Big appetite - need to mix in healthy options more. Also had some bleeding after sex, so am closing the shop until my next appointment.
Edit: Also, if anyone is wondering who stared this thread - it was me! When I came back to the bump I made a new profile and I accidentally logged into the old one this morning. Sorry!
I had some bad cramping for a few hours last night. My OB said to take Tylenol and take a warm (not hot) bath. She said if there was no bleeding to stay home and rest. Has anyone else had any cramping? I am 12 weeks 1 day with twins (second pregnancy, I have a 14 month old).
@ebennett1007 I'm not sure what bad means to you vs normal cramping but I have had cramping on and off. Usually mild so it isn't painful like period cramp and I don't have to stop doing things or double over of anything and actually is the same thing I have gotten on and off since 1DPO and cramping was one of my pregnancy signs. I think mild cramping is considered normal.
14w6d here. RLP is getting worse and more frequent. If I wait too long to pee (so don't go every 10 seconds) after I do I have one that stretches across my whole lower abdomen for a few seconds. And random bouts of nausea and throwing up came back the last 2 days after I thought I was done with it all. And I've had more frequent headaches.
Horrible gas and constipation still. Still pretty nauseous if I wait too long to eat but I *cautiously* feel like it's getting a little bit better. RLP is definitely picking up. I dont remember having any of that until like 18-20 weeks last time. I've also been struggling with some pretty bad vertigo.
Dealing with some constipation this week, and I've noticed more frequent urination recently as well. Also increased appetite, energy, and discharge. I am 14w5d
Morning sickness better, actually discovered if I eat PB crackers right before I go to bed I wake up a lot better in the morning, allergies finally chilled out as well.
Does anyone else have a cyst on their ovary, and is it causing anyone pain? I just found out at my NT scan that my left ovary has a cyst, most likely left from the corpus luteum, and I've been having a nagging, persistent (but not constant, it will sometimes go away for a few days) semi pulling, mostly just aching, but very concentrated pain on my left side that's been driving me crazy. I'm now thinking it might be the cyst. It's not very painful, just enough to be annoying and noticeable, and I've been chocking it up to RLP, but now that I know about the cyst it seems more likely. It's just always in the same spot. Just wondered if anyone else has been dealing with this. I've had the pain since probably around 8 weeks, I'm just about 14, and clearly it isn't bothering the baby.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
@kerils - I have a cyst on my left ovary too. Mine hasn't bothered me in quite a few weeks, but weeks 5-10ish hurt. It was like a pulling feeling. I talked to my dr about it at my first appointment and she said it's super common and nothing to worry about. Should resolve on its own. I'm not sure when it resolves though. I know it helps sustain the baby until the placenta takes over. But I'm not sure if it resolves itself after that point or later on?? No clue. But dr didn't seem concerned in the least and I haven't had any pain from it in awhile. I'm 14 weeks today.
Eta my symptoms - I'm STARVING all the time. I've also been having trouble sleeping again. I wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep for hours.
I'm 15 weeks 2 days and I *think* I am finally mostly over being sick all day. The last week or so I have had RLP which would come on especially while puking. It was awful. I'm still a little nauseous at night but compared to the last 10 weeks I feel like a new person!
@sofloma RLP while puking is no joke. I caugh a stomach bug on Tuesday and kept having sharp RLP pain while puking, I was besides myself. I didn't know if I was more upset to puke or get RLP while puking
last night my my uterus felt so heavy and achy. I was almost getting worried but much better this morning and no bleeding. I hate how my worrisome symptoms always sneak up on me at night. Sleep is for rookies anyways...
Still have morning sickness, but maybe it's getting better? Every time I say that though it seems like I regret it. I have started exercising again (just walking on the treadmilll) and it has been glorious for both my physical and mental health.
Still dealing with a cold, it's lasting forever. Increased discharge for sure. And still throwing up in the morning after brushing my teeth!
On the plus side, starting to gain some energy and my breasts aren't as sore!
You may NOT actually have a cold...With my first, I couldn't breathe until she was born. And it's happening again. Pregnancy rhinitis is a thing, and it SUUUUCKS. I can't breathe at night laying down. I have a humidifier running, I'm using breathe-rite strips, and I just ordered some nasal spray, but I guess the reason is (kinda gross) the mucus production is higher in pregnancy, and your sinuses swell during pregnancy in the same way your lady bits do. I GUESS. I just Dr. Googled that part earlier today. My husband had to remind me that I am probably not still sick from the first week in December--I was this way last time.
****TW: Pregnancy, loss and children mentioned**** Me: 35 DH: 38 | Married: 6/2013 | Pregnancy #1, APurp born 10/2014
Pregnancy #2, BFP 6/4/2016, MMC at 9W, D&E: 7/21/16 | Pregnancy #3, BFP 11/22/16
This baby has been good to me so I'm convinced it's going to be a terror when it comes out haha! Gas, constipation, discharge and a lot of ... tightness. I guess things are growing. But those symptoms don't really bother me too much. What does bother me is that after the first 2 months I stopped sleeping through the night. If I wake up at any point in the wee hours of the morning I'm awake for a minimum of an hour ... sometimes even 2. I finally get that 2nd trimester energy back then crappy sleeps just take it all away! *angry*face*
Do you know that feeling you get sometimes when you cough or sneeze while lying down and the muscles on either side of your groin tense? That is about 10,000x worse for me in pregnancy. One day I was lying in bed and it tensed so bad that it stopped me mid-sneeze and I actually cried. DH was freaking out wondering if I was okay. It's very annoying having to physically prepare for every cough and sneeze! Well, as much as I can of course lol!
Eta my symptoms - I'm STARVING all the time. I've also been having trouble sleeping again. I wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep for hours.
Horrible gas and constipation still. Still pretty nauseous if I wait too long to eat but I *cautiously* feel like it's getting a little bit better. RLP is definitely picking up. I dont remember having any of that until like 18-20 weeks last time. I've also been struggling with some pretty bad vertigo.
+1 to ALL of this. Never had this constipation with my first but it SUUUUUCCCCKKKKSSSS. I have this totally irrational fear that if I push/strain too hard I'm going to push this baby right out. I KNOW that cant/won't happen but I just can't help it!
I'm peeing a lot. Holy cow I get up like 4 times a night. Sucks so bad.
The nausea had returned. I spent 15 minutes dry heaving over the toilet this morning.
My appetite is still pretty hot or miss. Some days I am starving and eat all day, others I hardly eat at all.
Other than that my blood pressure meds make me feel crappy still, so I hope they will get lowered.
Me (K)-27 DH (T)-30 2 Rainbow DDs L-10/26/10 and A-03/27/14 2 Angels- 10/26/09 and 02/03/15 Surprise BFP on 10/25/16!!! Baby Firecracker is due on 07/02/17!
13+4 today. I had an awful cold this weekend, but hoping I'm on the mend (and that it was actually a cold, but I think it was). Still dealing with nausea, but it feels like it's improving - it's tied again to being hungry, instead of just happening all day long. I did come the closest I've come to actually barfing this morning, but it passed (and was cold-related). The biggest weird thing for me right now is that I swear I can feel my uterus? There's just an uncomfortable, heavy feeling in my lower stomach, especially when I stand up or sit up really straight.
TTC #1: 4/16 BFP #1: 5/16 MMC at 8 weeks: 6/16 BFP #2: 10/16 Sweet baby boy arrived 7/7/17!
@leilac - I'm 14 weeks today and this is my first pregnancy, but I've also noticed a heavy feeling in my lower belly the last few days. Especially yesterday and today.
Morning sickness better, actually discovered if I eat PB crackers right before I go to bed I wake up a lot better in the morning, allergies finally chilled out as well.
Does anyone else have a cyst on their ovary, and is it causing anyone pain? I just found out at my NT scan that my left ovary has a cyst, most likely left from the corpus luteum, and I've been having a nagging, persistent (but not constant, it will sometimes go away for a few days) semi pulling, mostly just aching, but very concentrated pain on my left side that's been driving me crazy. I'm now thinking it might be the cyst. It's not very painful, just enough to be annoying and noticeable, and I've been chocking it up to RLP, but now that I know about the cyst it seems more likely. It's just always in the same spot. Just wondered if anyone else has been dealing with this. I've had the pain since probably around 8 weeks, I'm just about 14, and clearly it isn't bothering the baby.
I was told I have a cyst that is probably the corpus luteum. I have also been having pain on my left side, but mine is sharper and in a very specific place. My OB said most left side pain is probably a bowel thing. She didn't seem concerned about the cyst or the fibroid that was found on the right side.
Me: 31 DH: 31 DS born 6/2017, became a heart angel 8/2018 CP 3/2019
@sar6785 & @SPurp13 I have the same issue with congestion/nasal problems. I've had it since day one. I am at the point where the postnasal drip is choking me at night and I wake up not breathing (I had a nightmare I was being choked actually and it woke me up and felt alllll too real). If I don't lay on my back at all I am fine though. I also have a bloody nose EVERY time I blow it. The humidifier helps but I think I need add one at my office as well. It's really a pain
I also am exhausted alllll over again. I was feeling really great last week - no puking, had energy etc. then today I wake up with nausea/vomiting and I am dragging my feet so badly at work.
I am kind of a mess but I know it's going to be worth it.
I seem to be alternating days - one day I feel totally normal and good! Then the next, just a general blah. Cannot breathe at night - any night. The What to Expect app totally pegged all my symptoms today. In that creepy YOU DON'T KNOW ME way! (Can't use the Bump app because it has been stuck on my DS being 52 weeks old since!)
Horrible gas and constipation still. Still pretty nauseous if I wait too long to eat but I *cautiously* feel like it's getting a little bit better. RLP is definitely picking up. I dont remember having any of that until like 18-20 weeks last time. I've also been struggling with some pretty bad vertigo.
+1 to ALL of this. Never had this constipation with my first but it SUUUUUCCCCKKKKSSSS. I have this totally irrational fear that if I push/strain too hard I'm going to push this baby right out. I KNOW that cant/won't happen but I just can't help it!
Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has had that irrational thought
At 11w2d, I'm dealing with: nose of a bloodhound, icky taste in my mouth all the time, constant hunger, but if I eat one bite too much I get hours of nausea, and last but not least, burping. Constant burping. But hey, at least I can eat somewhat normal food now, so I can't complain too much.
So much discharge.. Still nauseous when I see pictures of certain things or think of certain foods. And my boobs hurt SO BAD. granted I'm still nursing my 18 month old but heaven forbid my boobs move in my bra my nipples feel like my bra is made of sand paper!
@nktrodden826 Oh my god, so much discharge. I didn't even know this much was possible, and I was not a light producer before pregnancy. I should have known this was coming......
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
@nktrodden826 Oh my god, so much discharge. I didn't even know this much was possible, and I was not a light producer before pregnancy. I should have known this was coming......
I know! I don't remember it being this bad with my son! I was reading what's ahead for next week (12weeks tomorrow) and it says an increase in discharge- that can't happen. Lol I literally won't be able to handle any more!
Big appetite - need to mix in healthy options more. Also had some bleeding after sex, so am closing the shop until my next appointment.
Edit: Also, if anyone is wondering who stared this thread - it was me! When I came back to the bump I made a new profile and I accidentally logged into the old one this morning. Sorry!
I'm eating food again!! So exciting! Nausea is all but gone (fingers crossed it stays that way). Sharp, nasty pains when sneezing, rolling over too fast, or standing up the wrong way (RLP?). And I'm back to peeing myself if I wait too long, and then sneeze. This issue is not compatible with teaching high school...
@chiquita928 yep sounds like RLP! Not fun at all. And I've been peeing myself since the beginning if I wait too long a product of this being number 2 I guess
@JAM85 I've had the peeing problems since DS was born, but they'e getting more problematic, and more frequent. I think that it's because I have to pee more often, which is not good when I can't just go whenever I want. I'm gonna have to bust out some Tenas.
@chiquita928 I literally have it happen at least twice a day when working. Sometimes I give up and wear a small pad it's nuts. After DD it was definitely different than before a kid but usually ok unless I was jumping rope in class then it was frequently a very bad scene
@JAM85 Me, too, sister! I feel your pain. Jumping jacks are the worst right now - between the peeing my pants and the ginormous boobs, I basically just told my trainer NO! I guess I should have listened to the crazy kegel ladies in my early 20s!
I think I've been having sciatic problems. It's like they alternate days to torture me. My hips are also sore, so that's fun. As is the random anger and crying.
Married: 10/13/2013
TTC #1: Mirena removed 5/26/2015; DH - normal SA, me - diagnosed with PCOS 8/4/2016 - on Metformin; BFP - 10/29/2016!!!, EDD - 7/8/2017; DD born 6/29/2017
@nktrodden826 Actually it wasn't that bad in the beginning, but I'm just about 14 weeks, and since the middle of last week it's been getting obnoxious
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Re: Symptoms - Week of 1/9
Edit: Also, if anyone is wondering who stared this thread - it was me! When I came back to the bump I made a new profile and I accidentally logged into the old one this morning. Sorry!
14w6d here. RLP is getting worse and more frequent. If I wait too long to pee (so don't go every 10 seconds) after I do I have one that stretches across my whole lower abdomen for a few seconds. And random bouts of nausea and throwing up came back the last 2 days after I thought I was done with it all. And I've had more frequent headaches.
Me: 33 DH: 33
Married: 6.9.12
DS born: 4.9.14
DD born 7.27.17
On the plus side, starting to gain some energy and my breasts aren't as sore!
Does anyone else have a cyst on their ovary, and is it causing anyone pain? I just found out at my NT scan that my left ovary has a cyst, most likely left from the corpus luteum, and I've been having a nagging, persistent (but not constant, it will sometimes go away for a few days) semi pulling, mostly just aching, but very concentrated pain on my left side that's been driving me crazy. I'm now thinking it might be the cyst. It's not very painful, just enough to be annoying and noticeable, and I've been chocking it up to RLP, but now that I know about the cyst it seems more likely. It's just always in the same spot. Just wondered if anyone else has been dealing with this. I've had the pain since probably around 8 weeks, I'm just about 14, and clearly it isn't bothering the baby.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Eta my symptoms - I'm STARVING all the time. I've also been having trouble sleeping again. I wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep for hours.
last night my my uterus felt so heavy and achy. I was almost getting worried but much better this morning and no bleeding. I hate how my worrisome symptoms always sneak up on me at night. Sleep is for rookies anyways...
Me: 35 DH: 38 | Married: 6/2013 | Pregnancy #1, APurp born 10/2014
Pregnancy #2, BFP 6/4/2016, MMC at 9W, D&E: 7/21/16 | Pregnancy #3, BFP 11/22/16
Me: 35 DH: 38 | Married: 6/2013 | Pregnancy #1, APurp born 10/2014
Pregnancy #2, BFP 6/4/2016, MMC at 9W, D&E: 7/21/16 | Pregnancy #3, BFP 11/22/16
Do you know that feeling you get sometimes when you cough or sneeze while lying down and the muscles on either side of your groin tense? That is about 10,000x worse for me in pregnancy. One day I was lying in bed and it tensed so bad that it stopped me mid-sneeze and I actually cried. DH was freaking out wondering if I was okay. It's very annoying having to physically prepare for every cough and sneeze! Well, as much as I can of course lol!
Met: 08/2001 ~ Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
Met: 08/2001 ~ Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
The nausea had returned. I spent 15 minutes dry heaving over the toilet this morning.
My appetite is still pretty hot or miss. Some days I am starving and eat all day, others I hardly eat at all.
Other than that my blood pressure meds make me feel crappy still, so I hope they will get lowered.
Me (K)-27 DH (T)-30
2 Rainbow DDs L-10/26/10 and A-03/27/14
2 Angels- 10/26/09 and 02/03/15
Surprise BFP on 10/25/16!!! Baby Firecracker is due on 07/02/17!
BFP #1: 5/16
MMC at 8 weeks: 6/16
BFP #2: 10/16
Sweet baby boy arrived 7/7/17!
CP 3/2019
If I don't lay on my back at all I am fine though. I also have a bloody nose EVERY time I blow it. The humidifier helps but I think I need add one at my office as well. It's really a pain
I also am exhausted alllll over again. I was feeling really great last week - no puking, had energy etc. then today I wake up with nausea/vomiting and I am dragging my feet so badly at work.
The What to Expect app totally pegged all my symptoms today. In that creepy YOU DON'T KNOW ME way! (Can't use the Bump app because it has been stuck on my DS being 52 weeks old since!)
At 11w2d, I'm dealing with: nose of a bloodhound, icky taste in my mouth all the time, constant hunger, but if I eat one bite too much I get hours of nausea, and last but not least, burping. Constant burping. But hey, at least I can eat somewhat normal food now, so I can't complain too much.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
@virginiaunicorn11 I had to go into my profile and add a new pregnancy to move beyond my dd being 52 weeks old.
I think I've been having sciatic problems. It's like they alternate days to torture me. My hips are also sore, so that's fun. As is the random anger and crying.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)