@ahernandez16 I was trying to recommend some mindless games to you but it seems my post was sucked into the void as the last thread was closed.
Futurama Game of Drones (this one has dominated my life for the past month or so - it's just a mindless puzzle game), Bejeweled, Threes, Sage Solitaire
@diesel615 - I'm singing I will always love you to food.
Also - I haven't had many cravings this pregnancy (big disappointment) and I wanted these last night and we couldn't find any holiday ones. I sure hope they make some for Memorial Day.
@KOR121 My work has pics blocked so I can't see your craving, but I completely agree. I haven't had many strong cravings either. I want tacos/mexican a lot and I'll get the occasional wanting something really greasy and bad for me....but nothing that I HAVE to have. My H is very thankful because he hasn't had to run out for random things.
@KOR121 My work has pics blocked so I can't see your craving, but I completely agree. I haven't had many strong cravings either. I want tacos/mexican a lot and I'll get the occasional wanting something really greasy and bad for me....but nothing that I HAVE to have. My H is very thankful because he hasn't had to run out for random things.
It's the pillsbury ready to bake cookie dough with a little design in the middle. Totally average cookies - but I want them!
LOL!!!!!! I legit just started laughing because of the last one.... Yeah, I'm ok with being the crazy cat lady of June '16 it's because it's true!! And I love cats. All the cats!!!
Ohhh.. I wonder if tomorrow I can convince my SO to take me to a Mexican restaurant tomorrow. I need some good food. Thr kind where I fall asleep in the car on the way home because I pigged out so hard.
LOL!!!!!! I legit just started laughing because of the last one.... Yeah, I'm ok with being the crazy cat lady of June '16 it's because it's true!! And I love cats. All the cats!!!
LOL!!!!!! I legit just started laughing because of the last one.... Yeah, I'm ok with being the crazy cat lady of June '16 it's because it's true!! And I love cats. All the cats!!!
....I don't like cats...I'm deathly allergic and they are rude...
lol - they are rude.
I used to think I hated cats and loved dogs. Turns out - I don't like either, but if I had to pick I'd choose a cat b/c they're less needy and they poo in one place.
Re: Third Trimester Randoms
I can't get this song out of my head today.
Oh dear. I totally want a large fry! Mmmmmmmm....salty.
Futurama Game of Drones (this one has dominated my life for the past month or so - it's just a mindless puzzle game), Bejeweled, Threes, Sage Solitaire
Also - I haven't had many cravings this pregnancy (big disappointment) and I wanted these last night and we couldn't find any holiday ones. I sure hope they make some for Memorial Day.
Also, I feel like an alcoholic because my weird dreams lately have revolved around booze. Is that bad?
H went to Starbucks and didn't bring me anything
I am legitimately, really sad Maya Rudolph is not in that Bad Moms movie.
This week is seriously C R A W L I N G....
Oh my god Melissa McCarthy as a "bad mom" would be THE BEST.
(ETA: I have not checked the TOU but that seems like a pretty clear violation to me)
lol - they are rude.
I used to think I hated cats and loved dogs. Turns out - I don't like either, but if I had to pick I'd choose a cat b/c they're less needy and they poo in one place.