September 2017 Moms

PGAL Check In 3/29

edited March 2017 in September 2017 Moms

If you are new this week... Welcome! Please introduce yourself. 

How far along are you? 

How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)

When is your next appointment? 

What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 

GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings?
Pregnancy Ticker

Re: PGAL Check In 3/29

  • How far along are you? 
    16 weeks, 4 days 
    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
    Mentally I'm alright. I don't know why I have an uneasy feeling today. I'm sure everything is fine. I have days that I'm still in shock that I'm still pregnant. I had some pain on the lower left side of my abdomen the other day and again today. It's mostly gone now so maybe trapped gas? It feels like cyst pain. 
    When is your next appointment? 
    April 20th. But I'm sure I'll end up going for an elective ultrasound maybe next week lol!
    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    Feeling baby kicks :) I've only had flutters off and on some far.
     Rave that we've made it this far. And that I found out it's a baby girl! I would've been happy either way, but I'm super excited about all the cute accessories!
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings?
    April Siggy Challenge--Creepy Easter Bunny

  • How far along are you? 
    15 weeks today
    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
    mentally, great.  Physically, better except for the allergies.  :'(
    When is your next appointment? 
    Next Wednesday I have a sonogram with OB.  And then next Saturday we're doing an elective u/s to find out gender. :love:
    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    feeling baby.  Calling it by it's name. (when I know what IT is!)
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings?
    Pepperoni and black olives
    also love margherita pizzas
    Me: 35 | DH: 38
    Met: 2007
    Married: 2013

    BFP #1: 06/21/16                MMC: 08/04/16
    BFP #2: 01/08/17             DD: 09/23/17 <3
    BFP #3: 06/10/20             EDD: 02/11/2021

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  • How far along are you?  16+6

    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Mentally, I'm kind of a mess. Not anxious about the baby... I just feel guilty for being so miserable all the time. I'm supposed to be happy, and I AM happy and excited about the baby when I don't feel horribly miserable in one way or another. Physically, I'm still occasionally nauseated, my lower back hurts, I have headaches a lot, my boobs are sore, and I have random days of crampiness.

    When is your next appointment?  April 20... monthly appt and anatomy scan

    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    DH being able to feel the baby. It kills him that I feel her sometimes and he can't. 

    Rant/Rave/Questions? Well, I guess I ranted a good bit up there, lol. Rave- just so excited that everything looked perfect with baby girl last week.
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings? Pepperoni and mushroom is my fave  
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • SuperKristy85SuperKristy85 member
    edited March 2017

    How far along are you? 17w4d

    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) I fell on Monday and my husband started to panic. I told him I was fine, I just scraped up my knee pretty badly but then I started over thinking with PGAL brain and I started to get nervous. Logically, I know that wasn’t enough to cause any harm but my illogical side is very persistent.

    When is your next appointment? 4/17 for our anatomy scan

    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    Feeling kicks. Nothing yet

    I failed my 2 hour glucose test
    . I passed the 1 hour and 2 hour numbers but my fasting was 7 points too high. Part of me likes being forced onto a diet but I’m so hungry all day and its making my headaches worse. So far my numbers are all the same, its always fine after eating but my fasting number likes to stay around 100.

    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings? I love bell pepper and onions but my husband will never let me order it. We usually get supreme. I have been craving plain pepperoni pizza like crazy this pregnancy but now I’m banned from pizza all together.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • How far along are you? 14+3

    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) pregnancy related, ok. work related, a different story. DH is awesome though, so that helps!

    When is your next appointment? April 24

    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    feeling kicks or having the anatomy scan on april 24, whichever comes first

    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings? pepperoni and cheese :D

    TTGP history (*TW*):

    Started TTC Oct 2015
    BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
    Re-started TTC Aug 2016
    Started IF testing Nov 2016
    Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
    BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019

  • How far along are you? 16+3

    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Mentally I'm ding pretty well. Physically, I have awful heartburn pretty much all the time, Zantac only helps a little, my allergies are also awful, and the last few days all my muscles- everything between my knees and my chin- hurts. I feel like I just finished a huge, new exercise routine all the time, but of course I did not. I'm booking a prenatal massage today, I'm hoping it helps.   

    When is your next appointment? April 5 for a basic Dr's appointment. Might do an elective US sometime between that and the anatomy scan on 4/25.

    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    For sure knowing I'm feeling the baby, and whenever I get to see him again. Also, 100% confirmation he's a boy, not just the 90% they told us at the NT scan. :)

    Rant/Rave/Questions? My DH is basically a saint right now. He's been so amazing through every bought of nausea and ache and pain- he picks up my slack without complaining, gave up part of his side of the bed for my monstrous pillow, and has been giving me nightly back rubs. Like anyone, he can be a pill sometimes, but when it come st this pregnancy he has been amazing. Oh, and he's also started talking to the baby in the evenings, but doesn't know what  to say, so he just tells him about work. Last night, Little Mister learned the difference between three coding languages, and why one is the best option for coding and email platform. :joy:   
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings? Usually just a classic pepperoni or sausage, but I also like a good white pizza. Oh, and theres a local place that makes mashed potato pizza, and it is supper yummy.

  • How far along are you?

    13+4 w/ twins 

    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)

    I'm just tired.

    When is your next appointment? 


    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 

    Telling part of DH family this weekend finally. Realize our timing is off with April Fools day, but what can ya do!?


    I am still waiting on gorgeous weather. I need to get outside and get some vitamin D. 
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings?

    Cheese and pepperoni 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How far along are you? 
    15wks 3days (already?! what?!)

    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
    I am both mentally & physically exhausted! Sleeping for crap and just tired even when I sleep well. I have started some work outs. I did some prenatal yoga on Monday and a 2nd Tri workout yesterday from Autumn Calabrese (21dayFix lady) she has a Maternity work out program. I think I am going to try to continue to flip everyday between a yoga routine and a strength workout. I am finally feeling better (sickness wise) so I feel like this will be a good thing to add in...and I can do it from home and take a nap right after lol.

    When is your next appointment? 
    April 3rd for my 16wk appointment

    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    Feeling baby move and anatomy scan. The anatomy scan is scheduled for April 28th.

    None today. (who am I?)
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings?
    meats. I am a meatlover pizza type of gal. BRING ON THE HEARTBURN lol. (we ordered pizza last night because we both napped and woke up at like 7 with nothing defrosted...)
  • How far along are you? 17 weeks!

    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Good. Just tired!

    When is your next appointment? Tomorrow! Nothing special though.

    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    I want to feel baby kicks!

    Rant/Rave/Questions? I got nothin! I use my doppler all the time and enjoy listening to her.
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings?
    Cheese! Sometimes meat lovers.

    Me: 27 years old            DH: 27 years old
    Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
    Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
    Married in July 2014
    TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
    BFP #1 3/29/16     MMC: 5/5/16
    BFP #2 7/6/16    SCH, D&C 8/4/16
    BFP #3 12/26/16     EDD: 9/6/17
    My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
    My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: 
    Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
    1/12/16 6.7%
    5/25/16 6.0%
    11/2/16 6.1%
    3/22/16 5.8%
    4/27/17 5.4%
    6/13/17 5.3%
    "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
  • mrs_tacos said:
    Rant/Rave/Questions? My DH is basically a saint right now. ... Oh, and he's also started talking to the baby in the evenings, but doesn't know what  to say, so he just tells him about work. Last night, Little Mister learned the difference between three coding languages, and why one is the best option for coding and email platform. 
    My husband isn't talking to baby yet, but he touches my tummy every day and has the bigggest grin on his face. He is a nerd and your story made me realize how confident I am that he will be teaching baby the rules to Magic: The Gathering when he wants to start talking.

    How far along are you: 14w4d

    How are you doing: Really well. I understand why this is the "honeymoon phase." I'm having some twinges and some mild nausea at times but a lot of what I feel is just like my pre-pregnancy self. And it seems like most of you all are feeling better too :):)

    when is your next appointment: Friday! Not a big one at all but I am looking forward to hearing baby's heart beat.

    next thing I'm looking forward to: feeling flutters and kicks!!!!

    rant/rave/questions: we are going on our babymoon to London in 2.5 weeks. Wahoo!! 

    GTKY, favorite pizza toppings: I love almost anything on pizza. I'm not the hugest fan of Hawaiian because I don't care for ham. I like pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, peppers and onions, spinach, broccoli, eggplant...truly, I like them all.

  • How far along are you? 14w2d

    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...). 
    Anxiety comes and go. I have an appointment tomorrow and I am worried they won't find the heartbeat again I hate pgal brain. It sucks. I am tired all the time. Horrible acne. Awake all night. And back pain 

    When is your next appointment? Tomorrow 

    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    I can't wait till I can feel her move. I feel like that will decrease my anxiety 

    Rant/Rave/Questions? none
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings? mushroom. Yum!
  • mrs_tacos said:
    Rant/Rave/Questions? My DH is basically a saint right now. ... Oh, and he's also started talking to the baby in the evenings, but doesn't know what  to say, so he just tells him about work. Last night, Little Mister learned the difference between three coding languages, and why one is the best option for coding and email platform. 
    My husband isn't talking to baby yet, but he touches my tummy every day and has the bigggest grin on his face. He is a nerd and your story made me realize how confident I am that he will be teaching baby the rules to Magic: The Gathering when he wants to start talking.

    Our husbands should be friends. My DH already has some cheap, common Magic cards set aside that will be baby's cards to play with. :lol:

  • How far along are you? 
    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
    Well on both spectrums. It's exciting because this is the most pregnant I have been and I also have the confidence between visits because of my doppler. 
    When is your next appointment? 
    April 7
    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    Still waiting to feel LO. Also the 20 ultrasound. 
     In the beginning, how are all these ob appt different? Is there a point? 
    I've also been looking into baby wraps and there are sooooo many different ones. Moby, solly, wild bird...which one would you recommend? 
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings?
    I think I like them all. One of my favorite is Hawaiian.
  • Good luck to those with appointments today!

    How far along are you? 17+1

    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Mentally, I am okay. I missed my appointments because I am sick with a cold.

    When is your next appointment? ^^ Rescheduled to next Tuesday for OB/MFM/Scan but I have no one to watch DS st the moment. If I can get that covered, it should help.

    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? Seeing baby okay and feeling movement.

    Rant/Rave/Questions? Ranted above. 
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings? Carmelized Onions
  • If you are new this week... Welcome! Please introduce yourself.  pregnancy #3 for baby #2. MMC last summer discovered at 12 weeks

    How far along are you? 16 weeks

    How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) pretty good! Was worried when my weight went down a few days ago but as of this morning it's right back up there. I'll be happy when I can feel regular and distinct movement.

    When is your next appointment? a few more weeks

    What's the next pregnancy related thing you're looking forward to? 
    movement! I've got the flutters and bubbles right now but I can't wait for the kicks and rolls. DS used to make my stomach do such weird things and we couldn't figure out what he was doing. When he was born he rolled his shoulders backwards for the first few days and that explained it! So neat

    Rant/Rave/Questions? DH is amazing. He cleaned the bathrooms last night while I read my pregnancy book and dozed off. 
    GTKY: What are your favorite pizza toppings? Mushrooms and hot peppers! Yum!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • mrs_tacos said:
    mrs_tacos said:
    Rant/Rave/Questions? My DH is basically a saint right now. ... Oh, and he's also started talking to the baby in the evenings, but doesn't know what  to say, so he just tells him about work. Last night, Little Mister learned the difference between three coding languages, and why one is the best option for coding and email platform. 
    My husband isn't talking to baby yet, but he touches my tummy every day and has the bigggest grin on his face. He is a nerd and your story made me realize how confident I am that he will be teaching baby the rules to Magic: The Gathering when he wants to start talking.

    Our husbands should be friends. My DH already has some cheap, common Magic cards set aside that will be baby's cards to play with. :lol:
    Add my H to the nerd S17 dad friend group. He loves MTG. And I love that it gets him out of the house and my hair most Sundays :P

    jlf1019 I definitely read "I'm really looking forward to showing more" as showering more, and I was like..... uhhhh, why are you not showering. Then I reread it laughed at myself.
  • jena333 said:
    mrs_tacos said:
    mrs_tacos said:
    Rant/Rave/Questions? My DH is basically a saint right now. ... Oh, and he's also started talking to the baby in the evenings, but doesn't know what  to say, so he just tells him about work. Last night, Little Mister learned the difference between three coding languages, and why one is the best option for coding and email platform. 
    My husband isn't talking to baby yet, but he touches my tummy every day and has the bigggest grin on his face. He is a nerd and your story made me realize how confident I am that he will be teaching baby the rules to Magic: The Gathering when he wants to start talking.

    Our husbands should be friends. My DH already has some cheap, common Magic cards set aside that will be baby's cards to play with. :lol:
    Add my H to the nerd S17 dad friend group. He loves MTG. And I love that it gets him out of the house and my hair most Sundays :P

    jlf1019 I definitely read "I'm really looking forward to showing more" as showering more, and I was like..... uhhhh, why are you not showering. Then I reread it laughed at myself.
    I wish I could not be showering. For some
    reason, pregnant me hates showers.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I've been indulging in many after work baths to sooth my achy back.

    However, baths have been suspended. They resurfaced the tub and tile surround before we moved into this apartment. The paint has been slowly flaking for about a month, and right where your back goes suddenly became a gaping maw of peeling paint. Thankfully my best friend is the leading manager, and played the pregnant mom card and they are getting in on Tuesday to resurface it again.
  • jena333 said:
    mrs_tacos said:
    mrs_tacos said:
    Rant/Rave/Questions? My DH is basically a saint right now. ... Oh, and he's also started talking to the baby in the evenings, but doesn't know what  to say, so he just tells him about work. Last night, Little Mister learned the difference between three coding languages, and why one is the best option for coding and email platform. 
    My husband isn't talking to baby yet, but he touches my tummy every day and has the bigggest grin on his face. He is a nerd and your story made me realize how confident I am that he will be teaching baby the rules to Magic: The Gathering when he wants to start talking.

    Our husbands should be friends. My DH already has some cheap, common Magic cards set aside that will be baby's cards to play with. :lol:
    Add my H to the nerd S17 dad friend group. He loves MTG. And I love that it gets him out of the house and my hair most Sundays
    I consider myself a MTG "widow" sometimes because my h spends 3 nights a week playing. He is also a Magic judge and travels to work at tournaments. And he watches live streams of matches on our TV when he's home. He is obsessed. 
  • PGAL brain here, but has anyone had the cold-pressed juice sold at Starbucks called Evolution Fresh? They use an alternative to pasteurization called HPP (high pressure processing). I've already drunk the OJ a lot, so what's done is done, but I wonder about it from time to time. Thanks for your thoughts! 
  • jena333 said:
    I consider myself a MTG "widow" sometimes because my h spends 3 nights a week playing. He is also a Magic judge and travels to work at tournaments. And he watches live streams of matches on our TV when he's home. He is obsessed. 
    When we lived in Maine he played 3 nights a week. It worked out for us because I need my alone time, and he's an extrovert that NEEDS to be around people. I would usually call these people his "other wives." Since we moved to MA, he now works nights, so really only plays once a week (Sundays). Some of his Maine friends came down and they all just went to the NJ tournament a couple weeks ago.

    Mine judged at that tournament! He stays with my mom for events in NJ so he makes a little more $ for those, which is nice. And he's unemployed so I am always trying to be patient with his Magic stuff since it makes him happy and unemployment is rough. 
  • I feel that! I did set some rules when we moved as to where his Magic crap could live in the new apartment (it had taken over our entire living room in Maine, and it made me super ragey), they have currently taken over the dining table, but I try to be patient, because it does make him happy. 
  • Fun PGAL brain stuff, I just finished eating a giant romaine orzo salad from Zoe's, and not 5 minutes after I finish, I come across a new article saying that no matter how good you wash romaine lettuce that listeria microbes can still hide in the ridges of it. It also said apples and cantaloupe too, I knew about the cantaloupe, but didn't know about apples or the romaine.
  • Fun PGAL brain stuff, I just finished eating a giant romaine orzo salad from Zoe's, and not 5 minutes after I finish, I come across a new article saying that no matter how good you wash romaine lettuce that listeria microbes can still hide in the ridges of it. It also said apples and cantaloupe too, I knew about the cantaloupe, but didn't know about apples or the romaine.
    Definitely had romaine in my salad at lunch today. Damnit. Apples? Really? Seems like they're easy enough to wash off. 
  • @jena333 no that's very helpful -- and your being a microbiologist definitely adds to your credibility (in my book!). Thank you! 
  • I scheduled my anatomy scan for 3 weeks from now! So excited!
    Mine is 3 weeks from tomorrow! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I scheduled my anatomy scan for 3 weeks from now! So excited!
    Mine is 3 weeks from tomorrow! 
    Jealous! Mine is mid-May!!!! Now DH is saying we should wait to find out with family. Which means probably around Memorial Day. I may die from waiting.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • alright guys... it's official... my pre-pregnancy pants no longer fit.... i can squeeze into them in the morning but by afternoon they are so tight they hurt... time to move into maternity pants  :/

    @jena333 i eat romaine all the time... i never read that it could have listeria even after washed :/ 
    Me: 36 years old   DH: 42 years old
    Married: 05.2012  
    TTC #1 Since April 2016
    HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF

    spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017-  Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d  ic/chorio
    September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
    spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018  EDD Aug 30th  It's a GIRL!
    Cerclage placed on 03/02BabyFruit Ticker  Cerclage removal 08/02
  • I definitely had a Panera greek salad just now, which was made with romaine. I like to live dangerously.
  • Even though I myself am guilty of getting nervous about eating certain stuff, especially bc of PGAL, I do think that the food restrictions are a bit over the top and we shouldn't need to worry about 90% of this stuff. My mom is probably oblivious to it all and had four healthy children -- I'll ask her today! 

    @harleyquinn0621 That's great. I get really nervous too, especially bc I can't feel anything so it's hard for me to believe there's a heartbeat I can never feel/hear myself... alas I have to wait until 4/17 for my anatomy scan, which is the next time the heartbeat will be confirmed as well... 
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