For mommas with reflux babies, how are things? DS has silent reflux and we can tell it bothers him often. When do you think they grow out of mild cases of reflux? I'm thinking about calling our dr and asking if gripe water is safe, the brand we have doesn't have antacid so it's not true gripe water.
@adiaz132003 My son has reflux and we saw the dr. for it (and his meltdowns) on Friday. We give him Kolik gripe water, Cocyntal, and Infacol. She told us to keep using them and add Biogaia probiotics to the regime. We started giving him the probiotics on Friday night and have seen a difference. He isn't as fussy after feedings and doesn't seem to be in as much discomfort/pain. Friday night was grunt-free too and I got a little excited thinking that our nights would be that way now buuuut he was noisey last night, not as bad as he has been but still enough to disrupt my sleep. That said, he doesn't struggle near as much to fart or burp, which is great. The probiotics should help his reflux but if we don't see any improvements, she will prescribe something for it.
(We don't give the full dosage of gripe water since it is a hell of a lot and he was spitting up pretty much every time we gave it to him, we give him .5ml whenever he looks like he is struggling or fussy. If he has hiccups,mwe give him just .25mlmand they go away practically instantly.
For Infacol, we try to give it to him about 10mins before a feeding if we can, he takes it better that way. It's worth noting that Infacol takes a couple of days to build up in the system so you may not see results right away.
The Cocyntal is given when he is struggling or fussing, so he usually gets it when we give him gripe water.)
I was told that the majority of reflux cases disappear by around 4 months. The digestive system will be more mature. She also recommended laying him on his tummy in an elevated position after feedings to help keep the reflux at bay.
One of the issues I thought he might also have is trouble with processing dairy. My husband had the same issue as a baby and I noticed a correlation between his meltdowns and my dairy-intake. I cut dairy out of my diet last Wednesday to see what would happen and the dr. asked that I continue to do so. As much as I love cheese and milk, this is quite the challenge BUT worth it if it helps my boy and reduces his meltdowns. I am thinking of giving him Colief to further assist with this but am on the fence. I feel bad giving him this cocktail of remedies. He's so little!
It is probably too soon to claim sucess but we have seen degrees of improvement as each day passes, even moreso with the probiotics in the picture, so I am hopeful that we are moving in the right direction.
The last thing the dr. said could potentially be contributing to all this is pyloric stenosis. We need to take him in for an ultrasound to be sure and if that is the case, he will need surgery to fix it. I'm having anlot of trouble finding a private place that will do an ultrasound on a baby and would rather not do it at the hospital since it would take weeks to get the results. He isn't dehydrated and he's gaining weight very well so I like to think he doesn't have it but we'll check to be on the safe side.
I know that he will likely grow out of the reflux and potential dairy issue but I just can't wait months for that to happen when I can be proactive to make him happier and more at ease.
Does anyone follow along with the Wonder Weeks development chart? My LO is having such a weird day today. He's been way fussier than normal, but has been fighting sleep and won't eat. According to his gestational age he is in the second leap, so I think that may be the explanation for his behavior. It's been driving me crazy with worry that he won't eat on his normal schedule. I've found a few sources that say babies in the wonder weeks won't eat, and a few that say they want to eat constantly. I'm sure every baby is different, but I'm curious if anyone else has noticed changes in behavior during these weeks.
I just downloaded the Wonder Weeks after reading about it after my baby had her worst night since birth. It's spot on for her, though she's pretty mild in her behavior changes, maybe due to the fact that I tried to prepare for her crabbiness by holding her in the Tula carrier and in general more and giving her more attention in general. She is feeding a bit more, too. She's almost through Leap One.
I think DS is getting some silent reflux. He started smacking his lips, hiccuping, and seems like he's in pain when we lie him down even though the head is elevated. I'm not really sure what else I can do. It's not like he only shows symptoms right after eating. Sometimes it's over an hour after eating and he'll burp a lot, hiccup, drool ect. I'm gonna call the ped today but other than medication, which I am not a fan of, idk what else they can tell me.
I think DS is getting some silent reflux. He started smacking his lips, hiccuping, and seems like he's in pain when we lie him down even though the head is elevated. I'm not really sure what else I can do. It's not like he only shows symptoms right after eating. Sometimes it's over an hour after eating and he'll burp a lot, hiccup, drool ect. I'm gonna call the ped today but other than medication, which I am not a fan of, idk what else they can tell me.
I am interested to hear what they say... This sounds exactly like my little guy after he eats off the breast. He never truly cries like he is in pain and he rarely spits up so I haven't done anything yet, and because I couldn't decide if gas drops would help or gripe water. I don't like the idea of extra medicine either.
I think DS is getting some silent reflux. He started smacking his lips, hiccuping, and seems like he's in pain when we lie him down even though the head is elevated. I'm not really sure what else I can do. It's not like he only shows symptoms right after eating. Sometimes it's over an hour after eating and he'll burp a lot, hiccup, drool ect. I'm gonna call the ped today but other than medication, which I am not a fan of, idk what else they can tell me.
I am interested to hear what they say... This sounds exactly like my little guy after he eats off the breast. He never truly cries like he is in pain and he rarely spits up so I haven't done anything yet, and because I couldn't decide if gas drops would help or gripe water. I don't like the idea of extra medicine either.
They didn't suggest anything other than what we already know (upright after eating and elevating the bed) she aid we could bring him in bit I'm gonna try gripe water first to see if that helps. I also had cut dairy out for a couple weeks and tried putting cheese back in two days ago which seems to have made it worse so I'm gonna stop dairy again to see if it calms down again.
I think DS is getting some silent reflux. He started smacking his lips, hiccuping, and seems like he's in pain when we lie him down even though the head is elevated. I'm not really sure what else I can do. It's not like he only shows symptoms right after eating. Sometimes it's over an hour after eating and he'll burp a lot, hiccup, drool ect. I'm gonna call the ped today but other than medication, which I am not a fan of, idk what else they can tell me.
I am interested to hear what they say... This sounds exactly like my little guy after he eats off the breast. He never truly cries like he is in pain and he rarely spits up so I haven't done anything yet, and because I couldn't decide if gas drops would help or gripe water. I don't like the idea of extra medicine either.
They didn't suggest anything other than what we already know (upright after eating and elevating the bed) she aid we could bring him in bit I'm gonna try gripe water first to see if that helps. I also had cut dairy out for a couple weeks and tried putting cheese back in two days ago which seems to have made it worse so I'm gonna stop dairy again to see if it calms down again.
I miss dairy so much! I'm sorry the doc appt wasn't as informative as you might have hoped. I guess that comes with living in the age of Dr. Google!
The dr. wants us to take our son to get an ultrasound to see if he has pyloric stenosis. I'm not sure that he does since he is gaining weight just fine and isn't dehydrated but I would rather be safe than sorry. He is still projectile vomiting moreso than usual (did it right before bed and once during the night, both times after a feeding) but I suspect it's the Infacol since it seemed to increase after starting it and may switch back to Ovol.
If he does have pyloric stenosis, then he will have to have surgery.
My doctor told me it can't be pyloric stenosis unless she was throwing up after EVERY bottle. We were diagnosed with reflux and a possible allergy but can't get it under control. We set up an appointment with a GI doctor to see if we can figure out what is wrong with LO. She throws up and it gets so bad it chokes her and she stops breathing. We have been on 4 different formulas and now on alimentum. She has been on Zantac and now we are switching to a different medicine it is supposed to block a different reflux issue.
My LO has silent reflux and our ped. Is having us try him in the rock n play at night before putting him on meds. I had to find the right angle for him to lay right after feeding in order to get him comfy. So far he's doing much better at night.
Hi everyone, so we are currently experiencing cold #2 at our house. LO just turned 12 weeks today. This one is a little different because there is so much more mucous which is green and now we have green eye goobers. No fever and he is a still a happy baby, just super tired and isn't eating at much per feeding. Basically falls asleep again after the first ounce and a half or so. I have been propping him either on his boppy or on the mamaroo for his nails and he has been sleeping ok in bed, just not sure if we are dealing with a completely different beast than last time. Oh and he hates having his boogers sucked out! Had anyone else seen the green eye boogers along with a cold?
Hi everyone, so we are currently experiencing cold #2 at our house. LO just turned 12 weeks today. This one is a little different because there is so much more mucous which is green and now we have green eye goobers. No fever and he is a still a happy baby, just super tired and isn't eating at much per feeding. Basically falls asleep again after the first ounce and a half or so. I have been propping him either on his boppy or on the mamaroo for his nails and he has been sleeping ok in bed, just not sure if we are dealing with a completely different beast than last time. Oh and he hates having his boogers sucked out! Had anyone else seen the green eye boogers along with a cold?
I would call the pediatrician, generally green mucus indicates some sort of infection. I know my pedi said to call for any snot that wasn't clear in these early stages. That's my only real advice, sounds like you're doing everything right. Hang in there, momma!
Hi everyone, so we are currently experiencing cold #2 at our house. LO just turned 12 weeks today. This one is a little different because there is so much more mucous which is green and now we have green eye goobers. No fever and he is a still a happy baby, just super tired and isn't eating at much per feeding. Basically falls asleep again after the first ounce and a half or so. I have been propping him either on his boppy or on the mamaroo for his nails and he has been sleeping ok in bed, just not sure if we are dealing with a completely different beast than last time. Oh and he hates having his boogers sucked out! Had anyone else seen the green eye boogers along with a cold?
I would call the pediatrician, generally green mucus indicates some sort of infection. I know my pedi said to call for any snot that wasn't clear in these early stages. That's my only real advice, sounds like you're doing everything right. Hang in there, momma!
Ah yes, we visited urgent care that baby bible..Baby 411 indicated that since he had a cold it was most likely pink eye. DING DING DING!! Sure was. I feel like mom of the year getting him medication the same day it showed up. It has cleared up very well. The cold is still hanging out and now I have it too, but mine has come with a fever. And so it begins...thank you daycare.
@egirl1025 is this your first? What I really hate is the colds they catch in preschool! Last year my 3 yr old caught 6 colds! The doctor told me it was normal, but he never did daycare so maybe your LO will be more prepared by the time it's preschool time, just a positive spin for you. Good catch on the pink eye!
Hi everyone, so we are currently experiencing cold #2 at our house. LO just turned 12 weeks today. This one is a little different because there is so much more mucous which is green and now we have green eye goobers. No fever and he is a still a happy baby, just super tired and isn't eating at much per feeding. Basically falls asleep again after the first ounce and a half or so. I have been propping him either on his boppy or on the mamaroo for his nails and he has been sleeping ok in bed, just not sure if we are dealing with a completely different beast than last time. Oh and he hates having his boogers sucked out! Had anyone else seen the green eye boogers along with a cold?
I'm loving the Oogie Bear for booger removing purposes. He also hates it, but he hates it less than the booger sucker. IDK how it will do during a full mucus explosion from a head cold though. Good catch on the pink eye momma
So I've cut dairy out of my diet for over a month now hoping that would help Preston with his gas. I thought it had until last week he's been super fussy and gassy every evening from like 5-7 and sometimes during the afternoon he will squirm and arch but it normally doesn't last long. Two of these nights we even had him screaming bloody murder just laying him on the changing table. Idk what could have changed.
I should add that I did have an ice cream a couple days ago but he had already been gassy and I recently found out that the Starbucks I have a few times a week with the coconut milk wasn't dairy free and he had been fine. One thing I noticed is that sweet sausage and broccoli always result in a rough day the next day but that has been the only thing that I saw a pattern with. I don't want to cut out too much in my diet cause I am already losing weight that I shouldn't be and cutting back on what I can eat may not be good for me. I guess I am just lost.
Eta: the screaming happens when we try to lay him on his back. Doesn't matter if it's flat our in a reclined position, he arches his back and cries in agony.
So I've cut dairy out of my diet for over a month now hoping that would help Preston with his gas. I thought it had until last week he's been super fussy and gassy every evening from like 5-7 and sometimes during the afternoon he will squirm and arch but it normally doesn't last long. Two of these nights we even had him screaming bloody murder just laying him on the changing table. Idk what could have changed.
I should add that I did have an ice cream a couple days ago but he had already been gassy and I recently found out that the Starbucks I have a few times a week with the coconut milk wasn't dairy free and he had been fine. One thing I noticed is that sweet sausage and broccoli always result in a rough day the next day but that has been the only thing that I saw a pattern with. I don't want to cut out too much in my diet cause I am already losing weight that I shouldn't be and cutting back on what I can eat may not be good for me. I guess I am just lost.
Eta: the screaming happens when we try to lay him on his back. Doesn't matter if it's flat our in a reclined position, he arches his back and cries in agony.
Broccoli is definitely a gassy food, not surprising that it bothers him. What about garlic, onions, tomatoes or other acidic food? Savannah doesn't do well when I eat onions. Any chance you've had an increase in caffeine that is making him irritable?
So I've cut dairy out of my diet for over a month now hoping that would help Preston with his gas. I thought it had until last week he's been super fussy and gassy every evening from like 5-7 and sometimes during the afternoon he will squirm and arch but it normally doesn't last long. Two of these nights we even had him screaming bloody murder just laying him on the changing table. Idk what could have changed.
I should add that I did have an ice cream a couple days ago but he had already been gassy and I recently found out that the Starbucks I have a few times a week with the coconut milk wasn't dairy free and he had been fine. One thing I noticed is that sweet sausage and broccoli always result in a rough day the next day but that has been the only thing that I saw a pattern with. I don't want to cut out too much in my diet cause I am already losing weight that I shouldn't be and cutting back on what I can eat may not be good for me. I guess I am just lost.
Eta: the screaming happens when we try to lay him on his back. Doesn't matter if it's flat our in a reclined position, he arches his back and cries in agony.
Broccoli is definitely a gassy food, not surprising that it bothers him. What about garlic, onions, tomatoes or other acidic food? Savannah doesn't do well when I eat onions. Any chance you've had an increase in caffeine that is making him irritable?
I thought it might be that too but looking at my diet, nothing is consistent and there was zero pattern. Then my brilliant DH realized something! We started him on enfamil vit D drops right before this started. He went to look up "does vit D cause gas in infants" and literally the first thing that he saw was our brand so he clicked and even on there own website it got 2 out of 5 stars and the list of Cons was gas, fussiness, constipation, and stomach ache. We are gonna return it cause I bought a couple bottles and I hope that once we stop using it he will feel better. He had been doing great for so long until we started using this.
So I've cut dairy out of my diet for over a month now hoping that would help Preston with his gas. I thought it had until last week he's been super fussy and gassy every evening from like 5-7 and sometimes during the afternoon he will squirm and arch but it normally doesn't last long. Two of these nights we even had him screaming bloody murder just laying him on the changing table. Idk what could have changed.
I should add that I did have an ice cream a couple days ago but he had already been gassy and I recently found out that the Starbucks I have a few times a week with the coconut milk wasn't dairy free and he had been fine. One thing I noticed is that sweet sausage and broccoli always result in a rough day the next day but that has been the only thing that I saw a pattern with. I don't want to cut out too much in my diet cause I am already losing weight that I shouldn't be and cutting back on what I can eat may not be good for me. I guess I am just lost.
Eta: the screaming happens when we try to lay him on his back. Doesn't matter if it's flat our in a reclined position, he arches his back and cries in agony.
Broccoli is definitely a gassy food, not surprising that it bothers him. What about garlic, onions, tomatoes or other acidic food? Savannah doesn't do well when I eat onions. Any chance you've had an increase in caffeine that is making him irritable?
I thought it might be that too but looking at my diet, nothing is consistent and there was zero pattern. Then my brilliant DH realized something! We started him on enfamil vit D drops right before this started. He went to look up "does vit D cause gas in infants" and literally the first thing that he saw was our brand so he clicked and even on there own website it got 2 out of 5 stars and the list of Cons was gas, fussiness, constipation, and stomach ache. We are gonna return it cause I bought a couple bottles and I hope that once we stop using it he will feel better. He had been doing great for so long until we started using this.
First day off the drops was great! And last night he slept a 4.5 hours strech then a 5 hour. We shall see how today goes. If anyone has a gassy/reflux baby and using these drops, that may be why.
I've used Jamp's D3-Dol since Day 1 and never had issues. I have no idea if it's available i the US but it's easy to find in Canada. I have to ask the pharmacist for it because it is stored behind the counter. I don't need a prescription though. I think they keep it in a fridge back there or something.
So last night Levi started coughing. So far not more than one or two coughs at a time and not very often. Dry cough. He also sounds a little congested. You can only hear it when he takes bigger breaths. Not snot visible. He had no trouble eating his full bottle just now and has no fever. I was actually trying to listen to him to see if the congested sound was from his nose or throat, since I didn't hear it while he was eating. He ate and went right back down per usual. My immediate plan is to monitor for fever and maybe try saline drops. ???
Has he gotten a cold yet? I have two school age boys so unfortunately we've already gotten the first cold of the year. Saline is your best friend and if he does end up getting sick make sure you put aquaphor or something around his nostrils and upper lip. That skin gets so chapped when you have to constantly wipe their noses. I hope it's not cold and good luck.
No. He's 10 weeks and his first cold ever. His nose isn't draining. He acts/eats normal just has congestion that I can't get to to suck out. He is napping more though. No least not yet. It's definitely not a bad one unless it's just getting started but he's 48hrs in and actually seems slightly better this afternoon.
I noticed a ton of drainage right away so it sounds like he might just be congested. That happens with my LO and sometimes I can't anything out but I notice an improvement after I use the saline. I'm happy he's feeling better, the hardest thing with babies us when they get sick. It gets easier as they can tell you what's wrong, but still no fun.
Damien went to bed last night at 8pm with no issue. He woke up at 10pm hungry so I prepped a bottle and got him up. He then screamed bloody murder for an hour, refusing to eat (didn't want the boob or bottle). I was finally able to lull him to sleep and then he woke up at 3am hungry again, screamed bloody murder for ages, and then randomly decided to take the bottle (only drank 3oz). He woke up again at 8am this morning and did the exact same thing...screamed bloody murder for 40min, then finally drank 4oz. He is perfectly fine after he eats and he doesn't have a fever. I've cleared out any congestion, he isn't hot or cold, and he is changed so he always has a clean diaper. I have no idea what's going on. Anyone have ideas? When he is screaming, the only thing that calms him is if I carry him around or bounce him on my knees.
So last night Levi started coughing. So far not more than one or two coughs at a time and not very often. Dry cough. He also sounds a little congested. You can only hear it when he takes bigger breaths. Not snot visible. He had no trouble eating his full bottle just now and has no fever. I was actually trying to listen to him to see if the congested sound was from his nose or throat, since I didn't hear it while he was eating. He ate and went right back down per usual. My immediate plan is to monitor for fever and maybe try saline drops. ???
How old is he? Around 8 weeks S started coughing and having nasal congestion I couldn't get to due to increased saliva he couldn't deal with. Now at 11 weeks that issue is mainly resolved.
Jackie has what looks like a white pimple in the center of her nipple. Doesn't seem to bother her, but I'm not sure if I should worry. I'm going to put a warm compress on it later and hope it goes away on its own. Anyone's kiddo had anything like this?
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
Damien went to bed last night at 8pm with no issue. He woke up at 10pm hungry so I prepped a bottle and got him up. He then screamed bloody murder for an hour, refusing to eat (didn't want the boob or bottle). I was finally able to lull him to sleep and then he woke up at 3am hungry again, screamed bloody murder for ages, and then randomly decided to take the bottle (only drank 3oz). He woke up again at 8am this morning and did the exact same thing...screamed bloody murder for 40min, then finally drank 4oz. He is perfectly fine after he eats and he doesn't have a fever. I've cleared out any congestion, he isn't hot or cold, and he is changed so he always has a clean diaper. I have no idea what's going on. Anyone have ideas? When he is screaming, the only thing that calms him is if I carry him around or bounce him on my knees.
(He's 12wks 5d today.)
Charlotte will do something like this occasionally she's obviously hungry but will just play with her bottle and then all of a sudden she's hangry! Then she starts screaming at me like why haven't you fed me yet. If she's crying for no obvious reason then I'll usually go outside and water the garden or just walk with her outside. Could he be scratching himself or pulling his hair in the night? Charlotte has scratched herself bad a couple of times and that has woken her up upset.
So he still seems to be a little congested. I am using saline drops a couple times a day, but I can't seem to get anything out. I can still hear it when he breathes a little detour hard. It sounds almost more like it is throaty then nasally. It doesn't sound like it's in his chest at all since he has no wheezing or real rattling. It's just like he has the sniffles but nothing is draining out the nose anyway it must all be going down the throat. still no fever, and eating normally. I guess it is still watch and wait kind of thing.
Have you tried using a humidifier at night? That might help, Charlotte is not very congested often but my boys were on and off all the time when they were babies. It got better as they got older, I hope it doesn't turn into a cold but it sounds like he's just a stuffy.
Sick kid gripe...damn it day-care. The first week! She gets sniffles and congestion post nasal drip. Then of course two days later I can't even sleep as I can't breathe. I have day-care so I can go to work and I might have to take off Monday. Seriously this sucks. What is worse is hearing her stuffed up breathing in the rock and play next to me as I am up at this ungodly hour. I keep hoping she is much better tomorrow so I can see an end in sight. I suppose I should be happy at least it isn't a stomach bug.
Anyone else's baby still a little peanut? My LO just went to her 3 month appt and she's only 11 pounds. Dr is not concerned bc she is gaining steadily. I'm EBF ing and I know she is eating enough, I never take her off until she is done and I always have more milk after she's done. But everyone else on here seems to have big babies so I'm just looking for anyone else in my boat!
Damien isn't very big either, takes after his Mommy and Daddy. He was barely over 11lbs at his last appt. (he was 11wks). We had to switch him to formula full-time right afterwards so I'm curious how much he has gained since then (he is a little over 13wks now).
Damien isn't very big either, takes after his Mommy and Daddy. He was barely over 11lbs at his last appt. (he was 11wks). We had to switch him to formula full-time right afterwards so I'm curious how much he has gained since then (he is a little over 13wks now).
Did you switch him over because of his weight, or for other reasons?
Damien isn't very big either, takes after his Mommy and Daddy. He was barely over 11lbs at his last appt. (he was 11wks). We had to switch him to formula full-time right afterwards so I'm curious how much he has gained since then (he is a little over 13wks now).
Did you switch him over because of his weight, or for other reasons?
He started refusing the breast in late July/early August and it reached a point where the only way he would eat is via bottle. I then couldn't pump enough to keep up with the demand so we introduced formula and have since moved over to it almost exclusively. He was actually started losing weight during that period too because of the feeding issues. It hadn't reached the point that the ped. was worried but of course I was super stressed.
Took Levi in for his congestion today since it was worse the last two days, and has now gone on for over a week. She confirmed what I k we, keep on with saline and use a humidifier at night. She also said I could dab Vicks on his chest so going to try that tonight. Also he weighed in at 13 lbs and he is only 11 weeks old!!
Damien isn't very big either, takes after his Mommy and Daddy. He was barely over 11lbs at his last appt. (he was 11wks). We had to switch him to formula full-time right afterwards so I'm curious how much he has gained since then (he is a little over 13wks now).
Did you switch him over because of his weight, or for other reasons?
He started refusing the breast in late July/early August and it reached a point where the only way he would eat is via bottle. I then couldn't pump enough to keep up with the demand so we introduced formula and have since moved over to it almost exclusively. He was actually started losing weight during that period too because of the feeding issues. It hadn't reached the point that the ped. was worried but of course I was super stressed.
Re: Baby medical care and ailments
(We don't give the full dosage of gripe water since it is a hell of a lot and he was spitting up pretty much every time we gave it to him, we give him .5ml whenever he looks like he is struggling or fussy. If he has hiccups,mwe give him just .25mlmand they go away practically instantly.
For Infacol, we try to give it to him about 10mins before a feeding if we can, he takes it better that way. It's worth noting that Infacol takes a couple of days to build up in the system so you may not see results right away.
The Cocyntal is given when he is struggling or fussing, so he usually gets it when we give him gripe water.)
I was told that the majority of reflux cases disappear by around 4 months. The digestive system will be more mature. She also recommended laying him on his tummy in an elevated position after feedings to help keep the reflux at bay.
One of the issues I thought he might also have is trouble with processing dairy. My husband had the same issue as a baby and I noticed a correlation between his meltdowns and my dairy-intake. I cut dairy out of my diet last Wednesday to see what would happen and the dr. asked that I continue to do so. As much as I love cheese and milk, this is quite the challenge BUT worth it if it helps my boy and reduces his meltdowns. I am thinking of giving him Colief to further assist with this but am on the fence. I feel bad giving him this cocktail of remedies. He's so little!
It is probably too soon to claim sucess but we have seen degrees of improvement as each day passes, even moreso with the probiotics in the picture, so I am hopeful that we are moving in the right direction.
The last thing the dr. said could potentially be contributing to all this is pyloric stenosis. We need to take him in for an ultrasound to be sure and if that is the case, he will need surgery to fix it. I'm having anlot of trouble finding a private place that will do an ultrasound on a baby and would rather not do it at the hospital since it would take weeks to get the results. He isn't dehydrated and he's gaining weight very well so I like to think he doesn't have it but we'll check to be on the safe side.
I know that he will likely grow out of the reflux and potential dairy issue but I just can't wait months for that to happen when I can be proactive to make him happier and more at ease.
If he does have pyloric stenosis, then he will have to have surgery.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
I should add that I did have an ice cream a couple days ago but he had already been gassy and I recently found out that the Starbucks I have a few times a week with the coconut milk wasn't dairy free and he had been fine. One thing I noticed is that sweet sausage and broccoli always result in a rough day the next day but that has been the only thing that I saw a pattern with. I don't want to cut out too much in my diet cause I am already losing weight that I shouldn't be and cutting back on what I can eat may not be good for me. I guess I am just lost.
Eta: the screaming happens when we try to lay him on his back. Doesn't matter if it's flat our in a reclined position, he arches his back and cries in agony.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
My immediate plan is to monitor for fever and maybe try saline drops. ???
(He's 12wks 5d today.)