Wtf my husband. He's been off this month, waiting to start a new job. He's been helping his parents harvest (they're farmers), so he just dicks off and leaves me with our 1 yr old, who CONSTANTLY needs entertainment. He gets to sit in an air conditioned tractor all day while I get to put up with constant crying/tantrums if I leave my kid alone to try to do some housework. His excuse - my parents need help. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe your pregnant wife needs help?!!!!!
I'll WTF my husband, too! He hates his job, so he's been looking for a new one. He's got an interview tomorrow at a place that is over an hour away. He seems to think that it will be no big deal to commute and get home later than normal. So're going to want me to handle dinner/bath/bedtime for the one year old now, and then for two kids later? Seems smart.
@ChristinaWild oh hell to the no. It's one thing if he is going to have to occasionally stay late, but being over an hour away every day meaning you do dinner and bed time solo every day? No no no no no.
@ChristinaWild FWIW My H works an hour away and he claims that the drive sucks the souls out of him. (He can be a little dramatic). I don't think I would be cool with dinner/bedtime solo every night either!!
WTF co-worker! Do you have to scream when you are on the phone? I understand you don't like to wear your hearing aids, but everyone does not want to hear your conversation. SHUT IT already!
WTF laundry- why won't you fold yourself and put yourself away?
(Does that count as a WTF? May be more of a FFFC- I have five loads of laundry fresh and clean in baskets sitting in the kitchen waiting to be folded!)
Also @ChristinaWild oh no! Dinner time and bedtime by yourself every day?!?! No way! I have to a few days a week due to DH's work schedule and I cling to the promise of the days that he will be home!
My WTF is my husband. He has the nerve to bring up a topic this morning that we have had MULTIPLE arguments over five minutes before I'm supposed to leave for work. So I start yelling and crying because he is being a jerk about the whole thing, telling me I'm overreacting, saying I'm "walking away" because I NEED TO GO TO WORK. And then, he tells me I need to calm down or I'll give myself a miscarriage.... It took all I had in my body to not kill him on the spot. I was 20 minutes late to work because of his dumb ass.
WTF MIL. Usually I get along with her fine. We just told her we were pregnant on Monday. When we shared the news she said, "when are you going to make it official?" To which I replied, "Well, we just told you. We have to tell our other parents. I'm not posting on fb or anything this early." Apparently she meant make my relationship with her son official by marrying him. Oh, that. Of course my SO and I have talked about it, but I don't want to rush into getting married just because I'm KU. Then last night she texted me about apartment on craigslist that I might like, but she didn't say which one (just 2bd, __ neighborhood). I know she is trying to help, but she has a habit of recommending stuff that isn't in our budget, and that doesn't help.
@Jenshoes I'm sorry you had such a crappy start to the day. I would have lost it at the miscarriage comment. So below the belt, not to mention, incorrect.
I have to WTF my mother in law. My SIL has a two month old and MIL has been over there three nights a week helping out so that they can sleep. Meanwhile, this is the second time she has canceled on watching DS the NIGHT before, leaving me scrambling. She hasnt spent any time with DS since March and it's making me so angry on his behalf.
@Jenshoes that is NOT cool. I had a really stressful event occur the day before I started bleeding (but then it ended up not being a miscarriage) and for days I was convinced that the stress caused a miscarriage. Even though that idea is debunked. It was the worst feeling.
@Squirtgun we also have 5 loads of clean laundry sitting out.
@ChristinaWild chiming in with the others that yeah, that sucks. Not acceptable to do bath and bedtime every night (and then probably have to eat with him again afterward--totally inefficient.) And @ShadeofGreen816 is right -- long commutes are soul-sucking. So yeah, he should NOT take that job. His current crappy job is better than the 1 hr commute option.
Thanks @RainyDays86@MoshiMoshi7@kat81 He knows he messed up this morning, called me a few times since then being sweet as pie on the phone (that is not his personality so I know he's trying extra hard). Men can be such asses.
I have 2 today... WTF body! You are only 7 weeks pregnant, you do NOT need to be growing a belly yet. I couldn't wear one of my favorite pair of pants yesterday, and then in order for me to wear my skirt today, it is unzipped so that it isn't too tight around my belly. As much as maternity clothes sound wonderful, I am not even out yet to my co-workers, don't want them accidentally seeing my maternity waist band.
WTF client! Did we have to have 3 hour meeting today? I know you don't know I'm pregnant, but holy crap I was so hungry by the time we got done. Next time make some decisions faster please!!
@ChristinaWild MH was also looking at taking a job an hour away. It was really good pay and he tried to rationalize it that if he left really early in the morning, he could leave earlier in the evening. Luckily he didn't take it and now we always look back, so grateful he didn't take it. Especially now that we have 1 in school and 1 in daycare. There is no way I would have been able to pick both up everyday on time. I hope you guys work something out that keeps both of you happy!!
@MoshiMoshi7 Sorry about your MIL! Have you told her how not cool it is to cancel that late on you?
My WTF is two things: Last night I went to my first yoga class and then had to stop and get myself some new bras and some lettuce for my husband. On my way to the store my husband texts me to tell me that he forgot to get out some chicken for himself. I called to see if he wanted me to get him anything, but he didn't answer. But then I get home and he is surprised that I haven't stopped to get him dinner and wants to know what he's supposed to eat? Um, you're a big boy, figure it out because this wife is exhausted!
Second, my cat is crazy. He wakes me up at least six times a night for feeding and loves. This morning, on my day off, I'm looking forward to sleeping in and getting some rest, but he start poking me at 7am to get me out of bed. Selfish. Or, maybe helpful since I'll have a baby soon to make me get up.
@arels483 my cat has been doing that for a year, except for going outside/coming back in. I'm so used to being woken up that luckily I can zombie walk to/from my bed and front door and fall back asleep again (usually). It helps that my apartment is small.
WTF to clients who don't show up to their appointments and don't call ahead to cancel!!! Do you know how long it took me to prepare for our meeting and how much other stuff I need to be doing other than waiting around for you to (not) show up?!?!? In general, if you can't make a meeting please let the person you're meeting with know.
@arels483 I know the feeling! My cat expects a certain amount of affection per day. If he doesn't get it, he logs the time and wakes me up in the middle of the night.
@luckywife10 that is so rude. Will they have to call you directly to reschedule? Maybe you could remind them that your time is valuable just like theirs is so to not be jerks.
My wtf is to work. I had an interview on the 13th and haven't heard anything. I know I was the first one and there were interviews all the way through Friday so last week was the actual first week I didn't hear anything. Stuff moves SO slow around here that it is hard to know if it is a no go or if they got hung up on something. She even told me when the interview was over that no news isn't necessarily bad news for a bit. I plan on emailing the two ladies I interviewed with Friday asking for some feedback for the interview so that should let me know I guess.
My wtf is to myself. I am just so unproductive these days and I have so. much. to. do. I know a big part of it is that I'm tired and also that I've cut coffee but I'm really angry with myself because all I'm doing is getting further behind.
@RainyDays86 You took the words right out of my mouth. The only person I'm hurting is myself, but I just can't seem to get motivated to get stuff done. It's going to come back to bite me...
@slam1110 I've tries to explain to her that it's really stressful trying to find childcare last minute, but I usually don't feel like I can say anything because she's doing me a favor so I shouldnt get irritated that it's on her schedule.
@RainyDays86 I've felt the exact same way lately. It's hard to get past the exhaustion and get anything done. I've been trying to give myself a break because it's first tri and growing a human is hard.
@RainyDays86 same here. WTF, me. I feel lousy, and on top of that, disappointed in myself for not getting enough done. I also have to suppress some serious grumbles/dagger eyes when I get new projects at work. I need an attitude adjustment.
Also, WTF dh's job, now that I'm reading other people's complaints about having to tackle dinner/bath/bedtime alone. DH is an attorney at a big law firm, where he works from 8am-8:30 pm most days and often through weekends. It sucks now, even with out kids, but it sounds like I'm in for a treat once baby boo arrives. On the up-side, his firm offers generous paternity leave. Not sure if they discourage him from taking it, but hey. I'll be mandating that he take every single day he can.
@cclaineDC he should definitely take as much paternity leave as he can. It will be hard for you to do dinner/bath/bedtime solo every night, but if he can help out in the first weeks or even months that will help a lot.
Ugh. The legal profession is the worst when it comes to the perception of men (and often women) taking parental leave. Really, it's often the worst when it comes to a lot of gender equality issues.
Yeah, it's a grueling profession, especially at big firms. I expect his managers will get angry, but whatever. He works like a dog every single day. Btw, he's on his way home from work now, before 8:30! Score!
WTF school? I'm a teacher scheduled in a week for parent teacher conferences for an entire day with a 3 hour stretch with no breaks, a lunch break (yay), and a 5 HOUR STRETCH with NO breaks! Seriously hope I'm not booked straight through, this girl is gonna need some bathroom breaks!
@museic That seriously blows! Silver lining: Say your conferences are 15 or 20 mins each, so over 8 hours, it's 20, 30, 40 parents? There's No Way that many people are punctual, all together, all on the same day, without some gaps in there. Hopefully it'll work out okay for you!! P.S. If I were the parent there for a meeting, and you said, "I need to go check on something and will promptly return to discuss your child," I'd like to think that I wouldn't get huffy about it. We're all human. Plus I'd understand it's your place of business, you have a job to do, and maybe you really do have to go talk to a coworker/boss about something important... or use the loo. Whichever.
@SKZW true true, it will probably all work out, I'm just tired of not getting breaks lol I have 28 kids and the conferences are back to back, but you're definitely right- there will probably be a few that don't show up! Thanks for the encouragement!
Wtf husband. I was commenting on how I looked so much more bloated/starting to get a tummy so much earlier this time around. His response: "yeah you'll have to work your tummy off this time!" Like, really?!???
@Squirtgun I don't have laundry fairies at my house either so nothing gets folded. A few years ago I gave up and started hanging everything that could possibly be hanged. My stress levels have gone down significantly
@Jenshoes I would have murdered him. Glad he's sucking up to you now.
Mine is WTF Bump app. I'm so tired to typing out long, thoughtful responses only to have them eaten.
Thank you all for making me not feel crazy about hating the idea! I'm pretty sure he knows it's a terrible idea, too, he just has to come around to it on his own!
@cclaineDC - that's really amazing that he gets paternity leave! Every little bit of extra time he can spend with the baby will be nice, even if he doesn't get to take full advantage of their policy.
@misslennon - is he still alive for you to smack on the head??
@Yiggle09 Aww don't feel too bad. I am a Saturday ticker change and we/I didn't even start one this weekend. I'm kinda bummed about being on a Saturday, I feel like the weekends are usually so much slower anyhow. Plus the nauseous has been so bad I have barely been bumping, and if I am home? I was lounging on the sofa napping. I'm sure it will pick up once we all get out of 1st tri.
I know I participated yesterday, but today is WTF my SO. Our cat came inside around 9pm last night with her backside/legs/tail wet and covered in dirt and barkchips (at first I thought my neighbor must have sprayed her with the hose). But she wasn't acting like herself: she is lethargic, quiet, and isnt even trying to groom herself. *TMI?* She is leaking a clear liquid out of her bottom and keeps unsuccessfully trying to pass a BM. She wouldn't eat/drink. She was quiet all night and didn't meow to go outside. She is usually a VOCAL cat.
This morning she drank some water. I called her vet and because of my class schedule (Tue/Thur are my long days), they said I could leave her there until the vet has time. Otherwise I can't get there until 4:30, and SO would be at work... *UPDATE* The vet just called me back with a 9am slot- they had a cancellation. Still, leads me to the WTF him part.
I'm not currently working, and I had a delay on my financial aid, so I can't pay for her vet bills- especially if she'll need some kind of surgery. He is willing to pay for her, but he doesn't have any cash to give me and he is being a D about it. I suggested he write me a check, then I could go to my bank before I return to the vet. I'm all stressed out because my kitty is clearly ill, and I was the only one home last night when this started so I put on gloves and cleaned her litter box, tried to clean her up, and this morning I swept the litter off the floor. I realized she has been leaking the weird intestinal, liquid all over the floor/couch/bed.
I'm so worried about her, and about toxoplasmosis and the baby now too. She is an indoor/outdoor cat, so she might have it, idk. I have to clean EVERYWHERE now. HE is annoyed that I was talking to him about this because he wants to sleep in! F off. Maybe it's the hormones, but I'm just so mad and worried all at once. Thanks for letting me vent.
This is crazy that you are having an issue with this. My husband works nights so it is always me doing these things, isn't that just part of parenting?
Re: WTF Wednesday 9/28
Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
Im at work so I'm sure I'll have a WTF here soon!
(Does that count as a WTF? May be more of a FFFC- I have five loads of laundry fresh and clean in baskets sitting in the kitchen waiting to be folded!)
Also @ChristinaWild oh no! Dinner time and bedtime by yourself every day?!?! No way! I have to a few days a week due to DH's work schedule and I cling to the promise of the days that he will be home!
Apparently she meant make my relationship with her son official by marrying him. Oh, that. Of course my SO and I have talked about it, but I don't want to rush into getting married just because I'm KU. Then last night she texted me about apartment on craigslist that I might like, but she didn't say which one (just 2bd, __ neighborhood). I know she is trying to help, but she has a habit of recommending stuff that isn't in our budget, and that doesn't help.
I have to WTF my mother in law. My SIL has a two month old and MIL has been over there three nights a week helping out so that they can sleep. Meanwhile, this is the second time she has canceled on watching DS the NIGHT before, leaving me scrambling. She hasnt spent any time with DS since March and it's making me so angry on his behalf.
@Squirtgun we also have 5 loads of clean laundry sitting out.
@ChristinaWild chiming in with the others that yeah, that sucks. Not acceptable to do bath and bedtime every night (and then probably have to eat with him again afterward--totally inefficient.) And @ShadeofGreen816 is right -- long commutes are soul-sucking. So yeah, he should NOT take that job. His current crappy job is better than the 1 hr commute option.
He knows he messed up this morning, called me a few times since then being sweet as pie on the phone (that is not his personality so I know he's trying extra hard). Men can be such asses.
WTF body! You are only 7 weeks pregnant, you do NOT need to be growing a belly yet. I couldn't wear one of my favorite pair of pants yesterday, and then in order for me to wear my skirt today, it is unzipped so that it isn't too tight around my belly. As much as maternity clothes sound wonderful, I am not even out yet to my co-workers, don't want them accidentally seeing my maternity waist band.
WTF client! Did we have to have 3 hour meeting today? I know you don't know I'm pregnant, but holy crap I was so hungry by the time we got done. Next time make some decisions faster please!!
@ChristinaWild MH was also looking at taking a job an hour away. It was really good pay and he tried to rationalize it that if he left really early in the morning, he could leave earlier in the evening. Luckily he didn't take it and now we always look back, so grateful he didn't take it. Especially now that we have 1 in school and 1 in daycare. There is no way I would have been able to pick both up everyday on time. I hope you guys work something out that keeps both of you happy!!
@MoshiMoshi7 Sorry about your MIL! Have you told her how not cool it is to cancel that late on you?
Last night I went to my first yoga class and then had to stop and get myself some new bras and some lettuce for my husband. On my way to the store my husband texts me to tell me that he forgot to get out some chicken for himself. I called to see if he wanted me to get him anything, but he didn't answer. But then I get home and he is surprised that I haven't stopped to get him dinner and wants to know what he's supposed to eat? Um, you're a big boy, figure it out because this wife is exhausted!
Second, my cat is crazy. He wakes me up at least six times a night for feeding and loves. This morning, on my day off, I'm looking forward to sleeping in and getting some rest, but he start poking me at 7am to get me out of bed. Selfish. Or, maybe helpful since I'll have a baby soon to make me get up.
@arels483 I know the feeling! My cat expects a certain amount of affection per day. If he doesn't get it, he logs the time and wakes me up in the middle of the night.
My wtf is to work. I had an interview on the 13th and haven't heard anything. I know I was the first one and there were interviews all the way through Friday so last week was the actual first week I didn't hear anything. Stuff moves SO slow around here that it is hard to know if it is a no go or if they got hung up on something. She even told me when the interview was over that no news isn't necessarily bad news for a bit. I plan on emailing the two ladies I interviewed with Friday asking for some feedback for the interview so that should let me know I guess.
Also, WTF dh's job, now that I'm reading other people's complaints about having to tackle dinner/bath/bedtime alone. DH is an attorney at a big law firm, where he works from 8am-8:30 pm most days and often through weekends. It sucks now, even with out kids, but it sounds like I'm in for a treat once baby boo arrives. On the up-side, his firm offers generous paternity leave. Not sure if they discourage him from taking it, but hey. I'll be mandating that he take every single day he can.
Ugh. The legal profession is the worst when it comes to the perception of men (and often women) taking parental leave. Really, it's often the worst when it comes to a lot of gender equality issues.
May17 Siggy Challenge
May17 Siggy Challenge
Yeah, it's a grueling profession, especially at big firms. I expect his managers will get angry, but whatever. He works like a dog every single day. Btw, he's on his way home from work now, before 8:30! Score!
That seriously blows!
Silver lining: Say your conferences are 15 or 20 mins each, so over 8 hours, it's 20, 30, 40 parents? There's No Way that many people are punctual, all together, all on the same day, without some gaps in there. Hopefully it'll work out okay for you!!
P.S. If I were the parent there for a meeting, and you said, "I need to go check on something and will promptly return to discuss your child," I'd like to think that I wouldn't get huffy about it. We're all human. Plus I'd understand it's your place of business, you have a job to do, and maybe you really do have to go talk to a coworker/boss about something important... or use the loo. Whichever.
Like, really?!???
@Jenshoes I would have murdered him. Glad he's sucking up to you now.
Mine is WTF Bump app. I'm so tired to typing out long, thoughtful responses only to have them eaten.
Thank you all for making me not feel crazy about hating the idea! I'm pretty sure he knows it's a terrible idea, too, he just has to come around to it on his own!
@cclaineDC - that's really amazing that he gets paternity leave! Every little bit of extra time he can spend with the baby will be nice, even if he doesn't get to take full advantage of their policy.
@misslennon - is he still alive for you to smack on the head??
Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
This morning she drank some water. I called her vet and because of my class schedule (Tue/Thur are my long days), they said I could leave her there until the vet has time. Otherwise I can't get there until 4:30, and SO would be at work... *UPDATE* The vet just called me back with a 9am slot- they had a cancellation. Still, leads me to the WTF him part.
I'm not currently working, and I had a delay on my financial aid, so I can't pay for her vet bills- especially if she'll need some kind of surgery. He is willing to pay for her, but he doesn't have any cash to give me and he is being a D about it. I suggested he write me a check, then I could go to my bank before I return to the vet. I'm all stressed out because my kitty is clearly ill, and I was the only one home last night when this started so I put on gloves and cleaned her litter box, tried to clean her up, and this morning I swept the litter off the floor. I realized she has been leaking the weird intestinal, liquid all over the floor/couch/bed.
I'm so worried about her, and about toxoplasmosis and the baby now too. She is an indoor/outdoor cat, so she might have it, idk. I have to clean EVERYWHERE now. HE is annoyed that I was talking to him about this because he wants to sleep in! F off. Maybe it's the hormones, but I'm just so mad and worried all at once. Thanks for letting me vent.
Crazy that who is having an issue with what?
May17 Siggy Challenge