Baby Names

Just For Fun Right Now

I'm due with my 2nd girl in 5 weeks. DH and I are constantly talking about names. We were going to use Felicity for a middle name for this girl. So if we ever have a 3rd girl DH wants Felicity as a fn and I prefer Felicity as a mn. Just throwing some ideas out for each and seeing opinions. DD1 Corianne Wynter and DD2 Taryn McKenzie. The name combinations are just some I have already thought about.

Felicity as a FN 
1. Felicity Wren
2. Felicitt Noelle
3. Felicity Brynn
4. Felicity Brooke 
5. Felicity Blaire
6. Felicity Quinn

Felicity as a MN
1. Michaela Felicity
2. Payson Felicity
3. Avery Felicity
4. Alexandra Felicity
5. Leighton Felicity
6. Ashlyn Felicity 
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Re: Just For Fun Right Now

  • Aside from Alexandra I definitely prefer Felicity as a fn. The others will be dated for sure.

    I adore Felicity Noelle and also like Felicity Brooke and Felicity Blaire

  • Felicity Brynn or Alexandra Felicity
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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  • Felicity Wren is my favourite option. I also like Felicity Blaire and Alexandra Felicity. I'm with pp that all other fn options will sound dated in a couple of years.
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  • satuttle1014satuttle1014 member
    edited August 2017
    Thanks ladies for the opinions. 
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  • I do not like Felicity at all for a first name.

    My fav is Machaela Felicity 
  • I like Felicity Wren or Felicity Brooke.

    I agree the other first names feel dated except Alexandra.  But I don't like Alexandra Felicity, just too many syllables for me. 

  • Alexandra is one of my favorite girl names, so that would be my first choice.  That said, felicity is a nice name also.  If you go with Alexandra, I wouldn't use felicity as a middle name...go with something simpler like Alexandra Rose.  If you go with felicity, I like Felicity Anne or Felicity Noelle.
  • Felicity Noelle or Felicity Wren are my favorites by far
  • Felicity Noelle as the front runner, and of the non felicity names I like Alexandra 
  • sunflower713sunflower713 member
    edited August 2017
    I like Felicity Wren best.  I like Michaela a lot but not so much paired with Felicity.
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