. So I haven’t really had a “normal” cycle in a while to compare to. 

    Thanks for all all the support ladies, and sorry my posts have been so negative today. Like you said @tosh24, hopefully tomorrow will be better. 
  • Well guys, it’s been nice, but I’m officially out this month. Spotting turned into real flow. I know it’s only been two cycles since my loss, but it’s making me crazy that my LP has been so short both times. I sent a message to my ob to get her thoughts on if there’s things she’d recommend to do to lengthen it at this point. 

    Thanks again for letting me vent yesterday. FX for all of you that this is your month! 
  • @pumpkinpancake sorry.  Glad you reached out to your OB to discuss. Maybe you can get a plan together to increase LP
  • @pumpkinpancake I'm sorry AF arrived early again. 
    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • I'm sorry @pumpkinpancake :( Not having control of our bodies is so frustrating. I hope you and your OB are able to come up with a plan to lengthen your LP. 

    Me: 35 I DH: 38
    *TW loss and children mentioned*
    DD:2006 | Dx: Unexplained Secondary Infertility | DS: 2011

    TFAS since 2012

    Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C
    Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
    May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
    Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
    Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
    Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
    Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
    Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen  
    Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
    Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201  Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715 U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125!
    EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
    My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019 <3 

  • ***TW
    I'm freaking out. Test shows positive but I've somehow convinced myself I've already mc'd (although no signs of it). I'm at 4w2d. I'm still in absolute disbelief. For those that don't know my history, I mc's in April at 7w5d and then again in July at 5w3d so I just feel like it's just a matter of time until I mc again. I feel like it's way too early to accept it yet. Sorry for the freakout, I know I should be ecstatic, it's just I've got a pretty crappy track record for staying pg. 
  • Congrats @40momma! I knew it! I completely get how freaked out you are. If I ever get pregnant again, I know I will be a basket case after two b2b losses. I sincerely hope with everything I have that this is your take home rainbow baby. 
    Me: 35 I DH: 38
    *TW loss and children mentioned*
    DD:2006 | Dx: Unexplained Secondary Infertility | DS: 2011

    TFAS since 2012

    Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C
    Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
    May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
    Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
    Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
    Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
    Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
    Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen  
    Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
    Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201  Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715 U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125!
    EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
    My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019 <3 

  • ***Lurking***

    Congrats @40momma!

    If you are interested in joining us on our private TTCAL grad board, please PM me and I will send you an invite.

    **TW in siggy**
    **TW - Loss & Child mentioned**
    Me: 40  DH: 47
    Married: 10/2015
    DSD: 17
    BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
    BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
    BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
    BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
    Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.

  • *lurking 
    @40momma. Congratulations on your BFP! I know exactly how you feel. With RPL we have unfortunately been robbed of excitement and trust. I did read a quote this AM that I saved and plan to print off and hang on our fridge - maybe it will resonate with you, the way it did with me.
    "Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start getting excited about what could go right". 
  • *lurking from WTO
    @40momma Ahhh!! I was soooo hoping for you and waiting for you to post this morning! I've also had 2 b2b mc's. Here's to hoping the third times the charm! FX so hard that this is your take home baby! Congrats!
  • *lurking from WTO*
    @40momma - YAAYYYY!! Embrace the good and go with it. Congrats!

  • Thank you ladies, I'm just trying to keep breathing and get through each day. And thank you @msstephanielynn, that's exactly what I needed to hear right now. I'll be repeating that in my head every day
  • congrats @40momma - you deserve this.  I understand why you're nervous.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @40momma Congratulations!! I hope this is your rainbow baby!
    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

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