July 2016 Moms

Week of Jan 11 - Symptoms Thread

silvers626silvers626 member
edited January 2016 in July 2016 Moms
Ok, so I realized that the randoms thread is getting crazy full because somewhere along the way we lost our weekly symptoms thread. So post all ye pregnancy symptoms complaints/questions here and let randoms be random!

ETA - Words. Because we don't have a ransoms thread.... yet.

Re: Week of Jan 11 - Symptoms Thread

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    Damn autocorrect!
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    I was venting to DH that my belly is really more like a bowl full of jelly than a bump and then he commented that my booty got "ripe" too. Which he loves. LOL! At least there's that. Between that and the boobs, he's a happy man these days.
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    Damn autocorrect!
    Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

    Though i think some of our little fetuses (fetii?) are holding our bodies ransom. 
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    And I'll just start by saying the RLP is real. Every time I breathe today my left side is killing me. Also, I could actually sleep for days. The exhaustion this time is unreal. My first pregnancy I was already over this and had energy like you wouldn't believe. The only thing I do now is work, feed, bathe and put to bed DS and then go immediately to bed where I sleep through my alarm EVERY DAY. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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    Heartburn after everything! And boy oh boy am I tired. I'm about to hit 14 weeks and I thought I'd become less tired, but I really feel 10x more tired!
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    I agree on the tired part. I am 15 weeks. My exhaustion really hit during week 11 and I just cant seem to shake it. I really thought that it would be gone by now. Also my back is KILLING me. Sitting in a desk chair all day sucks. 
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    I brought my heating pad into work with me because the chairs suck. Tell me I can't have it plugged in, I dare someone.

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

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    I had bronchitis and took antibiotics. Most of the shit is gone but for some reason, this cough creeps up on me. I'm blaming it on the normal "congestion" pregnant women tend to get. Mucus in my throat is never letting this cough die. And vomiting up stomach acid every morning while simultaneously peeing myself is getting SO OLD.
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    I'm 14w3d and I have THE WORST dry mouth. Why? WHY? Keeps me up all night. I have to chew gum in bed. And I have the biggest humidifier running all day in my house... I just don't understand it! Haha so dramatic. But it sucks.
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    Headache, heartburn and hives. These three things never change.
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    Still have all day MS. Got sick leaving work yesterday and then again last night... I had to have DH run to get a garbage can (first for that), exhausted, so I took the day off today. First full sick day I'm taking because of all this and I was fine with it because my students have two specialist today so they are out of the classroom and I just had a test to give for math. I'm 13w on Thursday and I'm begging this shit to stop!
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    I am 12 weeks, and my worst symptom is fatigue. I don't think that this winter weather is helping. All I can do these days is go to work, eat, and go to bed by 8 or 9pm! I am thinking a tropical vacation would help me gain some energy
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    Nose bleeds are new for me this week and i get plenty of sleep but still feel tired
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    The fatigue is real. I have noticed, though, that the mornings after I work out, I feel a whole lot more rested. Working up the energy to go to the gym last night was a stretch, but I am thankful today that I did it.
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    Heartburn... but thankful that @taymiller told me what it was (never had it before) and tums helped instantly.
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    Yay glad the tums are working!
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    Pulling in my lower abdomen, mostly on the left side. Not painful, but uncomfortable. This is probably normal, right? Like things moving/stretching/shifting? I'm 15 weeks.
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    Migraines. I had them with DD and now they're back. They totally suck.
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    rakel88 said:
    Pulling in my lower abdomen, mostly on the left side. Not painful, but uncomfortable. This is probably normal, right? Like things moving/stretching/shifting? I'm 15 weeks.
    When people say RLP, they mean Round Ligament Pain. Sounds like what you've got going on.
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    rakel88 said:
    Pulling in my lower abdomen, mostly on the left side. Not painful, but uncomfortable. This is probably normal, right? Like things moving/stretching/shifting? I'm 15 weeks.
    I have been having that too at 14 weeks. Usually when I am laying down and I sneeze or laugh
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    I'm 13w 5d and still puking, although I'm not expecting it to go away anytime soon since it lasted all pregnancy with DD. I'm still super exhausted most of the time. As crappy as I feel I still don't feel as bad as I did with DD. I've been super sensitive/emotional at work. I work in a high stress type environment, but it is REALLY getting to me the past few weeks. I had a breakdown while talking to my supervisor Friday and I asked her to please talk some sense in to me since I knew I was being hormonal. I'm ready for the overly emotional symptom to go away!
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    This MS is getting old real quick...to congratulate me on making it to 15 weeks i got to throw up bile this morning fan-freaking-tastic! I also have RLP which means when i jump up to run to the bathroom i get a sharp stab of pain that i hope i can push through and make it to the bathroom in time....haven't always made it  :/
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    All you guys scare me when you mention fatigue and exhaustion now! I'm 14 weeks and finally have more energy.. It better be here to stay! I hate feeling exhausted!! My only symptom now is eating and then it not agreeing with my stomach. Ugh. It's not fun.
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    I am really looking forward to not feeling so zombie-esque!
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    Dry heaving daily. Better than vomitting daily though! And headaches many days.
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    Dog puked on the stairs this morning. I was naive and thought MS was gone and started to clean it up...Nope! I puked on top of dog's puke on the stairs and screamed for husband to clean it all up. Glorious way to start the day!
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    My eczema is breaking out all over and looks awful, I didn't have any spots for a long time until now. Yuck, and so itchy !
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    What have you been using to treat your eczema these days? I have been getting it too, but want to avoid the harsh prescription creams.
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    14 w. Headaches every other day. If I catch them in time though and take a little bit of caffeine and some peppermint oil, I'm usually okay.
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    @slorbets just aveeno eczema lotion and dove soap, it's all over my hips and stomach so it's not noticeable to anyone but me. Just itchy and annoying.
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    forgot to mention pubescent, cystic acne. Hot! Thanks to whomever mentioned the cheapy razor things from Amazon, I took care of my mustache last night. LOL!
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    quartz02 said:
    forgot to mention pubescent, cystic acne. Hot!
    This! @quartz02 the pregnancy acne is killing me. On top of feeling bloated and fat without an actual discernible bump yet, I get to have a butt ugly face too! Lovely.
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

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    Dog puked on the stairs this morning. I was naive and thought MS was gone and started to clean it up...Nope! I puked on top of dog's puke on the stairs and screamed for husband to clean it all up. Glorious way to start the day!

    I'm so sorry. This sounds awful. But it's also really funny because it sounds like something I would do!
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    elenabrentelenabrent member
    edited January 2016
    The RLP has been intense, and I spent the past two days hobbling all over the place because of sciatica. See also headaches, dizziness, and so much constipation. 

    ETA: And the acne! Yes, I am a vision.

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    @ButterMyBiscuit ohh really? I guess I was imagining that RLP would be more in like the joints, whereas this feels kiiinda like period cramps but not at the same time.

    @chanfa mine's like that too, and if I'm laying down and use my abdominal muscles to sit up, I feel it more too.
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    @rakel88 yep! Same exact thing. I don't know what we can do about it so I just change positions.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @chanfa yea same. And it isn't unbearable for me at all, just a new thing.
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    My RLP hits me when I stand up too fast, roll over in bed or cough/sneeze. It started out totally pelvic but now that I'm further along its essentially my whole lower abdomen- preparing myself for this only to get worse from here.
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