On the way home today as fiance and I were turning into our driveway a car from the side street pulled out so fiance gunned it into the driveway. In doing so he made a sharp left and hit the driveway hard as its uneven then slammed on the breaks. I Had just take. My seatbelt off thinking "oh we're home safe" right before he turned into the driveway. The force of hitting the bumpy driveway and brake slamming really jostled me around and now I'm crampy and have a sore feeling in my uterus. I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow and am a paranoid FTM. Am I ok or do I bee to get this checked out? Thanks!
Re: Do I Need to Get Checked Out?
I fell on my butt at 16 weeks from climbing on the edge of a slippery bathtub. It hurt my hip that night. No bleeding or heavy cramps either so I was ultimately fine. Asked my OB at my next visit and he said if no bleeding or contractions occur then you're probably fine. I'm 31w4d now and my son is growing great
Our babies are well protected, actually. A sharp jolt isn't likely to cause a miscarriage.