July 2016 Moms




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    @Brittnic531@noelietrex @quartz02 I've only read the books (actually I listen to the audiobooks and the narrator is brilliant), and I've been resistant to watch the show because I have a great mental image of Jamie and I don't want to ruin it.

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    @Racso12 I do the same thing with my dogs. I try to convince myself that if he gets up on Saturday I will get up Sunday. But I never do.

    You lost me on the Harry Potter part. I rewatching the whole series every Christmas. I have been hearing myself up to reread the books soon too.
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    @elenabrent I think he plays the character very well and I think the actors playing Jamie & Claire have great chemistry. Do it!!! You can watch episode one on Starz website for free. If you have Amazon Prime, they recently had a free trial for Starz that may still be going on. I love all the other characters on the show, too (Dougal, Murtaugh, Anghus, Rupert...)
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    My FFFC has nothing to do with pregnancy really but life. My sister lost her boyfriend 3 years ago July 7. I'm due July 5. She has since moved on, she's engaged and planning her wedding now- but deep down I'm slightly terrified that the anniversary will send her into a tail spin like it has before and I will loose (not that she would hurt herself but that she becomes very overwhelmed with grief and pain and can't physically be there for me) one of the biggest support systems I have as a first time parent. I know it's selfish- but I've been thinking about it a lot lately. It's totally out of my control which just makes me nervous about the month of July in general... Oh emotions - we are 15 months apart and really close.
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    @HMcDade1 I don't think that's selfish. You're concerned for her and your sisterly relationship. I hope she deals with this okay. Especially with the new love of her life in the picture. I can't imagine enduring a loss like that. I'm sure the pain never really goes away, you just learn to live with it.
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    Non-pg related confession: in an effort to try and make our lives more economical for when I am not working, I had agreed to give one of my (two) horses back to his old owner with the promise that she would not give him away again. He's expensive and has some special needs. She emailed me last night and backed out, saying he's better off staying with us and pretty much just said good luck.

    I love him to death but part of me was super relieved to cut our expenses in that area in half (well, even less than half).

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    NerdchildNerdchild member
    edited January 2016
    @HMcDade1 Maybe the excitement of being an aunt will give her something to look forward to and distract her? This past Christmas was the first one where my mother, sister, and I didn't spend part of the day depressed and crying since losing my dad almost 6 years ago, and I think all of the first time impending grandma/aunt/mom energy really helped.

    Eta: I don't think it's selfish of you. You want her to be happy and share the excitement.
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    Computer illiterate people are like aliens to me. It's 2016. How can you not computer?!
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    jlgriff11 said:
    Computer illiterate people are like aliens to me. It's 2016. How can you not computer?!
    HAHA! NO! See the July 2 x thread and then go to the due date thread. Hmph.
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    I have another confession:

    I decided that we needed to buy two of the Cybex Aton Q carseats-  https://www.albeebaby.com/cybex-aton-q-infant-car-seat-autumn-gold.html even though they are $349 dollars (wtf.) because they are the smallest/safest available for small cars AND because it's really, really pretty. Mostly because it's pretty.
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    jlgriff11 said:

    I have another confession:

    I decided that we needed to buy two of the Cybex Aton Q carseats-  https://www.albeebaby.com/cybex-aton-q-infant-car-seat-autumn-gold.html even though they are $349 dollars (wtf.) because they are the smallest/safest available for small cars AND because it's really, really pretty. Mostly because it's pretty.

    Stop it. I love that color!
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    I have another confession:

    I decided that we needed to buy two of the Cybex Aton Q carseats-  https://www.albeebaby.com/cybex-aton-q-infant-car-seat-autumn-gold.html even though they are $349 dollars (wtf.) because they are the smallest/safest available for small cars AND because it's really, really pretty. Mostly because it's pretty.
    Stop it. I love that color!
    Another confession: My husband also loves it because he's a Cleveland Brown's fan and it's the reason I could get him to agree to having a $350 car seat x2. Heh.
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    I hate that my mom now knows about the pregnancy. We felt obligated to tell her, because we wanted to tell DD, and we knew that DD would slip on the day that she hangs out with my mom. I would have loved it, if we could have told DD and knew that she wouldn't have said anything, and waited longer to tell my side of the family. My mom is already hounding me (in a snarky way), about the fact that she wants to start telling people....these people are people that I am not ready for them to know. She wont listen to the reasons why we don't want a ton of people knowing right now, and keeps getting snarkier and snarkier about asking to tell people.

    My older sister is pissed off at me because my due date is right between my brother's wedding, and her wedding. She thinks that I am trying to steal her thunder. Dude lady, this is your third marriage......promise I won't have a baby before your fourth one. We always knew that if we had another kid, we would try in fall 2015. That was the plan for three years. What we didn't know was that both my brother and sister were going to get engaged and plan their weddings a month apart, in the summer that I would be due. Are we going to change our family plans for two days out of the whole year, absolutely not. It annoys the hell out of me that she complains about it behind my back, to other people, but doesn't have the balls to say it to my face. Especially given the fact, that she begged us for the past three years, to have another kid. My younger brother and his fiance, are totally excited though, and don't give a care that my due date is so close to their wedding. 
    @PhoebeJune1984 that's ridiculous. I hate it when  people think that just because they're having a life-changing event in their lives everyone else's life has to stop/slow down to accommodate it. Your sister is being especially crazy pants though thinking you're trying to steal her thunder - does she realize how hard it would be to plan your due date in that small of a window, successfully? The odds of ovulating at the exact right time and being successful that exact cycle are slim.
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    @PhoebeJune1984 @DobbysSock seriously... who can predict when they'll get pregnant? It took us a while to get pregnant with DD1, we're 4 years older now so I thought it would take the same amount of time or longer. Nope. Happened relatively quickly, and we're having a FL baby in July (ugh) and my DH travels about 50% of the time during that ONE month of the year for work. LOL... definitely wouldn't have chosen that EDD! Sh*t happens, though.
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    @PhoebeJune1984 my SIL is angry because I got pregnant at the same time she got engaged. She is not getting married till June 2017. I stole her thrunder. Is no one allowed life changing events for 2 years!!!
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    @mckcak23  That is crazy!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    jlgriff11  just because you are having twins does not mean you have to get cheaper items just because you hare having two. Go for it! 

    BTW-our husbands would never get along. Mine is a Ravens fan. 

    Married: August 2012
    TTC #1: July 2015
    BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
    TTC #2: September 2019

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    maddmamamaddmama member
    edited January 2016
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    mnkennedmnkenned member
    edited January 2016
    @Brittnic531 - yes! He's such a bad actor. The books are SO good and I'm with you on the show disappointment.

    ETA -
    @noelietrex - I do have friends that didn't read the books that love the show actually. I wonder if it's that the chemistry just doesn't come close to the books for the people who read them. (I will also watch all of them though :) )
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    Well I like the Broncos. (All because of Peyton Manning, since I live in Indiana) I'll put my kids in some Browns gear but won't let them go into public with it on till they hoist off Manziel to Dallas. Good riddance
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    @jlgriff11 I hate manziel!
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    Don't worry, we here in the Cleveland area hate Manziel too! Also for the record, I'm a Bengals fan living in Browns country. Gets interesting sometimes...
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    My confession: I generally do not watch or care about reality TV, with two exceptions: wedding shows and shows about pregnancy/babies. Today I was upset to discover netflix no longer has teen mom or 16 and pregnant. What happened to all the pregnancy trash tv? I know they are terrible but I can't help it! My husband went out for a drink after work and I was planning on curling up on the couch with ice cream and watching some baby drama damnit!

    Another confession: I haaaaaaaate football. It's soooooooo boring. Basketball is way better!!!
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    @stellaluna14 I can't watch that show its makes agree that some people should not have kids and I don't think any of them should have ever been allowed to procreate!
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    I'm starting to not give a crap about the pregnancy no no list. With a few exceptions alcohol, drugs, smoking. Also my people tolerance is way low this week so when I see posts asking if things are safe to do during pregnancy or some dr's say don't do this I want to start saying go for it! Your body your rights, and also I am not liable for any negative effects of this on your child
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @Lindsayleigh1989 oh I know, it's awful, but I can't look away! I'll just have to watch bridezillas instead.
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    @stellaluna14 I believe Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant are on Hulu. I've been watching 16 and Pregnant, being jealous of their little teenage pregnant bellies, and telling myself, "If they can do it, I can do it."

    But I love all trashy reality tv, so I'm all in with this garbage.
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    @DominiqueU please say you watch real housewives I need to talk about it with someone haha
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @DominiqueU please say you watch real housewives I need to talk about it with someone haha

    That's the one I don't watch! I just never got into it. My sister watches them all. I think they're on Hulu too, so maybe I'll give it a try. I feel like if I start, I won't be able to stop. I watched every season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians last summer. I should be ashamed, but I'm not.

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    DobbysSockDobbysSock member
    edited January 2016
    @Lindsayleigh1989 I am embarrassed to admit I watch the real housewives. I can't look away.

    ETA: I watch the all but especially love OC and Beverly Hills
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    @DobbysSock it's absolutely a guilty pleasure and yes I just can't stop watching especially Beverly Hills ! I think Yolanda is insane for not using real medicine haha
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @Lindsayleigh1989 oh my god I know... I have always liked Yolanda, she seemed so level headed. I don't think she's faking it but I think she's seriously misguided and being taken advantage of by a lot of quacks. I feel for her this season - since now we know that her and her husband have split I'm reading a lot more into all of their interactions and some of his jokes and comments are kind of mean.
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    @DobbysSock yeah I agree also I think her "advocate" is a nut job sucking her dry! also loving Eryka
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @Lindsayleigh1989 LOVE Eryka. I love how she just owns who she is, and I love how she deals with the cattiness. Surprisingly based on her performer/alter ego side and the way she presents herself when she's "Eryka Jane", she is the classiest lady in that bunch. I also think she genuinely loves her husband despite him being much older.
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