March 2016 Moms

Nursery Photos!

A place to post pictures of progress of your nursery if you are doing one! Anyone else started yet?

We are doing grey, navy and green with some elephants. So far we have paint, bedding, curtains and my chair that came in today. The ottoman isn't being delivered until Jan for some weird reason. I am hoping to get the crib down from the attic and set up while I am off the week of Christmas and to get his dresser painted!

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Re: Nursery Photos!

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  • Can't wait to post here! I have a "mood" board with all of the items I've selected all displayed together. We're working with seafoam green carpet (not our choice) so we're going neutral with everything else except some pops of color in the artwork, lamps, and other accessories. We're re-using the glider we have already and a few other little things. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Mine is done because we are having another boy. All I have to do is convert the toddler bed back into a crib, put up a photo board that fell down (the missing space by the other three boards), make a new board with the letter C, and another board with Camden written out. Most of my work will be painting and setting up DS1's new room.

    Cute! I had a lot of fun doing a big boy room for DS1!

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    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Mine is done because we are having another boy. All I have to do is convert the toddler bed back into a crib, put up a photo board that fell down (the missing space by the other three boards), make a new board with the letter C, and another board with Camden written out. Most of my work will be painting and setting up DS1's new room.

    Cute! I had a lot of fun doing a big boy room for DS1!

    I'm SO excited to do his room! Just waiting for DH to finish priming and painting. We already picked up his new furniture and I can't wait to start some DIY projects for his room!
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    Me: 25, DH: 28
    Married: July 2012
    DS: December 2013 
    TTC #2 since July 2014 
    M/C: March 2015 
    My Ovulation Chart
  • Mine is done because we are having another boy. All I have to do is convert the toddler bed back into a crib, put up a photo board that fell down (the missing space by the other three boards), make a new board with the letter C, and another board with Camden written out. Most of my work will be painting and setting up DS1's new room.

    Cute! I had a lot of fun doing a big boy room for DS1!

    I'm SO excited to do his room! Just waiting for DH to finish priming and painting. We already picked up his new furniture and I can't wait to start some DIY projects for his room!

    Post pictures when you get done! It's so much more fun when they are older and can get excited about their room. 

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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • We were super motivated in October. My husband painted walls and I bought most of what we needed. Now we just need to finish! Here's the re-finished furniture minus the crib.

    Love the colors!

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    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Mine is done because we are having another boy. All I have to do is convert the toddler bed back into a crib, put up a photo board that fell down (the missing space by the other three boards), make a new board with the letter C, and another board with Camden written out. Most of my work will be painting and setting up DS1's new room.

    Cute! I had a lot of fun doing a big boy room for DS1!

    I'm SO excited to do his room! Just waiting for DH to finish priming and painting. We already picked up his new furniture and I can't wait to start some DIY projects for his room!

    Post pictures when you get done! It's so much more fun when they are older and can get excited about their room. 

    Here's to hoping DH gets moving and gets it done! I ideally wanted DS1 in his new room before the baby comes so he doesn't feel like he got kicked out of his current room because of the baby. I would also like to use what free time I have to craft.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

    BabyFetus Ticker

    Me: 25, DH: 28
    Married: July 2012
    DS: December 2013 
    TTC #2 since July 2014 
    M/C: March 2015 
    My Ovulation Chart
  • Here's the "wallpaper". My husband drew it based on a scene in Yoshi's Island.
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  • Ok i feel like a slacker. My husband started this weekend but he works nights. I'm honestly not sure when he will finish painting bit it's "his" project and won't let me help.
  • A little update from today! Changing area all set up. Was fun putting things away in the drawers and feeling a bit more organised :) I also picked up a new bassinet, which we aren't setting up til a little bit later on when we make a bit more room in our bedroom. Next couple weeks will be new curtains and setting up the feeding chair. Good to see it coming together!
    Where is the little three tiered side table thing from??
    So far...
    LOVE your curtains. Super cute!

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

  • @flowerpower5838 I don't think I'll be much help when it comes to asking me where I've gotten things from, sorry...! I live in New Zealand and I got it from a sort of "daily deals" website we have here. But it's called a Ladder Shelf :) if that at all helps you in your search!
  • We have only painted and it still need another coat, but I'm digging it so far. I had a talk with DH about how I thought would have finished it this weekend he said he would try and do it today and that he realizes I want to get in there. Anyway here is our green Nursery for our woodland theme.
    I love the color! 

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  • @flowerpower5838 Thanks! They came with the house. Lol
  • So jealous of all the beautiful nurseries!! We're in a one bedroom apartment, so DS will basically have a wall in our bedroom for now. I've been itching to decorate a nursery so bad!! When our lease is up we're going to get a two bedroom and I'm going to go crazy decorating his room! Lol. Even though I can't do much, I have planned it out. The colors are gray and yellow and white, and we're going to have minions throughout the room, not overwhelmingly so though! Keep posting pics so I can live vicariously through you all!
    DS1 born 2/28/16
    DS2 due 12/12/18

  • I would love to do baby's half of the room but I can't because I'm waiting on the stupid crib! Lol.  The walls are a dark gray already (we rent) so it will be fun turning half the room into a nursery while keeping the other half girly for DD

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  • herfst80herfst80 member
    edited December 2015
    Love to see all your beautiful nurseries! Can't wait starting on ours. Contractor started yesterday, than we (the plummer) has to relocate the heating, put in wooden floor and than (my) funpart can begin. Will show you the progress.
  • Aww so beautiful! Love these nurseries! I'm kind of sad we won't have an official nursery until we move in August. Will just be using a pack and play until we do move! Plus we barely have room in our two bedroom since my mom is currently living with us! But I plan on cute elephants, gray, turquoise and some purple! :)
  • Can't wait to finish ours. It's a boy-girl shared nursery. Our son will be just over 2 when be baby girl arrives so we might be nuts but we're going to give it our best go with room sharing. Baby will be in a bassinet with us for the first week or two (our first lasted 48 hours, none of us slept well near each other) then probably transition to the crib.
    I've been doing a lot of planning where it's a shared space but the room is large and l-shaped so I think it'll lend itself well to being a shared nursery.
    We have a dresser to stain, a small book shelf to paint and lots of little DIY touches to add. I'm even attempting 2 polka dot accent walls.
  • skruhmin said:

    OH MY GOSH WE ARE SO FAR BEHIND!!!  I really should take a picture of the dumping ground :) Everyone's looks beautiful so far!

    @skruhmin if it makes you feel any better, I'm even more behind because we are moving in Februaury!! For now all my decorating is on Pinterest!

  • They're all so cute! We aren't doing a nursery. The spare room is on the other side of the house. We live in key west and there's no central air in most older houses, so we can't hear anything that happens in the rest of the house at night. Even with a monitor I would worry too much. He'll have a crib in our room and will stay with us the first year or so. Then we'll figure out a plan. But I do have ideas for his corner of the room.
  • @goodee1 that's super cute!! Were those white shelves difficult to put up? I'd love something like that!!

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  • edited December 2015
    @goodee1 holy sh*t you are motived!  Looks really good!  I'm hoping to *start* our little girls nursery in the new year after I get all the holiday crap put away (using that as my motivation!).  
    Here's my dilemma...I have a light green upholstered rocking recliner that I've used in our boys nursery for a few years.  DH of course wants me to use this in the new babys room also, which I agree I should because there's nothing wrong with it and it works very well for nursing/middle of the night cuddling.  HOWEVER all the girl nursery color themes that I like don't involve light green.  So- do I go practical and find some bedding that I don't LOVE but will match said chair, or do I be ridiculous and buy a new chair to use for like 18 months?  Ugh, I think i already know what I should do...ha!  I hate being reasonable!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @FutureMrsCaesar could you pick what you want for the nursery and just have the chair reupholstered to match what you like?
    DS1 born 2/28/16
    DS2 due 12/12/18

  • @alligreer88 Artwork from big sister/brother... It does not get any cuter than that! I love how you displayed it too!
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