Let's see..... My vagini is leaking so much I'm not sure if it's pee, discharge or amniotic fluid anymore. Last night I had to change my underwear 3 times in the middle of the night.
I think my little one flipped herself last night. She was extremely active last night when I went to bed. I woke up this morning and I'm having some pretty intense pressure down low with a little bit of pain and it's a bit difficult to walk this morning. Very uncomfortable. Maybe this is what it feels like when they're head down? She's been breech my entire pregnancy.. or least on every time we've seen her on our many ultrasounds.
@Wearmi1 Exact same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago - my bump also changed shape (baby had been transverse, so a bit more "dramatic" of a change). Hopefully she did indeed flip! Are you getting kicked / poked differently too?
I told my doctor about being light headed and the spots in my eyes sometimes. My doctor is so layed back it is slightly concerning. Everything is normal to him. Even if I was measuring too big or small I think it would all be in the normal realm.
Contractions. Yup, real contractions. I think it was just from not drinking enough water, but man, it's got my butt in gear to finish everything before LO gets here.
@c1tym0m22 yes I seem to feel some different pokes extremely low now. My bump looks a little bit lower this morning.... I could also be imagining that too though. Although my underwire bra doesn't seem to hurt as much this morning as it had been before when she was sitting up super high in my body.
The babies have moved so one has their head jammed in my ribs, and it's driving me crazy. I'm at the point now where it takes me 2 minutes to switch positions, I can't breath properly unless I'm side lying, and I can't put on shoes without sitting and breaking out some yoga moves. Thank goodness it's almost skirt and flip flop season!
My brain is playing cruel tricks on me, now even when I manage to get to sleep I keep dreaming about not being able to get to sleep so I still wake up frustrated!
Ladies I need to confess what a wimp I am. I was so uncomfortable this morning. I couldn't sit in my chair comfortably with the pressure I was feeling. I called and made an appointment to see my midwife. I was right. Little one flipped herself last night and is sitting deep in my pelvis. I don't know how I'm gonna get through the rest of the pregnancy and be able to sit at my desk. I was thinking about getting one of those balls to sit on. She also put me on a regiment of stuff to help with my constipation as that could be causing some of my discomfort. Anybody else just feeling over being pregnant? I don't want her to come now but man third tri is kicking my butt already.
@Wearmi1, yep. Between last week's u/s and today's baby is head down and shit there's so much pressure and nearly every movement causes me to pee a little and the kicks are sometimes painful and I waddle and sitting at all is uncomfortable. I'm whiny. And I have 9 more weeks!
@Wearmi1 Sorry, that pressure sounds pretty awful. I do get a lot of jabs or kicks down low, but not constant pressure. I can definitely commiserate with being uncomfortable though. I had a hard time sitting at my desk today between stomach, back, and tailbone pain along with being completely exhausted from trouble sleeping at night. At least we are in the home stretch....
Trying to teach and walk the room has me so out of breath it is driving me crazy. Also so pressure a little pain in my pelvic reason when I go from sitting to long to standing. Also the swelling. My poor ankles the past three nights ugh.
Married 12/17/2011 K born 8/31/12 C born 1/11/14 BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015 BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
My belly has grown out of my current maternity work pants. I went to 3 different stores and all they have are leggings or jeans, which are both out of dress code. So I'm 100% Winnie The Pooh status work right now. At least today I was able to wear a stretchy dress with leggings as tights. Not sure how I'll make it through the rest of the week though. Will try different stores tomorrow
She has been moving sooooo much and it's often uncomfortable! I love feeling her move but sometimes it hurts!! The last 2 ultrasounds she was breach and I assume she still is because I've always felt her strongest movements down low below my belly button which I assume are her legs. I can see movement above my belly button which I assume is her head and arms? speaking of my belly button, over the last week mine has started to look strange. It must be turning into an outie. And I always have to pee. And I always pee a decent amount! If I'm sitting I can hold it but if I'm standing or walking I can't. I went when I got to the grocery store and had to go again when I left 20 minutes later.
I'm definitely starting to get uncomfortable. This kid does not like it when I hunch over, which I shouldn't be, but sometimes I just want to chill and slouch! He'll poke me in the ribs and feel like his feet are just wedged in there so I can't hunch.
Also, sometimes my stomach feels really weird. I'll have just eaten but I'll feel hungry, especially when the baby's being active, and I don't know why.
Sorry for all you ladies that are so uncomfortable! We took DD to the zoo yesterday for her birthday and then out to lunch where she through a massive fit. Between walking around the zoo and dead lifting her from the floor, my belly/abs are so sore today! And we have state testing the next two days which means I will be on my feet the whole day, ugh!
I am thinking I might have to get a belt if this soreness doesn't go away! Hopefully it will help with the pressure also!
I woke up last night with sharp vagina pain and I think Braxton hicks for the first time. The combination really scared me. Pregnancy is starting to suck. Feeling certain pain for the first time is scary when you don't know what it means.
I woke up last night with sharp vagina pain and I think Braxton hicks for the first time. The combination really scared me. Pregnancy is starting to suck. Feeling certain pain for the first time is scary when you don't know what it means.
I had this a couple weeks ago, and it was really weird. I had been traveling and a lot of driving, and then I had some sharp pains along with what felt like a long thin stab of pain down the left side of my vagina. I didn't think of them being Braxton hicks though.
Insomnia is killing me. I can't fall asleep, I can't stay asleep, I'm not even tired. I was so busy yesterday I figured I would just pass out. Nope instead I freaked myself about lack of movement. I was trying to remember the last time I felt her. I got a few good kicks, but not gonna lie I'm still slightly worried. She's moving but not a ton. I drank coffee and got one or two kicks. But that's it. Drinking ice cold apple juice and trying to get some good movement. If not looks like I'll be calling the Dr.
*edited to add* Okay shes moving now. I swear she just likes to make me worry.
Mom to Madison- 5 and Lillian 2....and now surprise baby #3!
Insomnia is killing me. I can't fall asleep, I can't stay asleep, I'm not even tired. I was so busy yesterday I figured I would just pass out. Nope instead I freaked myself about lack of movement. I was trying to remember the last time I felt her. I got a few good kicks, but not gonna lie I'm still slightly worried. She's moving but not a ton. I drank coffee and got one or two kicks. But that's it. Drinking ice cold apple juice and trying to get some good movement. If not looks like I'll be calling the Dr.
*edited to add* Okay shes moving now. I swear she just likes to make me worry.
This happens to me multiple times a week! I get to the point that I'm all "that's it, I'm calling the doctor if movement hasn't picked up in an hour" and then he goes nuts in there. Drives me crazy!
Well, my snoring was so bad last night that my husband slept on the couch. I feel a little guilty but really I can't help it! I may clear off the guest bed so he can be a little more comfortable.
*TMI warning* I didn't drink enough water yesterday and now I'm in a serious dehydration/vomiting/diarrhea cycle. I woke up at 4am to throw up my entire dinner. I've been throwing up and dry heaving every hour or so since then. I called the OB and the phone nurse wanted me to try and keep some of my diclegis down. I haven't been taking diclegis for a week or two bc I've been feeling great. Anyway.... I'm home from work and resting on the couch. Hopefully I can keep it down so I don't have to go to L&D for an IV.
Thanks ladies! I have not moved from the couch, but I also have kept my medicine down for 5 hours so hopefully it dissolved and I can fend off the dehydration without having to go to L&D! I guess I might as well continue to take one diclegis each night for the rest of my pregnancy so that this doesn't happen again. I can't believe how quickly I went from fine to severe vomiting and diarrhea.
@Ahutch428 this is the worst diarrhea of my adult life. Plus, I don't know where it is even coming from at this point. I'm still trying to drink fluids but I have to sip so I don't throw up. I pretty much slept all day. I was hoping to feel better by now, but hopefully I can get a good night's sleep and feel better in the morning. I'm dreading work already.
My neck is killing me, sleeping and the first 3 hours of my day I am fine,then BAM this pinching/swelling/burning pain hits the back left side of my neck and I can't do anything to relive it. The heating bean bag thing is my best friend once I sit down at the end of the day. It's not just because I sit in front of a computer all day, because Sunday I was all over the place and the worst was after 10 minutes of cutting up fruit.
I think I need a massage or a chiropractor or something.
Re: Weekly Symptoms 3/27
K born 8/31/12
C born 1/11/14
BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
Still with the swollen lips too.
BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
TTC again since July 2014
First IUI 9/26/16: BFP!
EDD 6/19/2017
It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
BFP #1 6/13 DD 3/14
Mirena 10/14-5/16
BFP #2 9/2/16, CP confirmed 9/8/16
BFP #3 10/10/16 EDD 6/22/17
I'm at the point now where it takes me 2 minutes to switch positions, I can't breath properly unless I'm side lying, and I can't put on shoes without sitting and breaking out some yoga moves. Thank goodness it's almost skirt and flip flop season!
K born 8/31/12
C born 1/11/14
BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
speaking of my belly button, over the last week mine has started to look strange. It must be turning into an outie.
And I always have to pee. And I always pee a decent amount! If I'm sitting I can hold it but if I'm standing or walking I can't. I went when I got to the grocery store and had to go again when I left 20 minutes later.
Add me me to the whiny club.
Also, sometimes my stomach feels really weird. I'll have just eaten but I'll feel hungry, especially when the baby's being active, and I don't know why.
I am thinking I might have to get a belt if this soreness doesn't go away! Hopefully it will help with the pressure also!
*edited to add* Okay shes moving now. I swear she just likes to make me worry.
Mom to Madison- 5 and Lillian 2....and now surprise baby #3!
I guess I might as well continue to take one diclegis each night for the rest of my pregnancy so that this doesn't happen again. I can't believe how quickly I went from fine to severe vomiting and diarrhea.
I think I need a massage or a chiropractor or something.