@ShianeNicole. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. We have a very similar story and very similar names! We had our baby boy on Tuesday November 17th and named him Elliot James! I also went through many hours of labor and also was sent to emergency c-section because of his heart rate. Turns out he was stuck in the birth canal. He didn't have a bruised back, but did get a small cut on his face... The Dr accidentally knicked him because his face was so close to the surface! Though it didn't go according to "plan" I'm glad we both got perfect healthy babies!
Kiera Rose EDD: 11-14-15 DOB: 11-22-15 7:30 am 8 lb 1 oz 20.87 inches
Nothing went as planned but the end result is the most amazing little girl! Thursday I went for an ultrasound and found out she was sunny side up. Friday night at ten pm contractions started about ten minutes apart and only progressed slightly over night. All day Saturday I sat at home until contractions got closer and we left for the birthing center at around 5:00 pm. I was at four cm when we checked in and my water broke 20 minutes later. Contractions sped up quickly after that and it was very intense back labor due to her being sunny side up. I couldn't help but ask myself what was I thinking when I decided to go for an unmedicated birth! But I labored all the way to 10 cm and pushed when I felt the urge. I pushed for two hours but she seemed to be stuck. We then learned she pooped inside. We tried every position possible to get her out but she wasn't budging. Finally, at about 2:30 am. my midwife suggested transferring to the hospital so I could get the epidural and rest before trying to push again. The car ride was short but excruciating. The wait at the hospital to get blood work back before I could get the epidural was even worse. Finally got the epidural and once it kicked in it was the biggest relief ever. I napped for two hours and then the midwife and Doctor came in and said it was time to push. My pelvic muscles had relaxed more and we were able to get her out with the help of a vacuum. I didn't get immediate skin to skin or delayed cord clamping due to the risk of infection from meconium but they checked her out and she was all clear!
We are so over the moon happy and she was worth every minute of it.
Lilah Ann EDD: 11/19 Born 11/21 @ 8:45am 7lbs 13oz 20"
After 24+ hours of back labor and not progressing past 7cms, they couldn't stabilize the babies heart rate and I was brought back for an emergency c-section. Not much went according to my birth plan (so I'm glad I came to terms with that before going into labor), but we have a healthy baby girl and that's all that matters! We are completely in love!
Thanks to a membrane sweep and a pleasant walk, I began having steady contractions at 3am on Tuesday. They stayed consistently 10-15 minutes apart and pretty manageable. It wasn't until 3pm that they got tough to talk through. I went into the tub. At 4:30pm they were 5 minutes apart. Being a bit of a drive from the hospital we booked it. Unfortunately, we hit traffic and it took us 90 minutes to get to the hospital, forcing me to labor in the back of our car during that time. Ahhh!
Our doula met us at triage at 6:30pm and I was admitted, 4cm dilated and 90% effaced. I labored with music, essential oils, salts, and electric candles courtesy of my magical doula. Around 6cm my midwife came in to break my water. Once that happened transition occurred quickly. It was pretty brutal and I did most of it on a toilet (thanks, intermittent monitoring!).
Around 2:30am it was time to push.
This was hands down my darkest hour. I lost all my energy transitioning and laboring and couldn't push as hard as my team wanted. My doula was an incredible coach and the words that struck me the most were: "You're being a brat. You're a mother now. This is your baby and you need to give us good pushes to get her out."
Through a combination of squatting, pulling on a towel, and bearing down, Basil Bea was born at 3:54am. She weighs 8lb, 7oz and is 20 inches long.. She's a beast! My midwife ended up giving me a couple little cuts to avoid inevitable tearing. I was bleeding a lot so they put me on pitocin to stop it and help shrink my uterus. No regrets there because I'm bleeding a ton still!
I cannot emphasize the importance of a good team enough. My doula was worth every penny and my rock. My midwife was a badass and took awesome care of my stitches. The on-call nurse was extremely sweet and patient. My husband did a rocking job and watching him cut the cord was amazing. This was the nurse's first doula-assisted, unmedicated birth and the intermittent monitoring was a pain in the ass for all of us but totally worth letting me walk around and try different positions.
I am forever grateful and in love with my daughter for giving -us- this amazing experience. The cord was wrapped around her neck and body but she never fret. She was calm the entire labor and came out perfectly healthy. We got delayed cord clamping, skin-to-skin, and some nice downtime after the birth to enjoy her. She's currently milk-drunk and I can't stop staring at her.
You CAN do it, mamas! I'm thrilled to share my story with the community and now be a part of the elite mama bear club!!! We are warriors!!
Owen Robert Paul EDD: Nov 12 DOB: Nov 24 8:36 am 7 lbs 13 oz
After having a sweep on Monday and drinking the 'midwife cocktail' (castor oil) as a last resort before a medical induction, I began feeling contractions around 2:30 am on Tuesday morning. Woke up my husband at 3 and contractions quickly intensified. Given a history of fast labours in my family, the midwife decided to meet us at the birth centre instead of doing a home assessment. We arrived at the birth centre at 4:30, I was 4 cm. Laboured using the tens machine, then bath, then layed on the bed (which I wasn't intending, but was tired). Midwife checked me and I was only 5 cm. When on bed for probably an hour, I was saying I couldn't take the pain anymore and the laughing gas wasn't helping. I wanted to go to the hospital to get the epidural. Midwife and husband stepped to the side and midwife explained that the epidural might be necessary if I was still at a five. So she checked me and I had progressed to 9 cm! We weren't going anywhere or baby would have been born on the highway. Turns out he was facing the wrong way (his spine to mine) and the excruciating pain was him turning himself around. Water broke when he did that. The midwife didn't have time for the second midwife to arrive, so she had to borrow the midwife from the next room to help deliver (thank god she was there). After moving from painful contractions to such painful ones that my body wanted to push, our little man was born at 8:36! I'm not sure how long I was pushing for but I think maybe a half hour.
We are now resting at home and both learning to breastfeed, but it's going well.
Doing it naturally was a challenge, but definitely worth it! GL to all the new and soon to be mamas!
Delilah Elizabeth Born 11/24 by RCS EDD 11/30 8lbs 8oz 19 3 / 4 in
C-section went well despite my anxiety. DH watched the whole thing, impressing the medical staff. Big sister is adjusting well and we all love her so much.
Braxton Noah Born 24/11/15 Due 02/12/14 7 pound 6 Braxton arrived very fast laboured at home got to the hospital at 8am 6cms dialated and within 20mins I was 8cm Braxton was born at 9.15am I was a bit in shock as to how fast it happened so in love
Brandon Smith Jr born at 8:07 pm on his due date 11/25. 7lbs even 21in long. Had to have emergency c- section because baby couldn't fit through my pelvis and I developed severe preeclampsia during labor (Edited)
Peyton Olivia EDD 11/28 DOB 11/23 at 813am 7lbs 12oz 19.25 in
Peyton arrived via scheduled RCS. Being team green was amazing, one of the best surprises ever!! We are all so in love. Big brother is adjusting nicely and has been a wonderful helper. Can't wait to go home!
Woke up at 4:41 in the morning with bad cramps. Went to the bathroom to pee and my water broke. I was not sure that it actually broke so I came back to the room ant started having bad cramps and leaking more and more. Husband woke up and I told him I am having contractions from 5 to 5 min. Got into the shower, shaved my baby door, woke up my 5 y old and called my FIL. We took my son to my father and headed to the hospital. The whole episode was 1 h and 20 min. Got to the hospital and was already 7 cm dilated. Went to the delivery room and stated the epidural. Another 1 h later at 7:21 our son came to the world. He was 3320 gr at birth and 54 cm long. I had a small inside tear. Was on my feet walking outside the same day. The hard part was the last month of pregnancy. Labour and birth went smooth. He is a sweet baby and his father and I adore him.
Had my AFI yesterday, fluid was low so I was sent to the hospital. My OB decided it was best to induce then instead of waiting until Monday.
We started Ceridil Wednesday afternoon and removed it at 12:30 am today. Even though I was cramping I was still at 1 cm. So on came the Pitocin. MY GOD! I had heard Pitocin contractions were bad but 5 min later they were hot and heavy every 5 min, then 10 min later every 3 min, then another 10 min and they were 1-2 min apart. I was still only 1 cm, OB thought scar tissue from my LEEP procedure might have been holding me up. So THANK THE LORD she ordered my epidural.
PS, can I just say how AMAZING those are! 30 min later I had no pain and was able to sleep! A few hrs after the epidural I was at 8 cm, so being able to relax through the contractions was able to break up my scar tissue. A few hrs after that the nurse couldn't feel my cervix and babies head was low. An hour later I was pushing and 10 min later he was here with only a small tear to my labia.
We are over the moon excited that he is finally here! And I'm so happy this didn't turn into a c-section as I was sure it would.
Happy Thanksgiving and good luck to all the mommas out there still waiting!
Scott David III EDD: 11/20 DOB: 11/24 8lbs6oz, 20 inches
Water broke Monday night, 3 hours of pitocin in the morning that gave baby some decelerations, stopped pitocin and did the rest on my own! Had an epidural that wore off on one side, not pleasant! Baby is latching but cluster feeding like crazy. Slept the last 2 days during the day, last night only slept and hour, fed for 5.5 hours straight, my nipples are killing me!
I was scheduled to be induced today but thankfully baby Jack decided to come on his own. Labour started around 11pm on the 25th and by 1:30am I knew it was strong enough to get to the hospital. The nurses and Doctor think the19th was too early of a due date as as the baby was still covered in vernix when he was born.
Had an amazing unmedicated delivery. I was so grateful to my amazing nurse and Doctor who were so supportive. We also had a doula and I honestly don't think I could have done it without her help and support. Very minor tearing and Jack was born at 2:49pm after only 21 minutes of pushing. So grateful for this fantastic first labour and delivery experience and most of all for this precious baby boy. Congrats to everyone on their bundles of joy!
Jude Daniel Arnett 7 lb 3.5 oz 20 inches EDD 11/29 DOB 11/26 - little turkey babe!
Membrane sweep on Wednesday followed by a nice walk seems to have done the trick! Which as a FTM honestly surprised me! Contractions started at 2:30am- consistently 3-4 min apart and definitely not comfortable. Waited until 7am when DH woke up and decide to go on in. Was only 2cm - so we went walking around the hospital but at about 1pm they sent us home. Labored at home for a couple hours, got in the tub and spent some time on the birth ball- around 4pm we went back in. When the nurse checked me, I was at 4cm and my water broke! Things got intense fast. Contractions really picked up and my DH was a superstar partner the whole time and got me through them. It took what seemed like FOREVER for them to get my epidural set up, but I am grateful that I got to 6cm before the epidural at about 8pm and 10 min after I got it, they checked me again because I was feeling tons of pressure and I was at 8cm!! That epidural changed everything- I had completely shut down and as soon as I got some relief I was able to truly enjoy the experience. They got everything set up since I was progressing so fast and called the doctor. After only like 4 contractions worth of pushing, Jude was here!! The cord was wrapped around his neck and he had a true knot- but our boy is perfect and healthy and we couldn't love him more.
Started getting bloody show on Wednesday night accompanied by constant cramps in my abdomen/back. Thursday night contractions picked up from 10 mins apart to some being back to back for 3 minutes. They weren't super regular but called the doc and went in at 11:30 am. I was 3 centimeters so they had me walk a bit and when they checked I was 4-5 so I was admitted. I walked again and when I got to six centimeters I decided to get the epidural. Best decision ever. They broke my water and gave me a low dose of pitocin and 2 hours later I was at 10. Pushed for an hour and a half and baby girl finally arrived. Had a small episiotomy and some 2nd degree tearing due to the placement of her shoulders. Cried for about an hour when I saw SO hold her, it's like he completely melted. I didn't think it was possible to love someone so much.
Cecily Patricia Born Nov 26 at 1:52 pm EDD Nov 18 7 lb, 9 oz & 20.5 inches
From Team Green to Team Girl!
I tried literally everything to start labor, and when I'd basically given up (last things tried were a sweep and acupuncture on Tuesday), she decided it was time. Started having contractions while taking a nap at 5:30 or so. They began to escalate in timing and intensity and I labored at home until they were coming every 3-4 minutes and feeling strong. We arrived at the birth center at 3am and discovered they had a full house and no room available for us yet, so they had me hang out upstairs in the midwife offices while they called an additional midwife. Apparently full moon + holiday means babies galore! The extra midwife came up to see me at about 4 and said while I was waiting, a mama had arrived and had given birth already! I was 5 cm, and still had a while, so she had me labor in the classroom in the basement (which had a couch and kitchenette) until 6, when a room finally opened up. I got in the jacuzzi tub when my contractions got to be on top of each other, doubling and sometimes tripling up. My water broke in the tub, and it had meconium in it, which meant I got a bit of a poo bath (thanks, little girl!). I got out when my contractions started to feel like pushing, and I was at 8-9 cm! I labored on hands and knees on the bed for about another hour, and then I was at 10 and ready to push! After 2 hours and 40 minutes of intense pushing Cecily was born, squalling and gooey and perfect in every way! I had a 2nd degree tear with stitches and got some extra medication for bleeding, but we are both doing great and at home, enjoying some turkey leftovers.
We've been calling her The Turkey from the time I had my BFP and I guess she decided that the name was appropriate for her birth day! DH was such an amazing support the entire time, and I was so thankful for my midwife and nurse team, and that my little girl was a champ the whole labor process and enabled me to have my planned unmedicated birth. It was intense and incredibly painful, but I would do it all again.
Fletcher Blake born 11/22/15 7lbs 14oz and 20.5 inches long Natural labor, contractions started at home at 1:30am and he was born at 4:40am I pushed 3 times and he was out!!
Elliot Jane EDD 11-28-15 Born at 8:54 am on 11-22-15 6 pounds 9 ounces 19 inches long
A little late, but we've had a rough time. After being induced and going through 25 hours of labor, they broke my water and she immediately went into distress. So they put some fluid back in, and rushed me into emergency C-Section. I had a VERY tough pregnancy, health wise, but I am so glad she's finally here!!! We are so, so in love
No info on height and weight yet, as she was whisked away to the NICU pretty quick.
Once I got the epidural, I was able to sleep and progressed very quickly when they broke my water. All of a sudden the nurse came to check my cervix and she was RIGHT THERE, so I was told not to push until the doctor came in to deliver. She came out in less than 20 minutes of pushing and her whole body came out in one push. She's struggling slightly to breathe on her own, so they went ahead and admitted her to the NICU.
Updates/pictures to come as soon as we get to see our little girl.
Emma is being transferred to a more specialized NICU at a children's hospital about 30 minutes away. Still struggling to breathe. I haven't had a chance to hold her since she was born and it's killing me, but she is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on.
Blake Daniel EDD: 11/26 Born: 11/27 at 10:11pm 8lbs 5oz 20"
I got my VBAC!! Started induction Thanksgiving night with a cook catheter. Woke up Friday morning at 7am at 4cm having light contractions. They started pitocin at 9am and slowly upped it. I was able to walk and move and use the tub as needed but once I hit 6cm contractions were on top of each other and lasting 2 minutes. Got a walking epidural at that point. I could go into hands and knees still and move myself around and feel pressure but not as much pain. My doula was awesome and was able to get me into so many different positions to keep me progressing. We used a peanut ball a lot and it helped so much.
At 9pm they checked me and I was complete. Started pushing soon after and his heart rate went way down and then way up. The midwife called the on call doctor. He had me breath through a few contractions which was rough because we turned the epi off at that point so I could move around. We were minutes from going to the OR for another CS but the on call doc is super VBAC friendly and told me if I could push quickly I would get it. 45 mins later he was out! It was amazing. Any other doctor and I would have been a RCS. It was awesome to see my doula the midwife and doctor all hugging and shaking hands. They worked so well together to help me out. I'm very grateful.
Jude Martin Nov 25th at 2:16am 7lbs, 20" long Edd: Nov 27th
As a FTM I went in to get checked when contractions were 5 mins apart and got sent home because I was only 2cm, I was so sad that we had to go back home. By the time we got home 20 minutes later, contractions were less than a minute apart and a lot more painful than I was prepared for. Apparently I traumatized my hubs with how I was dealing with the pain. All the breathing techniques we learned and the only thing that made me feel Better was to just cry through Them. We waited about 20 more minutes and then it was back to the hospital. I was at 6cm when we arrived around 8:30pm and opted for the Epi even though it was not my plan, and by 2:00am was fully dilated and ready to push. Less than 15 minutes of pushing later and our precious son came into the world and is so loved. Cannot say enough how much continuing my exercise routine throughout the pregnancy helped with my stamina and endurance. Our hearts are full!
Contractions started in the 26, and got regular every 5 minutes around 2am on the 27. I got excited but waited until I could feel either or more stronger (I know I was just a fingertip dilated) We had a nst and a afi at 2pm that day anyway, and at 11am I felt some uncontrollable shaking and some really stronger contractions, so we went in right away.
But once there, despite those shakes and strong 3-5 min apart long contractions, I was only1.5 cm dilated. They checked my fluids, I was too low to get sent back home and was admitted. I did great until 11pm, dealing with the pain and some occasional shakes that got stronger and stronger. They could not give me cytotec as the contractions could get worse and sometimes baby was stressed out... So they waited for my contractions to calm down. I was 2cm at 11pm.
Even though I wanted unmedicated birth, the shaking made me unable to relax, and I took what they offered me, they decided to try cytotec then too. Two hours later at 1am (the 28th) I could not handle it anymore, I was crying l, losing it, they were too long, too strong and I was just shaking like crazy so I could not concentrate or relax my muscles, the medication was not working well, so they offered me an epidural and I said yes, I was 4cm dilated by then. Between 1am and 2am they placed the epidural, which needed fixing (just worked on the left side, then dose was not strong enough). Finally worked, I think it saved my life and sanity lol, and in 2 hours I went from 4cm to 10cm, pushed for almost an hour and she was out !
Ariane did not cry, latched right away and we are still breastfeeding great (I am producing a lot) I got a 2nd degree tear but I am not sure how I will recover yet. She is calm, she observes, and smiles
Aviana Elizabeth EDD: 11/30 DOB: 11/29 7 lb 10oz 20in
Bloody show started around 1, went to the hospital was only 1cm and sent home. Got home and started having contractions. Went back to the hospital around 11 when the contractions were 5 minutes apart and was 5cm, in the 10 minutes it took to get to the delivery room I progressed to 9cm and started the fluids for the epidural. Amazing epidural! She did a great job putting it in and it reallyyy worked. About 45 minutes of pushing at 7am and she was born!
Anorah Selah-- our Rainbow Baby!! means "woman of honor" and Selah means- "Pause and Reflection" EDD- 11-23 DOB-11-17 7lb 6.9oz, 20 1/2
Got induced on the 17th at 7am and had her at 3:24pm. Did not push at all. She literally slipped out before the doctor could get there. I was sick to my stomach and was dry heaving because of the effects of the epidural and in doing so she came right out. She has been such a good baby and super easy going. Already giving me between 3 and 4 hour stretches of sleep at night. BF like a champ! Her big brother is still not too excited about her but hopefully in time he'll really bond with her.
Hannah Madelyn EDD - 11/21 Born - 11/23 @ 5:04pm 6lb 14 oz, 20.5 inches long
At 10pm on Sunday I went into labor, woke up my fiancé at 1:30am and labored at home until 4:30am. Was 3 cm dialated and 90% effaced when I arrived at the hospital. Labored without pain meds until 11:30am and still was 3 cm and 100% effaced. Received an epidural at 1:30pm and slept until 4:45pm when her head was about to pop out. Pushed 3 times and she was out. Amazing labor and delivery and we are so in love with our precious baby girl!
Harper Liu EDD 11/23, DOB 11/30 Was due to be induced today at 5:00 am. Went into labor on my own at 1:30 am. Still got to the hospital at 5. Tried the IV pain medication, but felt too under the influence and I didn't like it. Once that wore off I got the epidural. Heaven!! I progressed quickly and was 10cm by 12:00. My doctor wanted me to labor down for any hour before pushing. I started pushing at 1:00 and she was out by 2:30! Recovery is going well so far and we are working on our breast feeding. We are so in love!! Good luck ladies, I was so nervous about giving birth and I'm so proud of myself now
Team green to team blue!
Russell James
8 lb 2oz
EDD 11/19
But came on his original due date 11/30
So happy he decided to come on his own! Perfect timing
15 hr natural labor that ended with a 3rd degree tear (after being cut)
He's just perfect though! Loves to eat and poop, lol.
I love his hands..
Brayden Wayne born at 6:25 today after being induced yesterday at 4pm due to low amniotic fluids. 7.13lb 20in and the new love of my life. He is perfect in every way, dad is in awe
Reid Douglas EDD Nov 23 DOB Nov 30 8lbs4oz 21inches
From team green to team blue! It wasn't the labour I was hoping for due to being induced because of my membranes rupturing and no contractions to follow however once they doubled the dose of oxytocin I progressed very quickly. Only about an hour and a half of active labour before I pushed him out in 3 pushes. DH and I are still in shock as to how it all played out. Reid is the love our lives and so far a very calm wise old soul.
Grayson Nicholas EDD November 22nd Born December 1st 8lbs 11oz 21.5 inches
I was induced at around 7Am starting with Cytotec. Took two rounds and made very little progress, so moved on to Pitocin. Contractions started lightly around 10:30. To make a long story short, I ended up labor in for 27 hours, the epidural was not helpful with anything but contractions, and I am now the talk of the entire ward for my traumatic labor. I pushed for 2 hours and begged for some help from the vacuum because I couldn't do it anymore. I ended up with a 4th degree due to being cut, then tearing more anyways. BUT, both baby and I are healthy, and that's all that matters. We're trying to figure out breastfeeding, and daddy is doing amazing with both of us. Congratulations to all the mommies!
Me: 28 DBF: 30
BFP#1 07/10/14 EDD 3/14/15 Diagnosed with Blighted Ovum 08/18/14
Ellis Olivia Born 11/22, EDD 11/29 7.5 lbs 20" long -happy and healthy as can be!
We started induction the evening of 11/21 due to low fluid, low fetal movement. Induction went incredibly smooth and once my water broke I went from 3 cm to 10 and ready to go in less than 2 hours. Was shocked when the doctor checked me and said "alright, you ready to push mama?" - we were expecting a much longer process as it had been going relatively slow until that point. 12 pushes later baby girl came screamin' out! So so happy to have her here.
Re: N15 Birth Announcements
EDD: 11-14-15
DOB: 11-22-15 7:30 am
8 lb 1 oz
20.87 inches
Nothing went as planned but the end result is the most amazing little girl! Thursday I went for an ultrasound and found out she was sunny side up. Friday night at ten pm contractions started about ten minutes apart and only progressed slightly over night. All day Saturday I sat at home until contractions got closer and we left for the birthing center at around 5:00 pm. I was at four cm when we checked in and my water broke 20 minutes later. Contractions sped up quickly after that and it was very intense back labor due to her being sunny side up. I couldn't help but ask myself what was I thinking when I decided to go for an unmedicated birth! But I labored all the way to 10 cm and pushed when I felt the urge. I pushed for two hours but she seemed to be stuck. We then learned she pooped inside. We tried every position possible to get her out but she wasn't budging. Finally, at about 2:30 am. my midwife suggested transferring to the hospital so I could get the epidural and rest before trying to push again. The car ride was short but excruciating. The wait at the hospital to get blood work back before I could get the epidural was even worse. Finally got the epidural and once it kicked in it was the biggest relief ever. I napped for two hours and then the midwife and Doctor came in and said it was time to push. My pelvic muscles had relaxed more and we were able to get her out with the help of a vacuum. I didn't get immediate skin to skin or delayed cord clamping due to the risk of infection from meconium but they checked her out and she was all clear!
We are so over the moon happy and she was worth every minute of it.
Edited to make shorter.
EDD: 11/19
Born 11/21 @ 8:45am
7lbs 13oz
After 24+ hours of back labor and not progressing past 7cms, they couldn't stabilize the babies heart rate and I was brought back for an emergency c-section. Not much went according to my birth plan (so I'm glad I came to terms with that before going into labor), but we have a healthy baby girl and that's all that matters! We are completely in love!
EDD: 12/1
Born: 11/25/15
8lb 7oz
Unmedicated, baby!! ROAR
Thanks to a membrane sweep and a pleasant walk, I began having steady contractions at 3am on Tuesday. They stayed consistently 10-15 minutes apart and pretty manageable. It wasn't until 3pm that they got tough to talk through. I went into the tub. At 4:30pm they were 5 minutes apart. Being a bit of a drive from the hospital we booked it. Unfortunately, we hit traffic and it took us 90 minutes to get to the hospital, forcing me to labor in the back of our car during that time. Ahhh!
Our doula met us at triage at 6:30pm and I was admitted, 4cm dilated and 90% effaced. I labored with music, essential oils, salts, and electric candles courtesy of my magical doula. Around 6cm my midwife came in to break my water. Once that happened transition occurred quickly. It was pretty brutal and I did most of it on a toilet (thanks, intermittent monitoring!).
Around 2:30am it was time to push.
This was hands down my darkest hour. I lost all my energy transitioning and laboring and couldn't push as hard as my team wanted. My doula was an incredible coach and the words that struck me the most were: "You're being a brat. You're a mother now. This is your baby and you need to give us good pushes to get her out."
Through a combination of squatting, pulling on a towel, and bearing down, Basil Bea was born at 3:54am. She weighs 8lb, 7oz and is 20 inches long.. She's a beast! My midwife ended up giving me a couple little cuts to avoid inevitable tearing. I was bleeding a lot so they put me on pitocin to stop it and help shrink my uterus. No regrets there because I'm bleeding a ton still!
I cannot emphasize the importance of a good team enough. My doula was worth every penny and my rock. My midwife was a badass and took awesome care of my stitches. The on-call nurse was extremely sweet and patient. My husband did a rocking job and watching him cut the cord was amazing. This was the nurse's first doula-assisted, unmedicated birth and the intermittent monitoring was a pain in the ass for all of us but totally worth letting me walk around and try different positions.
I am forever grateful and in love with my daughter for giving -us- this amazing experience. The cord was wrapped around her neck and body but she never fret. She was calm the entire labor and came out perfectly healthy. We got delayed cord clamping, skin-to-skin, and some nice downtime after the birth to enjoy her. She's currently milk-drunk and I can't stop staring at her.
You CAN do it, mamas! I'm thrilled to share my story with the community and now be a part of the elite mama bear club!!! We are warriors!!
EDD: Nov 12
DOB: Nov 24
8:36 am
7 lbs 13 oz
After having a sweep on Monday and drinking the 'midwife cocktail' (castor oil) as a last resort before a medical induction, I began feeling contractions around 2:30 am on Tuesday morning. Woke up my husband at 3 and contractions quickly intensified. Given a history of fast labours in my family, the midwife decided to meet us at the birth centre instead of doing a home assessment. We arrived at the birth centre at 4:30, I was 4 cm. Laboured using the tens machine, then bath, then layed on the bed (which I wasn't intending, but was tired). Midwife checked me and I was only 5 cm. When on bed for probably an hour, I was saying I couldn't take the pain anymore and the laughing gas wasn't helping. I wanted to go to the hospital to get the epidural. Midwife and husband stepped to the side and midwife explained that the epidural might be necessary if I was still at a five. So she checked me and I had progressed to 9 cm! We weren't going anywhere or baby would have been born on the highway. Turns out he was facing the wrong way (his spine to mine) and the excruciating pain was him turning himself around. Water broke when he did that. The midwife didn't have time for the second midwife to arrive, so she had to borrow the midwife from the next room to help deliver (thank god she was there). After moving from painful contractions to such painful ones that my body wanted to push, our little man was born at 8:36! I'm not sure how long I was pushing for but I think maybe a half hour.
We are now resting at home and both learning to breastfeed, but it's going well.
Doing it naturally was a challenge, but definitely worth it! GL to all the new and soon to be mamas!
Born 11/24 by RCS
EDD 11/30
8lbs 8oz 19 3 / 4 in
C-section went well despite my anxiety. DH watched the whole thing, impressing the medical staff. Big sister is adjusting well and we all love her so much.
Born 24/11/15
Due 02/12/14
7 pound 6 Braxton arrived very fast laboured at home got to the hospital at 8am 6cms dialated and within 20mins I was 8cm Braxton was born at 9.15am I was a bit in shock as to how fast it happened so in love
Peyton Olivia
EDD 11/28
DOB 11/23 at 813am
7lbs 12oz
19.25 in
Peyton arrived via scheduled RCS. Being team green was amazing, one of the best surprises ever!! We are all so in love. Big brother is adjusting nicely and has been a wonderful helper. Can't wait to go home!
Good luck mamas!!
Edd nov 20
Dob nov 19
Woke up at 4:41 in the morning with bad cramps. Went to the bathroom to pee and my water broke. I was not sure that it actually broke so I came back to the room ant started having bad cramps and leaking more and more. Husband woke up and I told him I am having contractions from 5 to 5 min. Got into the shower, shaved my baby door, woke up my 5 y old and called my FIL. We took my son to my father and headed to the hospital. The whole episode was 1 h and 20 min. Got to the hospital and was already 7 cm dilated. Went to the delivery room and stated the epidural. Another 1 h later at 7:21 our son came to the world. He was 3320 gr at birth and 54 cm long. I had a small inside tear. Was on my feet walking outside the same day. The hard part was the last month of pregnancy. Labour and birth went smooth. He is a sweet baby and his father and I adore him.
Due: 11/20/15
Born: 11/26/15
7 lbs 12 oz, 20 in long
Had my AFI yesterday, fluid was low so I was sent to the hospital. My OB decided it was best to induce then instead of waiting until Monday.
We started Ceridil Wednesday afternoon and removed it at 12:30 am today. Even though I was cramping I was still at 1 cm. So on came the Pitocin. MY GOD! I had heard Pitocin contractions were bad but 5 min later they were hot and heavy every 5 min, then 10 min later every 3 min, then another 10 min and they were 1-2 min apart. I was still only 1 cm, OB thought scar tissue from my LEEP procedure might have been holding me up. So THANK THE LORD she ordered my epidural.
PS, can I just say how AMAZING those are! 30 min later I had no pain and was able to sleep! A few hrs after the epidural I was at 8 cm, so being able to relax through the contractions was able to break up my scar tissue. A few hrs after that the nurse couldn't feel my cervix and babies head was low. An hour later I was pushing and 10 min later he was here with only a small tear to my labia.
We are over the moon excited that he is finally here! And I'm so happy this didn't turn into a c-section as I was sure it would.
Happy Thanksgiving and good luck to all the mommas out there still waiting!
EDD: 11/20
DOB: 11/24
8lbs6oz, 20 inches
Water broke Monday night, 3 hours of pitocin in the morning that gave baby some decelerations, stopped pitocin and did the rest on my own! Had an epidural that wore off on one side, not pleasant! Baby is latching but cluster feeding like crazy. Slept the last 2 days during the day, last night only slept and hour, fed for 5.5 hours straight, my nipples are killing me!
EDD 19 Nov
DOB 26 Nov
7lbs 10 oz & 21 inches
I was scheduled to be induced today but thankfully baby Jack decided to come on his own. Labour started around 11pm on the 25th and by 1:30am I knew it was strong enough to get to the hospital. The nurses and Doctor think the19th was too early of a due date as as the baby was still covered in vernix when he was born.
Had an amazing unmedicated delivery. I was so grateful to my amazing nurse and Doctor who were so supportive. We also had a doula and I honestly don't think I could have done it without her help and support. Very minor tearing and Jack was born at 2:49pm after only 21 minutes of pushing. So grateful for this fantastic first labour and delivery experience and most of all for this precious baby boy. Congrats to everyone on their bundles of joy!
7 lb 3.5 oz
20 inches
EDD 11/29
DOB 11/26 - little turkey babe!
Membrane sweep on Wednesday followed by a nice walk seems to have done the trick! Which as a FTM honestly surprised me!
Contractions started at 2:30am- consistently 3-4 min apart and definitely not comfortable. Waited until 7am when DH woke up and decide to go on in. Was only 2cm - so we went walking around the hospital but at about 1pm they sent us home. Labored at home for a couple hours, got in the tub and spent some time on the birth ball- around 4pm we went back in. When the nurse checked me, I was at 4cm and my water broke! Things got intense fast. Contractions really picked up and my DH was a superstar partner the whole time and got me through them. It took what seemed like FOREVER for them to get my epidural set up, but I am grateful that I got to 6cm before the epidural at about 8pm and 10 min after I got it, they checked me again because I was feeling tons of pressure and I was at 8cm!! That epidural changed everything- I had completely shut down and as soon as I got some relief I was able to truly enjoy the experience. They got everything set up since I was progressing so fast and called the doctor. After only like 4 contractions worth of pushing, Jude was here!! The cord was wrapped around his neck and he had a true knot- but our boy is perfect and healthy and we couldn't love him more.
EDD: 11/20
DOB: 11/27
Born at 9:18pm
6lbs 4oz
18 inches
Mommy and Daddy love her so much already. I can't wait for big sister to meet little sister!
EDD: 11/24
Born: 11/27
8lbs. 6oz.
19.5 inches
Started getting bloody show on Wednesday night accompanied by constant cramps in my abdomen/back. Thursday night contractions picked up from 10 mins apart to some being back to back for 3 minutes. They weren't super regular but called the doc and went in at 11:30 am. I was 3 centimeters so they had me walk a bit and when they checked I was 4-5 so I was admitted. I walked again and when I got to six centimeters I decided to get the epidural. Best decision ever. They broke my water and gave me a low dose of pitocin and 2 hours later I was at 10. Pushed for an hour and a half and baby girl finally arrived. Had a small episiotomy and some 2nd degree tearing due to the placement of her shoulders. Cried for about an hour when I saw SO hold her, it's like he completely melted. I didn't think it was possible to love someone so much.
Born Nov 26 at 1:52 pm
EDD Nov 18
7 lb, 9 oz & 20.5 inches
From Team Green to Team Girl!
I tried literally everything to start labor, and when I'd basically given up (last things tried were a sweep and acupuncture on Tuesday), she decided it was time. Started having contractions while taking a nap at 5:30 or so. They began to escalate in timing and intensity and I labored at home until they were coming every 3-4 minutes and feeling strong. We arrived at the birth center at 3am and discovered they had a full house and no room available for us yet, so they had me hang out upstairs in the midwife offices while they called an additional midwife. Apparently full moon + holiday means babies galore! The extra midwife came up to see me at about 4 and said while I was waiting, a mama had arrived and had given birth already! I was 5 cm, and still had a while, so she had me labor in the classroom in the basement (which had a couch and kitchenette) until 6, when a room finally opened up. I got in the jacuzzi tub when my contractions got to be on top of each other, doubling and sometimes tripling up. My water broke in the tub, and it had meconium in it, which meant I got a bit of a poo bath (thanks, little girl!). I got out when my contractions started to feel like pushing, and I was at 8-9 cm! I labored on hands and knees on the bed for about another hour, and then I was at 10 and ready to push! After 2 hours and 40 minutes of intense pushing Cecily was born, squalling and gooey and perfect in every way! I had a 2nd degree tear with stitches and got some extra medication for bleeding, but we are both doing great and at home, enjoying some turkey leftovers.
We've been calling her The Turkey from the time I had my BFP and I guess she decided that the name was appropriate for her birth day! DH was such an amazing support the entire time, and I was so thankful for my midwife and nurse team, and that my little girl was a champ the whole labor process and enabled me to have my planned unmedicated birth. It was intense and incredibly painful, but I would do it all again.
EDD: 12/3
DOB: 11/27 @ 10:34am via RCS
7lb2oz and 19in
So thankful for and blessed with my beautiful family. DH's birthday is 11/28, so he's admitted that DD is the best birthday present ever.
Natural labor, contractions started at home at 1:30am and he was born at 4:40am I pushed 3 times and he was out!!
EDD 11-28-15
Born at 8:54 am on 11-22-15
6 pounds 9 ounces
19 inches long
A little late, but we've had a rough time. After being induced and going through 25 hours of labor, they broke my water and she immediately went into distress. So they put some fluid back in, and rushed me into emergency C-Section. I had a VERY tough pregnancy, health wise, but I am so glad she's finally here!!! We are so, so in love
EDD 11.21.15,
Born 11.28.15, 11:45 am
No info on height and weight yet, as she was whisked away to the NICU pretty quick.
Once I got the epidural, I was able to sleep and progressed very quickly when they broke my water. All of a sudden the nurse came to check my cervix and she was RIGHT THERE, so I was told not to push until the doctor came in to deliver. She came out in less than 20 minutes of pushing and her whole body came out in one push. She's struggling slightly to breathe on her own, so they went ahead and admitted her to the NICU.
Updates/pictures to come as soon as we get to see our little girl.
8lbs, 20inches
Emma is being transferred to a more specialized NICU at a children's hospital about 30 minutes away. Still struggling to breathe.
I haven't had a chance to hold her since she was born and it's killing me, but she is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on.
EDD: 11/26
Born: 11/27 at 10:11pm
8lbs 5oz 20"
I got my VBAC!!
Started induction Thanksgiving night with a cook catheter. Woke up Friday morning at 7am at 4cm having light contractions. They started pitocin at 9am and slowly upped it. I was able to walk and move and use the tub as needed but once I hit 6cm contractions were on top of each other and lasting 2 minutes. Got a walking epidural at that point. I could go into hands and knees still and move myself around and feel pressure but not as much pain. My doula was awesome and was able to get me into so many different positions to keep me progressing. We used a peanut ball a lot and it helped so much.
At 9pm they checked me and I was complete.
Started pushing soon after and his heart rate went way down and then way up. The midwife called the on call doctor. He had me breath through a few contractions which was rough because we turned the epi off at that point so I could move around.
We were minutes from going to the OR for another CS but the on call doc is super VBAC friendly and told me if I could push quickly I would get it.
45 mins later he was out! It was amazing. Any other doctor and I would have been a RCS.
It was awesome to see my doula the midwife and doctor all hugging and shaking hands. They worked so well together to help me out. I'm very grateful.
Nov 25th at 2:16am
7lbs, 20" long
Edd: Nov 27th
As a FTM I went in to get checked when contractions were 5 mins apart and got sent home because I was only 2cm, I was so sad that we had to go back home. By the time we got home 20 minutes later, contractions were less than a minute apart and a lot more painful than I was prepared for. Apparently I traumatized my hubs with how I was dealing with the pain. All the breathing techniques we learned and the only thing that made me feel
Better was to just cry through
Them. We waited about 20 more minutes and then it was back to the hospital. I was at 6cm when we arrived around 8:30pm and opted for the Epi even though it was not my plan, and by 2:00am was fully dilated and ready to push. Less than 15 minutes of pushing later and our precious son came into the world and is so loved. Cannot say enough how much continuing my exercise routine throughout the pregnancy helped with my stamina and endurance. Our hearts are full!
EDD: 11/23
DOB: 11/28
6lb11oz (3kg) and 20in (51cm)
FTM, and 26hours of labor (argh)
Contractions started in the 26, and got regular every 5 minutes around 2am on the 27. I got excited but waited until I could feel either or more stronger (I know I was just a fingertip dilated)
We had a nst and a afi at 2pm that day anyway, and at 11am I felt some uncontrollable shaking and some really stronger contractions, so we went in right away.
But once there, despite those shakes and strong 3-5 min apart long contractions, I was only1.5 cm dilated.
They checked my fluids, I was too low to get sent back home and was admitted.
I did great until 11pm, dealing with the pain and some occasional shakes that got stronger and stronger. They could not give me cytotec as the contractions could get worse and sometimes baby was stressed out... So they waited for my contractions to calm down. I was 2cm at 11pm.
Even though I wanted unmedicated birth, the shaking made me unable to relax, and I took what they offered me, they decided to try cytotec then too. Two hours later at 1am (the 28th) I could not handle it anymore, I was crying l, losing it, they were too long, too strong and I was just shaking like crazy so I could not concentrate or relax my muscles, the medication was not working well, so they offered me an epidural and I said yes, I was 4cm dilated by then. Between 1am and 2am they placed the epidural, which needed fixing (just worked on the left side, then dose was not strong enough). Finally worked, I think it saved my life and sanity lol, and in 2 hours I went from 4cm to 10cm, pushed for almost an hour and she was out !
Ariane did not cry, latched right away and we are still breastfeeding great (I am producing a lot) I got a 2nd degree tear but I am not sure how I will recover yet.
She is calm, she observes, and smiles
Best thing I did in my life !
EDD: 11/30
DOB: 11/29
7 lb 10oz 20in
Bloody show started around 1, went to the hospital was only 1cm and sent home. Got home and started having contractions. Went back to the hospital around 11 when the contractions were 5 minutes apart and was 5cm, in the 10 minutes it took to get to the delivery room I progressed to 9cm and started the fluids for the epidural. Amazing epidural! She did a great job putting it in and it reallyyy worked. About 45 minutes of pushing at 7am and she was born!
means "woman of honor" and Selah means- "Pause and Reflection"
EDD- 11-23
7lb 6.9oz, 20 1/2
Got induced on the 17th at 7am and had her at 3:24pm. Did not push at all. She literally slipped out before the doctor could get there. I was sick to my stomach and was dry heaving because of the effects of the epidural and in doing so she came right out.
She has been such a good baby and super easy going. Already giving me between 3 and 4 hour stretches of sleep at night. BF like a champ! Her big brother is still not too excited about her but hopefully in time he'll really bond with her.
EDD - 11/21
Born - 11/23 @ 5:04pm
6lb 14 oz, 20.5 inches long
At 10pm on Sunday I went into labor, woke up my fiancé at 1:30am and labored at home until 4:30am. Was 3 cm dialated and 90% effaced when I arrived at the hospital. Labored without pain meds until 11:30am and still was 3 cm and 100% effaced. Received an epidural at 1:30pm and slept until 4:45pm when her head was about to pop out. Pushed 3 times and she was out. Amazing labor and delivery and we are so in love with our precious baby girl!
EDD 11/23, DOB 11/30
Was due to be induced today at 5:00 am. Went into labor on my own at 1:30 am. Still got to the hospital at 5. Tried the IV pain medication, but felt too under the influence and I didn't like it. Once that wore off I got the epidural. Heaven!! I progressed quickly and was 10cm by 12:00. My doctor wanted me to labor down for any hour before pushing. I started pushing at 1:00 and she was out by 2:30! Recovery is going well so far and we are working on our breast feeding. We are so in love!! Good luck ladies, I was so nervous about giving birth and I'm so proud of myself now
Had him at a birth center. Will post full story later.
EDD Nov 23
DOB Nov 30
From team green to team blue! It wasn't the labour I was hoping for due to being induced because of my membranes rupturing and no contractions to follow however once they doubled the dose of oxytocin I progressed very quickly. Only about an hour and a half of active labour before I pushed him out in 3 pushes. DH and I are still in shock as to how it all played out.
Reid is the love our lives and so far a very calm wise old soul.
EDD November 22nd
Born December 1st
8lbs 11oz
21.5 inches
I was induced at around 7Am starting with Cytotec. Took two rounds and made very little progress, so moved on to Pitocin. Contractions started lightly around 10:30. To make a long story short, I ended up labor in for 27 hours, the epidural was not helpful with anything but contractions, and I am now the talk of the entire ward for my traumatic labor. I pushed for 2 hours and begged for some help from the vacuum because I couldn't do it anymore. I ended up with a 4th degree due to being cut, then tearing more anyways. BUT, both baby and I are healthy, and that's all that matters. We're trying to figure out breastfeeding, and daddy is doing amazing with both of us. Congratulations to all the mommies!
Ellis Olivia
Born 11/22, EDD 11/29
7.5 lbs 20" long -happy and healthy as can be!
We started induction the evening of 11/21 due to low fluid, low fetal movement. Induction went incredibly smooth and once my water broke I went from 3 cm to 10 and ready to go in less than 2 hours. Was shocked when the doctor checked me and said "alright, you ready to push mama?" - we were expecting a much longer process as it had been going relatively slow until that point. 12 pushes later baby girl came screamin' out! So so happy to have her here.
Congrats ladies, great job!
Started induction at 7am
Excruciating labor until 4pm
Got epidural at 4 but redone because he put it in wrong
Pushed 4 times
Baby was born at 5pm