2nd Trimester

C-section scar pain at 17 weeks

I had a c-section with my first nearly 5 years ago. I’ve been having severe pain around the site of my scar tissue. It isn’t constant but on and off. When it hurts, it HURTS to the point where I’m in tears. I will be bringing it up to my doctor. Just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this. I’m so worried about uterine rupture but also have had a lot of anxiety in general this pregnancy so not sure if I’m just being paranoid or not.

Re: C-section scar pain at 17 weeks

  • nken20nken20 member
    It's definitely a good idea to talk to your doctor about this. Severe pain around your C-section scar could be due to various reasons, such as scar tissue (adhesions), nerve pain, or even hernias. While uterine rupture is a rare possibility, especially with a previous C-section, it's best to get a professional opinion to rule out any serious issues. Don't take that for granted. 
  • I agree its best to talk to a professional to get their guidance. I've had 2 c sections so far. I was told after my first c-section by a physiotherapist that once the outside scar is healed it is a good idea to put some pressure (what you can take for a tolerance without being in pain) and massage that area as sometimes it can heal with things on the inside since the skin doesn't move around a ton in that area. That helped me to relieve some pain when remembering to do that over a couple months.
    I started doing that lightly around 8 months with my first and around 4 months with my second just a few minutes a day. It definitely did relieve some of the pain especially if I was holding my baby and they were enjoying their new found love of jumping
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