Okay that makes sense now! We had a few kimino shirts and bodysuits for DD and they were so great to have. We kept them all for this LO even though a couple of them are pink but who cares. I originally got them because theyre easier to put on without worrying about their still soft heads and we did realize eventually it was easier to do diaper changes as well.
DD is also a May baby. We used sleep gowns at night, and onesies during the day, and pants if needed. We didn't have any kimono-style tops for her then so I bought a few NB size for this little, mostly just to use until the cord stump falls off.
It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
@starphish18: May baby too. During the summer we have a window A/C, and keep our room cool. We'd have him in a onesie or similar for nighttime, and treat the sleep sack as if it were a blanket he couldn't shrug off, so, clothes under, then sack, and that's pretty much all he needed.
I actually don't mind the zipper sleepers at night, and both of my DDs hated to be swaddled. This will be a summer baby in a home with no A/C so it will be interesting on our warm nights!
Married 03.09.09 Sweet Baby H 12.21.11 Sassy Baby P 03.26.14 Little Brother Due 05.22.17
I started going through DD's baby clothes today. We were Team Green with her and we are having a boy this time. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that we have an entire laundry basket of NB and 0-3 gender neutral clothes. Most of them are not winter clothes since DD was an Oct baby in Phoenix.
I started going through DD's baby clothes today. We were Team Green with her and we are having a boy this time. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that we have an entire laundry basket of NB and 0-3 gender neutral clothes. Most of them are not winter clothes since DD was an Oct baby in Phoenix.
I'm jealous! We knew DD was a girl and therefore all of our stuff is very girly - pink, bows, etc. I've gone through her stuff already and think I was able to save maybe 3 outfits for this baby, who is a boy. I was super emotional going through all her stuff knowing that I wasn't going to be able to use most of it. We are giving everything to my sister/brother in law, so that does take the sting out of getting rid of everything a bit.
Come to think of it, I don't really know that I've ever seen any of the clothing brands call them kimono style, I'd just heard other people call them that and it stuck. But yes, just that with no pants. DS was a July baby, and we're in Texas, so the swaddle provided plenty of warmth.
The little convertible gowns were nice, too. During the day I'd snap them up to make it look like he had on pants, but at night....full on gown.
Not sure anyone is weighing in anymore since it's now Tuesday, but I do have a confession. My opposite gender kids share a room (age 6 and 3). I don't think that's much of a confession, though some people think room sharing only makes sense for same gendered kids, and sure, I agree, for when they are much older.
Anyway, the confession part is that our son (6) has been sleeping in his sister's bed with her a lot over the past week or two. He says it's what helps him calm down (otherwise he is up WAY late) and stay in bed all night. DS is very sensitive emotionally--clinically so--and does have some sensory/body issues (he sometimes wants extra touching--like from loved ones--and sometimes wants way less touching--like no hugs from friends, teachers, etc.) It seems as though they do both sleep very well in this arrangement. I made sure to ask DD about it and she says she likes that he joins her, and I believe her; she is inclined to speak her mind about this sort of thing and also likes it when someone lies down with her before she goes to sleep (though in this arrangement, she gets put to bed first without him, and then his bedtime is later.)
DH and I felt a little weird about it, but for now we are totally cool with it. We just know not to tell people in real life, at least, not most people we know. I think our neighbors already think we're a little strange (e.g. too political even though they supposedly agree with our views, not "suburban" enough, somewhat nerdy/dorky, etc.) The thing is, bed-sharing, even across genders, is TOTALLY NORMAL in most societies. It's in fact abnormal that in the US we don't share rooms much and don't share beds.
I guess the reason this is a confessional is because we know we can't tell a lot of people we know, but we don't think it's a bad decision to let them continue to sleep together.
@kat81 That is actually incredibly sweet that they get along so well. No judgement here. You must be doing something right to have children that are so loving to each other. I have my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed hoping that this LO and DS will like each other.
@kat81 You do what works for YOUR family! And hey, in military housing requirements siblings of the opposite sex are technically supposed to share rooms until the age of 6 anyways! And siblings of the same sex can share til age 10. That's the criteria they use when deciding how many bedrooms you qualify for! So actually I see nothing wrong with your arrangement. I'm sure there were many times that I shared a bed with my brother when my family traveled, stayed at hotels or whatever! People will judge you no matter what you do or don't do. Its frustrating when you have to keep things to yourself because of the backlash you might receive.
Married 03.09.09 Sweet Baby H 12.21.11 Sassy Baby P 03.26.14 Little Brother Due 05.22.17
@kat81: hp & louise have given you great responses, and I agree with them. I'd write something eloquent but my baby brain is in full effect today. It sounds like you're doing fine and your children are providing comfort to each other. It's a good thing.
@kat81 That is actually incredibly sweet that they get along so well. No judgement here. You must be doing something right to have children that are so loving to each other. I have my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed hoping that this LO and DS will like each other.
The absolute best thing about having more than one child is the relationship they have with each other. It is magical. I would say it's the best thing about parenting in general. It's also really special since DS has trouble forming strong relationships with his peers, but the relationship he has with his sister couldn't be better. I'm not sure we did that much other than to be very affectionate and loving with both of them. Really there is only so much you can do, and your kids will be their own people.
Our fingers are crossed that this third one will be welcomed in to the gang as enthusiastically. It's funny, when I was pregnant with DD I thought, "man, I could never love this new kid as much as the one I have," but when I had her that was obviously no problem. Now I'm thinking, "wow, this third kid is going to be a third wheel given how close my current kids are -- s/he'll never be as tight with them as they are with each other!" I hope I am proven wrong again!
@kat81 , I think it's really sweet that your kids get along so well. As long as your daughter seems ok with it, I see nothing wrong with it even though it's unconventional. Adding a child to the mix with our DS stresses me out so much because I just can't envision what this new life will look like. It's good to hear that we will likely love her as much as we love our son. :-)
@Kipperoo and @Louise_Belcher -- yeah it's REALLY hard to imagine loving the unborn kid as much as you love the one(s) you already have. And at least in my experience, it's not "love at first sight" so to speak; it takes a few days/weeks/maybe-even-months to get to know the baby and love it as much as you love the older sibling. But then you have them both and you can't imagine it just being one of them! So I'm still having the "I can't imagine loving this 3rd one as much as the other two" feeling, but given my experience I know I can so it's easy to put away. What I still really can't imagine, though, is the third one being loved by them as much as they love each other, but I'm sure that will come with time. Even though this age gap will be more than the other gap, I still think the third one won't be left out or anything. Hell, I was #3, also with a bigger gap than the first gap! I wasn't left out.
What I still really can't imagine, though, is the third one being loved by them as much as they love each other, but I'm sure that will come with time. Even though this age gap will be more than the other gap, I still think the third one won't be left out or anything. Hell, I was #3, also with a bigger gap than the first gap! I wasn't left out.
@kat81: That's something you already have in common with your own little #3! It's already a special connection.
Re: FFFC 1/27
It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
May17 Siggy Challenge
of our stuff is very girly - pink, bows, etc. I've gone through her stuff already and think I was able to save maybe 3 outfits for this baby, who is a boy. I was super emotional going through all her stuff knowing that I wasn't going to be able to use most of it. We are giving everything to my sister/brother in law, so that does take the sting out of getting rid of everything a bit.
The little convertible gowns were nice, too. During the day I'd snap them up to make it look like he had on pants, but at night....full on gown.
Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
Anyway, the confession part is that our son (6) has been sleeping in his sister's bed with her a lot over the past week or two. He says it's what helps him calm down (otherwise he is up WAY late) and stay in bed all night. DS is very sensitive emotionally--clinically so--and does have some sensory/body issues (he sometimes wants extra touching--like from loved ones--and sometimes wants way less touching--like no hugs from friends, teachers, etc.) It seems as though they do both sleep very well in this arrangement. I made sure to ask DD about it and she says she likes that he joins her, and I believe her; she is inclined to speak her mind about this sort of thing and also likes it when someone lies down with her before she goes to sleep (though in this arrangement, she gets put to bed first without him, and then his bedtime is later.)
DH and I felt a little weird about it, but for now we are totally cool with it. We just know not to tell people in real life, at least, not most people we know. I think our neighbors already think we're a little strange (e.g. too political even though they supposedly agree with our views, not "suburban" enough, somewhat nerdy/dorky, etc.) The thing is, bed-sharing, even across genders, is TOTALLY NORMAL in most societies. It's in fact abnormal that in the US we don't share rooms much and don't share beds.
I guess the reason this is a confessional is because we know we can't tell a lot of people we know, but we don't think it's a bad decision to let them continue to sleep together.
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
People will judge you no matter what you do or don't do. Its frustrating when you have to keep things to yourself because of the backlash you might receive.
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
Our fingers are crossed that this third one will be welcomed in to the gang as enthusiastically. It's funny, when I was pregnant with DD I thought, "man, I could never love this new kid as much as the one I have," but when I had her that was obviously no problem. Now I'm thinking, "wow, this third kid is going to be a third wheel given how close my current kids are -- s/he'll never be as tight with them as they are with each other!" I hope I am proven wrong again!
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20