Any other ladies out there going through the 2ww during August? I started my 2ww on Thursday and will have my beta next Sunday. I'm really nervous about it this time around, just because I know the likelihood of miscarriage is higher for me thanks to PCOS. I'm trying to do my best to minimize my insulin spikes (which may or may not have contributed to my previous MC).
About us:
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
Re: *** August Two Week Wait ***
It's understandable that the process would be more nervewracking for you, @AandDM2014. Fingers crossed for all the best outcome for you.
@BornReady So far I can definitely feel stuff going on in my abdomen, but it could just be my mind messing with me, or the progesterone shots. My RE has me do 48 hours of bed rest, which ended on Saturday morning (though my mom stayed until about 2, just to have extra time to hang out), then I can do up to 30 minutes of easy exercise (like walking) per day. No sex until after the second ultrasound (if we get that far), though last time we didn't ask first, and ended up doing it after the first positive beta, and I think two more times before he said it was okay (I think he just doesn't want us having sex at all, like ever). I of course can do no alcohol, which is fine by me since I don't usually drink anyways, and no caffeine. The biggest bummer is that we just got into slacklining, and now I can't do it anymore (jarring falls from a rope probably aren't best for embryos).
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
I also have little to no faith in this cycle and feel like I'm out already. I know it's crazy but when I was KU last time my DH had a 'feeling' and was asking me when I could test almost immediately after I ovulated. So now I can't help but feel like if he doesn't have that feeling than I'm definitely not KU. And I know it's crazy. But I guess it's fueling me being a pessimist right now.
Wow, sorry to come in her like such a Debbie downer this morning!
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
Edited CD1 date. I was off by one day.
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
@AliciaGoose I hope your test goes well too! I think that @AandDM2014 nailed it, but I think it's naturally harder to feel optimistic after a loss, so even if your husband has a feeling, he may not want to say so after a loss. Sending positive thoughts!
@NewMommyCoop Fingers Crossed for you! 8 dpo is about when my crazy sets in.
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL! E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
Married: 11.12.11
TTC: Nov 2015
BFP #1: 1.22.16 MMC: 2.29.16 ( tetrasomy 11, partial deletion 1, XXX)
D&C: 3.2.16
BFP #2: 4.14.16 CP: 4.17.16
BFP #3: 6.10.2016 CP: 6.17.2016
RE appt: 6.27.2016- saline sono all clear
Chromosome karyotype- Normal both me and DH
Progenity: + carrier Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin
Clomid + TI Cycle #1: pending 8.15.16
Fur mom to 2 sled masters: an Alaskan malamute and a malamute wolf hybrid
half marathon running, surgery loving trauma hand and reconstructive plastic surgery PA-C
PCOS, hypothyroid, MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006
anyway I have all my fingers and toes crossed for your ladies in this TWW. let's get the BFPs rolling!
Married 10/12
DS 11/14
Ectopic 2/16
PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
IUI x 3- BFN
Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
FET- 6/17- BFP!
Due Feb 15, 2017
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
@AandDM2014 I plan to POAS the morning of beta so that DH and I can get the results together before going to work.
I bought some Wondfos and they arrived yesterday, but I am not inclined to test early since my beta itself is kinda early. (Question: for those of you who have ordered them in the past, did they not come in a box? I was kinda surprised that the packets were just sent in a plastic bag. I even checked to make sure the seller was on the "approved" list.)
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL! E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
edit- grammar
Married 10/12
DS 11/14
Ectopic 2/16
PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
IUI x 3- BFN
Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
FET- 6/17- BFP!
Due Feb 15, 2017
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
When are you ladies testing?
ttc July 2015 ~ bfp Nov 2015 (cp)
bfp Dec 2015 ~ (tfmr 17wk, March 2016, genetic disease)
ttcal May 2016
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
@fivetimesnoluck I am thinking very positive thoughts for you! My wondfos came in a fancy ziploc.
@KarenBeth714 I will probably test next Tuesday...We will see how long I last.
@brooklngirl18Fingers crossed you are 2DPO!
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
Y'all will know when I do! I plan to POAS before DH and I part ways in the morning. I'm waffling with little hope right now, but no matter how I feel/prepare it still always sucks to get a BFN.
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL! E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
Had awesome, realistic dreams about a BFP and woke up happy, but that quickly turned back to the harsh reality.
Oh, and DH and I discovered last night that the waterline to our dishwasher has been leaking for probably about a month! Kitchen floor underneath and (cheap!) counter above it is damaged! We have called insurance and we had to turn all the water off because the line to the dw doesn't have a shut off valve to it! Good times over here. Hope all of you have a better day. xo
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL! E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
Married 7/13
TTC #1 since 10/13
BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
IUI #1 2/25/16
Me: 40 DH: 47
Married: 10/2015
DSD: 17
BFP #1: 6/2/15, ectopic, metho 7/15
BFP #2: 12/4/15, cp 12/7/15
BFP #3: 8/5/16, MMC discovered 9/1, Misoprostol 9/19
BFP #4: 5/10/17, EDD 1/20/2018
Baby boy born January 12, 2018, 6 lbs 3.3 oz, 20.5 in.
Married: 11.12.11
TTC: Nov 2015
BFP #1: 1.22.16 MMC: 2.29.16 ( tetrasomy 11, partial deletion 1, XXX)
D&C: 3.2.16
BFP #2: 4.14.16 CP: 4.17.16
BFP #3: 6.10.2016 CP: 6.17.2016
RE appt: 6.27.2016- saline sono all clear
Chromosome karyotype- Normal both me and DH
Progenity: + carrier Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin
Clomid + TI Cycle #1: pending 8.15.16
Fur mom to 2 sled masters: an Alaskan malamute and a malamute wolf hybrid
half marathon running, surgery loving trauma hand and reconstructive plastic surgery PA-C
PCOS, hypothyroid, MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006
TTC #1: September 2015-January 2016
BFP #1: 1/25/16 - MMC Diagnosed 3/22/16
TTCAL: June 2016
BFP #2: 8/26/16 - EDD 5/9/17
Jackson born 5/6/17 at 8:36 PM - 9lbs 5oz & 21in
Married 10/12
DS 11/14
Ectopic 2/16
PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
IUI x 3- BFN
Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
FET- 6/17- BFP!
Due Feb 15, 2017
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
My 7dpo testing was this morning and I'm anxiously waiting to hear back from my OBs office. My OB is on vacation but I made sure the nurse out the order in under the other OB so they could interpret the results ASAP. At this point I'm no longer thinking ASAP will be today.
On the positive side of this, I've made it one week into the TWW without going TOO BSC! So that's something.
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16