October 2016 Moms

Ultrasound Pictures! Post them here!


Re: Ultrasound Pictures! Post them here!

  • @mrscorker I was 7w2d with my first ultrasound and it was TV, they said it allows them to see more
    Married: June 2011
    TTC #1: September 2015-January 2016
    BFP #1: 1/25/16 - MMC Diagnosed 3/22/16
    TTCAL: June 2016
    BFP #2: 8/26/16 - EDD 5/9/17
    Jackson born 5/6/17 at 8:36 PM - 9lbs 5oz & 21in
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  • @MRSCORKER same here, baby measured 7w2d and they did TV. They did abdominal first but baby was too small to properly see/measure that way.
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  • mstanfimstanfi member
    edited February 2016
    Im 8 wks & 1 day! Due date is 10/4. Heart beat was 161 bpm.  <3
  • I know I'm a little late to the party but I wanted to answer @MRSCORKER 's question, bump this thread, and request that it gets sticked @BumpAdmin

    Anyways @MRSCORKER ... my 6w u/s was TV (which echoes other posters) but I also asked how the 10w one would be and the tech said there is a good chance it will also be TV because you can see more that way. 
  • Ahhhh!!! @samijrichards! I was wondering where you were. Congrats! So exciting!

    Me: 32 & DH: 37
    Married: November 2014
    TTC #1 Since: October 2015
    BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP
    BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
    IT'S A BOY!!!!
    DS Born 10/16/16

  • Omg! So excited for you @samijrichards!!! Congrats!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Congratulations @samijrichards!!!! I was just thinking about you today!

    LFAF April Siggy: TV/Movie BFFs

    BFP #1 12/2012, DS born 8/2013
    BFP #2 7/2015, MMC and D&C 9/2015
    BFP #3 11/2015, CP
    BFP #4 1/2016, DD born 10/2016

  • @samijrichards congrats on twins!!

    @smmatt08 and @MRSCORKER  with my DD my first US at 9 weeks 4 days they did an abdominal US and saw everything just fine. I don't know why they would say TV would be better at 10 weeks. We got great images and they were able to accurately date and get a heartbeat. Just my two cents.
    Baby #1: Elena 4/6/14
    Baby #2: Grayson EDD 10/22/16

  • I would second that, @korycir

    When I just went they did abdominal first bc according to LMP I would be 10 weeks. But I O'd really late so I was only 7 weeks and they ended up doing TV. So I would think at 10 weeks they would do abdominal
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Congratulations to all of you ladies. I love every pic. No US for me yet. Hopefully tomorrow! Is it me or do we have a few twins floating out there? I think its awesome!
  • @wphillips0211 - Your baby actually looks like a baby! That's so awesome! 
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @krzyriver & @MrsB627: Glad all is well with your babies! They look great! 9 more days til my 8 wk U/S. Can't friggin wait!!!
    Mommy to Gabriel (12) and Isaiah (10) and Step-Mommy to Danely (17), Diego (9) and Leo (4). Trained doula going for certification!
    5 losses (2002-6 wks, 2004-9 wks, 2005-11 wks, 2015-7 wks & 5/27/2016-19 wks) 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • It's so amazing how different the ultrasounds look even when people are on the same week! My RE had an amazing machine and my ob has a little one that's always blurry lol
    DS born 2016
  • The differences are amazing!  I posted my 7w before but here it is again alongside the 3D scan

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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