May 2016 Moms

Mom Confessions


Re: Mom Confessions

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    @babyfmama if you're interested there's the dockatot that's similar to the boppy pillow but is approved and used for co-sleeping. I have both and he's slept on both, so no judging just offering another option!
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    yogahhyogahh member
    @pinklady2015, no harm
    no foul. Good luck with your induction mama!!

    cat fail animated GIF

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    slfezz said:
    slfezz said:
    I don't really mind having my baby sleep on her side or belly during the night. I just want her to be comfortable enough to stay asleep instead of waking up after 10 minutes. All of my girls preferred side or belly over back and hated being tightly swaddled. 
    Lurking from July

    I don't want to over step or be judgemental but this could potentially be putting your baby at a higher risk for SIDS. There are a lot of studies that support this theory, even though they haven't pin pointed an exact cause. You may want to ask your doctor or do some further research of your own. Hopefully this doesn't come across as condescending or rude- sometimes there's just so many do's and don'ts that it gets confusing for all of us and hard to keep track of! 
    @PinkLady2015   I've actually tried to research to find out how much the risk of SIDS changes based on sleep position but haven't been able to find any hard numbers, just vague qualitative statements that back sleeping has the lowest or a up to a % reduction which has no real meaning without an initial risk numbers (a 50% reduction of 1/1000 is a lot more than 1/1000000 for example). 

    With each of my kids (this is my third) I've always tried to lay them on their back first but they would always wake themselves up within 30 minutes, then I would try the side, and sometimes it ends up being the belly. I did also tried swaddling with each but that would always just end up as a scream fest within the first few weeks.  

    So I've always had to balance the "back is best" vs making sure LO gets the right amount of sleep so she can grow and develop properly without being held the entire time (bad for my sanity). Just don't want you to think I'm just completely ignoring the guidance but I've had to adapt to what my kids will tolerate.

    I just wanted to pop back over and apologize for my initial post..... FTM here and being induced next week. I was definitely being a judgy mcjudgerson so sorry to May moms...

    Here's a cat getting a brain freeze as a peace offering...

    cat brainfreeze

    I guess that's why there is no one perfect book on raising a child. Gotta do what's best for your lo. 
    DS #1 2010
    DS #2 2011
    DS #3 2014
    DS #4 2016
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    Pascal86 said:
    @slfezz Our pediatrician told us that sleeping on the back is one of the few recommendations they make that isn't based on a scientific study, but on observations from firemen that visited homes on 911 calls. Apparently they noticed that almost all of SIDS cases involved kids sleeping on their stomachs or sides, and put that together with the significantly increased number of SIDS cases in the US versus other countries, where it's not common practice for babies to sleep in any position other than their backs.

    Not telling you what to do either way, just passing on what I heard. And I think t makes sense that this would be something that they wouldn't want to do a controlled study on. 
    I don't have a citation but I know I read at some point that it's also connected to the fact that babies that sleep on their backs wake more easily/often than babies on their tummy which is a protective factor against what one theory on SIDS is--that babies fall into such a deep sleep and they stop breathing. In theory then, even though it makes for more tired parents, babies on their backs are less likely to pass from SIDS than tummy sleepers who MAY be sleeping deeper/longer. This is inherently one of the toughest issues to make decisions around because the experts can't truly tell us why this happens, only things that may or may not help prevent a tragedy. 
    Me 27 | DH 28
    DS October 2014
    #2 May 2016
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    I take my shirt off when I give Emma a bath. I haven't figured out any better way to get her out on my own without soaking my clothes.

    @saladflambe I have found that if I lay a towel down on the floor and then lay his towel on top of it, I can just move Cole from the tub to the towel and not get wet!
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    I didn't even try to burp Cole in the MOTN last night. I still feel kind of bad about it.
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    JoMunson said:
    I was just telling DH that the only way to get Ezra to sleep in his crib is to put him on the boppy lounger first. I put his feet right where it says "no sleeping"
    And then how do you get him off the boppy? Wait until he's out? 
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    Bltbear82 said:
    @babyfmama if you're interested there's the dockatot that's similar to the boppy pillow but is approved and used for co-sleeping. I have both and he's slept on both, so no judging just offering another option!
    Best news of the day!! Thank you! I will check it out
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    babyfmama said:
    JoMunson said:
    I was just telling DH that the only way to get Ezra to sleep in his crib is to put him on the boppy lounger first. I put his feet right where it says "no sleeping"
    And then how do you get him off the boppy? Wait until he's out? 
    I dont. I'm a rebel. 
    But I also don't really put him in the crib that much. The concern about leaving him on the lounger is positional asphyxia so I make sure he can breathe and check him frequently.
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    I take my shirt off when I give Emma a bath. I haven't figured out any better way to get her out on my own without soaking my clothes.
    So I just put the towel over my shoulder (make it so it's hanging in a diamond the tip goes over your shoulder) then lift baby up and onto your chest and then wrap like a burrito!! Works perfectly every time and she gets all cosy really fast! 
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    I take my shirt off when I give Emma a bath. I haven't figured out any better way to get her out on my own without soaking my clothes.
    So I just put the towel over my shoulder (make it so it's hanging in a diamond the tip goes over your shoulder) then lift baby up and onto your chest and then wrap like a burrito!! Works perfectly every time and she gets all cosy really fast! 
    You guys are so much more organized than me! I'm usually carrying a dripping wet baby down to his room where I've got a towel set up! 
    But how cute are little burrito babies?
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    I take my shirt off when I give Emma a bath. I haven't figured out any better way to get her out on my own without soaking my clothes.

    I pick her up and hold her out, walking quickly to the changing table that I've pre-covered with a towel. Similar to the stinky nappy. 

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    JoMunson said:
    I take my shirt off when I give Emma a bath. I haven't figured out any better way to get her out on my own without soaking my clothes.
    So I just put the towel over my shoulder (make it so it's hanging in a diamond the tip goes over your shoulder) then lift baby up and onto your chest and then wrap like a burrito!! Works perfectly every time and she gets all cosy really fast! 
    You guys are so much more organized than me! I'm usually carrying a dripping wet baby down to his room where I've got a towel set up! 
    But how cute are little burrito babies?

    this is my method lol
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

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    I've been wanting to get this towel but I keep telling myself it's stupid that i can't figure this out with a regular towel.
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    Jparke2 said:

    I've been wanting to get this towel but I keep telling myself it's stupid that i can't figure this out with a regular towel.
    That's pretty clever. I have hooded towels and my method doesn't allow for the hood to actually go over her head but oh well. I stay dry!! I've also just put the towel on the counter then wrapped her up like that too!
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    My bath time method is so backwards. I set everything up in the living room. I bring the water to the baby tub in a big pot and then carry the tub upstairs to the bath room to dump it when I'm done. I just lay the towel, diaper and clothes out next to the baby tub and wrap her up all cuddly when done. 
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    arj14arj14 member
    S is almost a month old and we are still just giving her sponge baths (and not as often as recommended, either  :# ).  I think the main reason why is that's the way we know how to do it and we're nervous about doing it in her little baby tub because we're not sure how it would go!

    My confession is DH is on his second night out of the week out of four.  I agreed to all of them, so obviously I'm not too annoyed, and DH said he would watch her for any nights I want to get together with my friends... but honestly, I'd rather he watch her during the day so I can go out and do errands by myself (DH is a school employee that's off for the summer so it's actually a possibility) rather than go out to dinner.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    arj14 said:
    S is almost a month old and we are still just giving her sponge baths (and not as often as recommended, either  :# ).  I think the main reason why is that's the way we know how to do it and we're nervous about doing it in her little baby tub because we're not sure how it would go!

    I got this at a second hand store for $6.50 (retail $19.99) and we use it in our real tub. We don't fill up the tub, just have the water running and use a large cup to wet and rinse. We just prepare the soap in a separate bowl. He loves the constant warmness of the water and seems relaxed.

    We had total meltdowns when we did sponge baths and seemed like it took forever. This takes 8-10 minutes if we're slow. I also watched YouTube videos on how to wash newborns lol

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    tgortney said:
    arj14 said:
    S is almost a month old and we are still just giving her sponge baths (and not as often as recommended, either  :# ).  I think the main reason why is that's the way we know how to do it and we're nervous about doing it in her little baby tub because we're not sure how it would go!

    I got this at a second hand store for $6.50 (retail $19.99) and we use it in our real tub. We don't fill up the tub, just have the water running and use a large cup to wet and rinse. We just prepare the soap in a separate bowl. He loves the constant warmness of the water and seems relaxed.

    We had total meltdowns when we did sponge baths and seemed like it took forever. This takes 8-10 minutes if we're slow. I also watched YouTube videos on how to wash newborns lol

    We use this too and we LOVE it!
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    tgortney said:
    arj14 said:
    S is almost a month old and we are still just giving her sponge baths (and not as often as recommended, either  :# ).  I think the main reason why is that's the way we know how to do it and we're nervous about doing it in her little baby tub because we're not sure how it would go!

    I got this at a second hand store for $6.50 (retail $19.99) and we use it in our real tub. We don't fill up the tub, just have the water running and use a large cup to wet and rinse. We just prepare the soap in a separate bowl. He loves the constant warmness of the water and seems relaxed.

    We had total meltdowns when we did sponge baths and seemed like it took forever. This takes 8-10 minutes if we're slow. I also watched YouTube videos on how to wash newborns lol

    We use this too and we LOVE it!
    Yesss! It was the best $6.50 I've ever spent! The sponge bath scream fest was awful.
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    1mae2016 said:
    My bath time method is so backwards. I set everything up in the living room. I bring the water to the baby tub in a big pot and then carry the tub upstairs to the bath room to dump it when I'm done. I just lay the towel, diaper and clothes out next to the baby tub and wrap her up all cuddly when done. 
    Why in the living room? 
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    @Jenly17 I'm not sure. I just feel most comfortable there. I guess because being in the bathroom with a screaming 1 month old would make me anxious and I feel calmer in the open space. 
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    yogahhyogahh member
    Have you guys seen the breathable mattress for belly sleepers? Figured I would throw this here based on yesterdays topic of belly sleeping. I think I want one..

    Breathable Crib Mattresses by Secure Beginnings

    cat fail animated GIF

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    kp90 said:
    Has anyone had a beer and BF an hour later? -_- momma needed a drink!
    Yep. He had a bottle, but apparently it wasn't enough! I figure one beer isn't going to do much.
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    kp90kp90 member
    @lalala2004 yeah I've read one drink doesn't cause for any alarm unless it starts being an every day thing. 
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    yogahhyogahh member
    I'm standing outside of Harper's bedroom door listening to her wail as I eat a bagel. She will not go down for a nap today and just wants to cry. But mamas gotta eat. Listening to her cry is a killer.

    cat fail animated GIF

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    yogahh said:
    I'm standing outside of Harper's bedroom door listening to her wail as I eat a bagel. She will not go down for a nap today and just wants to cry. But mamas gotta eat. Listening to her cry is a killer.
    I just took a shower and LO screamed bloody murder the whole time, fighting a nap. The nears were near down to his chin. Killed me
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    kp90kp90 member
    Pascal86 said:
    My lactation consultant told me that the best time to drink is actually right while you're breastfeeding, since there's no way it can get into your milk that fast and then it maximizes the time before the next feeding. I go for a lightish beer that's about 4% alcohol too, just once every few days. It makes breastfeeding much more enjoyable!
    That's true. What a great idea. 
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    tgortneytgortney member
    edited June 2016
    Guys! Please help me feel better :(

    I just dropped my phone on LO's head while he was sleeping. He woke up and started to cry so I stuck a paci in and cuddled with him. He's asleep again but I feel sooo bad. Can I damage his skull at this age?! (Irrational question)
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