July 2016 Moms

Week of Jan 11 - Symptoms Thread


Re: Week of Jan 11 - Symptoms Thread

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    @amyspohr I have the hip pain and headaches too I think it's the chemical relaxin from what I've read that is being released and loosening everything up can cause the pain
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    Holy itchy nipples. Help me
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    My nipples feel like they are being cut by a million little knives.
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    Gosh yes! The nipple pain is real so glad I'm not going crazy I had to rip off my bra when I got home thought they were going to burst into flames what the actual eff!?
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @Lindsayleigh1989 haha omg yes!! My left nipple literally felt like it was on fire last night. It was the weirdest feeling. I'm so glad this is normal(?) I guess!
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    It doesn't help when it is so cold too!! I have these permanently hard nips that just feel like death.
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    just binged on snickers and brownies.  ugh.
    09/12/14 BFP (EDD 5/15/15) 
    10/06/14 US #1 showing baby at 6W1D w/ no HB (rather than 8W4D)
    10/13/14 US #2 confirming miscarriage 
    10/28/14   800mg oral cytotec (very good experience)  

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    Painfully itchy nipples, especially the left one, headaches, fatigue, and rlp.

    When is the second trimester "burst of energy" supposed to happen? Cause that would be great right about now!
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    That is me to a t. This is my 3rd baby and I really need that 2nd trimester energy to kick in already
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    Yep totally normal unfortunately
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    Nausea's hanging around longer than with first pregnancy. I haven't cleaned the house other than absolute necessities in way too long. 12 weeks today and hopeful it will let up soon. Last time I was good by 11 wks.
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    The hip pain is getting intolerable ! I know i had a hard run body but let me sleep without feeling like I want my half amputated! even with accetomenaphine, body pillow between knees and the occasional heating pad and bio freeze!
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    I've been a little anxious all day... Went to bed with some normal groin pain (comes and goes for weeks but I know it's normal) and woke up with the same pains... Seemed to not go away. Not super painful, but just felt wrong. They have gone away now (noon) but just made me feel anxious. I lifted some chairs at work without thinking yesterday so of course now I'm beating myself up about it. I'm sure it's just more stretching and moving. I'm 15 weeks complete today.
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    Alright here's my random symptom. I've been having sharp and shooting vaginal pains since about 6 weeks, totally random, definitely not cramps, definitely not involving the uterus, and painful! From what I've read it's normal and I think it's cervical in nature and probable nerve compression- but holy hell its terrible sometimes. Anyone else ?
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    Headaches. Ugh. Night sweating where I awake soaked and shivering and it makes me sick to get out of bed and peel my clothes off. Snoogle is helping sleep, but nightmares almost every night. And if I don't eat every hour I'm sick! I wanted all the sex first tri but now in second (14+6) I'm too exhausted. Like, I slept 10 hours last night and am ready to nap and it's only noon. RLP over here too. I laughed too hard, apparently. Waiting for the energy burst please! Spring semester has started and even though it's online, the fatigue takes over my reading and critical thinking skills.
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    I bought a snoogle hoping it helps me sleep better! (ps if you have a babies r us registry put it on there and buy it because you get money back! 5% if people including you buy under 300 dollars worth 10% if you go over if you have the rewards program which is free)
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    HMcDade1 said:

    Alright here's my random symptom. I've been having sharp and shooting vaginal pains since about 6 weeks, totally random, definitely not cramps, definitely not involving the uterus, and painful! From what I've read it's normal and I think it's cervical in nature and probable nerve compression- but holy hell its terrible sometimes. Anyone else ?

    Mine hasn't been very painful, but more of a dull ache
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    maddmama said:

    HMcDade1 said:

    Alright here's my random symptom. I've been having sharp and shooting vaginal pains since about 6 weeks, totally random, definitely not cramps, definitely not involving the uterus, and painful! From what I've read it's normal and I think it's cervical in nature and probable nerve compression- but holy hell its terrible sometimes. Anyone else ?

    Mine hasn't been very painful, but more of a dull ache
    Same here. It comes and goes, sometimes a little sharper but usually pretty dull.
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    Everyone in a while I will have the shooting vagina pain. Thankfully it isn't too often!
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