September 2016 Moms

The Labor Thread


Re: The Labor Thread

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    I had an update today on what my weird spasm-y like contractions were :) My OB said it was baby kicking my sciatic nerve, basically my spine, and that causes kind of a pulled muscle like feeling across your abdomen.  Its similar to a charlie horse but in your stomach. Anyway... in case that happens to anyone else! It was weird and painful but not labor related :)

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    @izzetoot ouch!!! But happy it's nothing to be concerned about
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    @MrsVoorhees wasn't it you that said you had your water break when you were peeing?? 

    i just got up to use the rest room and when I sat down, before I even pushed to pee, a small gush just start flowing out. I tried to stop it but it kept going and then it stopped and I starting/ or was still peeing. My first thought when I sat down was it was for sure my water but I am just so confused. Called midwife and she said to rest and if I have more wetness in the morning then to come in. 

    Not sure if I just had to pee so bad that it just came flowing out when I sat down. I had my water break with my first but it was a trickle that lasted a few hours. 

    If this happened to anyone, did you have more fluid come out later? 

    DD #1 3/26/13
    Mo/Mo twins MMC 3/31/14  o:)
    DD #2 3/31/15
    DD #3 8/25/16
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    @seitzy3 the exact same thing happened to me during my last pregnancy. I literally had no control over the fluid coming out of me (it turned out to just be pee) and I thought for sure it was my water. It was pretty clear and odorless too. I went in to be checked that night even though I had no more gushes. I think a pretty good indicator will be if you have any more leakage. Lay down for 20 minutes and stand back up to check for any more leaking. If there is none I would say it probably was not amniotic fluid. 
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    @seitzy3 any change this morning? 
    Married 6-1-13
    Sebastian 3-11-14
    Simon 5-2-15
    Baby #3 Due 9-29-16
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    @JLmama118 seems like it was just pee haha. Why does our body play mean tricks on us? I literally had no control over my bladder then. It was the weirdest feeling. Glad I'm not alone! 

    DD #1 3/26/13
    Mo/Mo twins MMC 3/31/14  o:)
    DD #2 3/31/15
    DD #3 8/25/16
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    @seitzy3 sorry I missed this, stupid mobile never tells me someone tagged me. Yes, mine broke while peeing last time! I called L&D and they told me to put on a pad, and if I soak it in an hour, to come in. I did but I didn't feel like it was soaked because it was such a slow trickle. But paired with contractions (which I still didn't believe were contractions because they started 2 min apart and that doesn't happen...right!?) (turns out, it does) I was convinced I had to go get checked to continue living a normal life.
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    @MrsVoorhees that's okay I posted it late last night. I could have swore it was my water because of the amount , also clear and odorless but I am assuming my lack of contractions and no other leakage means false alarm! I never got contractions after my water broke with Deklyn and they ended up inducing me 10 hours later. 

    DD #1 3/26/13
    Mo/Mo twins MMC 3/31/14  o:)
    DD #2 3/31/15
    DD #3 8/25/16
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    I'm sure this is nothing to worry about but I have had constant Braxton Hicks since my appointment today. They are only a few minutes apart and I just started getting nauseous (and have had to act on it) about an hour or two ago. I had these constantly with DS, but the intensity of them and timing is starting to make me a little worried. I'm 35+4. Hopefully going to bed will get rid of them once and for all.
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    Hoping you can get a good night's rest and the BH settle @Shiva14. Keep us posted!
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    @Shiva14 So weird, I'm in the same boat since my afternoon appointment. Went swimming, which dialed the back pain down a notch but now it's back in full force. Now I'm getting bands of pressure around my lower abdomen every 3-4 minutes. DH has me lying on the couch and drinking water... hopefully that slows them down... 34 weeks tomorrow for me. Sending you pain-free vibes girl. 
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    Hopefully things calm down for both of you @yellowrose314 and @Shiva14!!!
    Me: 26     DH: 25
    DS1 -- 9/30/2016

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    Thanks ladies! They slowed down but are still frequent this AM. I'm not feeling sick on top of them anymore so I'll take that as a good sign. These last few weeks are so pesky and sure keep you on your toes!

    @yellowrose314 how are you feeling this morning? Hope your pain has subsided!!
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    @yellowrose314 aw that's sweet! Love thoughtful husbands.

    I'm feeling crampy tonight.... Somewhat timeable. Waiting it out to see how it goes.
    Wife to A; Mama to C (2009), N (2011), H (2014) & baby F due 09/16/16
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    @Themaritimemama anything happening this morning? 
    Married 6-1-13
    Sebastian 3-11-14
    Simon 5-2-15
    Baby #3 Due 9-29-16
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    @mhilpisch10 nope! Went on for a while at about 3mins (eek!) apart. My husband is all like "is this normal? Doesn't this mean you're in labour?!" You'd never know we have 3 kids ;) thanks for checking in! 
    Wife to A; Mama to C (2009), N (2011), H (2014) & baby F due 09/16/16
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    @jensou Aww I'm sorry your stuck in bed lady - that's rough, especially when you're not sure when you'll be able to leave it again.   Good luck with laboring and can't wait to see birth announcement from you!  You got this!
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    @jensou wishing you all the best today. Hope you're able to meet your LO soon so you're not tied down for too long. Good luck!
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    @jensou Sorry you're stuck in bed and that the Penicillin burns! Hope everything progresses quickly, and can't wait to see pics of the baby! 

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    @jensou I read your post and I must still be asleep because it didn't click that you're in labor! Like baby is on its way! 
    Ahh! Wishing you the best :)
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    RG1RG1 member
    @jensou Love-tit for support and because baby is coming soon! Sorry you're stuck in bed. You got this mama!!
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    @jensou being bed bound would drive me nuts, but so excited for you! Godspeed and the best of luck, lady! 
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    @jensou Thinking of you today and hoping things progress quickly and easily!  Can't wait to see your announcement!  :)  Good luck!
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    Good luck tomorrow @AshleyB09042015
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    @jensou good luck! Keeping my fingers crossed for a smooth induction. 
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    Good luck @jensou!  I remember the burn of those antibiotics.  It sucks!  I hope things speed up and baby is here soon!  
    Married 9/19/09
    Me (32) Dx PCOS, DH (32) SA = Normal/mild morph issues
    TTC#5 July 2017 - 3rd cycle TTC = BFP on 11/12/17 at 9dpo Beta #1 = 96 at 13dpo - Beta #2 = 207 at 15dpo
    TTC#1  starting Nov. 2009
    3 rounds of Clomid + TI and 3 rounds of 7.5 mg Femara + IUI before our BFP on 11/8/10 at 12dpiui
    TTC #2 3rd cycle of Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 4 follies = BFP on 10/12/12 
    TTC#3 July 2014 - Metformin +TI = BFP at 9dpo - Twins, one baby lost at 5.5 weeks 
    Macy Annabelle born at 37w4d on 4/29/15.  Diagnosed with Cri du Chat and passed away on 6/6/15.  Forever in our hearts.
    TTC#4 3rd cycle of Metformin + Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 3 follies = BFP on 12/24/16
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    Good luck ladies! @jensou and @AshleyB09042015 Hope everything progresses smoothly for you both & can't wait to see the photos of your babies. 
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    Good luck @jensou and @ashleyb09042015!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    Our infertility journey (TW)
    ● IUI #1: BFN 
    ● IUI #2: BFP - early M/C :'(  
    ● IUI #3: BFN 
    ● IUI #4: BFN 
    ● IVF/FET #1 (2 transferred): BFP! TWINS!
    ● FET #2 (1 transferred): BFP!  BOY #3!
    ● Natural #1: BFP - M/C @ 8 weeks :'(
    ● Natural #2:  BFP - M/C @ 5w5d :'(

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    @jensou & @AshleyB09042015 yay! Hope everything goes great! 

    So many babies are coming!!
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    And for context...
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    More babies!! Best of luck to @jensou and @AshleyB09042015

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    Good luck today @jensou and tomorrow to @AshleyB09042015 !  Here come the babies!
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    I'm confused. Is there a difference between losing your MP and bloody show? 

    DD #1 3/26/13
    Mo/Mo twins MMC 3/31/14  o:)
    DD #2 3/31/15
    DD #3 8/25/16
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    @seitzy3 sometimes.  You can lose chunks of mp or the whole thing at any time.  Bloody show is an indication of labor.  With my son I lost chunks of mp gradually, but had the bloody show with the whole thing the day I went into labor 
    #1 born 8/21/14, #2 & 3 (identical) due 9/27/16

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