Maybe I'll join for a Fake 30. I can't (won't) give up alcohol in the summer
I don't think I even remember what alcohol tastes like! I got pregnant in the Fall of 2013 and between pregnancies, breastfeeding and Whole30, I haven't had anything since. Is it sad that it's been that long and I'm only just realizing it?
@SandNStarsNJ I've only had 2 drinks since getting pregnant. It was on our date night a month ago. I honestly don't miss it though so it's not a big deal right now.
I wish I gave up alcohol. H had some big law gala last night so we went. Dropped M off with my mom for the night and I shaved my legs, did my hair and make up and put on a dress and wore a real bra. I felt like a real person for the first time in ages! I had a few drinks (probably 5?) and died today. We went to my moms to pick up M and I slept in he chair for like 2 hours. H did Costco alone while I drove home and sat on the couch. Hangovers are not worth it.
We survived the birthday! And nobody touched those stupid pies...
haha, those pumpkin pies! Did you get a cake instead?
We had a giant ice cream cake all along. It was just last minute he bought an arsenal of cookies, an apple pie and a pumpkin pie like it was Thanksgiving. Maybe I'll freeze them for LO's birthday to make a passive aggressive point... oh, and the ice cream cake? Completely gone.
S has fallen backwards on the carpet and her playmat a couple times. She was fine and sometimes didn't even cry. Now this little girl won't stop standing in her crib and she fell backwards and hit her head on the slats. She ended up with a bump and a bruise. She's acting completely normal but now that she's doing this all the time this can keep happening. Not sure what else I can do except work with her during the day to learn how to sit herself down.
@ladybug2821 I might sound like a bad parent on this one, but here it goes: I used to freak over all the head bumps and bruises and still do, but what I have come to realize/accept is that it's going to keep happening in new and unexpected ways, especially when they are learning new skills. It's a learning process: they develop a skill, falter a bunch, master the skill and the falters stop. Then it happens all over again.
I guess what I'm saying is that she'll get it. Try not to put too much stress on yourself about it. And I always find having a tube of arnica gel helps too.
@ladybug2821 I might sound like a bad parent on this one, but here it goes: I used to freak over all the head bumps and bruises and still do, but what I have come to realize/accept is that it's going to keep happening in new and unexpected ways, especially when they are learning new skills. It's a learning process: they develop a skill, falter a bunch, master the skill and the falters stop. Then it happens all over again.
I guess what I'm saying is that she'll get it. Try not to put too much stress on yourself about it. And I always find having a tube of arnica gel helps too.
Lol! I'm going to top your "bad mom" and say that I really just try to not react unless V does. He fell over earlier while he was cruising the couch and looked up at me so I laughed and he laughed back. They don't really know fear at this point. It helps them learn because they aren't afraid to try new and difficult things. Yes sometimes they stumble and fall. They will bump their heads. V regularly faceplants while trying to figure himself out. Unless he's obviously hurt or upset I try to let him figure things out by trial and error instead of rushing to help him when he doesn't quite get it.
@tigerfish227 This is also my philosophy and I will take you a step further and say that sometimes I warn him not to do something a few times and when he keeps doing it I let him fall. And yeah, I realize he has no idea what "Don't lean like that or you'll fall" means but I figure part of him figuring out all these milestones is trying things and learning from the bumps and bruises.
@tigerfish227 That is normally what I do also. S even fell back at the pedi office and hit her head on the wall. The DR freaked out but I remained calm and said she'll be ok. This situation bothered me more so just because she actually got a bruise from this fall and she hasn't from all the other times she fallen or tipped backwards.
Re: Weekly Randoms: June 5th
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
I had a few drinks (probably 5?) and died today. We went to my moms to pick up M and I slept in he chair for like 2 hours. H did Costco alone while I drove home and sat on the couch. Hangovers are not worth it.
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
I guess what I'm saying is that she'll get it. Try not to put too much stress on yourself about it. And I always find having a tube of arnica gel helps too.
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
I just started the third season.