My son has recently learned to Netflix by himself, and it's wonderful. Except we are currently watching a cartoon that is entirely in Japanese. I mean, there are English subtitles, but he can't read yet. I don't get it.
@chiquita928 my son hasn't figured out Netflix yet, but same thing happens on the rare occasion I let him watch YouTube. He always ends up watching something in another language!
My feet are so damn swollen this pregnancy. With DS I had zero swelling so this is a new kind of discomfort for me. Doesn't help we are having some damn hot weather here in So Cal. I was trying to work up until I delivered, but I can BARELY get my work shoes on anymore
Got all of DS1's baby clothes out and washed them. It's almost all hand-me-downs. I have over 30 onesies in size NB. And over 30 size 0-3. For my baby who is expected to be over 9lbs at birth. I could literally go the first 2+ months without doing laundry. It's kind of ridiculous, but I didn't actually buy a single item.
@AdaByron that's awesome! What a good accomplishment!
Our father's day weekend consisted of painting the nursery: it went from a before of grungy carpet, dark wood trim, and ugly light fixture to bright white ceiling, pale blue walls, hardwood floors, white trim, and a ceiling fan! Love it!!
I got my bikini wax done today, in case baby decides to come early. Holy. Crap. Apparently I'm the special kind of stupid that waaaay overestimates my pain tolerance! I guess its good that I haven't given too much thought to birth yet??? Because now I'm really questioning what I've gotten myself into!
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
@AdaByron that's awesome! What a good accomplishment!
Our father's day weekend consisted of painting the nursery: it went from a before of grungy carpet, dark wood trim, and ugly light fixture to bright white ceiling, pale blue walls, hardwood floors, white trim, and a ceiling fan! Love it!!
Wow it looks great! What a huge job. But changing the trim make a such a huge difference.
I got my bikini wax done today, in case baby decides to come early. Holy. Crap. Apparently I'm the special kind of stupid that waaaay overestimates my pain tolerance! I guess its good that I haven't given too much thought to birth yet??? Because now I'm really questioning what I've gotten myself into!
Hahah.... I am more scared of the wax than the birth because I have no idea what to expect and not thinking about it...
I'm trying to get prescription strength lidocaine.... and I've gotten waxed for ten years!
@JmUDuuuukes 07 amazing! You guys pulled up the carpet and laid down hardwood floors by yourselves?? I changed our shower head and was feeling pretty accomplished.
It's been a quiet weekend here, which is okay with me since last weekend was very planned out. I ran some errands and actually relaxed!
This third trimester thing is no fun. I'm so miserable and can sometimes barely move. I've started to make a list of things I want to do post baby. Here is what I have so far:
wine tasting go out for sushi go shopping for jeans train for a half marathon
its pretty low key but I need something to get me through theee last few weeks!
I got my bikini wax done today, in case baby decides to come early. Holy. Crap. Apparently I'm the special kind of stupid that waaaay overestimates my pain tolerance! I guess its good that I haven't given too much thought to birth yet??? Because now I'm really questioning what I've gotten myself into!
Hahah.... I am more scared of the wax than the birth because I have no idea what to expect and not thinking about it...
I'm trying to get prescription strength lidocaine.... and I've gotten waxed for ten years!
stuck*** Haha I know this feeling but it's a TOTALLY different pain. In my opinion waxing is a very superficial pain whereas labor is internal and more of an intense yet dull pain not sharp like I would describe a Brazilian to be. I'm more curious how they responded when someone 9 months pregnant walked in! I've had laser done for a few years now but I'd be more nervous walking in now, being pregnant than I would have before!
@BusyZee I even bought your No Scream Cream! I had NO IDEA they go over the same spot multiple times!!
@nktrodden826 The place I went is a chain and didn't seem phased at all! Tbh I was kind of glad I couldn't see down there!
P.s. I almost gave up at the butt strip, mostly because the rest had me jumping so much I was afraid I might fall off the table if I wasn't laying flat, but that part was not bad at all.
Eta: This was WAY worse than having my eyebrows microbladed, which I did in the first trimester. Maybe the numbing agent made the difference, though...
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
You guys are my heroes with your waxes. I don't think I could ever do that. I'm still shocked by the amount of pain the cervical exam was last week and dreading my next one!!!
@WeddingNotes13 - I'm planning on keeping cleaned up a bit - I still try to shave and trim regularly. I can't see super great down there but I can still reach and get things cleaned up.
I dont worry too much about it though - I figure no matter how I look, the doctor has seen WAY worse. I don't have STDs and nothing is oozing so I feel like that's a +1.
@GlitterFish and that is Exactly why I told you to shave some of the hair off completely so they don't do that torturous double wax thing!!! That way some is plucked off from the wax, some is shaved off and can't be plucked out. Rather than big chunks coming out from the same area. And then in your next visit you get the shaved growth waxed... and your previous wax job most probably still hasn't grown out..
im getting cold feet again ... @nktrodden826 i cant stand superficial pain, I can deal with a headache but there's something about cuts, scrapes and WAX!!!....
@GlitterFish The butt strip barely hurts at all due to it being a muscle. Be super careful they didn't take skin off in the places they went over it multiple times. That should never happen. I usually just take a couple Tylenol about 30 minutes prior to my appointment.
So.....What do you ladies do that don't wax? How much do you effort do you put into grooming this area as birth approaches?
I've been using a shaver/buzzer for the past 8 months. And I want to get waxed because it's prickly and it honestly hurts Me. I'm not too concerned about the doctor but I'm so much more comfortable when I get waxed, not to mention the hair comes out softer, and takes a much longer time to grow out aswell which would mean one less thing to worry about once baby is here
Waxing just hurts much more while pregnant IMO. @glitterfish
im just going to shamelessly ask my father in law for lidocaine prescription I guess. Last resort lol.
You guys are my heroes with your waxes. I don't think I could ever do that. I'm still shocked by the amount of pain the cervical exam was last week and dreading my next one!!!
I haven't had one yet ... please don't tell me it hurts:/
I just trim mine anyways, but my husband has done the last couple trims because I cannot see and have zero desire to go in blind with sharp objects
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
im waxing Thursday @glitterfish .. its been over a month and I've only done it twice while pregnant...not worth the trouble ha...but I will go for this one and then I'll be done until after delivery (I hope)...the only way I'd go in again is if, for some reason, I had a scheduled c-section just so they wouldn't dry shave me with a crappy razor in the hospital
I have my c/s scheduled for 6/29, so that's exactly why I went today! I didn't want to risk the razor burn under stitches...
I think I finally understand what you meant @BusyZee, but I'm not sure I had time to do the double wax anyway! I asked today whenis the soonest I would be able to come back if there is regrowth and she said usually 3.5 weeks! I only have 10 days! Hopefully it lasts ok, but if not I did try! Lol
@alcrimmins I have honestly been scared to look, but I'm assuming if that happened there would be blood? I did see a couple spots on my underwear, but nothing too crazy.
@WeddingNotes13 I've always just used a hair trimmer down yonder. Since I lost sight of those parts, about 4 months ago or so, I've been trimming standing in the bathtub in front of one of those back of door mirrors that I prop in there for the occasion.
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
@busyzee@glitterfish - I'm closed and it HURT! Maybe my cervix is super sensitive. It lasted only a second though. She was quick. I spotted for 3 days after. I have red hair and we tend to bleed more though.
@satsumasandlemons if by "all by yourself" you mean with my dad who is pretty much a contractor, then yes but DH did all of the trim and painting with his dad this weekend. And we co-installed the ceiling fan. (About all I can take credit for)
Laser hair removal is like waxing over and over and over they try to make sure they zap every folical so it's so painful and the machine dings three times and then zaps so it's like a horrible anxiety game too. So thankful that's over!
My random from last night- stupid Costco chicken apparently had a hole in the bag and raw chicken juice went ALL OVER my fridge. Leaked down the sides, into the drawers, everywhere!! I know we've had the raw chicken convo but there were three of us cleaning last night and I still won't let DS touch anything in there!
@ginger1228 I haven't had a cervical check yet, but I'm terrified! I've heard some horror stories. I don't think a pap hurts or anything, but i have no idea what to expect.
I got a Brazilian once about 2 years and swore never again. I'm a whimp but it hurt for hours. So I'm very impressed you ladies are able to do it pregnant!
My random- all the books say the baby shouldn't be doing crazy flips at this point because there isn't enough room. My baby apparently didn't read this and continues to do huge stretches and flips making my stomach look like a scene from an Alien movie. I like to feel him move, but these huge movements still freak me out a bit.
I'm on vacation and staycationing since I can't go far and can't do much anyways. I'll be planning coverage for my maternity leave and a few fun activities to do after delivery to hopefully help me get through the last few weeks!
@WeddingNotes13 I'm just doing some trimming here and there. I wasn't too worried about it last time, and I'm not this time either. I don't think the doctor will even notice one way or the other, though I love the threshold @ginger1228 set!!
My cervical checks are definitely uncomfortable, but it's only a couple seconds each time. The worst part might be the discouraging "not dilated at all" assessment. Not that it means all that much! I wasn't dilated at my 39 week appointment last time, and my water broke a few days later!
@WeddingNotes13 I'm just doing some trimming here and there. I wasn't too worried about it last time, and I'm not this time either. I don't think the doctor will even notice one way or the other, though I love the threshold @ginger1228 set!!
My cervical checks are definitely uncomfortable, but it's only a couple seconds each time. The worst part might be the discouraging "not dilated at all" assessment. Not that it means all that much! I wasn't dilated at my 39 week appointment last time, and my water broke a few days later!
I'm sure you can understand my devastation when I heard this every single appt to 41w6d. Definitely the worst part!!!
@ginger1228 I haven't had a cervical check yet, but I'm terrified! I've heard some horror stories. I don't think a pap hurts or anything, but i have no idea what to expect.
I've never had a pap hurt either. It was only the split second where she actually touched my cervix but I wanted to jump off the table! It really only lasted a second and I hate adding to people's fear. But people basically told me it would be "uncomfortable." I told my husband it hurt and he said "yeah, I could see it on your face!" She's going to check every week now and I'm tempted to tell her no, but curiosity will get the best of me and I want to know if I'm dilating.
@GlitterFish I get a wax every 4 weeks and always have for years. Since I've been later in my pregnancy it's become much more painful almost to the point where I didn't get my last one. My Esthetician says all the extra blood you have when you're pregnant contributes to that. Yikes!
This whole thread has me writhing in sympathy pain. For me, the cervical check is akin to a bad pap smear. It sucks but only lasts a couple of seconds. Any consideration I had to attempt waxing for the first time just went out the window. I think I'll take my chances with the dry razor if the time comes.
DH and I put together a big dresser from IKEA for DD's new room yesterday. We are still married and speaking to each other, so I consider it to have been a successful adventure.
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08 DD - 6 years old, March 17/11 #2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
I forgot to comment about the furniture fights. Our "thing" is putting furniture together. When we first met, he was moving into a new house and I helped him out furniture together. We actually handle it well, but I have to give him credit for that. He's really patient for the most part. We put the stroller together this weekend and part of that got frustrating but we survived.
@julybaby17-2 I don't think pap smears are painful, and I didn't find the cervical check to be painful either.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
@ginger1228 see I LOVE putting together furniture and I don't mind it. I usually do it all myself. Unfortunately this time it was a huge dresser and with a big ol' belly, I couldn't do it alone. I really wish I could have though. DH likes to rush through things and not read instructions. Good for you, dude....I need to read the instructions AND make sure I'm not rushing so I don't have to re-do it!
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08 DD - 6 years old, March 17/11 #2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
Re: Randoms 6/18-6/24
My feet are so damn swollen this pregnancy. With DS I had zero swelling so this is a new kind of discomfort for me. Doesn't help we are having some damn hot weather here in So Cal. I was trying to work up until I delivered, but I can BARELY get my work shoes on anymore
Our father's day weekend consisted of painting the nursery: it went from a before of grungy carpet, dark wood trim, and ugly light fixture to bright white ceiling, pale blue walls, hardwood floors, white trim, and a ceiling fan! Love it!!
Holy. Crap.
Apparently I'm the special kind of stupid that waaaay overestimates my pain tolerance!
I guess its good that I haven't given too much thought to birth yet??? Because now I'm really questioning what I've gotten myself into!
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
I'm trying to get prescription strength lidocaine.... and I've gotten waxed for ten years!
I changed our shower head and was feeling pretty accomplished.
This third trimester thing is no fun. I'm so miserable and can sometimes barely move. I've started to make a list of things I want to do post baby. Here is what I have so far:
wine tasting
go out for sushi
go shopping for jeans
train for a half marathon
its pretty low key but I need something to get me through theee last few weeks!
@nktrodden826 The place I went is a chain and didn't seem phased at all! Tbh I was kind of glad I couldn't see down there!
P.s. I almost gave up at the butt strip, mostly because the rest had me jumping so much I was afraid I might fall off the table if I wasn't laying flat, but that part was not bad at all.
Eta: This was WAY worse than having my eyebrows microbladed, which I did in the first trimester. Maybe the numbing agent made the difference, though...
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
I dont worry too much about it though - I figure no matter how I look, the doctor has seen WAY worse. I don't have STDs and nothing is oozing so I feel like that's a +1.
im getting cold feet again ... @nktrodden826
i cant stand superficial pain, I can deal with a headache but there's something about cuts, scrapes and WAX!!!....
I've been using a shaver/buzzer for the past 8 months. And I want to get waxed because it's prickly and it honestly hurts Me. I'm not too concerned about the doctor but I'm so much more comfortable when I get waxed, not to mention the hair comes out softer, and takes a much longer time to grow out aswell which would mean one less thing to worry about once baby is here
Waxing just hurts much more while pregnant IMO. @glitterfish
im just going to shamelessly ask my father in law for lidocaine prescription I guess. Last resort lol.
I haven't had one yet ... please don't tell me it hurts:/
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
That said, please do me a solid and tell me if I really need to clean up. looking at healthcare professionals like @dancegurl1118
I think I finally understand what you meant @BusyZee, but I'm not sure I had time to do the double wax anyway! I asked today whenis the soonest I would be able to come back if there is regrowth and she said usually 3.5 weeks! I only have 10 days! Hopefully it lasts ok, but if not I did try! Lol
@alcrimmins I have honestly been scared to look, but I'm assuming if that happened there would be blood? I did see a couple spots on my underwear, but nothing too crazy.
@WeddingNotes13 I've always just used a hair trimmer down yonder. Since I lost sight of those parts, about 4 months ago or so, I've been trimming standing in the bathtub in front of one of those back of door mirrors that I prop in there for the occasion.
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
for 3 days after.
My random from last night- stupid Costco chicken apparently had a hole in the bag and raw chicken juice went ALL OVER my fridge. Leaked down the sides, into the drawers, everywhere!! I know we've had the raw chicken convo but there were three of us cleaning last night and I still won't let DS touch anything in there!
My random- all the books say the baby shouldn't be doing crazy flips at this point because there isn't enough room. My baby apparently didn't read this and continues to do huge stretches and flips making my stomach look like a scene from an Alien movie. I like to feel him move, but these huge movements still freak me out a bit.
I'm on vacation and staycationing since I can't go far and can't do much anyways. I'll be planning coverage for my maternity leave and a few fun activities to do after delivery to hopefully help me get through the last few weeks!
Happy Monday!
My cervical checks are definitely uncomfortable, but it's only a couple seconds each time. The worst part might be the discouraging "not dilated at all" assessment. Not that it means all that much! I wasn't dilated at my 39 week appointment last time, and my water broke a few days later!
I'm in the holy smokes cervical checks are agonizingly painful! My midwife didn't even check me until 39 weeks.
She's going to check every week now and I'm tempted to tell her no, but curiosity will get the best of me and I want to know if I'm dilating.
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
#2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
We put the stroller together this weekend and part of that got frustrating but we survived.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Married 8 years - Aug 23/08
DD - 6 years old, March 17/11
#2 due July 19th! (It's a boy!)
ETA membrane sweeps REEEEEALLY suck but cervical checks don't bother me.