July 2016 Moms

Week of Jan 11 - Symptoms Thread


Re: Week of Jan 11 - Symptoms Thread

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    Headaches and hunger. I seriously pack myself so much food for the day and by 3 I am starving and my head is pounding.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Headaches, hunger, acne (including on my chest), worsening of both asthma and eczema. I am essentially my teenage self.
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    Pregnancy brain in full effect... Two meetings today and could not think of the word "priority" in one and "order to show cause" in the other. I just had to stutter and not finish my thought with everyone looking at me like "hmmmm didn't think early Alzheimer's affected someone in their thirties"

    Awesome, I'll be here hiding under my desk.
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    Headaches, hunger, acne (including on my chest), worsening of both asthma and eczema. I am essentially my teenage self.
    Minus the headaches and add exhaustion and this is me.  
    Me: 28 | Husband: 39
    Married March 2016
    DD: born 7.22.16
    DS EDD: 6.23.18
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Yes to all the RLP! I rolled over last night and woke to intense pain! Haha I want to be wrapped like a mummy for the next 6 months
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    15 + 4 = RLP, back pain, my feet hurt. Exhaustion, insomnia, hunger, heartburn. Such a struggle to exist. Also, I live in constant expectation of random vomit. I swear, it comes out of nowhere. Sometimes I go days without any, then next thing I know I feel like someone put me in one of those paint mixers and I'm barfing in the kitchen sink. Gross.

    But, my bump is popping out and my hair is growing so fast and I want to have sex ALL THE TIME so there are some fun symptoms.
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    austinjl said:
    Dry heaving daily. Better than vomitting daily though! And headaches many days.
    I can't decide which is worse! With the dry heaving I'm like "am i done yet??" and I get scared to walk away lol
    TTC since June 2011
    DH: perfect SA
    Me: 30, moderate endo, unexplained infertility
    IUI or IVF in December

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    I was puking more times daily than I dry heave now. Usually it's post-brushing teeth. I'd really prefer to have neither symptom!
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    I am so thirsty! If I don't drink minimum 3L of water a day I am so thirsty I can't stand it. Also the water has to have that Tru Lemon powder in it. Despite drinking plenty of plain water before being pregnant I can't stand plain water now. Plus as a result I only have to pee, say, every 20 minutes which isn't annoying at work at all. Yeah..... Oh and I have to drive with my boss for a meeting tomorrow and we'll be in the car for around 5 hours total. Not including pee breaks. Should be fantastic!
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    I am so thirsty, I have headaches every day and my M/S is really pissing me off.
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    ellou05ellou05 member
    edited January 2016
    At 14w:

    Acne - chin erupted in little whiteheads last week. Some on back, too.

    Fatigue. I work from home so I end up laying down most of the day. Total sloth.

    Tummy pains off and on

    Constipation hit bad last week. Fiber gummies and bran muffins helped somewhat.

    Headaches - not too often but when they hit they are completely debilitating and last an entire day.

    Hair is ridiculous and frizzy - I want to tack that on, too.

    09/12/14 BFP (EDD 5/15/15) 
    10/06/14 US #1 showing baby at 6W1D w/ no HB (rather than 8W4D)
    10/13/14 US #2 confirming miscarriage 
    10/28/14   800mg oral cytotec (very good experience)  

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    I am in week 15 with my first. I lost 7-8 lbs due to all day MS weeks 6-13 and a horrible aversion to ANY meat. I can eat now but haven't gained any weight back. I have had the constant sinus junk and headaches... and light-headed feelings. I am so ready for this part to be better.
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    Headaches are back and I've been using caffeine when they happen at work because sometimes you just gotta get through.
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    I am awake every night between 2-3am. Normally it's the need to pee that wakes me up but today I think it is heartburn.
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    I've had a backache for days. Nothing serious, just a slight pain that drives me nuts thinking something is wrong. I don't like to complain about symptoms if I can help it, but this is just getting in my head. With my first loss, I didn't know what labor felt like and I ignored the back pain until I couldn't stand it. Now, every twinge has me double checking that everything is okay.
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    @hmcdade1 and @slorbets, I've been using Eucerin for my eczema. It helps as much as it can!

    Also, I'm so exhausted today because I cannot sleep at night anymore. I wake up all the time! It's driving me crazy. Today is the worst because not only was I unable to sleep last night but I forgot to eat a bedtime snack and so now I'm sick today. I've noticed I only get morning sickness when I don't eat enough food. So, this morning the first thing I did when I got out of bed was vomit for 10 minutes. :(

    Mommy to an angel baby and a sweet little girl Earth side.
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    Ugh headaches over here too! Never had them with ds. @dolewhipper what do you do with the peppermint oil?

    My backs been hurting so I pulled my snoogle preggo pillow out last night, I think I need a new one though! The stuffings all weird and lumpy in spots from my first pregnancy!
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    Oh and I pee like 5x a night, and it's the tiniest tinkle each time... Pisses me off!
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    I'm exhausted! Up 5 times last night with terrible sciatic pain ugh nothing helped and it's still hanging on!
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    foxa319 I got this roller thing from Whole Foods that has peppermint oil in it and i roll it on my temples and put a little under my nose. Sometimes the pressure from the little ball hurts tho so I just roll it on my finger and massage it in (which you can do if you just get a bottle of oil). Feels good. The roller ball is nice because its tiny and I can take it almost anywhere. Kind of looks like this, but in a silver container

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    I recently bought a snoogle pillow. I guess I need some time to get used to it because I kept waking up last night. Ugh. I woke up 5 times to pee, and what felt like 20,000 times in between because I'm not used to this big ole pillow I guess. I broke it out because of my back and I heard a lot of women sleep so much better with it. Hoping I start sleeping better soon!
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    foxa319 said:
    Ugh headaches over here too! Never had them with ds. @dolewhipper what do you do with the peppermint oil?
    Just putting it out there....if in any way your pregnancy is not normal you should consult your doctor before using peppermint oil during pregnancy. Typically it is safe to use peppermint oil during healthy pregnancies.
    Mommy to an angel baby and a sweet little girl Earth side.
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    This week I've been having headaches which Tylenol has been working for when it's mild and diluted peppermint oil is a God send when it's more severe. I've been also peeing a lot more this week. I've had a few days of no ms which has been great but I fully expect it to return. I won't be tricked this time lol
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    Appetite: Today it is like a switch turned on. I went from no appetite, forcing myself to eat so I felt good about what I was getting to baby. Today, there is not enough foods in the universe to make me feel full. I am a bottomless pit! Let's hope this doesn't stick around very long.

    Lower back pain all day & in my hips when I wake up in the morning. I may have to cave for the Snoggle this weekend for some reprieve.
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    maddmama said:

    I recently bought a snoogle pillow. I guess I need some time to get used to it because I kept waking up last night. Ugh. I woke up 5 times to pee, and what felt like 20,000 times in between because I'm not used to this big ole pillow I guess. I broke it out because of my back and I heard a lot of women sleep so much better with it. Hoping I start sleeping better soon!

    It took me a while to get used to my snoogle, too. I switch sides a lot at night and maneuvering around the big pillow is a lot to deal with. But now I sleep a lot better! Hang in there!
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    @kgrgreen I have been a bottomless pit for WEEKS. I can't stop eating.

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    *question here*
    I don't even know if this makes sense since this is my first. But when I sit and then get up to stand I feel like I can feel my uterus ??? It feels like there's something in there.. I'm 14w. Super weird feeling. Anyone else? Or any Stm+ know the feeling? Haha I don't know if I'm crazy or what.
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    @maddmama like when you stand up, you can feel the tightness where your uterus is? I am a STM, and I totally forgot about it during my first pregnancy, until it started happening this pregnancy. I kind of have to stand up slowly, otherwise if I stand up too fast, it feels like my uterus is a giant pulled muscle. HAHA
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @PhoebeJune1984 it didn't hurt! Slightly uncomfortable. I have had some RLP and that shiz does hurt. It just felt like there was a ball or something on the left side.
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    LaurenAsh23LaurenAsh23 member
    edited January 2016
    I have a terrible cold, 2nd one since Christmas. I'm miserable and to add insult to injury, heartburn is kicking in. I had it terribly with dd, just don't remember it starting soooo early! Ugh! Living on tums.

    Eta: anyone else have extremely dry hair?? I used to wash my hair every other day, now it's more like maybe every 5th day because it's so dry!
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    @LaurenAsh23 my hair has been super dry too! They say your hair is supposed to feel thicker and grow faster during pregnancy, but mine is just limp and dry
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    I've been getting dizzy/fainty in the afternoons and evenings. I'm definitely consuming enough calories, getting good nutrients, and hydrating well. This whole experience just sucks.
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    14 weeks and 2 days today.

    I'm exhausted still...

    Feel like I have a full bladder but tinkle

    Since week 6, Sharp pain with getting up from sitting down deep in my right butt cheek going down to half my thigh...

    It's getting more frequent and more painful each week.. I get scared to move or move slow to anticipate the pain but it still gets me every time...
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    @Nzamorw leg/butt pain sounds like sciatic nerve pain. I was having a TON this week and my friend had me do cat/cow for a while to move the baby off of the nerve. It worked like a charm. I could barely walk and then it was gone.

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    @elenabrent the baby is 3 inches and can already put pressure on a nerve????? This early!!!

    I'm going to Dr. Google to look this up. It's my first time connecting my symptom to a name! Thanks.

    And what's a cat/cow!?

    My first thought was how's mooing or meowing going to help??? Lol
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    @Nzamorw yeah, apparently. I have a retroverted uterus so my midwife said even though the baby is small the uterus is getting big and can shift into just the right (so wrong) position.

    Cat/cow is a yoga pose https://www.yogaoutlet.com/guides/how-to-do-cat-cow-pose-in-yoga

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    Oh the uterus... Always forgetting the role it too can play....that is true.. Thanks for the tid bit and yoga pose...clearly from my response you can tell I don't do any yoga lol
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    Cat/cow is the best ever while pregnant. It helps with so many discomforts that happen during pregnancy. It is really great too as you get further along and the lower back pain starts.
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    I just sneezed without bracing my stomach. Holy guacamole that RLP is real! Important lesson learned
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    Almost 13 weeks and had headaches this week...and super tired ALL the time...! Noticed more food averions too. Started sleeping with a pillow between my knees and that has definitely helped with lower back and hip pain. Is it possible my hips are already widening even though I'm only at 12+6 weeks??
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