May 2016 Moms

Circumcision opinions


Re: Circumcision opinions

  • edited October 2015
    Both my boys are, due to my religion. But ex hubby didn't want to do it with my oldest so we compromised..... I asked the doctor to take of as little as possible. So i woukd say my boys have a half circ. You can see the head, they just have more skin than usual for a circ. Leaving them looking "mote normal"
  • Both my boys are, due to my religion. But ex hubby didn't want to do it with my oldest so we compromised..... I asked the doctor to take of as little as possible. So i woukd say my boys have a half circ. You can see the head, they just have more skin than usual for a circ. Leaving them looking "more normal"
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  • Stay tuned for my experiences in caring for elderly men with both natural and circumcised penises and the 23 year old circumcision patient! (JK, unless anyone is actually interested in that...)
    Are you kidding? I am always interested;) it's nice to hear from someone with real experience!
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