Unreal. I tried something new tonight since DS consistently consumes all 4oz of his bottles (every 3 hours). Tonight before bed I put 6oz in his bedtime bottle thinking he would take just a little over 5oz but he consumed the entire 6oz. He just woke up after a glorious 5 hour interval. It concerns me that he is taking so much formula at 1 month old but my doctor said in the beginning that he is a barracuda and to feed him if he's hungry & there is nothing wrong with that.
****Siggy TW**** natural pregnancy: 2008 Me: 28 (Hypothyroid), DH: 35 Together since: 2010 Married: 2013 TTC: 2013 Infertility: severe MFI, low AMH (0.5) Met RE: January 2016 ER: 3/14 (4 follies, 6 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized) fresh 3dt of 2 embryos= BFP (1 implanted) EDD w/ baby boy= 12/6/16
@capps42613 my DD was being rude tonight from 8-10 (aka fussy as hell) and kept acting hungry. She had her normal 4oz (3oz breastmilk, 1oz formula) at 745. Went on to have 3 more oz of formula before calming down at 10. So from 745 to 10 she had 7 flipping ounces! It's 230 and she's still sleeping and I'm here pumping.
LO has regressed and now will only sleep on me or DH again. I am so tired. DH held him for several hours last night but then had to sleep bc he has work today. The weekend can't come soon enough.
Aw man @maamawaabangi, I was so hoping it was your turn! I decided to go to the office for a couple hours this morning. Big mistake. I am so uncomfortable.
@ajstevenson well hopefully your discomfort amounts to something... one of us ought to have a baby today... maybe we are all holding out for New Years??? Our babies are saying "heck no! Not being born in 2016!!!"
My aunt reminded me today that as much as it sucks, this part of pregnancy is the universe preparing you for parenting. There are things you cannot control and things do not always work in accordance to your plans. And good Lord the patience required. Very good advice and it's helped my try to adjust my mindset (obviously just this afternoon, we'll see how long it lasts).
@maamawaabangi ! Keep hoping it's real labor, I just had a dream last night that you had your baby! It was so strange because, well obviously because we have never 'met', and because I was congratulating you for having the baby before 2017! My brain is so full of baby thoughts.
LO feeds for 10 min, then makes a watery gurgle fussy noise when I lay her in the pack n play. Pick her up, burp her, try it again, and repeat. We have a wedge under the mattress but I think the answer is going to be keeping her upright after feeding. I love to hold her but could use the sleep. Would gripe water help with this?
@KattyC we try to switch up sleep devices between day and night but we can't lay her flat at all due to reflux. Even the wedge isn't enough...so it's rock n play, swing, bouncy seat, or our arms. With dd1 who had horrible reflux she didn't sleep flat until 4/5 months and she had the wedge after that until 15 months.
If yours doesn't have reflux you may be able to keep the baby upright for 10 minutes or so after eating then try laying down.
Thanks @sourlemon, I'll give it a try tonight. Someone mentioned using a wet washcloth to keep LO awake during feeding, Ill be using that to keep myself awake while keeping her upright. This should prob go in the stupid question thread, but how do I tell if it is reflux?
@KattyC there's the projectile spit up type of reflux (dd1 had) and there's "silent" reflux (dd2 has) where the spit up doesn't fully escape the mouth but the acid still burns. My lo is choking at night and arching her back during and after eating. Plus super fussiness during/after feedings but not when actually hungry. That's the only way we knew...mentioned those to the Dr yesterday and she strongly thinks it's reflux so we are starting meds.
Remember some spit up is normal. But being in pain during/after every bottle is not. If concerned I'd being it up at your appointment. Sometimes just incline sleeping helps a ton!
Hello ladies, @ajstevenson 'S water has broken! Her little angel decided to start coming on the day she was due! She is laboring at home for a bit before the contractions become more frequent. Praying for a safe and fast delivery for her! Will keep you updated!
We breastfed but I don't feel like she emptied either side. I think the latches must have been bad because I have had fire nips for an hour. Now im in bed and reeeeeally dont want to go downstairs to pump to relieve the pressure. Waaahh!
I'm at a loss of what to do. His umbilical cord is falling off. It's just hanging on by a thread. It looks a little raw underneath but no bleeding or anything I think would be concerning. But any time anything touches it, he flips. And he squirms while he wails so it just touches the top of his diaper. I have him laying on my lap totally flat with his outfit open so it gets as much dry air as possible. But when he starts crying he is inconsolable. Nothing works. He won't even latch to comfort nurse. I'm not sure what we're going to do...
@tinattt23 can you get him to the peds in the AM? LO's stump got wet while nursing (thanks leaky left boob) and it stuck to her shirt, pulled away slightly. She wasn't fussy about it, but we were terrified bc after it did come off it it would bleed a little when her tummy got full or she let out a cry. Anyways, at her dr visit they used silver nitrate to essentially seal it off. It might be something they could do for your little guy.
@KattyC I sat up with the poor guy all night. Laid him across my lap so his diaper wouldn't bug the stump and opened up his jammies trying to keep it as extra dry as possible while googling everything stump related. I'm pretty comfortable it's not infected or anything. Not red. Not leaking. I think that last little bit just kept getting tugged on and bugging him. Eventually he fell asleep and I was going to fall asleep sitting up so I put him in his RnP. It had fallen off completely when I picked him back up! Keeping an eye on it, but looks ok.
LO was doing her fussy gas thing so I gave her a 1/2 dose of gripe water. Worked like a charm, she's sleeping peacefully. I, however, am wide awake watching her to make sure she doesn't have a reaction to it.
Re: MOTN check in
I swear my pump is talking to me.....
natural pregnancy: 2008
Me: 28 (Hypothyroid), DH: 35
Together since: 2010
Married: 2013
TTC: 2013
Infertility: severe MFI, low AMH (0.5)
Met RE: January 2016
ER: 3/14 (4 follies, 6 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized)
fresh 3dt of 2 embryos= BFP (1 implanted)
EDD w/ baby boy= 12/6/16
Yay! (Sarcasm)
Please let it be real, pretty please!!!
Due December 27th with baby #7
I'm singing songs in my head based on the rhythm of the pump. I've reached that level of late night insanity.
Due December 27th with baby #7
Cluster feeding? Growth spurt? Whatever it is, I'm not a fan of feeding every hour for 5 minutes. So jealous of @capps42613 sleep! You go mama!
lo has gotten me up every 1.5 hours tonight. I am so tired.
And she won't stop pooping.
My Wedding Bio!
LO has regressed and now will only sleep on me or DH again. I am so tired. DH held him for several hours last night but then had to sleep bc he has work today. The weekend can't come soon enough.
This is totally getting a tad out of hand in my opinion.
Due December 27th with baby #7
Due December 27th with baby #7
Due December 27th with baby #7
Due December 27th with baby #7
If yours doesn't have reflux you may be able to keep the baby upright for 10 minutes or so after eating then try laying down.
This should prob go in the stupid question thread, but how do I tell if it is reflux?
Remember some spit up is normal. But being in pain during/after every bottle is not. If concerned I'd being it up at your appointment. Sometimes just incline sleeping helps a ton!
we are already on our first feed. I was praying for another 5 hour stretch like last night but nope....
ETA: I referred to this link a lot during our stump issues: https://www.seattlechildrens.org/medical-conditions/symptom-index/umbilical-cord-problems/