November 2016 Moms



Re: MOTN:March

  • 2.5 blues of sleep and now we're up. Normal soothing did not work. 
    He is not happy.. perhaps needle pain?
    either way I hope he goes back (and stays) down soon. I have a huge important meeting about a potential job tomorrow I don't want to be tired for and it already took me long enough to fall asleep because of my nerve. 
  • Good luck @kristah2! I hope you're doing better than I am right now. Suddenly LO refuses to accept sleep outside of my arms. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
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  • @kristah2 Good luck!
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • Thanks @m6agua and @SandNStarsNJ
    Luckily he went back down just after 2. I finally got myself back to sleep. Despite my tossing and turning keeping myself half awake, M slept until 915. 
    Now to figure out what to wear to this interview meeting thing that's somewhat casual because I know her (her son was one of my best friends for years!!) and M is coming too, but I don't want to be too casual because I want to show her I'm professional. 

    I hope the phase of sleeping only in your arms doesn't last too long @SandNStarsNJ. We had that phase and it's miserable. The first part of the night I played the fall asleep lay him in his crib game over and over until I got too tired then I'd sleep with him in my arms. Sometimes the crib stuck for an hour so it helped. Most times he screamed as soon as i put him down but it was worth it for the times it worked. 
  • Up from 12-3:30 for the second night in a row and the only thing that gets him back to bed is nursing?!? 

    DH got up for the first time since having LO last night and finally learned that he doesn't "cry it out". He screams relentlessly FOREVER. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • how did your DH feel about that lesson @SandNStarsNJ ? Like he finally believes you now ?
  • M played the sleep for an hour up for an hour game. At one point DH woke up and I was basically in tears being like "YOUR CHILD WONT SLEEP!" He literally rolled over and went back to sleep. Great. 
  • This morning he said we need to let him or he'll never learn. I tried to explain that is not age appropriate lesson yet, but, men. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • @SandNStarsNJ not like we can sleep through it. So who does it really benefit???
  • @sandnstarsnj everything I read says wait to 6 months to sleep train. Maybe you can pull something off the internet to show your DH to convince him?
  • @sandnstarsnj everything I read says wait to 6 months to sleep train. Maybe you can pull something off the internet to show your DH to convince him?
    He just keeps comparing DS to DD who was way too easy upon comparison. The reality is that he won't get up for the LO, I will so I essential determine what happens even if he disagrees. And I don't even know how to go about sleep training!?!
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • @sandnstarsnj everything I read says wait to 6 months to sleep train. Maybe you can pull something off the internet to show your DH to convince him?
    I have a book that says you can start at 4 months. But I'm not sure if it is full out sleep training. Haven't finished the book yet.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • kvrunskvruns member
    edited March 2017
    Our sleep training book actually said you could start at 1 month - crazy huh. We did it out of desperation and it worked at the time although the swaddle threw that all to the wind as I can no longer soothe him by patting/shooshing and he needs to be picked up and rocked back to sleep. I'm ok with things as they are so unless it gets ugly in a few months I don't plan on any more serious CIO stuff at least not until he can start soothing again.

    Fixed typo
  • I've read you can start at 4 but preferably wait until 6 months. I was going to start at 4 but after trying one night I didn't think she was ready. I think at 6 months we can try again. 
  • LO is definitely NOT ready for sleep training. He barely sleeps at all unless we're in the car. He starts daycare Monday... this should be interesting. 

    And my my favorite part of last night: after DH went through 20 minutes of unsuccessful soothing he asked me if it was something he made for dinner that could be causing him to react that way. I half laughed and said no. This morning he asked why I laughed. My response: "he's been doing this for two weeks. This is just the first time you've heard him and gotten up."
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • kristah2 said:
    M played the sleep for an hour up for an hour game. At one point DH woke up and I was basically in tears being like "YOUR CHILD WONT SLEEP!" He literally rolled over and went back to sleep. Great. 
    That's horrible! He needs to have some compassion and help you out, not ignore your overtired distress. If DH did this to me I would probably place LO on the bed next to his head and make him deal with her. My sleep is important, too!
  • @lajoliedreamer I seriously debated it. 
    But in his defence he had to get up and work this morning and I didn't. So while I wanted leave the baby with him I shouldn't. Plus only I get to see that sweet faces baby fall asleep in my arms every night. It's a magical sight. 
  • @kristah2 - it is such a magical sight, I completely agree, but if you're beyond tired and emotionally whipped, you won't enjoy it.  Before I went back to work I was taking all the night shifts since DH was working, but there were definitely a few nights that I couldn't deal with her without bursting into tears and I woke him up to take over so I could get some sleep. He survived work with less sleep and I survived the day at home better having gotten some. I'm the worst at taking care of myself and always try to do it all, but I have no regrets about swallowing my pride and asking him to step in, even if I did feel super guilty at the time.
  • So we made it past the 12-3 window that he's been wide awake during. I thought that was a relief until we've hit hourly sales after 3... ugh. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • B cold must be worse because he's been coughing and making noise all night bc he cant breathe well. I've been able to avoid the nose suckers thus far but think it's time. I hate that he's still
    sick a week later 
  • I hope he gets better soon @kvruns!

    Succumbed to sleeping in the chair tonight... at least he stayed asleep. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • I hope he gets better soon @kvruns!

    Succumbed to sleeping in the chair tonight... at least he stayed asleep. 
    Yikes you need a break mama! 
  • @SandNStarsNJ oh no!!! The chair!! 
    Hope things get a bit easier soon. 
  • @kvruns Do you have a nose Frida thing? I think I actually prefer the bulb syringe but DH likes the Frida. We squirt some Lil Remedies saline up there and the boogs come right out. :D I hope he gets some relief soon!
  • @kvruns I'm with @hoosiermama. Saline and nose frida. 
  • I have  nose frida but haven't tried it yet. I tried the bulb this morning but it doesn't even fit up his nose so I'm not sure it did anything 
  • kvruns said:
    I have  nose frida but haven't tried it yet. I tried the bulb this morning but it doesn't even fit up his nose so I'm not sure it did anything 
    Meanwhile the bulb is too small for this guy!
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • I definitely think the 4 month sleep regression is happening here 
  • I'm going to go postal on my 2yo. Up at 4:57, won't go back to sleep, just whining in his crib that he wants to get up (as in up for the day) and now woke DD. We have seriously tried everything, this kid just does not sleep!
  • mrsmoose5 said:
    I'm going to go postal on my 2yo. Up at 4:57, won't go back to sleep, just whining in his crib that he wants to get up (as in up for the day) and now woke DD. We have seriously tried everything, this kid just does not sleep!
    Why not just move him to a bed and let him get up and play? That's how we're operating with our two year old and it gives us time to keep sleeping. There's a light that goes off to tell her when she can leave her room for the day unless she needs the bathroom. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • @SandNStarsNJ He also has a clock that says when he can get up, hasn't helped much. My issues with just letting him get up and play at will are: 1. His room shares a wall with DD's and he is really not capable of playing quietly for very long. Even when he's trying to be quiet, at 2 he's just not really that capable of achieving it. 2. The big problem we have is that he just doesn't get enough sleep. Last night he slept about 8.5 hours, most nights it's 9-9.5 and he will only nap an hour during the day. Right now it's 9:15 and he WRECKED because he's so tired. This is something we've been struggling with pretty much his whole life and even though we try to do everything to set him up to get good sleep, he just won't do it and he is almost constantly over-tired. It's so frustrating.
  • I'm sorry you're going through this @mrsmoose5. It sounds very frustrating. Have you ever heard of Calms Forte? Dissolving half a pellet in water or milk for your DS about an hour before bedtime might be worth a try. It's all natural. Either way I hope it gets better!
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • @SandNStarsNJ I've thought about stuff like that ... I haven't tried anything yet because his problem has never been falling asleep. He goes to sleep super easily and completely independently at nap and bedtime, he just never stays asleep long enough. It's like he wakes up and can't turn his brain off and get himself back to sleep. Once he's up, he's UP. I think I'm going to talk to his pediatrician about it because we've always thought it was just a phase, part of having a baby/toddler, but after 2 years ... I don't think it's a phase at this point
  •  That sounds like how i sleep @mrsmoose5
  • @kvruns I was thinking the same thing! Can't imagine how worse of must be for a LO. Hopefully the pediatrician can help, @mrsmoose5
  • I would definitely check with the doctor. That sounds super tough for both him and you @meamoose5. I wouldn't know what to do. 
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • I'm starting to hate daycare as I realize I'm paying them the equivalent of a small a house mortgage to ruin my kids sleep and make him sick, which makes the sleep they ruined even worse.  Booooooo
  • I hope things turn around @kvruns. FX!
    Married: 08.05.11
    Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
    Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
    Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
  • thanks @sandnstarsnj I'm just cranky LOL  Sundays seem to be his extra fussy day so by the end of the day I'm extra cranky and feeling sorry for myself
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