@SPurp13 I've been having nasal issues as well! Every morning I'm super congested and when I blow my nose its all bloody...I didn't realize that was an effect of pregnancy until about a week ago.
I'm 14+1 and my first trimester symptoms are going strong. The headaches are brutal. They happen back-to-back: I wake up with one, go to bed with it, and wake up again with the same headache. Tylenol is a joke and does nothing to help with the pain. It's the first thing I'm going to bring up at my midwife appointment next week. Other than that, I'm just very tired, and noticing that I can no longer suck in my blump!
@sar6785 & @SPurp13 I have the same issue with congestion/nasal problems. I've had it since day one. I am at the point where the postnasal drip is choking me at night and I wake up not breathing (I had a nightmare I was being choked actually and it woke me up and felt alllll too real). If I don't lay on my back at all I am fine though. I also have a bloody nose EVERY time I blow it. The humidifier helps but I think I need add one at my office as well. It's really a pain
I also am exhausted alllll over again. I was feeling really great last week - no puking, had energy etc. then today I wake up with nausea/vomiting and I am dragging my feet so badly at work.
I am kind of a mess but I know it's going to be worth it.
OMG, @irishrose54, I swear, I had the same dream this weekend! I was dreaming that I couldn't breathe, and I woke up gasping for air! That really scared me, and I immediately grabbed my phone and ordered a new humidifier (ours is janky), extra strength breathe-rite strips, and nasal spray.
Then, confusingly, last night wasn't so bad. My nose was a little dry and slightly stuffy on one side, but I got a good night's sleep, so. I don't know, but I keep asking my husband "was it the WHOLE pregnancy last time?" because I blocked everything out.
****TW: Pregnancy, loss and children mentioned**** Me: 35 DH: 38 | Married: 6/2013 | Pregnancy #1, APurp born 10/2014
Pregnancy #2, BFP 6/4/2016, MMC at 9W, D&E: 7/21/16 | Pregnancy #3, BFP 11/22/16
Dizziness has also started- I mentioned in the STM check in but I had it so bad with my son and was miserable the entire 6week to 20week stretch. The dr recommended eating protein...uh hard when I can't stomach anything! Anyone have any advice?
Just wondering, how many of you have RLP and what did your OB say about it?
At my last appt I was told I wasn't far enough along for RLP, I was also told this with my second. They told me that it doesn't normally start until 18+ weeks. The other options were scar tissue from my previous CS or Placenta Accretia, which I'm the perfect candidate for.
I noticed RLP within like 6 weeks and I'm a FTM. Maybe it's not RLP, but it definitely matches all the symptoms. It wasn't just cramping. It was pulling and pain. But it could also just have been my uterus stretching. My dr didn't say anything about it though. I don't remember her saying it's RLP. But she said the pain is normal.
@SPurp13 it's a terrifying dream!! I can't believe you had the same one. I feel like it has to be related to sinuses. The humidifier helps and I am so afraid to roll onto my back in my sleep but haven't since then. I think I'm going to try the breathe right strips as well.
@ginger1228 RLP pain for me has always felt like a sharp pulling pain, like you tweaked a muscle or a painful ache. I had RLP so bad when I was around 34 weeks with my first I went to the hospital, it was a sharp pain that refused to go away, I couldn't relax or get comfortable. I felt like an idiot but I was so miserable.
@ashaw512 I mentioned to my OB at my very first appt (8 wk) that I had a stabby pain on the left side of my groin literally since my BFP at 3 wk 4 d and she called it RLP! It does seem to be moving a bit higher now, so maybe...
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
@ginger1228 RLP pain for me has always felt like a sharp pulling pain, like you tweaked a muscle or a painful ache. I had RLP so bad when I was around 34 weeks with my first I went to the hospital, it was a sharp pain that refused to go away, I couldn't relax or get comfortable. I felt like an idiot but I was so miserable.
What I was feeling wasn't nearly that bad, but I would definitely describe it as sharp and pulling. Especially when sneezing. Ouch! I hope I've had my share and it will stay away later on... but doubtful. i swear these are the things no one tells you about pregnancy. You hear about nausea and being tired but no one says how bad it hurts!
I think I've been having sciatic problems. It's like they alternate days to torture me. My hips are also sore, so that's fun. As is the random anger and crying.
I have sciatica down into my butt. It's awful. Every step is painful, sitting is painful, etc. Find a good chiropractor or acupuncturist or yoga class. You do not want this to get worse!! (Sorry to be bossy, I just know how bad it can get...)
I'm 14 weeks and 4 days. I'm still nauseous all day and get sick throughout the day. I seriously want a delicious meal at one of our favorite restaurants but I know it may not stay down. I get dizzy often now and have migraines and headaches. I really hope I start to get better soon. I don't get leave the house except for my appointments and dropping off and picking up the kids to and from school.
How do you guys know what sciatica pain is? I started having a sharp pain in my lower back, kind of to the right. I did a lot today (well not a lot for pre-pregnant me, but a lot for this new lazy version). I just got out the heating pad to see if that helps.
How do you guys know what sciatica pain is? I started having a sharp pain in my lower back, kind of to the right. I did a lot today (well not a lot for pre-pregnant me, but a lot for this new lazy version). I just got out the heating pad to see if that helps.
For me, it radiated down the backs of my legs. I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone, though.
****TW: Pregnancy, loss and children mentioned**** Me: 35 DH: 38 | Married: 6/2013 | Pregnancy #1, APurp born 10/2014
Pregnancy #2, BFP 6/4/2016, MMC at 9W, D&E: 7/21/16 | Pregnancy #3, BFP 11/22/16
My urge to pee has drastically increased. I got up three times last night.
I'm getting really bad heartburn/indigestion. Took me a while to figure out that's what it was since I've never had it before. I have to stop eating before I'm actually full or else I get really sick afterwards. I will probably pick up some tums if this keeps up.
I think I've been having sciatic problems. It's like they alternate days to torture me. My hips are also sore, so that's fun. As is the random anger and crying.
I have sciatica down into my butt. It's awful. Every step is painful, sitting is painful, etc. Find a good chiropractor or acupuncturist or yoga class. You do not want this to get worse!! (Sorry to be bossy, I just know how bad it can get...)
I was getting on here to post about sciatic pain- looks like I am late to the game. It appears I am one of the lucky ladies that will be dealing with this for the next 6 months. Other than what @virginiaunicorn11 said in her post (I already to yoga and see a chiropractor and will be researching a local accupuncturist as soon as I post this) any other suggestions on how to deal with this? I am so uncomfortable already, I can't imagine this getting worse. I was traveling all day Sunday and I am hoping I am feeling miserable due to long flights and this will go away but not so sure...
The stretches are toward the bottom. Stretches 1, 3, and 5 work best for me (1 being the very best for me). I loooove my foam roller and use it twice a day.
I sleep on the side that doesn't hurt. I sit too much, and that exacerbates it. So does lying in bed too much. I also had to switch to lighter, more supportive boots.
FWIW, my first pregnancy, once the relaxin kicked in, my back felt as good as it ever has! Hope the same happens for all of us this time.
How do you guys know what sciatica pain is? I started having a sharp pain in my lower back, kind of to the right. I did a lot today (well not a lot for pre-pregnant me, but a lot for this new lazy version). I just got out the heating pad to see if that helps.
For me, it radiated down the backs of my legs. I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone, though.
Me too. The link in my post above this also defines/describes sciatica.
FWIW, @ginger1228 if your symptoms as you describe them here were mine, I would probably guess it was a muscle spasm in my lower back. Those can also get super painful. I've had good luck with alternating ice and heat. When it was unbearable, an electric stim machine at a physical therapist office worked wonders for me (for muscle spasms and also sciatica).
@oheliza44 Keep in mind that foam rollers come in different densities. So if the one you have hurts too much, you may want to get a less dense roller. I have two (one black, and one blue). The blue one is less dense and thus much softer. When the black one hurts too much to foam roll, I switch to the blue one. And when the blue one feels like it's not really working, I use the black one.
I tried to explain this to DH when his IT band hurt. He tried the black one and found it so painful, he refuses to ever foam roll again. He said he would rather hobble around. Sigh.
@Twinkiedoll thanks for the info! After reading your comment it made me realize that I always grab whatever roller is available at the gym, with mixed results so this totally makes sense. And now I feel like an idiot. Lol.
How do you guys know what sciatica pain is? I started having a sharp pain in my lower back, kind of to the right. I did a lot today (well not a lot for pre-pregnant me, but a lot for this new lazy version). I just got out the heating pad to see if that helps.
For me, it radiated down the backs of my legs. I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone, though.
Me too. The link in my post above this also defines/describes sciatica.
FWIW, @ginger1228 if your symptoms as you describe them here were mine, I would probably guess it was a muscle spasm in my lower back. Those can also get super painful. I've had good luck with alternating ice and heat. When it was unbearable, an electric stim machine at a physical therapist office worked wonders for me (for muscle spasms and also sciatica).
Thanks! It doesn't radiate anywhere else. Just hurts in that one spot, mainly when I'm standing on my right leg (it's the right side of my back that hurts). I'll try heat and ice.
I woke up feeling great this morning, but around 11AM I got really tired (not unusual for me since becoming pregnant) and took a nap for 2.5 hours, but I woke up feeling weird. I'm feeling slightly weak (maybe), maybe ever so slightly queasy, slightly dizzy, definitely tired, and just generally off. It's different than my morning sickness has been but its not so severe I can't function. I have been drinking more than usual today and have been eating decently, although I wouldn't say to excess. Just wondering if my body is just adjusting to life in the second trimester, if maybe I'm feeling some symptoms sans nausea and so it feels really different, possibly having anxiety (I lost the weight I gained, which was only 2 pounds to begin with, and may or may not have been accurate, but I'm worried about gaining weight now), or if something might actually be wrong. Maybe it's just a hormone surge? I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, and I'll bring it up then, but any advice on if this is normal or not? I'm 14 weeks today, FTM.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Definitely eating better. Well, less cookies. MIL says my tastes are too expensive ( salmon, steak, etc.) Wtf do you care? My husband is more than happy to support my eating habits. Still not gonna eat your pork just cause it's cheaper.
Bouts of nausea, but not all day anymore. How about you guys? I'm around 11 weeks and a few days, hope you're all feeling better. Still waiting on that energy though!
I woke up feeling great this morning, but around 11AM I got really tired (not unusual for me since becoming pregnant) and took a nap for 2.5 hours, but I woke up feeling weird. I'm feeling slightly weak (maybe), maybe ever so slightly queasy, slightly dizzy, definitely tired, and just generally off. It's different than my morning sickness has been but its not so severe I can't function. I have been drinking more than usual today and have been eating decently, although I wouldn't say to excess. Just wondering if my body is just adjusting to life in the second trimester, if maybe I'm feeling some symptoms sans nausea and so it feels really different, possibly having anxiety (I lost the weight I gained, which was only 2 pounds to begin with, and may or may not have been accurate, but I'm worried about gaining weight now), or if something might actually be wrong. Maybe it's just a hormone surge? I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, and I'll bring it up then, but any advice on if this is normal or not? I'm 14 weeks today, FTM.
Me, personally - I have been feeling this way every other day or so. (15+3, STM here.) It sounds like this isn't your normal, and you're not hungry or dehydrated, so definitely mention it tomorrow and trust your instincts.
Try to get some fresh air (even if opening a window for a few minutes) and at least 15 minutes of walking or something in today. Even in winter, when I want to die, walking in the cold air helps me feel better when pregnant.
Hope you feel better tomorrow/later today!
ETA: just saw the weight comments. Please talk to your doctor about this. You can't make yourself crazy about weight your entire pregnancy. Me personally, I eat healthy and ignore the scale. My first pregnancy, I found that focusing on the amount of portions per day per food group (protein, dairy, etc. - Google has tons of prenatal meal and portion planning) put the focus on health and took emphasis off weight. Big hugs, mama. I know it can be scary to watch your body change.
I will say, in regards to the weight gain, I wish with my son that I was more conscious of how much I was gaining. I gained 60 lbs and it was 95% cookies, ice cream, French fries, etc. I went CRAZY. Said I'm pregnant I can eat whatever I want and I regretted it after I had him. Although I lost the weight and then some I do wish I was more conscious of what I was eating. I could have easily swapped carrot cake for carrot sticks.. I will be much more aware with this pregnancy- not obsess over the scale but make better, healthier decisions!
Eta: I wish I swapped carrot cake for carrot sticks not carrot sticks for carrot cake.
@virginiaunicorn11 I started feeling better about an hour after posting. Probably a combination of anxiety and hormones, but thank you! And I am going to mention the weight thing to my doctor. My body just doesn't tend to cooperate when I'm trying to lose weight, and I'm guessing it might do the same thing now. I'm not super hungry and I am eating like a normal person now, so I guess we'll see how it goes.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
In other news, I am finally understanding the frustration some of you have expressed with having to pee every half second. This sucks! Hopefully my ute pops out of my pelvis soon - my bladder could use some relief!
I am 13w+1 and threw up for the first time yesterday. Had a fever of 100.2. Felt sick all day. Got a good night's rest and now feel back to normalish. No fever and I'm able to eat just like I have the last few weeks. Random!
Got our NIPT results today. Low risk of chromosome issues! Also "likely" a boy. But I'm pretty sure I don't have any Y chromosomes laying around so it's pretty likely a boy. I really wanted a girl. Oh well, healthy baby is the goal, right?
I'm 12 weeks+5 days and the food aversion/nausea is beginning to subside! But still extremely tired, after 11am the day just drags forever and ever til I go to sleep at night (which happens lately by 9:30pm, an hour after my 2 year old goes to sleep). I've tried taking naps when my son naps, but I just lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Argh! Can't wait til the 2nd trimester energy kick sets in!
@CarsonsMommy I've been yoyoing with symptoms since week 9. Monday is the first day I was completely nausea free until 7PM, and I've mostly stayed that way with some queasiness in the middle for fun, but I'm waiting for it to turn on me again.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Sorry you ladies are still experiencing nausea - it's the worst. Second trimester is on the horizon though so hope it subsides soon!
I still have a heavy feeling in my uterus - not cramping just pulling. It's not painful just uncomfortable. Other than that my appetite is up - so I'm trying to fit in the 'healthy' options, which is tough!
I've made it to the final day of the first tri. Nausea subsided a couple weeks ago. I'm tired all the time but also have had more energy for workouts so that's nice. Side note - recently obsessed with Jillian Michael's book - Yeah Baby - and her workouts in the book.
I also have been dizzy since the beginning. Seems like lots of water and trying to remember to stand up slowly help but I still probably average one intense head rush per day.
I had been agonizing over the constipation trying to add as many fruits and veggies as I could along with water which didn't seem to help much. Just started eating overnight oats with added flaxseed meal every morning the last couple weeks and everything is finally back to normal.
morning sickness better now but feeling the bloat big time, I had twins my first round and don't remember this I feel like this bloat makes me look much further along!
I had been agonizing over the constipation trying to add as many fruits and veggies as I could along with water which didn't seem to help much. Just started eating overnight oats with added flaxseed meal every morning the last couple weeks and everything is finally back to normal.
When I had severe constipation with my son my obgyn suggested watermelon. I realize it's not exactly the time of year of watermelon but I've been able to find it cut in the store (I can't find a whole watermelon anywhere) but it works SO WELL! I know you're back to normal now but for the future keep that in mind! I use it for my son who will occasionally become constipated when he goes on his "I refuse to eat anything but sandwich bread and goldfish" kicks!
Re: Symptoms - Week of 1/9
I'm 14+1 and my first trimester symptoms are going strong. The headaches are brutal. They happen back-to-back: I wake up with one, go to bed with it, and wake up again with the same headache. Tylenol is a joke and does nothing to help with the pain. It's the first thing I'm going to bring up at my midwife appointment next week. Other than that, I'm just very tired, and noticing that I can no longer suck in my blump!
Then, confusingly, last night wasn't so bad. My nose was a little dry and slightly stuffy on one side, but I got a good night's sleep, so. I don't know, but I keep asking my husband "was it the WHOLE pregnancy last time?" because I blocked everything out.
Me: 35 DH: 38 | Married: 6/2013 | Pregnancy #1, APurp born 10/2014
Pregnancy #2, BFP 6/4/2016, MMC at 9W, D&E: 7/21/16 | Pregnancy #3, BFP 11/22/16
At my last appt I was told I wasn't far enough along for RLP, I was also told this with my second. They told me that it doesn't normally start until 18+ weeks. The other options were scar tissue from my previous CS or Placenta Accretia, which I'm the perfect candidate for.
Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin'
i swear these are the things no one tells you about pregnancy. You hear about nausea and being tired but no one says how bad it hurts!
Me: 35 DH: 38 | Married: 6/2013 | Pregnancy #1, APurp born 10/2014
Pregnancy #2, BFP 6/4/2016, MMC at 9W, D&E: 7/21/16 | Pregnancy #3, BFP 11/22/16
I'm getting really bad heartburn/indigestion. Took me a while to figure out that's what it was since I've never had it before. I have to stop eating before I'm actually full or else I get really sick afterwards. I will probably pick up some tums if this keeps up.
The stretches are toward the bottom. Stretches 1, 3, and 5 work best for me (1 being the very best for me). I loooove my foam roller and use it twice a day.
I sleep on the side that doesn't hurt. I sit too much, and that exacerbates it. So does lying in bed too much. I also had to switch to lighter, more supportive boots.
FWIW, my first pregnancy, once the relaxin kicked in, my back felt as good as it ever has! Hope the same happens for all of us this time.
FWIW, @ginger1228 if your symptoms as you describe them here were mine, I would probably guess it was a muscle spasm in my lower back. Those can also get super painful. I've had good luck with alternating ice and heat. When it was unbearable, an electric stim machine at a physical therapist office worked wonders for me (for muscle spasms and also sciatica).
I tried to explain this to DH when his IT band hurt. He tried the black one and found it so painful, he refuses to ever foam roll again. He said he would rather hobble around. Sigh.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Bouts of nausea, but not all day anymore. How about you guys? I'm around 11 weeks and a few days, hope you're all feeling better. Still waiting on that energy though!
Try to get some fresh air (even if opening a window for a few minutes) and at least 15 minutes of walking or something in today. Even in winter, when I want to die, walking in the cold air helps me feel better when pregnant.
Hope you feel better tomorrow/later today!
ETA: just saw the weight comments. Please talk to your doctor about this. You can't make yourself crazy about weight your entire pregnancy. Me personally, I eat healthy and ignore the scale. My first pregnancy, I found that focusing on the amount of portions per day per food group (protein, dairy, etc. - Google has tons of prenatal meal and portion planning) put the focus on health and took emphasis off weight. Big hugs, mama. I know it can be scary to watch your body change.
Eta: I wish I swapped carrot cake for carrot sticks not carrot sticks for carrot cake.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
In other news, I am finally understanding the frustration some of you have expressed with having to pee every half second. This sucks! Hopefully my ute pops out of my pelvis soon - my bladder could use some relief!
Dating: 12/21/2001
Married: 09/08/2012
BFP: 11/16/2016 EDD: 07/27/2017
Baby Fish born: 08/01/2017
Got our NIPT results today. Low risk of chromosome issues! Also "likely" a boy. But I'm pretty sure I don't have any Y chromosomes laying around so it's pretty likely a boy. I really wanted a girl. Oh well, healthy baby is the goal, right?
Married: 08/2011
DS born 5/5/2014
TTC#2 since 5/2016
BFP: 7/17/2016 MC: 8/7/2016 @ 7 weeks
BFP: 8/21/2016 MC: 9/19/2016 @ 6 weeks
BFP: 11/8/2016 EDD: 7/20/2017
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
I still have a heavy feeling in my uterus - not cramping just pulling. It's not painful just uncomfortable. Other than that my appetite is up - so I'm trying to fit in the 'healthy' options, which is tough!
I also have been dizzy since the beginning. Seems like lots of water and trying to remember to stand up slowly help but I still probably average one intense head rush per day.
I had been agonizing over the constipation trying to add as many fruits and veggies as I could along with water which didn't seem to help much. Just started eating overnight oats with added flaxseed meal every morning the last couple weeks and everything is finally back to normal.