did you sell a lot @m6agua ? I really wanted to participate in our neighborhood one this year because I have a ton of clothes I know I'm not going to fit in or ever want to wear again. My ILs were in town that weekend so I couldn't do it.
We LOVE rummage sales over here. We tend to scout out the wealthier towns and buy up their nice stuff to repurpose as our own. But then again, DH and I realized that there's all of one thing in each room that was a new, in store purchase. Almost everything we have has been made or acquired at a flea market or rummage sale.
I'm having weird anxiety over cutting my hair. It's long right now but I find making time to wash and dry and straighten it with M is near impossible. So I made an appointment to cut it short. But now I'm having anxiety over the idea. I'm afraid of not being able to pull it off. Agh
@kvruns probably just above my shoulder. Like a long bob. But it's quite he change given my hair is half way down my back.. though I guess it doesn't much matter if it's always in a pony tail.
@kristah2 Do you have to straighten it? Can you just put some mousse or gel in it and scrunch it? That is what I do every.single.day. Or put it in a pony tail? My hair has gotten super long also which I like, but I also don't have the time to deal with it right now.
@Ladybug2821 It's a mess when I leave it curly. It's more frizzy then curl. Pony tails are my one and only! Day after day. And with my hair growing back it's starting to look funny. Plus I feel like I just look messy these days. though I wonder if it'll actually be different even if I cut it.
@kristah2 mine is just above the shoulders and like a long bob with some layers. It is the only length that works for me for relatively easy styling yet also goes in a pony tail. Although lately I've been more pony tail than styling and for me pony tails have always looked like I'm about to go work out, I've never been able to pull off a cute one regardless of hair length
We sold a lot at my rummage sale and have a bunch left to donate! In total between food, water and stuff we sold about $800. It was a multi-family one so I walked away with about $250.
@kristah2 You could always do a slightly longer bob to lessen the change. Or just embrace the frizz with some mousse and scrunching!
In disgustingly adorable news, my crap of a day has been redeemed with some family reading time. We all gather on our bed, DH reads and the kids cuddle up with me. It's the best.
@kristah2 - don't second guess, just do it! But maybe leave it just long enough to pull back. I've been growing mine out the last couple years and can finally pull it all back, but am tempted to go short again. Only thing keeping me from doing it is having to go get it cut every couple months when I just get a trim once or twice every year now. Four years ago I chopped my hair off completely so your change seems like nothing! (Though I don't have any curls...)
I'm feeling a little down today; my brother and sister in law just left to go home. We don't have any family or many friends (it's hard to make friends when we can't leave my mom alone) in the city we live in. I really enjoyed having everyone here and now I'm just feeling so alone.
@RhodaMorgenstern sorry you're having a hard day! Being away from friends / support system must be really challenging when you're facing so much responsibility at home. We actually moved to be closer to family after H went through a life changing injury (we managed along but I decided after that I couldn't have babies without some support). You're a really strong woman! You have all our support! We may not be physically there but we can be creepy internet friends.
I have to share the schadenfreude that I am currently reveling in; my boss, who was furious when I announced I was pregnant, recently hired a woman, essentially because she was hot. She makes twice as much as I do, for doing less work. Today is her second day and she announced she's pregnant. I'm dying with laughter. When my boss finds out, he is going to be incensed.
@RhodaMorgenstern hugs to you ! My mom was staying with us to take care of L and she left on Saturday. I could not stop crying. Even though H and I had felt overwhelmed from living together with my mom , it was so hard to say goodbye. edit: I hate your boss !!
Rewatching GOT! We had a season 1 marathon at work a few weeks ago but I had to leave early (#momlife)... finishing up now. Need to go to bed but it's soooo gooooood
It finally dawned on me that B is likely waking up wet (outfit, swaddle, sheets) not just bc he is a super pee-er (he is) but bc he's nursing at least 2x a night if not more. At 4am I swear he drained both boobs! The problem is that changing him would make it that much harder getting him to sleep but I think the 3-4am session is pushing it over the top so I'm torn between sleep and laundry
I'm glad I have a big freezer stash because I've barely been pumping at home the last week or so since I'm having to nurse MOTN so much. I usually pump in the morning because I get the most and then before I go to bed. Now I'm not pumping so I'm fuller in case he wakes up at 1030/11 as he's known to and then I could pump in the morning but I've been choosing sleep since I'd only pump a few ounces it seems.
@kvruns How many times a day is he eating these days? No real reason for asking other than I'm always curious about other LOs! (I've asked this at least twice in the all things BFing thread)
@hoosiermama-2 He eats 6 times during the day and then 1-2 MOTN wake ups (1 bottle at home, 4 at daycare, nurse at home). Sometimes it will only be 5 times during the day but usually not. I wish daycare would stretch him out more because I feel like they created the 4 bottle monster because he'll eat every 2 hours there sometimes - but I also know that ya do what ya gotta do to get the baby to calm down sometimes but I think it has created a new habit too (much like I've created at night).Yesterday he only had 3 and was pretty good so I'm hoping that will be a new trend
@kvruns Can you increase the ounces per bottle? So whatever amount is in that fourth bottle, divide it among 3. That is what I did with S. She only takes 3 bottles when I'm gone and nurses before i go work, before bed time and 1 MOTN.
@ladybug2821 I've tried that but then he wouldn't finish the bottle each time and still wanted that last one. I used to just bring an emergency bottle for him, meaning 3 bottles and then 1 they could use if necessary but it got to where he always needed it. That last bottle does help make the evening better bc without it he's usually hungry and cranky at least 30 min before normal bedtime routine starts.
Maybe it's just a major growth spurt @kvruns. LO has the ability to refuse food/bottle and if he isn't then he must need it. At least that's what I tell myself.
@kvruns They are 5 oz, 6oz, and then 5 oz, so she gets 16 oz. Originally she was getting 4-4oz bottles but H said she was still acting hungry after 4 oz so I changed it and that has been working for now. We also try to give her solids 3 times a day.
How do you know when LO is trying to drop a nap? S takes about 3 naps now. Recently she's been fighting 1 of them, either the second or third. But I can't imagine her being able to stay awake for 3 hours or so between naps. Sometimes she acts like she can't even stay awake 1.5 hrs.
@kvruns - we're in that same boat of daycare always using the "emergency" bottle - we upped the ounces and they still use it more often than not. I send her with three 6 oz bottles and one 3 oz. When I have her on the weekends, we tend to do 8 oz in the morning, two 6 oz during the day, then another 8 oz in the evening, sometimes adding another 4 oz right before bed as needed.
How do you know when LO is trying to drop a nap? S takes about 3 naps now. Recently she's been fighting 1 of them, either the second or third. But I can't imagine her being able to stay awake for 3 hours or so between naps. Sometimes she acts like she can't even stay awake 1.5 hrs.
We've already dropped to two naps, a morning and afternoon nap. He does get crabby middle of the day but the fuss he pits up when I try to put him down is just not worth it. He sleeps two hours in the morning and 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon and then sometimes 30-45 minutes in the car.
How do you know when LO is trying to drop a nap? S takes about 3 naps now. Recently she's been fighting 1 of them, either the second or third. But I can't imagine her being able to stay awake for 3 hours or so between naps. Sometimes she acts like she can't even stay awake 1.5 hrs.
We've already dropped to two naps, a morning and afternoon nap. He does get crabby middle of the day but the fuss he pits up when I try to put him down is just not worth it. He sleeps two hours in the morning and 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon and then sometimes 30-45 minutes in the car.
Those would be heavenly naps to me! I can get a 1.5-2 hours out of him every once in a while on the weekend but I would love something consistent
@kvruns Sleep training changed my life! I know you've already sleep trained and it's not really working anymore but maybe it's time to try again? I can't remember if you already have or not but hopefully he figures it out soon!
How do you know when LO is trying to drop a nap? S takes about 3 naps now. Recently she's been fighting 1 of them, either the second or third. But I can't imagine her being able to stay awake for 3 hours or so between naps. Sometimes she acts like she can't even stay awake 1.5 hrs.
We've already dropped to two naps, a morning and afternoon nap. He does get crabby middle of the day but the fuss he pits up when I try to put him down is just not worth it. He sleeps two hours in the morning and 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon and then sometimes 30-45 minutes in the car.
That timing is about the same for us. Normally the third nap is short. She fought H around 3:00 so he just kept her awake. When I got home around 4:30, I laid her down again. She cried for a bit but then slept for about 45 mins and luckily it didn't interfere with bed time. I'll just keep trying for the third until she really puts up a fight.
Re: Weekly Randoms: June 5th
- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019@kvruns you will do great. Good luck!
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
But it's quite he change given my hair is half way down my back.. though I guess it doesn't much matter if it's always in a pony tail.
Pony tails are my one and only! Day after day. And with my hair growing back it's starting to look funny. Plus I feel like I just look messy these days.
though I wonder if it'll actually be different even if I cut it.
- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019In disgustingly adorable news, my crap of a day has been redeemed with some family reading time. We all gather on our bed, DH reads and the kids cuddle up with me. It's the best.
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
@kvruns yup!! It's super popular for teething as well as ensuring hydration when the weather gets warm!
You have all our support! We may not be physically there but we can be creepy internet friends.
edit: I hate your boss !!
@RhodaMorgenstern I'm laughing and picturing your boss with a shocked look on his face. What a jerk he is.
How much are in S bottles?
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
That timing is about the same for us. Normally the third nap is short. She fought H around 3:00 so he just kept her awake. When I got home around 4:30, I laid her down again. She cried for a bit but then slept for about 45 mins and luckily it didn't interfere with bed time. I'll just keep trying for the third until she really puts up a fight.