

Starting a thread for May IUIs. 

Please share a little bit about yourself, including:

IUI number:
Date of planned IUI: 
Test date:

And, an icebreaker question (because I have gardening on the brain): what are you planting in your dream garden? Or do you hate gardening and prefer, you know, minimalist art?

Re: May IUI

  • IUI number: 1st one (SO NERVOUS)
    Date of planned IUI: App. May 11th
    Test date: May 24th

    In my dream garden, I would love to have a ton of Joseph's Coat Roses, tulips. Dahlias, a mixture of EVERYTHING!! I love flowers, but my yard is very picky as to which ones it will let grow each season. This is my second year having a garden, so I'm hoping the Michigan weather will cooperate and things will come up a little better this season.
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    Married: 4-25-2014
    TTC: March 2015
    BFP: 2-18-16
    Confirmed MMC: 3-31-16
    D&C: 4-2-16
    TTCAL: May 2016
    IUI: 5/13/17-Femara and Trigger, POAS 5/27/17 BFP 5/27/17

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @nmd9168 - Joseph's Coat Roses are so pretty! I am currently planning some plantings for us - our first in years (!) - so I am obsessed right now. I'm trying to hit on a nice combination of hostas and irises, but we're building a fence and I'm not sure how it will block the sun/if at all. 

    But I'm hoping it'll look like this:

    And that I can get some pink climbing roses in there too.

    I love dahlias and tulips too - I also like that they bloom at different times, so you get a longer stretch of flowering enjoyment out of your garden. ;)

    FX for you this IUI!
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  • Hiya pals! 

    This is IUI #2 for me with injectables (gonal-f). Last cycle my dose stared at 75 and increased to 112.5. This cycle they stared me on 112.5 and increased me to 150 after 4 days.

    IUI date will likely be May 4. So I'll try to hold off testing until the 18? Maybe? My clinic does beta at 16dpiui, which feels more like a lifetime. 

    I'm not a flower lover, but I have been planning my veggie garden for months! I have all of my early seeds started and I can't wait to get my garden planted! I love harvesting and preserving in the fall, it's the best part about being a homeowner!
  • Kinda bummed. Just got my results from this morning (cd 10, day 7 of stim meds) and my E2 is still really low. I have two growing follicles, but they are still not very big (11 and 13). Switching from gonal-f to menopur tonight, and changing the injection site in hopes I'll respond faster. 

    Just not feeling like this is my month!
  • @megmac2010 - ugh. Don't lose hope! FX you respond better to the menopur.
  • MrsM00re87MrsM00re87 member
    edited April 2017
    IUI number: my first IUI. I have an RE appointment, with my new RE on May 1st and my AF is due May 2nd, so hopefully I can get underway with medications shortly after that. I know they will talk me into injectibles but I'm hoping to go the clomid route the first time. We shall see though.

    Date of planned IUI: unsure at this point, just hoping to trigger and have a weekend insemination. But when it happens it happens. 

    Too soon to talk testing plans but my clinic doesn't do betas until 16dp iui/et

    Did some gardening actually today, mostly raking and bagging, but it's steps in the right direction.

    Me:28 (PCOS, DOR), DH: 32 (low morphology)
    TTC since March 2012
    2013-2014 - 6 rounds of Clomid - BFNs
    3 failed IUIs in 2015
    October 2015 - wait listed for IVF #1
    IVF #1 March 2016 - bfn, zero frosties!
    Femara cycle 1 May 2016 - POAS starting May 21st / beta testing May 25th....

  • @MrsM00re87 welcome! I went right to injectables for my first IUI and I had minimal side effects. Of course, I'm still here, so what do I know? ;)
  • Hi Ladies,
       I was unsure if I was going to be a tail end April IUI or a May IUI but it's looking like May at this point so I wanted to come over and join :smile:

    IUI #3

    Had a 21, 20 & 18 (2 of these are most likely cysts and one a follie) on Thursday (cd12). So the RE sent me home to do OPKs and call when positive. I figured it would be soon but I've tested twice a day since Thursday and no positive. I'm really really really hoping I didn't miss it! I've been known to have shorter surges but testing twice a day I've been able to catch it in the past. I've had some EWCM but no O pain, which I get with Letrozole, so I don't feel like I'm out yet but seeing 7 negative OPKs has gotten me a teeny bit freaked out. 

    QOTW: I am doing my very first garden this year!! Super excited! DH made me a raised garden bed and we're going to try peas, beans, zucchini and sweet potatoes (these are supposedly really hard but I LOVE sweet potato so I'm giving it a shot). And then we're planting a couple giant pumpkin seeds in the ground. I'm not putting a lot of pressure on myself this year but hopefully I get at least a little something to grow!
    DH - 34, Me - 32
    Married 7/13
    TTC #1 since 10/13
    BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
    IUI #1 2/25/16

  • moni2016moni2016 member
    edited May 2017
    Good luck on the IUI,How do hey know if the follicles are cysts?  I just started clomid this morning and have a follicle scan on May 8th, from there will see when IUI will be done. This is my first IUI a little nervous but excited to see how it goes.
  • @SoonToBeMommaHowe - ugh. Not sure if letrozole is the same, but for me, clomid delayed my ovulation- I had so many negative OPKs, I was panicking! I'm sure you haven't missed it, have you had any blood tests done? To check not only for LH but for estrogen?

    FX you see an LH surge soon! 

    Also - your garden sounds so exciting! Pumpkin and sweet potatoes! All I can to are peas and zucchini. Will be so cool if you get to make dinner one night out of all stuff you grew!
  • Hi ladies! I was in the April TWW but the 2nd 1/2 falls in May :) Best of luck this month to everyone xoxo
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • 20baby1720baby17 member
    edited May 2017
  • 20baby1720baby17 member
    edited May 2017
    @megmac2010  how low was your E2 number? I'm in the same boat of the follicles growing how they should be but the estrogen not increasing as it should to show that the follicle are good ones.
  • 20baby1720baby17 member
    edited May 2017
    Hi Ladies! This is my first time posting but figured it was time for some interaction with other ladies going through the same process that I am. 

    I'm currently on my 3rd IUI cycle, started on 4/25 with gonal f but as of yesterday (cd 6) my estrogen is at 47 after 5 nights of the shot, but I already have about 10 follicles totaled from both sides, with a few measuring at 6 and 7, and five of them already at 10. I go back tomorrow for more blood and another ultrasound (cd 8). I was feeling positive about this cycle since they started me off very low on the gonal f and are doing testing every other day for monitoring and slowly increasing the med, rather than starting high like the last cycle which didn't work, but yet again my body is producing follicles so quickly but they aren't quality ones so far with the estrogen being so low. I have a feeling I'll be triggering in the next day or two based on the follicle sizes with estrogen not where it should be. Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated as I try to stay positive. 

    Let me back up to the beginning so you can see why this cycle is being monitored so closely.
    - I'm 34, DH is 33, unexplained fertility, I have PCOS, he has no issues, been TTC #1 since Jan 2016

    -Fall 2016 IUI #1 with gonal f, 75 iu to 150 iu to 225 iu over 10 days, i started to surge on my own so we could only get one IUI done before ovulation was happening. That cycle I had 4 very large follicles, a bunch of small ones and estrogen was almost 700 at the time of trigger shot. I got my first ever BFP that cycle but immediately the HCG wasn't rising as it should have been and the embryo stopped growing at 6 weeks and I had a D&C a few weeks later. (testing of the tissue shows it was a triploidy chromosomal abnormality that was just a fluke - we both have had extensive testing to ensure we carry nothing genetically abnormal). A few days later ended up with an infection and endometritis from the D&C, and had to pass the rest of the tissue on my own. A few weeks later polyps were discovered covering a wall of the uterus, which doc said were prob there for years and he was shocked I got pregnant previously. So I had a hysteroscopy to remove them all.

    - IUI #2 winter 2017 - started on 225 iu gonal f right away, and then it was dropped down but it was too much too fast for my body and several follicles developed quickly but estrogen only got up to 179 so they had me trigger on day 7 and do the ICI and IUI the 2 days immediately after triggering even though maybe only 1 egg would release based on the less than 200 estradiol number. A cyst burst a few days after IUI, heavy period bleeding began a few days later even though I was on progesterone suppositories and then got a BFN on test day 14 days after IUI.

    - Here we are at IUI #3
  • @20baby17 welcome! On cd10 I had lots of small follicles, one at 13, one at 11, and one at 10. E2 was holding firm at just under 200. Had bloodwork and ultrasound this morning (cd12) and my E2 jumped to just about 600 with one dominant follicle on my right side measuring at 16. 

    So hopefully that one follicle is a good one. Last cycle I started to surge on my own on day 13. I'd really like to give this one another couple of days to get nice and juicy, but we'll see!

    My RE switched me from gonal-f to menopur two nights ago, and had me switch my injection site from my belly to my thigh. Apparently some people absorb better in different injection sites. So that's probably what prompted my big jump in estrogen. I was really hoping to have a follicle on each side, but I guess I can't really complain that I'm still in the game this month!

    Good luck! Keep us posted on your progress!!
  • 20baby1720baby17 member
    edited May 2017
    @megmac2010 That's interesting that they also had you change the location of the injection. I'm going to bring that up tomorrow and ask if that would make a difference for me. I have a lot of fat on my stomach and had been wondering this week if the medicine was even being absorbed through all the fat, so maybe it isn't. But if it wasn't being absorbed properly would all of my follicles be growing? 

    As hard as it is, try to remember that all it takes is 1 egg and 1 sperm!!! Also, the follicles will continue to grow until ovulation does happen, so even if they had you trigger today ,ovulation may not happen for 24 to 36 hours, so those follicles that aren't at 16 yet still may get there before it's time to burst and drop an egg!! 

    Keep us posted and good luck!!!

  • funkykey said:
    @SoonToBeMommaHowe - ugh. Not sure if letrozole is the same, but for me, clomid delayed my ovulation- I had so many negative OPKs, I was panicking! I'm sure you haven't missed it, have you had any blood tests done? To check not only for LH but for estrogen?

    FX you see an LH surge soon! 

    Also - your garden sounds so exciting! Pumpkin and sweet potatoes! All I can to are peas and zucchini. Will be so cool if you get to make dinner one night out of all stuff you grew!
    @funkykey I FINALLY got a positive OPK today. Cd16, so that 20 or 21mm follie has had 4 days to grow. Hopefully it's nice and big so DH's 35+ million sperm can hit it!! With numbers in the millions doesn't it seem like IUI should be so much more successful?!!

    Have you tried anything besides peas and zucchini? Someone said maybe I should try carrots or radishes but I think 5 things should be plenty for my first time. Every time I see even the slightest progress I get so excited. 

    welcome @20baby17!! And I hope that 16 gets to grow nice and big @megmac2010!!
    DH - 34, Me - 32
    Married 7/13
    TTC #1 since 10/13
    BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
    IUI #1 2/25/16

  • MrsM00re87MrsM00re87 member
    edited May 2017
    @megmac2010 yeah they talked me into doing injectables... couldn't say no when the pregnancy rates for clomid and iui are half what injectables would be. So decided to go that route.

    Just finished seeing my new RE. Love her already. I just feel better having this new RE. She's lovely. Found out my OH, has a left variocele - I knew it. At this point they don't feel his variocele needs surgery, but we shall see. Signed all the consents and I call with my day 1. Just waiting on my flow. Cost will be approx. $850 for insemination, and roughly $500-$700 for the meds my doctor figured. Gonna try 1 iui, maybe 2 (hopefully one does the trick)... before moving onto IVF - already did one IVF, and it failed March 2016. 
    Me:28 (PCOS, DOR), DH: 32 (low morphology)
    TTC since March 2012
    2013-2014 - 6 rounds of Clomid - BFNs
    3 failed IUIs in 2015
    October 2015 - wait listed for IVF #1
    IVF #1 March 2016 - bfn, zero frosties!
    Femara cycle 1 May 2016 - POAS starting May 21st / beta testing May 25th....

  • Question: my RE spoke about using a drug to prevent premature ovulation -cetrotide? She said I didn't have to go through with it as it would add $200 each day of use to my total cost.  She said I could get away with just gonal-F and ovidrel. What drugs is everyone else taking? Anyone else just using gonal-F and trigger shot?? She figured based on my failed IVF cycle - that I'd need 50u of gonal-F per stimulation day - give or take. But obviously that would depend on how I respond.
    Me:28 (PCOS, DOR), DH: 32 (low morphology)
    TTC since March 2012
    2013-2014 - 6 rounds of Clomid - BFNs
    3 failed IUIs in 2015
    October 2015 - wait listed for IVF #1
    IVF #1 March 2016 - bfn, zero frosties!
    Femara cycle 1 May 2016 - POAS starting May 21st / beta testing May 25th....

  • @SoonToBeMommaHowe - I've had some success with tomatoes and basil, which are pretty easy. The radishes out of my MIL's garden are great, though - such a treat. 

    So glad you had positive OPK! FX!
  • 20baby1720baby17 member
    edited May 2017
    @MrsM00re87 I only use gonal-f and novarel (hcg shot but just different brand than ovidrel) and my first IUI was successful, second wasn't, and hoping third is again, so just those two drugs does work. 50units of gonal f seems a little low, hopefully the RE will adjust that as each blood test comes back showing how your body is reacting. One trick I realized is that if your RE writes the gonal f prescription for needing more than 1 pen of total medicine, those multiple pens counts as just 1 prescription. Since you won't know how much gonal f you will need, the more they write the prescription for the better so you aren't scrambling for more medicine at the last minute. You can go up to 225 units a day at the highest i believe. So say if gonal f is going to cost you $120, if they write the amount of gonal f needed as more than what's in one pen, you'll only pay $120 for all the pens, as opposed to $120 for each pen. Good luck!
  • IUI number: #2
    Date of planned IUI: May 2nd
    Test date: May18th

    Currently attempting to grow all of the ingredients to make our own guacamole! Avocados, limes, tomatoes, and peppers!

    Me-29 DH-29
    DX - Hashimotos, Endometriosis, Low Ovarian Reserve, Tilted Uterus
    Spring 2014 - TTC
    Summer 2015 - 3 cycles clomid (BFN x3)
    Summer 2016 - HSG, 3 cycles letrozole (BFN x3)
    August 2016 - Laproscopy/Hysteroscopy (Endo stage 2)
    March 2017 - IUI #1 w/ letrozole, gonalF, pregnyl (BFN)
    May 2017 - IUI #2 w/ letrozole, gonalF, pregnyl (BFN)
  • @MrsM00re87 $500-700 for meds sounds low. We're already at about $1600 and we will still need at least one more dose and a trigger shot! I'm on a higher dose this cycle, but even last cycle was at least $1000. I started my last cycle at 75IU of gonal-f. 

    @20baby17 I'm not sure why they changed my injection site. The nurse said that some people absorb differently in different spaces. It's worth asking for sure!
  • I see some familiar names on here! 

    IUI number: 4
    Date of planned IUI: Maybe May 14th

    HSG and RE follow up on May 11th. I'm a little nervous for the HSG. 
    me 36  |  him 42 | 
     married 5/2016
    ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN 
    Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained

    •  Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
    •  Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    •  April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    •  May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
    • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
    • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. 
    • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
    • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
  • Welcome back @JaeJayStark! It's your month. I can feel it. 
  • Thanks @Megmac2010! I hope this is your month too!! Let's all get BFPs!!
    me 36  |  him 42 | 
     married 5/2016
    ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN 
    Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained

    •  Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
    •  Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    •  April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    •  May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
    • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
    • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. 
    • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
    • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
  • @megmac2010 and @20baby17 yeah 50u does seem low. I'll prolly start at 50u and be bumped up, but I only needed 112.5u for IVF so I think my RE is maybe siding on the cautious side with me. Clomid 50mg was quite fine as well for me. I have no issues with ovulation. MFI is our issue, so more eggs hopefully will give us better luck. 

    Thanks @20baby17 Good to hear that gonal-F and the trigger is quite fine, and won't need the cetrotide as well. 
    Me:28 (PCOS, DOR), DH: 32 (low morphology)
    TTC since March 2012
    2013-2014 - 6 rounds of Clomid - BFNs
    3 failed IUIs in 2015
    October 2015 - wait listed for IVF #1
    IVF #1 March 2016 - bfn, zero frosties!
    Femara cycle 1 May 2016 - POAS starting May 21st / beta testing May 25th....

  • @rebailey7842 homemade guacamole sounds amazing!!

    FX for you @JaeJayStark!
    DH - 34, Me - 32
    Married 7/13
    TTC #1 since 10/13
    BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
    IUI #1 2/25/16

  • Woohoo! My E2 took a big jump this morning and I haven't started to surge yet! Another day for follies to get big and juicy!

    ... I can't believe this is what I get excited over. No one told me this is what my 30s would look like. 
  • @megmac2010 your comment about being 30s made me laugh out loud at work. What does the E2 jump do with the ovulation. I'm sorry I'm still learned about all the fertility stuff. All my tests numbers were ok expect low AMH and a blocked tube. I am suppose to do IUI next week and currently on day 3 of clomid. I usually O early since I have 25 day cycles is it bad to O that early?
  • IUI #3 done. Of course my surge had to happen on Monday, making my IUI on MFM day at the REs office. Waiting room was filled with women on different stages of pregnancy and here I am the one infertile in the room with a tank of frozen sperm.

    Needless to say I had a meltdown in the room before the nurse left even though I was trying to wait until she was gone. ahh once I feel the need to cry I can't hold it in. 
    DH - 34, Me - 32
    Married 7/13
    TTC #1 since 10/13
    BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
    IUI #1 2/25/16

  • @moni2016 as your follicles grow, your E2 increases, so increasing means maturing or more than one. (I was really hoping for 2 follies this cycle.) My E2 was stuck for a few days and my follicles weren't growing. 

    Your E2 can also take a big jump just before O.

    @SoonToBeMommaHowe poor timing sucks. But yay your IUI is done! I just had a meltdown because a friend of mine posted a preg announcement on Facebook and said they've been "trying for soooo long!" They've been trying for 8 months. Yep. Eight. Months. 

    Hooray for ice cream and being kind to yourself!
  • @megmac2010 - OMG, I want to slap that friend. If she's friends with 100 women, you are probably not her only friend to have trouble TTC. Some people are so clueless - they just have no concept. 
  • @megmac2010 what did your E2 jump to?

    I'm having a meltdown myself at the moment. Today I have follicles of 14, 13, 12, 10 and 10 which is good after 7 nights of stimming with the gonal f, but the bad part is that my E2 is only at 67.... The nurse kept saying we'll have a better idea of where things will end up once I go back on Thursday for more blood and u/s but in comparison to my first cycle that did work, I had the same number and size follicles by this point and my E2 was at 317, so to be at only 67 is putting me into hysterics. By Thursday the follicles will be big enough that they'll need to tell me to trigger but the E2 won't be where it should be to not have the follicles be empty and release no eggs. I had wanted them to go slower with the gonal f this time around and not start off crazy high which resulted in what seems to be happening again this time anyway.. too many follicles and not any good ones. I don't understand why this is happening... maybe my body just doesn't react well to the medicine anymore and they should have changed it.. i don't know. I asked for the doctor to call me and was told he's very busy and may not get a chance to today. Oh sure it's okay I can wait, it's only thousands of dollars and another 2 months of my life wasted.... 
  • @20baby17 I'm so sorry you are left wondering on this. I always think about how fascinating it is that there is so much knowledge/technology/treatments available for this stuff and then the next day I am left wondering why we don't have all the answers. I hope the doctor calls soon!!

    @megmac2010 UGH! Those friends have NO idea, do they? I totally look forward to my US for a follie check. That's the only appointment I do like. It's very exciting!! 

    @SoonToBeMommaHowe Congrats on getting your IUI. I'm sorry you have to see all those pregnant ladies in there. That's a rough set up! It sounds like you need some good cries to get all those emotions processed. I think we all would benefit from those tears. I haven't cried hardly at all. Just a few tears when my grandma said she would pray extra hard for me *TW* after my D&C *end TW* I'm sure I am due a good cry but I haven't allowed myself to. 

    AFM CD 3, first day of Clomid. Slow start here. I booked a trip to Disneyland for the weekend so hopefully, that makes the time go by quickly without too much fuss. 

    Anyone who has gone through an HSG - Anyone have a misshapen uterus? If so, what were the steps taken for that?
    me 36  |  him 42 | 
     married 5/2016
    ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN 
    Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained

    •  Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
    •  Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    •  April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    •  May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
    • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
    • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. 
    • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
    • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
  • @20baby17 - ugh, that sounds horrible. I'd be frustrated too - 67? Ugh. Hang in there - it will be good to have a frank conversation with your doctor and to talk about different dosages. I don't know much about gonal-f, but I've heard sometimes you want to develop the eggs "low and slow" as opposed to "hot and fast" - to borrow from cooking. FX that you get at least one egg this time around, and if you have to do it again, that you have a better plan going forward.

    Good luck!

    @JaeJayStark - someone a few months back had a heart-shaped uterus, and I think she went on to get KU-ed. I did a quick search to see if I could find her, and found this instead:

    FX for your HSG!
  • @funkykey You are the best! 
    me 36  |  him 42 | 
     married 5/2016
    ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN 
    Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained

    •  Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
    •  Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    •  April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    •  May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
    • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
    • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. 
    • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
    • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
  • @JaeJayStark I had a HSG when they did my testing prior to meeting with the doc. It was kind of painful when they did it. They had me take some kind of painkiller about an hour before. It wasn't anything too horrible for me though!  Mine was normal. Have you had yours yet?
  • @baseballhoney not yet. It's on May 11th. I'll keep you all posted for sure. I hear they can be painful at times. 
    me 36  |  him 42 | 
     married 5/2016
    ttc with TI June 2016 - Nov 2016 = BFN 
    Nov 2016 dx male infertility - intermittent azoospermia during intercourse & unexplained

    •  Dec 2016 - IUI #1 | cd 30/10 dpiui: BFP | 8w4d: MC by D&C due to blighted ovum
    •  Mar 2017 - IUI #2, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    •  April 2017 - IUI #3, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    •  May 2017 - IUI #4, 100mg Clomid (cd 3-7) | BFN
    • June 2017 - IVF #1, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, 2 high quality blasts chillin'. During retrieval, Dr. had to go through my uterus so we switched from fresh transfer to frozen. Giving my uterus a full cycle to heal.
    • August/September 2017 - Natural FET #1, transferred one day 5/6 embryo on Sept 3rd, Beta #1 171, Beta #2 402.6 | Saw heartbeat at 6 weeks, 3 days | BFP
    • April 2017 - Baby Boy Beckett was born. 
    • August 2019 - FET, transferred one day 5/6 embryo | BFP
    • December 2019 - Diagnosed with low AFI of 3.41 on 12/3, cause unknown. No tear in membranes, no issues with Baby Girl. On bedrest.
  • @JaeJayStark I had and HSG and I just did yoga type breathing through the whole thing and it wasn't too bad. The outcome of mine said I had a blocked tube, but I guess my RE only contracts with that radiology lab for 5 minute procedures so I'm wondering if she didn't have enough time to put the fluid through the other side or I actually have a blocked tube. I've been thinking of asking for another one but my insurance didn't cover it and it was $200.
    my Re just made me pay up front for the IUI is that a common thing? 
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