March 2017 Moms

Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome *TW*


Re: Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome *TW*

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    I'm so very sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family.
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    I've been lurking, following your story. So, so sorry to hear about the loss of baby A. Be kind to yourself and lean hard on family and friends--that's what they're there for. All my thoughts and good energy to you and Baby B. 
    Me: 30, mild DOR
    Him: 31, totes fine.
    IUI #1: 5 follicles, cycle cancelled :-/
    IUI #2: 1 follicle, BFP, chemical
    IVF #1: 12 follicles, 9 eggs, 1 fresh 5dt and 4 on ice. BFP, beta #1: 326, beta #2: 841 

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    Oh sweet @alexxapplepiee I am so so sorry to read this today.  You must be feeling a million different emotions right now, but please don't blame yourself.  It's not your fault.  You are so strong and are such a fighter!  Praying for you and your family, and for Baby B.  I'm so sorry for your loss.
    Me: 36  DH: 35.
    Married: 8/2005.
    BFP: 6/22/2016 EDD: 3/4/2017.
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    Bluebird2318Bluebird2318 member
    edited September 2016
    I'm so, so sorry for your loss, @alexxapplepiee. None of it is your fault. All my thoughts are with you, your husband, and Baby B. Take care of yourself in whatever way you need to. We will all be here for you. <3
    March 2017 September Siggy Challenge: Favorite Fall Things

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    I'm so sorry for your loss of one of your sons....I will keep you and baby B in my thoughts.
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    I am so sorry for the loss of your little boy.  I'm sending out all of my thoughts and prayers for you and Baby B to stay healthy and safe. 

    Me 28 DH 28 Married 2012

    TTC #1 since March 2015

    Metformin + Femara + Gonal F + Trigger = BFP 6/24/16 

    EDD 3/3/17

    Found out it's a girl! 9/23/16

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    i am so beyond sorry to hear about the loss of your little one. i know that there isn't anything that will make you feel better but please try not to beat yourself up. this is not your fault, mama. you did everything you could have done. thinking of you and sending you the biggest hugs ever. 

    Me: 37
    DH: 36
    Married: 08-25-07
    DS: 11-20-09

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    Name change alert: Formerly Lisswastaken

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    I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet little boy.
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    I'm so sorry. Praying for baby b.
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    I am extremely sorry for your loss.  Please don't think for one second that it's your fault. There is nothing you could have differently to prevent this.  I will be praying for you all!
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    So sorry to hear this. I know this is a rough thing to go through. Try to stay strong for baby B. T&P to you and your family. 
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    There are just no words right now. 
    Praying for God to comfort you, hubby and family in this time of loss and praying for your other precious little one to continue to grow and develop well and strong. So very sorry you are going through this. 
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    I am so so so sorry that you are going through this, big hugs to you @alexxapplepiee sending prayers and strength your way during this time, praying for your family <3 please know we are all here for you
    Happily Wed DH in May 2010
    June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle 
    TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
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    So sad reading this. What an awful situation. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your little man. I hope he continues to thrive in there
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    I'm so sorry for your loss. Keeping you, baby b, and the rest of your family in my thoughts. 
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    I am so sorry for you and your husband's loss. You and baby B are in my thoughts and prayers, and I'm hopeful that baby B will continue to grow and thrive. 
    Me: 27
    DH: 33
    Furbaby: Walther, 4 year old Rottweiler/Coonhound mix
    EDD: 3/7/17<img
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    Sweet girl, you cannot own this. You are and have been nothing but a fantastic mother. Your boss is suffering from word vomit and knows not how hurtful she is. I am holding you close to my heart as you sort out the loss of your sweet boy, the stress, and the hope for Baby B. You are loved. 
    Married DH 12/31/13
    BFP#1  1/21/14 ended in loss DNC 3/5/14
    BFP#2  7/2014 Baby Girl born 4/15/15
    BFP#3  2/10/2016 natural mc 2/27/2016
    BFP#4 6/25/2016 Due 3/2/2017
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    I can't express how sorry I am. All I can say is that it is not your fault but I am so sorry that you have to work through those feelings. We will all just have to keep praying for your little guy.
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    I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for baby boy b!
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    I am so very sorry for your loss. What happened is in no way your fault. Prayers for you and your family. :(
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    Oh @alexxapplepiee this is not your fault. Please be gentle with yourself. I'm so so sorry to hear about Baby A. I hope that Baby B pulls through this. We're thinking of you and praying for you.
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    Sending more thoughts and prayers to you and your family. I'm so very sorry. You are strong. Please take care of yourself and Baby B. 
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    so very sorry for your loss. Your family is in my prayers.
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    I am so sorry.  You have been, and continue to be, a wonderful, loving mother and none of this is your fault.  I am thinking of you and your family tonight.   
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    I'm so sorry. I'm sending positive thoughts for Baby B. Be kind to yourself and try to take it one day at a time.
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    I'm so sad for you and your hubby. I can't imagine :( Sending many hugs and prayers to you as you continue to fight for your son. You are amazing and strong!!!
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    My heart is with you. Sending you hugs and positive energy. <3
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    Sending thoughts and prayers to you. I am so sorry for the loss of your baby boy. Please be easy on yourself. 

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    <3 I am praying for you and your sweet family.
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    Married: 04/14/12
    DS: 10/15/13
    BFP #2: 7/22/16  EDD 3/25/17
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    I am so sorry for your loss.  Sending you strength during this very difficult time.

    And also a huge punch in the face to your boss.

    Big Bro 7/14/13
    Little Bro 2/6/17

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    I have tears in my eyes. My heart is breaking for you. This is not your fault. Be kind to yourself and my thoughts and prayers will continue for Baby B.

    Also, throat punch to your boss for her completely tactless comment.
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    @alexxapplepiee I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. I know from my own losses that it's not easy but please be kind to yourself. Allow yourself time to grieve. Your family with be in my prayers. Prayers for peace during this time and strength and health for your little boy.
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    I can't even imagine how difficult this loss must be for you, but please believe me and others when we tell you that there is absolutely no way that this was your fault. It is a terrible and unavoidable tragedy. I am so beyond impressed with your view about this of having a little angel watching over you and his brother. 

    I will continuously pray for you, your baby, and your little angel. 
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    I am so so sorry to hear about your baby boy. Please keep us updated about Baby B, I'll be thinking of you!
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    C25C25 member
    I'm so sorry for this. I'm sorry you had to find out by saying it out loud when asking the tech too. We all experience mom guilt at some point but you must remember that this is especially not your fault or something to feel guilty over. You are strong and can get through this and we are all going to be praying for you, your family and baby B.
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    Thinking of you today. 
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    Gators&BoSoxGators&BoSox member
    edited October 2016
    thank you for the update..I'm glad you were able to have last week off and I hope work gets a little bit easier for you or maybe provides you a distraction... will definitely by keeping you and your family in my thoughts and fingers crossed for a positive experience tomorrow
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    Thanks for updating @alexxapplepiee so many prayers for tomorrow to go as smoothly as possible! I'm so glad you could take last week off.  
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    Fingers crossed for a wonderful update tomorrow and a healthy little bean!

    Me: 37
    DH: 36
    Married: 08-25-07
    DS: 11-20-09

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

    Name change alert: Formerly Lisswastaken

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