Trying to Get Pregnant

Monday Bitchfest

What do you have to bitch about this early Monday morning?

DS: June 2008
Married: July 2015
BFP: 5/20/16  |  EDD: 1/28/17  |  Twin boys born 1/16/17

Re: Monday Bitchfest

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    My body. His body. I swear every FW he is sick. I have an appointment in June to check on the progression of my endo and the doctor said if he has to open me up he will check my tubes for blockages.  I feel like canceling that appointment.  If we don't have sex when we are supposed to we can't get KU!!!!! I mean my tubes could be blocked, a million other things could be an issue but seriously let's start with sex.  Ugh

    And I have an eye appointment 2 hours away.  
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    @sldp123 That's so frustrating. With everything that you're going through, he has the easy job. FX for the timing that you did get in. Hugs!

    Me: 28 | DH: 31
    Together since 2006 | Married May 2015
    TTC #1 since November 2015
    BFP 5/17/16 | EDD 1/27/17 | Born 2/4/17

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @sldp123 That is really annoying! Sometimes men are so daft. I'm sorry you missed a pivotal day in the FW. But I do think you're right in that -1 was the super important one and you hit it!

    Long Rant: 
    My MBF is (still reeling from this) the ultra sound tech last Thursday who told me I was "mid-cycle". I am literally dwelling way to hard on this. Despite the fact that the OB doesn't think I'm ovulating at all, I still have this feeling that I am. OB told me OPK's and temping are a waste of my money/time. I haven't stopped though because I feel like it gives me some control. Last cycle I turned an OPK positive on CD 30. I know this doesn't necessarily mean I ovulated. Because I am on CD 25 right now, I'm testing twice a day. My temps are all over the place and completely unhelpful. I have zero fertile CM (yet). And unfortunately last cycle (all the way in January) I wasn't yet checking CM when I turned the OPK positive so I don't know if I did have any at all. I do know that the day after the positive OPK I had cramping in my right ovary. But I can't stop thinking....what did she mean by mid-cycle? Does she think I'll get AF soon? That was CD 21, so am I due to get AF around CD 42? Am I just BSC? I would be really encouraged if I DID get AF naturally on CD 42, seeing as my last AF was 80+ days and only ended because of Provera. Would it mean I was regulating? OB told me not to go more than 30-35 days before taking the next round of Provera. But if this US tech thinks I'm mid-cycle, should I wait it out and see if it comes on it's own? I also have the RE appointment on 4/21, CD 35. Should I wait simply because of this? I don't want to start Provera and then have to wait an entire other cycle if the RE wants to start me on something like Clomid. I'm going crazy you guys. One way ticket to over-thinking, crazy town over here.

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    20T20T member
    My MBF is it is Monday AND CD1 with cramps from hell.

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    leekat14 said:
    My body. His body. I swear every FW he is sick. I have an appointment in June to check on the progression of my endo and the doctor said if he has to open me up he will check my tubes for blockages.  I feel like canceling that appointment.  If we don't have sex when we are supposed to we can't get KU!!!!! I mean my tubes could be blocked, a million other things could be an issue but seriously let's start with sex.  Ugh

    And I have an eye appointment 2 hours away.  
    @leekat14 that's how I feel right now, too. Like if this month doesn't work, I don't even want to do anything next month because what's the point?? Why am I doing all of this work leading up to O if we are just going to ignore the window anyway? The thing is if I would have been more pushy, I'm sure he would have given in, but who wants to be like that? 

    DS: June 2008
    Married: July 2015
    BFP: 5/20/16  |  EDD: 1/28/17  |  Twin boys born 1/16/17
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    My MBF is that I went to a genetic counselor this morning and she didn't tell me anything that I didn't read on the Internet. I really expected some solid advice but didn't really get any. She and the high risk OB just said that our issue was extremely rare. Oh great, thanks for that. What the hell does that even mean?! We tried to ask questions but they just kept deferring saying that we could have blood testing done to be sure. The best part is it's only $650 if our insurance doesn't cover it. Okay great...thanks for wasting our time. 
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    @20T sorry about the CD1. I'll be right there with ya any minute. 

    @thj101 I can't believe anyone would say that unless that person specifically told them that they were pregnant. Even if I'm about 99.5% sure I always wait for that person to bring up their pregnancy. My grandma asked me if I was pregnant last year on my birthday and we weren't even trying. I don't know what's up with that. I've gained a little bit of weight (like 4lbs) and I'm really petite. I don't know if she's just getting old or mean. Lol
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @sldp123 Ugh I'm sorry!  The guys have the easy part when it comes to baby making.  You have every right to be upset.

    @izza2 I've always wondered about this.  I didn't think it needed a TW, but I've seen some people do it so I've included it.  I'm not on here to talk about my kids all the time, but sometimes I'll mention them.

    My MBF is that my MIL has yet to apologize or even talk to me or DH.  It's been a week now (since she threw her adult tantrum and slapped me across the face).  DH went to see her on Thursday/Friday and she ignored him.  DS#1 has his drama performance this weekend we have tickets to go on Friday night.  With MIL.  We bought her tickets.  She missed his last play because she was "too busy" at work.  She owns her own business and basically didn't make it a priority.  She also scheduled jobs so that my FIL had to miss it too (he was not happy).  We found out 5 min before it started that they weren't coming.  I'm seriously wondering if she's even going to show up at all on Friday.  To top it off, DH is out of town until Friday night so he's missing that performance (we are going together on Saturday) and I'll have to see his mom if she does go.  At least my mom is coming up and going with me that night, so I'll have some backup.

    And by the way, my mom is flying all the way up here just to see his play and would have come up for the last performance if she hadn't had some other scheduling conflicts outside of her control.  Whenever she has extra money, she is always thinking of something she can do for her kids or her grandkids.  She's seriously the most selfless person I've ever met.  My MIL, however, lives in the same small town we do and hardly ever makes it to our stuff.

    Married 07.21.07
    DS#1 01.23.09
    DS#2 08.01.11
    TTC#3  08.31.15
    Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy/HSG 05.16.17
    Hysteroscopy 10.04.17 10.05.17
    Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy/HSG 01.10.19
    Left tube removed
    dx: Endometriosis, Adenomyosis
    BC: February-October 2019
    TTA: November-December 2019
    NTNP: January 2020!

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    ugh, @sldp123, I would be so pissed, too. Like you said, you're still covered with -1, but it's the principle! We do SO much for the TTC process, the least our SOs can do is happily donate the sperm, ha! I'm not ashamed to admit that there have been many FW nights that I volunteer to be on top and do all the work, lol.
    @izza2 I agree, ha. It's actually much more of a trigger to see the unnecessary TW than simply reading about someone's child.
    @sarah0985 that is so frustrating about your H's family. I hope that they don't get pissed at you guys for not driving down when you're in Chicago because I think that would about put me over the edge.
    @thj101 WTF! Ok, so I can maybe understand how sometimes people mistakenly assume someone is pregnant (although I really believe that no comments should be made unless it is a known fact), but why the hell would he continue on after you corrected him!?
    @linzrunz I still can't believe your MIL did that do you and am in further disbelief that she has yet to apologize.

    My MBF is that I have been doing really well with giving up coffee for TTC until this morning when H accidentally left his full thermos on the counter when he left for work. I obviously couldn't let good coffee go to waste, so I, of course, consumed every last drop. So, really, this is not a MBF at all becuase it was the best thing that could have happened to me this morning, ha.

    My REAL MBF is parents who have no apparent regard for their child's education or respect for my colleagues and my time as educators. I work in special education and 'tis the season for IEPs. SO many parents blatantly skip their child's annual meeting and then expect us to find a different time to meet which is no easy task this time of year.

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    @20T Preach. GIF is spot-on.
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    I didn't think I had an MBF, but I do.  And it's kind of a petty one, but I DGAF.  When you work in an office that has a water cooler that we all pay for, we are also all responsible to maintain it.  That means changing the GD water bottle when you use the last of it.  Seriously.  It should be changed when the bottle drains so that what's left in the cooler is still cold for the next person.  But this morning someone let it fully run dry.  I know, it's heavy, and not all women are as strong as I am.  Ask for help, FFS!

    Hm, I may be PMSing just a little :#
    Me: 45 OH: 42
    Beloved SS: born 12/2011
    TTC my bio #1/our #2 since January 2016
    **TW** June 2016 had CP **end TW**
    August 2016 - dx with DOR
    Somewhere in here received recommendation to do IVF with donor eggs, elected not to; OH dx with Low T
    May 2017 - began freezing sperm
    June 2017 - OH began treatment for Low T
    July 2017 - began doing 1 IUI via a midwife and 1 at home insemination each cycle
    July 2018 - exhausted frozen sperm, officially NTNP since OH is probably shooting blanks

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    @Lecool @sarah0985 @mrsdaddario @MamaMunn @thj101 @linzrunz @felix08 thanks for the support ladies! I feel like a jerk because the dude had a migraine and inside I’m just like IDGAF. But if the roles were reversed and I wasn’t feeling well, I would still do what needed to be done. Does he think I WANT to have sex all the time during FW? No, no I do not.

    @sarah0985 that situation with your husband’s family would irritate me, too. I can’t believe they would leave after your wedding without even telling their own son!

    @mrsdaddario I’m sorry, that sounds so frustrating and I can almost hear your thought process because I do the same thing every cycle. Should I do this or this, but if this happens, then maybe I should do this. It’s exhausting. FWIW, if it were me I would probably wait until the RE appointment to do anything, and at least to see what their plan is.

    @thj101 wow, I’m so sorry that waiter said that to you. Most normal people would know better, or at the very least, know to drop it after the first time they were corrected. WTF!

    @linzrunz I was married before, and your MIL sounds like my ex-MIL. I mean not that she ever used physical violence, that’s just ridiculous. But she lived a few minutes away and never made much of an effort to get to any of DS’s activities. Still doesn’t. .  But if you asked her, she would probably tell you how DS is her whole world. Meanwhile my parents are at pretty much every practice, game, school function, etc. and they are awesome grandparents so I’m so thankful for that.

    DS: June 2008
    Married: July 2015
    BFP: 5/20/16  |  EDD: 1/28/17  |  Twin boys born 1/16/17
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    izza2 said:
    I get irrationally aggravated when people use TWs for their children and tend to just stop reading threads when I see it because it's so aggravating to me.
    We don't need TWs for children. Seriously, stop.
    I agree...I only do it because it is the convention. But my family is my life, I feel like I have to Tw every thread!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @sldp123 Thanks for the advice! After much thought throughout the day so far I think that's exactly what I am going to do. Nothing until the RE's visit! 

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    My MBF is that I am mobile bumping and a pop up just attacked me asking me questions about my costco membership.  WTF BUMP?

    Also, its CD1 for me and I am a weepy mess.  I am also irrationally angry about something I shouldnt be that angry about.
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    @izza2 you really nicely pointed out to me that the benched thread doesn't need a tw for children. They were all over other threads when I was lurking - so I think new posters just assume we need them when we see them so much and it becomes a vicious cycle.

    My MBF is that CD 1-4 were no big deal but now on CD 5 it is like that gif from The Shining. Thanks for nothing, uterus.
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    izza2izza2 member
    Yeah, tws for kids being mentioned only started with new members. We voted months ago on what needed a tw, and kids was not one that needed a tw.

    Me: 30 | DH: 34 | DSS: 14 | DS: 4
    PG #2, EDD 10/12/2023

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    My MBF is spot audits by the law profession's governing board. They show up at your office, demand band reconciliations, bank statements, trust listings, trust ledgers, files, the works and then just go to town.

    They just showed up and can spend anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks here, every day.

    I like that they audit and keep everyone honest, I don't like that they just show up. My boss isn't even here.
    Me: 27 DH: 27
    Married: 04/05/15
    TTC since: 02/16/16

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    Ugh. The iPhone app just updated. And it's ugly. And there are ads. *sigh*

    And I'm mad at hubster. I was turned down last night and again this morning when he knows full well that I haven't ovulated yet - pretty sure it's happening today - making our best timing -3.  He just doesn't get why I'm upset. I have three baby showers and mothers day to get through in the next month and the hope that something could possibly be growing in my uterus was getting me over my dread of said events. *SIGH* All the sighs. 

    Hugs to anyone who needs it today with all the MBF BS in our lives. 
    Me - 30  DH - 36
    Married 10/12/13
    TTC #1 since 10/15
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    I know!!!  It's not just bump, they are in the buzzfeed app too!!
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    What the hell is with the ads on mobile! Mobile Bump already sucks! Not having ads was it's only saving grace!

    And thanks for the 'Resources for Moms & Babies!' ad. I'm not a mom, but thanks anyway.
    I was just about to MBF this! So not cool. There are videos? And ads that are larger than the screen. And also I got redirected to a survey. It's actually ridiculous!
    **Formerly @aliciabhen**
    Me: 26 DH: 24
    Married: November 2015  <3
    TTC#1: January 2016
    BFP: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
    Computer Hope
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    My MBF is my in laws. As most of ours are (I loved the MBF in law edition)! I went out with my SIL today to go wedding dress shopping and bridesmaid dress shopping for her wedding. Whenever I'm with her I get all of the info about how much sh*t my MIL talks about me and DH. Mostly me. My MIL has this ability to take something someone says and turn it around so it's way more dramatic than it started. For example my DH tried to set something up for me and my MIL to do something together one time so we could try to bond better. It didn't end up happening, but it was a thought he mentioned to her. Today my SIL told me that my MIL has been telling everyone that my DH is so devastated by my lack of relationship with her and it breaks her heart that her son has to deal with that but no matter how hard she tries she can't connect with me. WTF lady?! She's right, we don't have a good relationship. But my DH understands it. He's certainly not all torn up about it. He understands why it isn't good. And this is just one of those many reasons that's the case. Ugh I could literally fill a book with the remainder of the things that happened just today but they're basically all similar in nature. 
    **Formerly @aliciabhen**
    Me: 26 DH: 24
    Married: November 2015  <3
    TTC#1: January 2016
    BFP: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
    Computer Hope
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    My MBF is DH. I have an infertility consultation next Monday. He was all on board until today. He wants to "really try" for a couple more months. I'm like WTF we have been! There isn't anything else we can do on our own.

    2nd DH lied to me last night. He told me previous he's never "helped himself" ever. I don't recall how it got brought up but he beat around the bush last night until I got him to confess he does occasionally. I honestly don't care that he does; I'm just pissed he lied. I've been a little worried for him when he needs to get tested but now I'm not.

    ~Formerly @dogmomwantinghuman ~
    Me: 29 | DH: 31
    TTC #1 since January 2015
    BFP #1: 11/30/15| MC 12/16/15BFP # 2: 6/2/16 | EDD 2/16/17

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    Mobile bump won't let me post!! 
    also the ads! those are driving me nuts!.
    Me - 22  |   DH - 32   |  Married - 24 May 2014
    DS - January 2014 
    TTC#2 - December 2015
    BFP - 6 March 2016  |  MC Confirmed - 21 March 2016
    TTCAL  |  April 2016
    CP  |  June 2016
    CP  |  July 2016
    BFP - 25 August 2016  |  Due Date - 11 May 2017
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    My B is that I can't edit the Newbie Guide anymore. The board consensuses and norms are a-changin' and there's nothing I can do about it!
    TTC + medicated cycles
    3/2015: Start TTC
    8/2015: PCOS Dx
    4/2016: BFP, Loss (4+5)
    2/2017: BFP

    Honorable mentions: Biggest IF support sister, sweetest bumpie, most genuine, LFAFer you'd most like to visit, great things come in small packages, pocket sized babe
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