May 2017 Moms

Second Time Mom+ Check-In --9.21

Hey there, pretty mamas! I've been thinking about what things I need to buy vs. use what I had for babe #1...wondering what you guys are adding to your list as necessities? For me, I'm going to need a double stroller (overwhelmed by the options, but loving the thread started here a while back with everyone's recs!), a new glider (I can't take my son's...he still loves it for nightly story time), and a monitor (I hate the monitor we have for my son and it's on the fritz, so definitely need to start that research process). I'm hoping we can get away with transitioning my son from his crib to a toddler bed, but if that doesn't happen, we may be in the market for a crib, too. And, of course, nursery decor because that's my favorite part!  
Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

Re: Second Time Mom+ Check-In --9.21

  • We need a bunk bed! My 2yo and 6yo are going to have to share a room. The 2yo is getting evicted from the crib (when it's closer to May).

    Also need a double stroller. And that's it! 
    Me: 33   DH: 42
    DD: 6
    DS: 2
  • I think we will need a second crib, because I probably won't be ready for DS to sleep in a toddler bed yet. I've also wondered if we will need a second pack-n-play for traveling. I know some hotels have one, but I question their cleanliness. 

    This baby will be born in the totally opposite season than my first (November, May) so even if it's another boy, I don't think we will be able to reuse many clothes. : /
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  • FlyChickemilyalso , I'm so worried about transitioning my now just over 2 year old to a toddler bed...he loves his crib and moves in his sleep like he's on speed...there is no way he'll stay in a toddler bed, even with a rail. Hoping things look a little more promising as April/May nears...

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I've been wondering constantly about this. As much as a I wanted to be smart and purchase neutral main items (stroller, carseat, etc.), when we found out it was a girl I could not help myself. Everything is floral. If we have another girl I will have a lot less to buy. Some things I will need reguardless- a better bassinet/cosleeper, a wrap (I borrowed the one for my daughter but need to buy my own bc I plan to use it a lot), possibly a double stroller, and a glider also! I had a regular oversized fluffy chair in my daughters room and while it is great for quick story and snuggles before bed, it was miserable to nurse in.. it didn't rock and there was nowhere to put my feet up when our nursing sessions turned into long nights. I plan to use a hand me down crib.
  • We didn't get much stuff for #2, but we did get a video monitor...though that was just as much to monitor #1 when he would get out of his new bed!

    I would recommend against going from crib to toddler bed to regular bed. Just skip to regular bed, but if you're worried about falling you can put the mattress directly on the floor, or on a box spring on the floor. That's what we're doing with my daughter now, while my son has a bed frame, because she's new to a bed. We never did the toddler bed thing. That way you won't need a new crib. Our age gap was also big enough that we didn't ever get a double stroller, though our son did sometimes use the stroller (e.g. they'd take turns walking or DD would be in the ergo while he strolled, etc.) We cut them off of the stroller this spring so they'd stop asking about it and fighting over it. Suck it up and walk! (Though sometimes DD gets carried as a result.) I'm hoping that when baby comes no one will try to usurp the stroller.

    For #3 we don't plan on getting anything, though it's been so long I'll need to check the expiration date on the infant car seat! Crap, just googled it and it said probably 6 years for most carseats. I think we need a new one because DS will be 6 in December. Then what does one do with those convertible ones that are supposed to get you through all of the carseat years? My son still rides in his 2nd carseat (he got when about 18 mo old) and probably will for several more they expire before you can even finish using them on one kid? 

    Other than that we do need some sort of glider/nursing chair, because we got rid of ours when we moved. But we have a girl and a boy so I really think we're covered for everything else. We even have some left over diapers. :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • AH! Car seats...I didn't even think of that. I guess I should check the expiration on's probably fine, but who knows! And diapers...yes...we have some leftover but not nearly the arsenal needed for a newborn. :-) 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • We're planning to get a double-stroller and a new dresser for the kiddos. We're team green for this one, so I probably won't by too much until we know if we need clothes. Most of the big items from DD are gender-neutral and she is already in a big girl bed. 
  • @emilyalso I didn't even think about a second pack n play, that's not a bad idea.  We also have kids born in the same season.  My first was November 14!  I'm wondering how much newborn stuff I'll get since they're pretty much just in pajamas all day, but later on it will be hard to reuse clothes.

    We can reuse our infant car seat thankfully but will need a new glider (DS still uses his) and possible a new crib.  DS is trying to make the transition to a toddler bed but I don't want to force him out of it if he's still wanting to use it.  I also am planning on getting a co-sleeper.  We had a bassinet with DS but I want an actual co-sleeper that goes up against the side of the bed because that seems so much easier.
  • I need to buy a crib for baby#2 - DD has a convertible crib so we're transitioning that to a toddler bed so baby#2 needs somewhere to sleep. Though, DD slept in her crib for a month at most so I'm debating even buying one. She slept in the RNP for the first 4 months, crib for about 2 months, then she moved into our bed. I'm debating on buying a double stroller (they're so expensive!!) Maybe I'll get a co-sleeper this time around. I like the area of the Halo co-sleeper next to the bed. I'm hoping for another girl so I can save money on hand me downs :)
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @kat81 Good call on the carseat, DD just turned 6 too, will need to check that out!
    @emilyalso @Kipperoo In my experience with transitioning to toddler/regular bed, I would not do it so close to when you are due and try to give it some room in between.  When DS came, we had just moved DD to her big girl bed. I think with that new transition and with a newborn, she majorly sleep regressed.  If you can do the transition sooner, I would, that way it will be less change for them once baby comes.

    I think I will need a new breast pump this time.  I've been fortunate that I've used both of my SIL's pumps, but I used them so much they are both on the fritz. Might actually have to buy one this time!  Other than that, I think we can make most things still work!
    Me: 33 / DH: 35
    Married: Nov 2006
    DD: Sept 2010
    DS: June 2013
    BFP #3 - EDD 5.13.16
  • Thanks for all the posts Ladies! It got my mind going. 

    I didn't get a glider the first time around (still kicking myself) so I'm definitely getting one this round! We go on walks regularly so a double stroller will be key. We use Lifefactory Glass baby bottles so if #2 is a girl, I might have to splurge and get some girly colors to add to the mix. Oh, and a new monitor because the AC adapter on our current one is acting up and won't charge all the time. 

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

  • When DD was born, DS was 2 yrs 4 months old and grew out of his crib a month before she was born. I don't expect that she'll grow out of it as early as him but she should be 2 1/2 by the time this baby is born and last time the crib went empty for 4-5 months after DD was born so I'm hoping we have a similar arrangement and she is closer to 3 before we need to move her to a big girl's bed and then we won't need to get a second crib.

    DD broke out video monitor a few months ago so we will be replacing it. We'll also need a new infant car seat. Other than that, I don't really foresee other things we'll need other than new pacifiers and bottle nipples. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Me: 38 DH: 36
    Married 8/27/2011
    BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
    BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
    BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014
    BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
    BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
    BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018

  • slam1110slam1110 member
    edited September 2016
    @RainyDays86  I will look into it again, thanks for the heads up! Last time I checked (2013), my insurance did not :(  Maybe it will now!

    ETA: Upon reviewing my healthcare, I think I now qualify for one!  And it jogged my memory, insurance covered the manual pump back in 2013, looks like the Affordable care act was updated in 2014 to now include electric pumps!
    Me: 33 / DH: 35
    Married: Nov 2006
    DD: Sept 2010
    DS: June 2013
    BFP #3 - EDD 5.13.16
  • @slam1110 I forgot about the breast pump. I used the same one for #1 and #2 (even though I think that I might have been able to get a new one from the ACA) but I remember it was almost dead when I was just about done using it with #2. So I think I need a new one. The only thing is that I REALLY liked the medela freestyle, which I had, and want it again. From what I heard last time from people, the freestyle is kind of too fancy to be covered by insurance. If that is the case for me, I will probably still splurge for it. A good breastpump goes SUCH a long way in terms of convenience, etc.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Baby number 3 here... I have 2 DDs so if it's a boy I'll need boy clothes, but if it's another girl I have all of the clothes saved still. All of our big stuff (pack n play, bouncer, highchair) is gender neutral so I won't be needing any of that. Although or swing was damaged in our last move so I'll be in the market for that. Part of me really wants the expensive Mamaroo one, but the practical side of me knows this will be the last baby so I don't want to spend all that money for just one more use. I also need to check the car seat expiration, and just pointing out for all of you that have expired ones, Babies R Us is doing their trade in event right now! 

    We've used the same crib for both girls and plan on using it again so I'll work on transitioning DD2 to a twin bed probably around the first of the year. I had no issues transitioning DD1 right around 2 years old, so hoping for the same success! 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17

  • slam1110 said:
    @RainyDays86  I will look into it again, thanks for the heads up! Last time I checked (2013), my insurance did not :(  Maybe it will now!

    ETA: Upon reviewing my healthcare, I think I now qualify for one!  And it jogged my memory, insurance covered the manual pump back in 2013, looks like the Affordable care act was updated in 2014 to now include electric pumps!
    I am almost positive ALL insurance companies now cover breastpumps! We have Tricare who has never ever covered anything regarding breastpumps and I believe they were the last ones to finally cover it this year! I am so excited for a new one! 

    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
  • @RainyDays86 beat me to it @slam1110, but definitely check with your insurance on the breast pump. 
  • kat81, when I had my son 2 years ago, the Freestyle was the pump of choice for my insurance/the hospital. They actually had a person walking around handing out pumps to all the new moms and the only thing on the cart was the Freestyle, so maybe you'll get as lucky! :-) 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • We just transferred DS1 from his crib to a twin bed and bought him a new dresser, so we'll pretty much be able to use all of his old furniture. I do want a new glider though, the one I had with DS had wooden arm rests and was SO uncomfortable to nurse in.

    Aside from that, I think I'd like to look into getting an Ergo. I'm anticipating wearing this LO a lot more as I chase after DS. Does anyone have any favorite carriers that they would recommend.

  • I have to put some more thought into this.  But I'll need another mirror for the car so I can see both kids (planning on keeping DS rear-facing as long as possible), new pacifiers, maybe bottle nipples? but I didn't use those too much with DS so I might be ok there.  Kid #2 will probably sleep in the rock 'n play for the first several months so I have time to figure out the bed situation for DS.  He currently still happy in the crib.  He'll be 2yrs 9 months when #2 arrives so if I need to transition I'll probably go to a twin mattress on the floor and use the crib for #2 when needed.  Might need more clothes especially if #2 is a girl. We may also need a dresser for #2.  Not sure actually what to do about our glider because I still use it for DS but will def need it for #2.  I guess I'll just make H deal with #1 if he wakes MOTN since he doesn't use the glider much anyway.

    Eventually I'll need a convertible car-seat for #2 but I'll have an infant bucket seat to start.  My convertible lasts 10 years and transitions to a booster.  DS is tall for his age so I might get away with just that seat for him before it expires, we'll see.

    I'm most concerned about where to put all the office furniture/bookcases and other random stuff that's currently in our small 3rd bedroom so #2 can go in there.  We just don't have the space! We hope to buy a bigger house in the near future but I don't know if we can pull that off and a move before #2 arrives...
    Married since 8.2.08
    DS born 8.11.14
    BFP #2: 9.14.16, EDD: 5.24.17

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Let's see... going from 1 to 2 we needed an additional stroller seat, eventually we needed another car seat, ergo, any a few new clothing items but not much as we had another boy. 
    This time we already have a trundle and I'm hoping to make that work with DS1&2 once he turns 2-2.5. I may get the stroller attachment with he skateboard for DS1. We need a new glider and high chair as ours are so worn from use over the last 4 years. And if we have a girl I know I'll want lots of frilly things. 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @slam1110 - My problem is... DS will only be 18 mos when the baby is born, and I think that's a little early any way. Certainly wouldn't want to go earlier. 

    @MoshiMoshi7 - I FINALLY scored an Ergo at a consignment sale this season! I think they go really fast, and I worked a volunteer shift to shop early. It's as great as you think it would be... but I'm still not sure if I would pay full price for one. 
  • Only thing I plan to buy are new pump parts and bottle nipples.  Oh!  And a self Rocking RNP!  Oh man I wish I had one for my last two kids!  Now watch this one hate the RNP.

    B born 7/15/13, C born 3/2/15, #3 on the way May '17

    I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up linked and downloaded, I’ve been inputted and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low-life. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond! I’m new wave, but I’m old school and my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice activated and bio-degradable. I interface with my database, my database is in cyberspace, so I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time I’m radioactive.

  • I'm trying to avoid thinking about purchases for a 2nd kiddo but of course it's on my mind anyways. We kept the bucket seat from DD who just turned 2 so that will definitely get used for #2. DD is still in her crib but I don't know how much longer she will stay in it for. We're just waiting since we don't want to ruin a good sleep/nap schedule. We actually have a second crib that we got for cheap from someone so we will hold on to that just in case. Clothes will depend entirely on the sex of #2 and growth rate. DD has always been high on the growth chart so if #2 ends up being average or even lower and a girl, she will probably end up fitting in the clothes for the right seasons. I'm not holding my breath though.

  • @MoshiMoshi7 that is a great question about carriers.  I have the Ergo which I really like but I don't think I'd use it every day and not for a newborn.  I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on carriers for daily baby-wearing.  I had the K'tan and it didn't really work for me because I felt like I was between sizes.
  • I'm debating about toddler bed vs getting a second crib as well. Daughter will be 20months when lil bit is born, so it could go either way. Other than that I haven't really thought of anything new that I'll need for #3!  Although, I do make a quilt for each of my little ones, so I need to start deciding on a pattern! 
    @RainyDays86 I love the moby!  It is super adjustable, so it fits as you're losing weight (and it fits my husband and I both comfortably!). I know a lot of people don't like it because it's so long and they think it's hard to wrap, but after the first couple of times it is super simple! And it is easy to leave on between times. (Like, in the car between stores.) 
  • @emilyalso that's great you found one at a consignment sale! The price is definitely what would deter me from buying one. I don't want to spend that kind of money and end up hating it!

    @RainyDays86 that's good to know you don't like it for a newborn! Is that even with the infant insert? I tried the Moby when DS was a newborn and wasn't a huge fan because I never felt like he was secure enough. Maybe I just need more practice tying it.
  • Kipperoo said:
    kat81, when I had my son 2 years ago, the Freestyle was the pump of choice for my insurance/the hospital. They actually had a person walking around handing out pumps to all the new moms and the only thing on the cart was the Freestyle, so maybe you'll get as lucky! :-) 
    I looked it up out of curiosity and it looks like Freestyle is not an option for my insurance. Who knows what the choices will be by May, though.

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  • I decided to look it up too. Last time I went with the medela free style (it was the only brand I'd really heard about) and it was fine but it got worn out quickly and I never was able to get much milk that way. I know my supply was fine bc my daughter was satisfied but when I tried to keep pumping after her stomach issues started, my supply dried up so fast. it didn't matter how many times I pumped. Is one of these brands better? My insurance covers: Ameda Purely yours, Ameda Purely Yours Ultra Personal, TOMY quiet expressions, Spectra 9s Advanced, Spectra 2 hospital strength, Freemie, Nature's Bond, and Hygeia.
  • I've heard great things about the Spectra. I had a PISA from my first and plan on getting a Spectra this time. 

    May17 Siggy Challenge
  • I'll need new car seats because they've expired.  I've heard that BRU encourages shoppers to turn in expired/old baby items for their upgrade sale -- need to find out when that is.  I want a new glider since the rocker I used with DD is now in the living room.  This baby will use DD's dresser because it matches to crib, so DD will get some new bedroom furniture.  I had a Freestyle (LOVE) but I think I've heard they can grow mold over time, and this one has been stored in the garage for a few years, so I'll need to check whether I'll need a new one. 
    Married 10 years.  1 DD (5 y/o).  Thrilled to be pregnant with LO#2 after almost 3 years of trying:  due May 2017

  • Double stroller. 
    I want a new diaper bag! 
    maybe a better co sleeper. 
    Depending on gender... Clothes. We have SO many from DD. 
    I think that is it on my list so far!
  • Do RLP even exist this early on? Maybe its only because I recognize whats going on but I just sneezed while laying down and thought I felt RLP. I feel silly for even wondering at just under 6 weeks but I cant help it :)

  • We will need to buy more than we should haha! We had originally planned on being done at three so we sold a LOT of our baby stuff. Then we changed our minds so I'll need a new bassinet, swing, and bouncy seat for sure. The the baby basics (diapers etc). Otherwise we are pretty good to go I think. Oh and a car seat of course.
                                          Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers   Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

                    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersBabysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
                                                                     Formerly ChoicesMom
                                                                         "Squishy" 2007
                                                           "Lyric" EDD Nov/4/11 - c/p Feb/11
                                                                            "Fishy" 2012
                                                                            "Bean" 2014
                                                             "Lux" EDD Apr/21/17 - c/p Aug/16
                                                       "Kokonah" EDD May/24/17 - m/c Oct/16
                                1 surprise - 1 Noonie - 1 preemie - 3 gone but not forgotten - One more on the way!!
                                                          Grab bag of mental health disorders
  • @MoshiMoshi7 I love the Solly Baby Wrap! It is by far my favorite. We have an ergo which is great for MH because he's a giant football player and we were gifted a used Moby. The Moby was great, but it's so thick that baby and I were sweating SO much. The Solly Baby Wrap is much thinner than a Moby and fits easily in your diaper bag. I usually put it on before we leave the house and leave it on the whole time we're out. I just ordered a new one so I'll have two for this LO. 
  • I have the Baby Ktan wrap and I really like it! I think it worked best for ages newborn-9 months. I'd like to get an Ergo or something similar for the older stages. I'm contemplating a Tula too... 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
  • pshaortao said:
    Do RLP even exist this early on? Maybe its only because I recognize whats going on but I just sneezed while laying down and thought I felt RLP. I feel silly for even wondering at just under 6 weeks but I cant help it :)
    I think it's possible to have something along those lines even this early on.

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  • @MoshiMoshi7 I love my Tula!  I also like my Ergo it just isn't quit as comfortable as the Tula.  I highly recommend a stretchy wrap like a Moby for the early days/months.  I also have a woven wrap that I love but they can look a little intimidating to someone that hasn't wrapped before.  The woven wrap is my sons favorite, he will bring it to me almost daily to go up.

    I saw this glider board that I am debating getting but it is a seat instead of making the kiddo stand.  My twins will be 2.5 when #3 comes along so they will still need a stroller for a while.

    I am bringing one of my cribs home from my moms since I am hoping to keep my little in their cribs as long as possible.

    Besides that I have no idea what I need lol.

    ~~~~~~~~~Siggy Warning~~~~~~~~

    Me~28 DH~27 

     6-12-2010  Miscarriage. 
    3-16-2012 D&C/Miscarriage.
     Blocked Left Tube. 
    Diminished Ovarian Reserve   
    MFI - Sperm Morphology 2%.  
     Abnormal Antiphospholipid Antibodies
    April 2013 ~  1st IUI attempt - 100 mg Clomid- Canceled
    May 2013  ~ 2nd IUI attempt -100 mg Clomid- Canceled
    June 2013 ~ 3rd IUI attempt - 100 mg Clomid+ Trigger+ Progesterone~BFN
     IVF/ICSI #1 May 2014 ~ Freeze All ~ Due to OHSS
     5/1/2014 ~ 22 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 3 frozen
    5/28/2014 ~ FET#1 ~ Transferred 2 Hatching Blasts
      6/1/2014~ **BFP**
    6/9/2014 Beta #1 ~ 1022
    6/12/2014 Beta #2 ~ 3099
    6/16/2014 Beta #3 ~ >5000
    6/19/2014 First U/S ~ TWINS!!!  
    1/7/2015 Twins born @ 34 weeks

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  • Double Stroller - holy crap are they expensive and giant!! I am so used to my little Graco Breaze that I can fold and carry with one hand.
    New pump - I think I can get one covered by insurance again
    Video Monitor - We didn't have one for DS and I have wanted one every single day, so we are getting one with two cameras.

    The nursery will basically stay the same and DS will be moving to the office. I am looking forward to redoing that room and making it more age appropriate because the nursery is feeling too young for him already. I am with you @IvyMagic828 and have no idea where all the stuff that is currently housed in that room is going to go! Need to channel my inner minimalist and start purging hard!
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
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