I'm so happy to be able to post in this thread!!! After weeks of BSC causing stress, I am the proud possessor of fabulous 7w sonogram pics with the most beautiful thing ever... Look at that wonderful heart rate! C'mon rainbow baby... grow. Grow!
Ultrasound number 2 was this morning. Baby is still measuring big so we're using my LMP instead of O date to calculate EDD, which is 10/9. Heart rate was 157.
I know I'm a little late to the party but I wanted to answer @MRSCORKER 's question, bump this thread, and request that it gets sticked @BumpAdmin
Anyways @MRSCORKER ... my 6w u/s was TV (which echoes other posters) but I also asked how the 10w one would be and the tech said there is a good chance it will also be TV because you can see more that way.
I have been reluctant to post the past few days because I have felt like uber crap and a blubbering mess. But we are 5w5d today and had our first ultrasound. TWINS! (Sorry if the pic is huge)
@smmatt08 and @MRSCORKER with my DD my first US at 9 weeks 4 days they did an abdominal US and saw everything just fine. I don't know why they would say TV would be better at 10 weeks. We got great images and they were able to accurately date and get a heartbeat. Just my two cents.
Baby #1: Elena 4/6/14 Baby #2: Grayson EDD 10/22/16
When I just went they did abdominal first bc according to LMP I would be 10 weeks. But I O'd really late so I was only 7 weeks and they ended up doing TV. So I would think at 10 weeks they would do abdominal
I had one today at 7w6d baby measured 7w4d hb 157.After 2 miscarriages and 1 late miscarriage in the last 10 months we are somewhat relieved seeing this. They only did early scan because my first beta was 9300.
I had my first ultrasound today! Measured at 6 weeks and 4 days (measures up with my chart and my midwife was happy I charted. LMP would have me at 8 weeks and 4 days!). Heart rate pumping away at 146 bpm. Great placement. Cervix was closed and so far all looks great!! I have my NT scan (provided insurance isn't an asshole) on March 22nd.
baby + yolk = duck :-) My REI denied being able to see the duck in this US pic, but DH and I see it lol. HB is strong at 146 (I'm 7 weeks today) whoop!
Our little baby blob. I had a follow up this morning due to a subchorianic bleed and everything looks good. I'm a little nervous because I'm measuring 7w1d instead of 7w3d which is what I would have been based off my last ultrasound (and according to my LMP I should be 7w6d). But I guess in the grand scheme of things 5 days isn't a huge deal (that's what I'm telling myself). Heart rate of 140!
And interesting, according to the Ramzi theory this will be a girl (it was correct with my son who implanted on the left). We shall see!
First appt today! I am 7w 3d and measuring 7w 1d so we're sticking with the 10/14 edd. Baby kind of just looks like a popcorn shrimp right now. Heart rate strong at 148. Grow baby grow!!
Congratulations to all of you ladies. I love every pic. No US for me yet. Hopefully tomorrow! Is it me or do we have a few twins floating out there? I think its awesome!
I had a scare last night after some intense cramping. The on-call Doctor told my husband to bring me to emergency. 6 hours later I was told it was probably gastrointestinal and that everything looked great. Up side: I got to see my bean again. Measuring right on track at 8 weeks and 2 days with a heart rate of 160 BPM. ☺️
9 weeks today! Had a little scare due to spotting but all was well! Dr assured me everything looks good and baby is on track! Baby was even moving a little when she did the ultrasound!
It's so amazing how different the ultrasounds look even when people are on the same week! My RE had an amazing machine and my ob has a little one that's always blurry lol
Re: Ultrasound Pictures! Post them here!
TTC #1: September 2015-January 2016
BFP #1: 1/25/16 - MMC Diagnosed 3/22/16
TTCAL: June 2016
BFP #2: 8/26/16 - EDD 5/9/17
Jackson born 5/6/17 at 8:36 PM - 9lbs 5oz & 21in
Me-34 DH-44
EDD 10/1/16
My little sweet pea!
Anyways @MRSCORKER ... my 6w u/s was TV (which echoes other posters) but I also asked how the 10w one would be and the tech said there is a good chance it will also be TV because you can see more that way.
Me: 32 & DH: 37
BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
IT'S A BOY!!!!
DS Born 10/16/16
LFAF April Siggy: TV/Movie BFFs
BFP #4 1/2016, DD born 10/2016
@smmatt08 and @MRSCORKER with my DD my first US at 9 weeks 4 days they did an abdominal US and saw everything just fine. I don't know why they would say TV would be better at 10 weeks. We got great images and they were able to accurately date and get a heartbeat. Just my two cents.
Baby #2: Grayson EDD 10/22/16
When I just went they did abdominal first bc according to LMP I would be 10 weeks. But I O'd really late so I was only 7 weeks and they ended up doing TV. So I would think at 10 weeks they would do abdominal
I had one today at 7w6d baby measured 7w4d hb 157.After 2 miscarriages and 1 late miscarriage in the last 10 months we are somewhat relieved seeing this. They only did early scan because my first beta was 9300.
Baby GIRL born 9/16/201
BFP! EDD 8/1/2019 CP 4w2d
@mrscorker - this u/s and the one I had last week were both TV. Good luck!
TTC #1 - Nov '14
DS born 10/18
BFP #1: 7/15/15, SB: 11/14/15
Rainbow baby DS born 9/29/16!!
BFP #3 3/26/18 | Due 12/3/18
Here's our little bean!
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
HB is strong at 146 (I'm 7 weeks today) whoop!
And interesting, according to the Ramzi theory this will be a girl (it was correct with my son who implanted on the left). We shall see!
IVF #1 1/10-transfered 2 blasts- DS born 10/2010
March 2015- Chemical pg
1/25/16- BFP Beta1 12dpo = 17, Beta 2 14 dpo = 28.. resulted in one beautiful boy born 9/21/16
Now I'm a stay at home loving life and pursuing my love of photography!!!
Me: 28 DH: 27
8wks3d Heartrate 164
My little peanut! Measuring right on track with hr of 121!
Me: 32 & DH: 37
BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
IT'S A BOY!!!!
DS Born 10/16/16
Finally got to see our little peanut! I'm so relieved! Measuring right on time and HR of 175bpm! I'm 8w4d.
It's a boy!