December 2017 Moms

Names for LO?


Re: Names for LO?

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    MJDsquaredMJDsquared member
    edited August 2017
    Our top two girl names at the moment are Lennon and Elodie. DH likes James as a MN for a girl... I don't like how Lennon James sounds, and I think I convinced him to go with Lennon Jane (Jane is my MN, if we ever have a boy, he gets DH's MN). Buuut he still likes Elodie James. It's fine, but I prefer Elodie Marie...going to have to work on him... (Then you throw in the complication that both our MNs start with J, and if we do Lennon Jane and then have a boy, his MN would be J...then do you kind of have to do J for the third one [if we have three]? Ahhh.)

    I think most people we've mentioned these to prefer Elodie, but Lennon has been our favorite for a lot longer so I think it's what we'll go with. (But we aren't choosing for sure until birth!)
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
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    @MJDsquared I LOVE Lennon James. That's adorable. Lennon Jane is super cute also. I love boy names for girls :)
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    @MJDSquared - I love Lennon!  I think they are both pretty names, but I'd probably prefer Lennon to Elodie.  And I think either James or Jane would be beautiful middle names for it. 

    And worry about a third J if you get there and decide that's important.  I don't need to have all J middle names!  

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    @MJDsquared Lennon James is super cute for a girl. I like Jane also.

    We are looking at Jean Florence, Genevieve Florence, and Jules Lynne for our little girl. Not as close to finding a boy name we can decide on yet. I like Chase for a first name but DH isn't sold yet.
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    I love the name Cecelia and in a book I just read she went by Celie.  It was high on my list until certain parts of our anatomy scan started us thinking about Daniel, Henry and William.  :)  Surprisingly, my 6 year old is the most traditional of the 3 of us.  Everytime I suggest a more 'hip' name, she and my husband shoot me down!

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    DS1 is Brennan Allen, DS2 is Everett Richard, and DS3 will be Memphis Randall - didn't mean to give both the same middle initial, but at the same time all of their middle names are family names, and we wouldn't pick anything else. 

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    So some of my names are somewhat unique and I don't want my families opinions.. haha.  But these are my favorite names so far. 
    Catriona, Cosette, Corrianna, Kaylynn, Charlotte, Gelsey. 
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    @balletnerd Cosette and Charlotte are cute, and Catriona is the name of the actress from Outlander--she's pretty cool. 

    Ladies, how much does name meaning weigh in for you? One of the reasons I love DD's name is it means "to rejoice" and she's pretty joyful and brings us a lot of joy! Some of the names we're considering for this LO if it is a girl do not have as deep of meanings, though. Rosalie means rose, Hallie (one DH suggested today) means dweller at the meadow by the manor (huh?)--but that one would be derived from a family name, so I guess that gives it meaning. I just wonder if DD does have a little sister, will lil sis be annoyed if her name doesn't have as much meaning as her big sis? Am I overthinking this?

    I'm not worried about it for a boy for some reason...

    Married May 2014
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    @cait5413, name meaning definitely matters to me. My daughter's name also means "Happiness rejoice" and I feel the same way about it that you do. For this baby I was having a hard time committing to a girl's name until I read up on the Roman goddess Diana, and that's what sealed it for me.

    but you're right, doesn't matter as much to me for boys. I *think* my son's name means "famous one"? But really we just liked it, lol.

    Also I love Jocelyn and it was a play on my mother in law's name, but one of the meanings we found was "little goth one." DH couldn't get past that. We had a similar issue with Penelope.
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    @MJDsquared I love Elodie! 

    I prefer Lennon for a boy. Lennon James sounds all boy to me, so if you're going with Lennon, Lennon Jane would get my vote. 

    I wouldn't really worry about a J middle name for baby no. 3 (and you could always look at the Duggars for inspiration ;) ).
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    @cait5413, personally, name meanings don't mean much to me and neither does the thought of a family name. Overall, I'm not all that sentimental when it comes to names. Typically, I like traditional names that will fit the child whether he/she becomes an artist or a CEO.
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    @cait5413 I forget what is your DD's name?  I think Rosalie and Hallie are both pretty names. I don't look to much at the meaning, however if it were to mean something evil or horrible I would probably reconsider! 

    @MJDsquared I also really like Lennon. I know one or two babies born this year that have that name. I do prefer Jane with it, only because it would be less confusing to question if the LO was a boy or a girl if you saw the full name. If I saw Lennon James I would automatically assume boy.  
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    @balletnerd I think Catriona is my favorite!
    @cait5413 Name meaning doesn't matter to me. Though DH did look up Lennon last night and one meaning was little blackbird which basically melted my heart lol. But honestly, some very common names mean kind of weird/negative things so I don't let it sway me. I think unless you tell your DDs later that you chose DD1's name based on meaning, it won't be an issue. I think kids just eventually realize names have meanings and look them up because they're curious, but don't see it as, "Well I see what my parents thought of me now..."
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
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    I have a few names in mind but I haven't pitched them to DH yet.

    I REALLY like Katrin but the feminist in me says she has to have my name as her middle name since DS has DHs name for a middle... but my name also starts with K and ends with N so it would be a bit of a tongue twister lol plus our last name starts with C but is a K sound... too much alliteration! Lol
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    @FakeFinn @tmk0325 I didn't even think of that! At work there was a sheet in the kitchen where people could tally their guess on baby's sex, and one guy was like, "I gave name suggestions." I told him a boy's MN had to be Joseph and for a girl DH likes James. The name he chose (for both sexes) was Spencer (which is out because DH's best friend is named Spencer)... I was like, "Why would I ever name a girl Spencer James?!" but hadn't even considered that with Lennon. I think DH is pretty set on Lennon Jane now, but if he ever waivers I'm giving this as another reason to go with Jane, so thank you! :)
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
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    I love thinking of name meanings but don't place all of my decisions on them. When naming a child in honor of someone, for instance, who that person was (and how awesome they were/are) is more important than their name meaning. My DD's name (Mina) has no stand-out meaning, rather many languages use it and people always are telling me what it means in their culture (many middle eastern cultures use her name, along with european and asian countries).

    DH and I are still liking Alice or Pauline (I think I posted here in May before we knew sex of baby). Pauline was my great-grandma's name. Alice has no particular connection (we like the musician Alice Coltrane, though).

    Does anyone know any young people with the name Pauline? Thoughts?

    DD is named after DH's grandmother and we both like the idea of naming this one after someone in the family, but the pickings are slim...
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    @tmk0325 Her name is Caia. Yeah, at least the names don't mean anything bad. That was why I nixed Delores as a middle name (DH's grandmother's name)--it means sadness. I can't name one kid "to rejoice" and the other one sadness!

    @lavashiner One of my best friends growing up was named Pauline, but she has always gone by Lena. (But with your DD being Mina, maybe not a great nickname!) 

    Married May 2014
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    @MJDsquared  I LOVE James as a middle name, as my daughter is an Isla James, but for some reason Elodie Jane flows better to me.  They are so soft and romantic and go together to me.

    We might go with Weston.  I'm not crazy about it, but it goes really well with our last name and everyone loves it.   I'm just eh about every boy name... I like a lot of them, but don't LOVEEEEE anything ya know.
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    Our two finalists are Austin Samuel or Charles Austin. My husband likes Austin the most, and I like Charles (I think Charlie is adorable). Both are family names. His bestfriend's daughter is Charlie and is saying that it would be crappy to name our kid Charles. My sister suggested the nickname "Cal" that considered a nn for Charles?
    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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    @lavashiner I know one Pauline, who's 17/18, all the other ons are older. I like it! I think it has cute nn options and ages well. 

    @ameliabedelia-2 Charles is such a great name! I've never heard of Cal as a nn for Charles, I have heard Chuck, but I don't know how you feel about that one. 

    @jlemons-2 had to LOL at 'Pig field'. That would be a deal breaker for me too.
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    Amber_WavesAmber_Waves member
    edited August 2017
    cait5413   I always look up name meanings, but less to MAKE SURE the name means something great than to make sure it isn't something I DISLIKE (warlike or religious etc).  

    kvacmak Our child will be "Firstname Mylastname DHslastname"  and I just can't be bothered to think about the overall flow of the name.  I want "Firstname DHslastname" to sound reasonable, but mostly I just want a first name that meets my endless criteria.  
    My younger brother's name was chosen to flow with a middle & last name and it has never suited him terribly well, I wish they would have called him Fred, which was the first choice except for not flowing with the already-chosen middle and last names.  He's such a Fred!

    edited: spelling
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    MJDsquared  I love the name Lennon.  Super cute.  As someone with a unisex/unusual first name, I have been glad to have a middle name that clearly signals my gender.  I don't know how odd that preference is, or if you share it.  I just mention it because I think most people would expect a Lennon James X. to be male and Lennon Jane X. to be female, so you have to wonder if your kid is going to be okay with walking into classrooms/interviews/appointments and getting double-takes from the authority figures within.  
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    @Amber_Waves I personally don't like how Lennon James sounds, so I rallied for Lennon Jane and got DH on board. I hadn't even thought about the male/female thing but a few previous posters also pointed it out and I am totally using that argument on him if he ever tries to go back to Lennon James!
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
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    Anyone have any good middle names for Arlo?
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    Arlo Thomas
    Arlo James
    Arlo Heath
    Arlo River
    Arlo Owen
    Arlo Finn
    Arlo Max

    It seems like lots of names go with Arlo! @alyssaleighw
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    I don't know what to do. My 3 year old is weirdly adamant we not name the baby Austin, to the point that she cried when we call the baby Austin. There is an Austin at daycare and he bit her, and I don't know if she's associating the name with that little boy, but it's really sad.  I am not going to let her dictate the baby's name, but I don't want her to get upset every time she hears his name! :(
    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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    @ameliabedelia-2 That's a tough one! I mean, obviously if she was insisting you name the baby "Crayon," you'd ignore her, but it's interesting that she's so against the name. Did y'all have other options? I am sure she would get over it eventually, but if there were other contenders, I might consider making a switch, just to smooth sibling relations and make her feel more positive from the get-go. Of course, by the time baby comes, she may feel differently. 20ish weeks is still a long time in the life of a 3 year old

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    After lots of debate, my husband and I both like Claire for our little girl. However, we really want to use the middle name Lee, as it was my grandmothers middle name who just passed away. I'm not sure I like Claire Lee together. When I say it, it sounds like "clearly" to me. Am I over thinking this? Ideas for names like Claire? 
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    @kaylawing, what about Clara Lee?  Claire Lee sounds like "clearly" to me as well, I don't love the flow. 
    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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    @ameliabedelia-2 Dh has vetoed Clara. I like it, but he's not a fan. We have lots of time, I just wanted to see if anyone else heard "clearly" with that combo. Naming babies is hard for me. 
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    @ameliabedelia-2 that breaks my heart. Poor girl.  :'(
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    atackatack member
    edited August 2017
    @kaylawing my dd  is Claire and we have a nickname for her as Claire Bee.  Our last name starts with a B.  I think Claire Lee could be fine depending on your last name.  Honestly we love Claire and it's a simple beautiful name.  Personally she's not in school with any other Claire's and we don't know any personally.  I don't like Clara. Just wasn't my style.  

    Oh and her middle name is Elisabeth.
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    @kaylawing it doesn't remind me of clearly, but it does make me think of Clairee from Steel Magnolias! that being said, most of the time people will just know her as Claire, so i wouldn't stress over it too much if you like the names. there are much worse combos. 

    Married May 2014
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    We had talked about Gene for a middle name for LO (named after DH's dad) because DD's middle name is Jean (named after my mom) and we thought them sort of matching would be cute.  Unfortunately we like Paul, John and Jack for a first name so I feel like all of those sound kind of silly with Gene.  Now I'm not sure if I want to rethink the first name or the the middle.  :)

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    Would it be totally weird to you if a brother and sister had the same middle name?  
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    @tamaraaaa I don't think it would be weird, I like it!
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    @tamaraaaa I like it, too. I don't think it's weird. 
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