Nicely done @DeePaddy24 ! I don't really know football but DH just won his pool and got a nice payday, woooo. I'm winning my hockey fantasy league but there's no $$$
Is there no Wednesday Ticker Change? I always get excited to update but never want to start one in case I just missed it. The posting struggle is real.
DH just found out he gets 4 weeks paid paternity leave! I mean, WHAT?! Still a long ways to go on this issue in the US, but the times, they are a-changin'.
@crdo that's freaking awesome! DH gets 12 weeks unpaid leave, but he's saving his 2 weeks vacation time for right after baby is born and then he'll probably take 2 weeks here and there of the unpaid leave after I go back to work. I think he has a year to use it all. It's not ideal but I'm glad he at least has the option to take time off of work, paid or not.
Is there no Wednesday Ticker Change? I always get excited to update but never want to start one in case I just missed it. The posting struggle is real.
I just posted it a bit ago. I usually start in the morning but I'm west coast and I was helping at DD's preschool this morning I also enjoy the weekly check in and will never stop starting one. But if it's before 8am PST odds are I haven't done it so you are always welcome to start them too.
@crdo that's freaking awesome! DH gets 12 weeks unpaid leave, but he's saving his 2 weeks vacation time for right after baby is born and then he'll probably take 2 weeks here and there of the unpaid leave after I go back to work. I think he has a year to use it all. It's not ideal but I'm glad he at least has the option to take time off of work, paid or not.
Yes, it's so unexpected. I mean, I don't even have paid maternity leave. I will use my accrued paid vacation and sick time, and take unpaid after if need be. But 4 weeks PAID PA-ternity leave?! Totally floored, and grateful. DH originally had the same plan as yours to take 2 weeks of his paid vacation, and go from there. It is nice you'll have some time together after baby is born to enjoy your new family right at the start.
@crdo thats awesome!!! I know my husband gets some time as well but he's still figuring out how much/if its paid, HOORAY for parental benefits progress in the US!!! Now I can only hope my meeting with my company owner (tentatively scheduled for tomorrow at 4pm) goes as well and she grants me PAID leave!!
@crdo thats awesome!!! I know my husband gets some time as well but he's still figuring out how much/if its paid, HOORAY for parental benefits progress in the US!!! Now I can only hope my meeting with my company owner (tentatively scheduled for tomorrow at 4pm) goes as well and she grants me PAID leave!!
Hopefully you AND your husband will get paid leave! Still crazy it isn't commonplace....
I don't qualify for paid maternity leave this time (I'm Canadian so government pays it if you're employed, but I'm self-employed and don't pay EI premiums) so my husband is taking the full 35 weeks parental leave that's available. I am so psyched to not be alone with the baby. He got zero time off for our first and it was bad times for me and my collicky, non-sleeping baby. We might be super poor though...
@Emztron500: That's wonderful that your husband will be able to spend so much time at home with you and baby. Bummer you don't qualify for paid leave. Re: being potentially poor--hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
@crdo yeah, I'm hoping I'll be able to squeeze in a fair bit of work but realistically my income's going to dip a fair bit for at least a month or two and DH's will go down to 55% of what he normally makes. Time to start saving!
@crdo yeah, I'm hoping I'll be able to squeeze in a fair bit of work but realistically my income's going to dip a fair bit for at least a month or two and DH's will go down to 55% of what he normally makes. Time to start saving!
Saving sounds like a good plan! I will be able to save about 10.6ish weeks of paid leave to use, but I may do unpaid for another couple of weeks and potentially work part time for a while after. So, we are also in save mode. Oof.
I just found out that I beat out all the guys & won the football pool I've been participating in! Woohoo...only girl in the top 10, too! Guess who will be getting the good breast pump she wants now?!
What may be even better than winning is getting to see the looks on the guys' faces when you tell them you're spending the money on a breast pump! lol
I just found out that I beat out all the guys & won the football pool I've been participating in! Woohoo...only girl in the top 10, too! Guess who will be getting the good breast pump she wants now?!
What may be even better than winning is getting to see the looks on the guys' faces when you tell them you're spending the money on a breast pump! lol
DH's Grandpa came into my office this morning, (it's a family company, his relatives are in and out all day) and he was asking about baby names. I told him we didn't have any yet. He said "well, it's a boy, so that should narrow it down. I'll make you a list." I told him to feel free to make a list, we will find out in two weeks what baby is (no one knows we already know the sex of our baby) Anyway, then he starts talking about all the reasons he knows it is a boy, blah, blah blah... THEN he says... "You know in a lot of countries, if the baby is a girl they just kill it and try again. They don't keep the girls."
DH's Grandpa came into my office this morning, (it's a family company, his relatives are in and out all day) and he was asking about baby names. I told him we didn't have any yet. He said "well, it's a boy, so that should narrow it down. I'll make you a list." I told him to feel free to make a list, we will find out in two weeks what baby is (no one knows we already know the sex of our baby) Anyway, then he starts talking about all the reasons he knows it is a boy, blah, blah blah... THEN he says... "You know in a lot of countries, if the baby is a girl they just kill it and try again. They don't keep the girls."
Sounds like grandpa has an advanced case of shoving-foot-in-mouth-itis. Who the frack says sh*t like that?!
DH's Grandpa came into my office this morning, (it's a family company, his relatives are in and out all day) and he was asking about baby names. I told him we didn't have any yet. He said "well, it's a boy, so that should narrow it down. I'll make you a list." I told him to feel free to make a list, we will find out in two weeks what baby is (no one knows we already know the sex of our baby) Anyway, then he starts talking about all the reasons he knows it is a boy, blah, blah blah... THEN he says... "You know in a lot of countries, if the baby is a girl they just kill it and try again. They don't keep the girls."
My grandpa told me that ours was a girl. He didn't mention other countries killing girls (that is super odd and creepy), but he was absolutely convinced. We are team green, so I guess we'll see if he's right in June! It was weird though.
Confession: My son is at preschool right now and instead of cleaning or finally putting my Christmas tree away I'm watching "The Wedding Date" on netflix.
Confession: My son is at preschool right now and instead of cleaning or finally putting my Christmas tree away I'm watching "The Wedding Date" on netflix.
For those that remember my SIL having pre term labor she had the baby last night at 35+6. He was in respiratory distress and has TTN. He has a week on the Cpap machine and they are looking at 4 weeks in the NICU. She is recovering well and all the things he is going through are normal for a preemie. Time will be the best thing for him and they have no writes for his recovery and development.
As some of you know, yesterday was my day of pampering at the spa. As I was getting my pedicure, the woman who was doing my toes and I struck up a conversation and quickly found out that we are both pregnant - she was maybe 4-5 weeks. She asked if we were going to find out the sex. When I said no, she proceeded to do every old wives tale on me to tell me what I would be having. Keep in mind this woman is of Asian/Chinese descent, so she was big on the Chinese Calendar prediction. This will be her 5th child, so we was pretty adamant that all of these tales are 100% accurate.
She literally stopped my pedicure right in the middle to do the ring test on me, and confidently told me I would be having a boy, followed by a girl. Good times I tell ya.
Glad to hear she kept that baby in a few more weeks @fishwife799 can't be fun dealing with all the NICU stuff though sending good vibes for SIL and the little one!
So I had a dream last night that I was lying in bed with my toddler and my new baby (who was like a week old). And I realized I'd been so busy dealing with my toddler that I was pretty sure I hadn't changed the baby's diaper since he was born. And I also wasn't sure if the baby was a boy or a girl, or what its name was.
In the dream it turned out to be a boy named Mason, which the baby told me himself, because it was a dream. I never did change his diaper.
I may have a bit of anxiety about taking on baby #2...
@fishwife799 - I'm glad she was able to keep her baby in there for longer and I'll be thinking of her and her family! I hope everything goes well and he's home with his family very soon.
So I had a dream last night that I was lying in bed with my toddler and my new baby (who was like a week old). And I realized I'd been so busy dealing with my toddler that I was pretty sure I hadn't changed the baby's diaper since he was born. And I also wasn't sure if the baby was a boy or a girl, or what its name was.
In the dream it turned out to be a boy named Mason, which the baby told me himself, because it was a dream. I never did change his diaper.
I may have a bit of anxiety about taking on baby #2...
So I just ate an entire jar of olives...and now my stomach doesn't feel good and I don't want dinner. Although I already didn't want dinner in the first place...unless it was pizza. DH is determined for us to be more healthy. He's gone on a run every evening this week and I've been so lazy! I just want to binge watch Netflix and eat bad food this was my last week of just work before I start school back up next week I just felt like whining
@MrsB8214 I feel the same way! My husband is on a huge weight loss kick and I'm so proud of him because he is doing great, but all I want to do is eat bad and be lazy! It's going to be tough to bounce back after June.
@MrsAlliKat it is the worst... 2 hours in & im still up, I know I'll spend the day with a headache because of it... First trimester I could sleep 12 hours straight, never thought I'd miss first tri!
So I just ate an entire jar of olives...and now my stomach doesn't feel good and I don't want dinner. Although I already didn't want dinner in the first place...unless it was pizza. DH is determined for us to be more healthy. He's gone on a run every evening this week and I've been so lazy! I just want to binge watch Netflix and eat bad food this was my last week of just work before I start school back up next week I just felt like whining
I need to know exactly how big this jar of olives was!!!
Just got my belly rubbed at work by an overly friendly coworker while having my dress pants fly unzipped (covered with a belly band). Hopefully the awkwardness on my face translated well.
Ugh, I was looking for this thread last night and tired me couldnt find it for the life of me! Anyways, I found myself up at 2:30 last night and was hungry and wanted salad with an excessive amount of ranch dressing (ive been craving this on and off for the past few weeks) so sure enough, I ended up sitting in my kitchen at 2:35 am eating a bowl of plain salad with dressing. Wtf pregnancy? Wtf...
I had nearly a full bag of dill pickle chips for dinner last night. I skipped actual dinner because the thought of sitting on my couch watching tv eating a large amount of chips made me giddy. It was so worth it.
@Sgoldberg247 I wish you found the thread! I could've used someone else awake... I was up from 3am-6am! Finally fell asleep at 6 long enough to hear the alarm go off an hour later for work....
So, THIS popped up in my Facebook feed this morning...
I tried the link after logging out and I can still watch the video, but the comments are the best part. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Well, since that lady from the July BMB freaked out over here anyway.
Re: Weekly Randoms go here...
DH originally had the same plan as yours to take 2 weeks of his paid vacation, and go from there. It is nice you'll have some time together after baby is born to enjoy your new family right at the start.
Good luck at your meeting tomorrow!
Bahahaha, YES!!! Dooooo it.
***Random Bitchfest***
DH's Grandpa came into my office this morning, (it's a family company, his relatives are in and out all day) and he was asking about baby names. I told him we didn't have any yet. He said "well, it's a boy, so that should narrow it down. I'll make you a list." I told him to feel free to make a list, we will find out in two weeks what baby is (no one knows we already know the sex of our baby) Anyway, then he starts talking about all the reasons he knows it is a boy, blah, blah blah... THEN he says... "You know in a lot of countries, if the baby is a girl they just kill it and try again. They don't keep the girls."
My son is at preschool right now and instead of cleaning or finally putting my Christmas tree away I'm watching "The Wedding Date" on netflix.
The gas that I am dealing with is out of control. I am so smelly. I can't do anything without farting.
As some of you know, yesterday was my day of pampering at the spa. As I was getting my pedicure, the woman who was doing my toes and I struck up a conversation and quickly found out that we are both pregnant - she was maybe 4-5 weeks. She asked if we were going to find out the sex. When I said no, she proceeded to do every old wives tale on me to tell me what I would be having. Keep in mind this woman is of Asian/Chinese descent, so she was big on the Chinese Calendar prediction. This will be her 5th child, so we was pretty adamant that all of these tales are 100% accurate.
She literally stopped my pedicure right in the middle to do the ring test on me, and confidently told me I would be having a boy, followed by a girl. Good times I tell ya.
In the dream it turned out to be a boy named Mason, which the baby told me himself, because it was a dream. I never did change his diaper.
I may have a bit of anxiety about taking on baby #2...
This is incredible.
So, THIS popped up in my Facebook feed this morning...
I tried the link after logging out and I can still watch the video, but the comments are the best part. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Well, since that lady from the July BMB freaked out over here anyway.