
March 2017 Cycle Buddies :)

Here is our new thread!  yay to it being almost April!!!
Me: 33, DH: 40
July 2016: IVF #1 (froze embryos)
Aug. 2016: Hysteroscopy to remove a few polyps & Laparoscopy
Oct. 2016: FET #1 BFN
Nov. 2016: FET #2 BFP (ended in CP)
March 2017: IVF #2 Fresh Transfer of 2 Blasts = BFP!!! (EDD: 11/27/17)
Froze 5 Blasts
DS born on 11/2/17!!!  
Back to try for Baby #2 :)


Re: March 2017 Cycle Buddies :)

  • Woot woot!
  • Thanks for starting this new thread! So happy to follow you ladies!
    Me: 34

    TTC: 40 months
    Me: endometrial polyps and most recently diagnosed with polypoid endometrium. Mild endometriosis. AMH 4.5. FSH 9.2. TSH 8.5 (recently started synthroid) Everything else normal.
    DH: now an exDH. lol. JUST MEEEEE!
    IVF #1: ER 3/11/17 (5 fertilized) ET 3/16/17 BFP (B#1-113, B#2-534, B#3-3190) MC @ 8 weeks
    TTC with just donor soon!
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  • Ok, tell me if this is normal.  TMI warning!  I had constipation (I know that's normal-and especially for me.)  Now that is gone and replaced with it's fun counterpart...diarrhea.  I've had it on/ off for the past few days.  Then, I woke up at 1am this morning and had the chills, diarrhea, and major vomiting.  Is this all normal?  Vomiting, of course, I know people have, but that's the first time I did.  It's the diarrhea and chills I am mainly concerned about.  Thanks 
    Me: 33, DH: 40
    July 2016: IVF #1 (froze embryos)
    Aug. 2016: Hysteroscopy to remove a few polyps & Laparoscopy
    Oct. 2016: FET #1 BFN
    Nov. 2016: FET #2 BFP (ended in CP)
    March 2017: IVF #2 Fresh Transfer of 2 Blasts = BFP!!! (EDD: 11/27/17)
    Froze 5 Blasts
    DS born on 11/2/17!!!  
    Back to try for Baby #2 :)

  • @lovedontcostathing Thank you for creating this new thread!


    Me: 31 | DH: 33 | Married: 11/11/2011

    Me: Empty Sella Syndrome

    AMH: 12/2016=0.97, 06/2017=0.70

    TTC#1 (11/18-12/12/2016): Menopur 75iu increased to 225iu= 5mm follie * Cancelled

    TTC#2 (3/17- 4/06/2017): Menopur 225iu increased to 300iu = 8mm follie RS& 7mm follie LS. * Cancelled

    TTC#3 (6/20/17): Progesterone for 14 days. 

               (7/8-7/17): Gonal F 225iu and Menopur 75iu=  5.59mm LS &  5.09mm RS. 

               (7/18-7/27): Gonal F 225iu and Menopur 150iu= 6.14mm LS & 6.23mm RS.

               (7/28-7/30): Gonal F 150iu and Menopur 150iu= 11.6mm  LS & 11.79mm RS.

               (7/31/2017): Ovidrel shot - TIC 07/31-08/02/2017 - TWW- BFN :(

    TTC#4 (8/25-Currently) Gonal F 225iu and Menopur 150iu= appt. on Wednesday

  • katherindkatherind member
    edited March 2017

    @lovedontcostathing I'm not as far along as you, but I experience a little bit of the same thing except no vomiting. There doesn't seem to be a nice balance between either right now. Maybe check with your RE just to be on the safe side?  

    me 29  |  him 32  |  married: 4/27/2013

    TTC#1 (2/14/2017 - 4/7/17):
    Menopur = 19.66mm (R) & 17.02mm (L)| Ovidrel: 3/14/2017 | TIC 3/14-3/17/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 3/30: 7.27 | Beta #2 4/3: 11.94| Beta #3 4/5: 8.02 | Beta #4 4/7: 2.24 | Ended as chemical pregnancy.

    TTC#2: (4/10/2017 - 5/12/17):
    Menopur = 13.59mm (R) & 21.68mm (L)| Ovidrel: 4/27/17 | TIC 4/27-4/30/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1: 0.1 = BFN

    TTC#3: (5/16-present)
    Menopur = 17mm + 13.5mm (L) 19.5mm (R) | CD11 Ovidrel 5/26/17 | TIC 5/26-5/28/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 6/12: 9.91 | Beta #2 6/14: 13.89 | Beta #3 6/16: 20.81 | Beta #4 6/19: 41.46 | Beta #5 6/21: 24.50 | Beta #6 6/30: TBD - Will test until numbers reach zero.
  • @LoveDontCostAThing hmm... I have No idea if that's normal, but given the road to this point, spoil yourself and ask a professional! FX it goes away :)

    Me: 34 DH: 32
    TTC #1: Oct 2015
    DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
    Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!! 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • @LoveDontCostAThing Call your doctor! Chills are not usually normal! It sounds like a GI bug...especially with all of your symptoms together.
    Me: 34

    TTC: 40 months
    Me: endometrial polyps and most recently diagnosed with polypoid endometrium. Mild endometriosis. AMH 4.5. FSH 9.2. TSH 8.5 (recently started synthroid) Everything else normal.
    DH: now an exDH. lol. JUST MEEEEE!
    IVF #1: ER 3/11/17 (5 fertilized) ET 3/16/17 BFP (B#1-113, B#2-534, B#3-3190) MC @ 8 weeks
    TTC with just donor soon!
  • Hey, the nurse said it sounds like a bug/ virus...blah.
    Me: 33, DH: 40
    July 2016: IVF #1 (froze embryos)
    Aug. 2016: Hysteroscopy to remove a few polyps & Laparoscopy
    Oct. 2016: FET #1 BFN
    Nov. 2016: FET #2 BFP (ended in CP)
    March 2017: IVF #2 Fresh Transfer of 2 Blasts = BFP!!! (EDD: 11/27/17)
    Froze 5 Blasts
    DS born on 11/2/17!!!  
    Back to try for Baby #2 :)

  • @lovedontcostathing Yikes! Hope you feel better soon.

    me 29  |  him 32  |  married: 4/27/2013

    TTC#1 (2/14/2017 - 4/7/17):
    Menopur = 19.66mm (R) & 17.02mm (L)| Ovidrel: 3/14/2017 | TIC 3/14-3/17/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 3/30: 7.27 | Beta #2 4/3: 11.94| Beta #3 4/5: 8.02 | Beta #4 4/7: 2.24 | Ended as chemical pregnancy.

    TTC#2: (4/10/2017 - 5/12/17):
    Menopur = 13.59mm (R) & 21.68mm (L)| Ovidrel: 4/27/17 | TIC 4/27-4/30/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1: 0.1 = BFN

    TTC#3: (5/16-present)
    Menopur = 17mm + 13.5mm (L) 19.5mm (R) | CD11 Ovidrel 5/26/17 | TIC 5/26-5/28/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 6/12: 9.91 | Beta #2 6/14: 13.89 | Beta #3 6/16: 20.81 | Beta #4 6/19: 41.46 | Beta #5 6/21: 24.50 | Beta #6 6/30: TBD - Will test until numbers reach zero.
  • Oh damn it - feel better soon @LoveDontCostAThing and rest as much as possible!
    Me: 34 DH: 32
    TTC #1: Oct 2015
    DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
    Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!! 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • @LoveDontCostAThing hope you feel better soon! Lots of rest, fluids, etc. 
    Me: 34

    TTC: 40 months
    Me: endometrial polyps and most recently diagnosed with polypoid endometrium. Mild endometriosis. AMH 4.5. FSH 9.2. TSH 8.5 (recently started synthroid) Everything else normal.
    DH: now an exDH. lol. JUST MEEEEE!
    IVF #1: ER 3/11/17 (5 fertilized) ET 3/16/17 BFP (B#1-113, B#2-534, B#3-3190) MC @ 8 weeks
    TTC with just donor soon!
  • @LoveDontCostAThing hope you feel better! I also have been struggling with constipation, but now am finding I have a BM about 3 times per day! I think your issues are definitely viral though. 

    I got my first beta back and it was 190! They said that was a good, high number. I go back Sunday to make sure it's doubling. Eep! 
    Me: 39 SO: 36

    Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

    TTC#1 since November 2015
    9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
    10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
    1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
    March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

    TTC #2 since July 2018
    May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Thank you everyone!  Of course I am nervous about being sick...omg if it's not one thing it's another.  @PoeMasque -you must be thrilled!!  That is a great number!  I used to have constipation, which is why it's weird it changed.

    Me: 33, DH: 40
    July 2016: IVF #1 (froze embryos)
    Aug. 2016: Hysteroscopy to remove a few polyps & Laparoscopy
    Oct. 2016: FET #1 BFN
    Nov. 2016: FET #2 BFP (ended in CP)
    March 2017: IVF #2 Fresh Transfer of 2 Blasts = BFP!!! (EDD: 11/27/17)
    Froze 5 Blasts
    DS born on 11/2/17!!!  
    Back to try for Baby #2 :)

  • Excellent number @PoeMasque!
    Me: 34 DH: 32
    TTC #1: Oct 2015
    DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
    Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!! 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • @MountainLady -did you have your second beta?

    Me: 33, DH: 40
    July 2016: IVF #1 (froze embryos)
    Aug. 2016: Hysteroscopy to remove a few polyps & Laparoscopy
    Oct. 2016: FET #1 BFN
    Nov. 2016: FET #2 BFP (ended in CP)
    March 2017: IVF #2 Fresh Transfer of 2 Blasts = BFP!!! (EDD: 11/27/17)
    Froze 5 Blasts
    DS born on 11/2/17!!!  
    Back to try for Baby #2 :)

  • Results came in just now... 213 :D so it doubled in 48hrs. Delighted! And crampy... boy am I LOVING these cramps though - I don't care if it lasts the whole 9 months! 

    @LoveDontCostAThing look, a real baby-growing ticker! 
    Me: 34 DH: 32
    TTC #1: Oct 2015
    DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
    Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!! 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • @MountainLady -that's must be so relieved!!!  I still have cramps too!  Yes, the bump ticker wouldn't work, so I had to look elsewhere!
    Me: 33, DH: 40
    July 2016: IVF #1 (froze embryos)
    Aug. 2016: Hysteroscopy to remove a few polyps & Laparoscopy
    Oct. 2016: FET #1 BFN
    Nov. 2016: FET #2 BFP (ended in CP)
    March 2017: IVF #2 Fresh Transfer of 2 Blasts = BFP!!! (EDD: 11/27/17)
    Froze 5 Blasts
    DS born on 11/2/17!!!  
    Back to try for Baby #2 :)

  • Yay love this thread! Our IUI is at 10am tomorrow! Fingers crossed with end up with one healthy babe from all 6 of these follies!!! 
  • So obviously I'm anxious! lol I'm wondering those of you that have gotten a BFP what were your first symptoms? We will be out of town when I will be able to test, my little sister is getting married. 
  • So obviously I'm anxious! lol I'm wondering those of you that have gotten a BFP what were your first symptoms? We will be out of town when I will be able to test, my little sister is getting married. 
    Honestly I didn't get any symptoms I hadn't had with previous BFNs... I just don't think you can tell! I had cramps & sore breasts... but that's par for the course with fertility drugs.

    13DPIUI I began to feel like this cramping was not AF... I've had extra "awareness" of my cervix moving up.

    I got negative HPTs right up to 13DPIUI with the regular style - but the clearly early detection one gave me a positive sooner!
    Me: 34 DH: 32
    TTC #1: Oct 2015
    DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
    Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!! 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • So obviously I'm anxious! lol I'm wondering those of you that have gotten a BFP what were your first symptoms? We will be out of town when I will be able to test, my little sister is getting married. 
    It was hard to tell because of the injections and their side effects but the ONE thing I knew was different was that I usually love Reeses peanut butter cups... I got one as a treat following ET after a few days and when I bit into it, I almost vomited. I still love peanut butter but the cups are disgusting to me right now. My nipples and areolas are incredibly dry, itchy and enlarging.
    Me: 34

    TTC: 40 months
    Me: endometrial polyps and most recently diagnosed with polypoid endometrium. Mild endometriosis. AMH 4.5. FSH 9.2. TSH 8.5 (recently started synthroid) Everything else normal.
    DH: now an exDH. lol. JUST MEEEEE!
    IVF #1: ER 3/11/17 (5 fertilized) ET 3/16/17 BFP (B#1-113, B#2-534, B#3-3190) MC @ 8 weeks
    TTC with just donor soon!
  • @morgan&paul2010 I was on progesterone, so a lot of my symptoms were from that (constipation, sore breasts, etc), but two things that definitely clued me in were 1) I just "knew" the IVF had worked. I can't explain it, but I'd never felt really good after any of the treatments we'd done before, but this time (about 3 days after transfer) I just knew this was it for us. 2) I went from feeling bloated and not hungry to being bloated and STARVING all the time. If I could have a steady stream of french fries at all times I would be a happy lady. haha
    Me: 39 SO: 36

    Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

    TTC#1 since November 2015
    9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
    10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
    1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
    March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

    TTC #2 since July 2018
    May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @morgan&paul2010 good luck today! Thinking of you. 

    Congrats to everyone. It's so fun to see good news. Even when it comes with vomiting and cramps. 

    As for me..11 days past IUI. I can't even deal with this wait! Luckily we are moving today so it's a good distraction. Progesterone is giving me all the pregnancy symptoms but worse this month. FX over here :)
    • Me: 36 DH: 33
    • TTC since June 2016
    • Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
    • 3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
    • 3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
    • IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal 
    • FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18

  • IUI is done! Omg it was so fast, I was like, "you're done?" Haha. Also hubbys count was so good! Last SO was 19 million but only 23% motility. Today was 29 million and 38% motility! So they put in 8 million!!
  • Hey everyone!! I am absolutely loving this thread and that we can always know we all are here for each other!
    Happy Saturday! I am off to a baby shower in an hour. It's a close friend of mine and 2 other women will be there who are aware of my pregnancy and my journey so far with IF. I'm excited to go! Just treated myself to a mani and pedi. So I feel nice!

    @LoveDontCostAThing how are you feeling today!? Hopefully better? I had one day that I felt constipated and I'm always regular in the morning. But I was super gassy towards the end of the day and realized that I never went! But then it all went back to normal! Lol 

    @PoeMasque and @MountainLady fantastic numbers!!!  <3 I'll take these cramps forever too! Hehe. 

    @morgan&amp;paul2010 hope everything went well today! Can't wait to hear all about it! Congrats to your little sister and her marriage! So much fun you have going on this weekend!  
    Its hard for me to tell the difference with the symptoms since I'm on the progesterone but I am starting to notice my appetite changing and also this past week I literally can go from soooo happy to a ticking time bomb in seconds lol. But I'm aware of it so I'm able to talk myself down from being so emotionally upset for the littlest of reasons. 
    9 more days till my US I'll try not to drive you guys crazy till then lol. Hope everyone has a beautiful rest of their day!
  • Hi, overall I am definitely feeling better than yesterday :)  I am tired, but that's nothing new.  I was starving this morning, so I had pancakes and sausage at the diner!  Getting nervous for Tuesday's blood test.

    @morgan&amp;paul2010 -I agree that is certainly can be difficult to tell if you're taking progesterone.  I was crampy everyday since transfer, and I still am.  I also got very tired and still am a lot of times.  I get occasional headaches too.  I had major bloating and fluid retention (they did an ultrasound a couple days after transfer.)  They said this usually indicates a pregnancy, and had something to do with mild OHSS and rise in hormones/ hormones going wacky.
    Me: 33, DH: 40
    July 2016: IVF #1 (froze embryos)
    Aug. 2016: Hysteroscopy to remove a few polyps & Laparoscopy
    Oct. 2016: FET #1 BFN
    Nov. 2016: FET #2 BFP (ended in CP)
    March 2017: IVF #2 Fresh Transfer of 2 Blasts = BFP!!! (EDD: 11/27/17)
    Froze 5 Blasts
    DS born on 11/2/17!!!  
    Back to try for Baby #2 :)

  • Thanks for all the input ladies! I'm feeling really good. Very hopeful- I was praying we would get 4-5 million with DH count had been lower. So I am so happy with the outcome of his counts today!

    @Lovedontcostathing  good luck on your blood test and try not to stress too much! 

    @ShyTonia thanks for all the encouragement and yes so excited for the wedding! It's actually not till April 15th but I'll be driving done the 7th- on Friday. So I can be there to help her with prep and talk her down of her diva bride high horse when needed lol
  • @Irisheyes81 deep breaths... Nearly there!
    @ShyTonia a baby shower that you may actually enjoy - happy world.
    @morgan&amp;;paul2010 your DH is superhuman!
    @LoveDontCostAThing wonderful you're feeling better - no return of the fever symptoms?
    Me: 34 DH: 32
    TTC #1: Oct 2015
    DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
    Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!! 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • @Irisheyes81 deep breaths... Nearly there!
    @ShyTonia a baby shower that you may actually enjoy - happy world.
    @morgan&amp;;paul2010 your DH is superhuman!
    @LoveDontCostAThing wonderful you're feeling better - no return of the fever symptoms?
    Haha indeed he is! I can't believe it, that's 10 million more then before! So crazy and gives us so much hope! 
  • @morgan&amp;paul2010 Yay! So glad it went well! Take it easy today and welcome to 2ww

    thanks @mountainlady :)
    • Me: 36 DH: 33
    • TTC since June 2016
    • Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
    • 3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
    • 3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
    • IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal 
    • FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18

  • Hey girls I have joined April FET, but I would love to join here, I have loved hearing your positive stories! :) I am booked for FET 6/4/17 xx
  • @mountainlady -thank you :)  So far I have felt better today--so I hope it was just a bug!

    @Knottie34543584 -welcome :)  
    Me: 33, DH: 40
    July 2016: IVF #1 (froze embryos)
    Aug. 2016: Hysteroscopy to remove a few polyps & Laparoscopy
    Oct. 2016: FET #1 BFN
    Nov. 2016: FET #2 BFP (ended in CP)
    March 2017: IVF #2 Fresh Transfer of 2 Blasts = BFP!!! (EDD: 11/27/17)
    Froze 5 Blasts
    DS born on 11/2/17!!!  
    Back to try for Baby #2 :)

  • Any natural headache remedies?! I know I CAN take Tylenol but trying not to. I have such a bad headache today- I didn't sleep well last night, nervous about today. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize this, so any tips would be great! :) 
  • Aera11Aera11 member
    edited April 2017
    @morgan&amp;paul2010 do you use essential oils?  I had a bad headache yesterday after retrieval and also am avoiding Tylenol (with or without coedine ). I diffused oils all afternoon & bedtime, and drank tons of water.
    maybe try lots of water & a bit of caffeine. Hope it goes away!
  • morgan&paul2010 I've been avoiding it too - irrational fear but I just don't want to screw it up for the sake of short term comfort! My solutions are water, hot showers, massage (if you can swing that!) & trying to find a distraction!
    Me: 34 DH: 32
    TTC #1: Oct 2015
    DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
    Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!! 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Ugh!  My stomach issues returned with vengeance at 3am.  Sorry for TMI, but it's just constant watery fever...the chills seem to be gone.  I get hot flashes and then cold, but that's been typical.  Of course I have googled, and I read that hormones usually cause constipation, but can sometimes cause diarrhea. I don't know if it's hormones or a bug.  If I end up having to take off work tomorrow then I will go to the dr.  My other anxiety is that my boobs don't hurt anymore!  So of course I think the worst! 
    Me: 33, DH: 40
    July 2016: IVF #1 (froze embryos)
    Aug. 2016: Hysteroscopy to remove a few polyps & Laparoscopy
    Oct. 2016: FET #1 BFN
    Nov. 2016: FET #2 BFP (ended in CP)
    March 2017: IVF #2 Fresh Transfer of 2 Blasts = BFP!!! (EDD: 11/27/17)
    Froze 5 Blasts
    DS born on 11/2/17!!!  
    Back to try for Baby #2 :)

  • @morgan&amp;paul2010 peppermint oil!!!!
  • @LoveDontCostAThing oh no:/ but at least no fever! It totally could just be your bodies reaction to the hormones (my stomach' s been a a bit unpredictable). Did you go to the doc?

    Me: 34 DH: 32
    TTC #1: Oct 2015
    DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
    Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
    Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!! 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • ShyTonia said:
    @morgan&amp;paul2010 peppermint oil!!!!
    My friend just tOld me the same thing! I've never been a "oily" person but def ready to invest in it! So I feel good other then the headache yesterday. I am crampy and nauseous which I assume is just normal still from the trigger. Feel really hopeful! :)
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