March 2016 Moms

*** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***


Re: *** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***

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    @cmerribury hope your ok gets over it quickly. Ds had the stomach bug about 3 weeks ago and I got it. It was awful 12 hours of vomiting, cramps, and nausea. Positive thoughts your way.

    I have my 28 week appointment tomorrow then I am every 2 weeks after that. At school this time of year always flies by because there is so much going on, so I feel like things are moving really quickly. I'm sure after Christmas it won't feel that way, but right now I can't believe how fast things are moving. There is still so much to do!
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    JLaVO888JLaVO888 member
    edited December 2015
    @red3ye My mother in law has started taking aloe vera pills for her heartburn and suggested them for me to take. I haven't asked my OB about them yet, but I'm guessing they are safe. There is also pure aloe juice at whole foods stores but I HATE the taste and consistency of it. 

    I have just been suffering through mine all day/night.  I'm horrible about taking medicine. You would think I would jump at the mention of anything that gives relief. Even when I have a headache, I will make may self suffer through it all day without taking Tylenol. Its a weird habit. I don't know what my aversion to taking medicine is. One would think I'm a mosochist...
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    Thanks @Stormiewinter I hope so too. I wish I could check into a hotel, to be honest. I'll just keep scrubbing my hands and everything else and hoping for the best.

    @red3ye I forgot, I also take these chewable Pepcid Complete things every once in a while. I keep them next to my bed for when I wake up with it. Instant relief. Totally worth it.

    @JLaVO888 I'm the same way, except with the heartburn. Only because it's super bad and if I don't treat it, it only gets worse.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I keep meaning to ask all you wonderful STMs:

    Are the all life stages convertible carseats the way to go? And do they truly fit all sizes,  birth through toddler. I am carseat illiturate.

    Is it better to just buy an infant seat and then replace it with a toddler seat later?

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    I keep meaning to ask all you wonderful STMs:

    Are the all life stages convertible carseats the way to go? And do they truly fit all sizes,  birth through toddler. I am carseat illiturate.

    Is it better to just buy an infant seat and then replace it with a toddler seat later?

    Not a STM but I wouldn't want a seat that didn't have a handle.
    Will I need to carry the baby in the carseat a a lot? I picture myself being a baby wearer all the time...but maybe I'm being unrealistic in thinking that I won't need the carseat to carry her in. 
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    I like the infant seat the first few months, especially with snow possibility. If baby is asleep, you won't want to take baby out until inside anyway. The base option for infant seats is very nice. But I have also raised infant car seat haters that was remedied by the convertible.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    Yes, you sold me with the sleeping baby point. See, these are things that make total since but I'm just not experianced enough in the area to think of! Thanks ladies!
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    We are joining the stomach bug crew. DS has had diarrhea the last few days but I thought maybe it was just molars coming in. He was a whiny mess all day today so we decided to go out to dinner and he just projectile vomitted not once but 3 times. Guess that solves that. It's the first time he has ever thrown up. He handled it like a champ. I was already starting to feel gross earlier but now I am really worried I'll catch it too. I hope it's not a long night ahead.
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    JLaVO888 said:

    I keep meaning to ask all you wonderful STMs:

    Are the all life stages convertible carseats the way to go? And do they truly fit all sizes,  birth through toddler. I am carseat illiturate.

    Is it better to just buy an infant seat and then replace it with a toddler seat later?

    DS is a tiny little thing. He is 15 months old and is just now 20 pounds and 28 inches. He is still in his infant seat! We will obviously be switching him over soon. We had the Graco click connect series. It was nice to have the infant seat click right into the stroller, especially in those younger months. Plus our convertible seat takes up so much more space than our infant seat does. I drive an explorer but it is still a pain trying to get him in and out of the convertible.
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    I agree about the infant seat. Ds was in his until 26 months. He is small, but we bought the snug ride 35 so we knew we would get a good bit of use out of it. I think it depends on your life style for preference and while I wore Ds a lot when he was awake (we travel a lot and are not the type to sit around the house, the bucket seat was great for when he fell asleep in the car and we were going out, just carried the bucket in and baby slept away. I had many a hands free meal this way.

    I just had tacos on nacho cheese flavored shells. As dh put it "we have just revolutionized how we eat tacos in this house from now on." They were pretty amazing!
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    @stormiewinter lol to the nacho cheese taco shells. I started buying them not too long after the stores started carrying them and now my family won't let me buy the plain ones anymore ;)
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    We are joining the stomach bug crew. DS has had diarrhea the last few days but I thought maybe it was just molars coming in. He was a whiny mess all day today so we decided to go out to dinner and he just projectile vomitted not once but 3 times. Guess that solves that. It's the first time he has ever thrown up. He handled it like a champ. I was already starting to feel gross earlier but now I am really worried I'll catch it too. I hope it's not a long night ahead.

    :( Hang in there mama. I'm sleeping in the guest room tonight. I feel a bit like an inconsiderate jerk to my husband, but dude...I need to avoid this.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I am also in the infant seat camp. The sleeping thing is CLUTCH. Also, it's nice to just have one seat and multiple bases for multiple cars/family members. We moved my son to a proper car seat when he was big enough, then to a booster (with a back) when he hit 40+ pounds. The back is removable, so when he's much bigger we will take it off, but he's comfy for now and we are happy.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Help me out here, I thought it was very bad to let babies sleep in their car seats for too long? How long is too long?

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

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    @ecwk It's more about the head positioning.  You don't want their head/chin dropping to their chest as it can constrict their airway.  That's the safety side.  On the other side, you don't want them so used to only being able to fall asleep with the motion of the car, because they're not entering a full REM cycle I believe.  It's a lighter sleep.  
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    smushi said:

    @ecwk It's more about the head positioning.  You don't want their head/chin dropping to their chest as it can constrict their airway.  That's the safety side.  On the other side, you don't want them so used to only being able to fall asleep with the motion of the car, because they're not entering a full REM cycle I believe.  It's a lighter sleep.  

    So now I'm scared of that happening when we're in the car :(

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

                                                              Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    smushismushi member
    edited December 2015
    @ecwk You get those mirrors to watch them, so it's totally fine.  Sometimes we rolled up a receiving blanket to rest LO's head against on the side to make sure he stayed better propped.  We had the Graco Snugride or clickconnect or some such infant car seat.  It sucked.  He'd get steaming hot and totally lose his mind sweating, or his head would drop down, or there wasn't enough head support on the back so his head would bounce down the driveway (I ended up holding his head stable as I drove).  This time around, I'm splurging and getting a Chicco.  Our bigger Chicco car seat is soooo much better.  The material helps a ton with heat issues, and the Chicco infant seats I've seen have so much more head cushioning.  Plus Chicco are just 8 million times easier to get in and out of the car (if you have to switch cars with them).  Car seat comfort is just one of those things you might as well splurge on, since we spend a lot of time in the car.  

    ETA I think the how long question is for people who let their LOs sleep overnight in their car seat (it can help to keep them propped up like that if they have reflux, so I can see the appeal).  But it's just not as safe as them sleeping on a flat (or slightly inclined) surface in their crib.
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    ecwk said:

    smushi said:

    @ecwk It's more about the head positioning.  You don't want their head/chin dropping to their chest as it can constrict their airway.  That's the safety side.  On the other side, you don't want them so used to only being able to fall asleep with the motion of the car, because they're not entering a full REM cycle I believe.  It's a lighter sleep.  

    So now I'm scared of that happening when we're in the car :(
    Get a mirror so you can see the baby. I had a head stabilizer so my kids heads didn't really flop anyway and in an infant seat they are reclined enough that I never had an issue with their head position.
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    Thanks for the advice, gals!!!
    @smushi we got a Graco modes click connect travel system and I hope the car seat works ok for us! I see it has very good reviews online, I guess it's different for every baby. I registered for a head support cushion thing but I don't know if they are technically safe to be used while driving. Aargh I'm so confused!

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

                                                              Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    I'm always afraid of things not working well together so I went with the car seat that comes with the head support. Now I'm going to look for a mirror. I don't know why that didn't occur to me! I'm terrified of sid's happening while I'm driving around and baby is in the back.

    December Siggy Challenge

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    Our kids drench themselves with sweat with the chiccos.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    Since we're on the topic of car seats and sweaty babies, what do you do about heat in the summer? I realized AFTER it was purchased that black was not the smartest choice in color since it attracts so much heat. Are babies ok as long as you've got the ac running at a moderate temp?

    December Siggy Challenge

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    Mirror for sure. Also, at least with the Chicco, which is what we had, you can tilt the infant carrier in the base to help prevent the chin nod (there are three settings). Honestly, my child never slept in the car and still doesn't. I'll have to keep a better eye on this little nugget.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    We chose the graco because it was at least 2 pounds lighter than the others we looked at. it adds up between the baby, the seat and carrying in the diaper bag or whatever else. We haven't had any issues with the Graco stuff.
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    Since we're on the topic of car seats and sweaty babies, what do you do about heat in the summer? I realized AFTER it was purchased that black was not the smartest choice in color since it attracts so much heat. Are babies ok as long as you've got the ac running at a moderate temp?

    I'm concerned about the summer as well. It climbs into the 100's here and is actually hot most of year. I think I will get a little clip on fan for the back most likely. They also make these crazy noodle things that connect to the front air vent and funnel the AC back to the kiddos. They seem to take up a lot of space though.
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    @SarahFoley725 same here, temps can get pretty high and mixed with the humidity, it's unbearable. I've seen those hoses! I just don't know if it makes it too cold for them when you use that. How do you find the balance between too cold and too hot?

    December Siggy Challenge

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    @mrspepper05 ouch! Thanks for the heads up.

    December Siggy Challenge

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    @mrspepper05 That's what I do with the kids I nanny. I just go start my car and let it get cool before we hop in. They're out of infant seats so definitely have to do it to keep from touching the buckles. Ouch...not looking forward to summer.
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    You guys may hate me for this... but your answers were so helpful on the last one, so here is my second question (hopefully last) for the night...(I trust you all more than just any random internet stranger bahaha)

    What kind of baby baths are best, soft plastic, hard plastic...are they a waste of money all together as the sink works best? 

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    ecwk said:

    Help me out here, I thought it was very bad to let babies sleep in their car seats for too long? How long is too long?

    Its amazing how much things have changed even in 3 years. Ds was a terrible sleeper partly due to reflux and my doctor said that if he was having a bad night it was ok to let him sleep in his car seat so long as he was strapped in properly and it was on a flat surface. in doing research it looks like in the last couple
    Years they have done studies that show that it isn't as safe as they thought. That being said I think supervised sleep time (have a mirror in the car, baby sitting next to you while you eat out) would be ok. When Ds was really little (-3 months) one of us always say in the back with him for long car rides (1 hour or more) always made me feel better.
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    I'm getting this bath seat. Most of the families of have nannied for have them and they work just fine. Really you don't need them once kiddo can sit up on their own. I know a lot of people use the blooming baths too but I've heard if you live somewhere with high humidity (I do) they have a problem with molding which is gross.

    Unrelated but I definitely got a knee or elbow jab from baby girl today. DH was entertained by feeling the knot stabbing out of my stomach.
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    JLaVO888 said:

    You guys may hate me for this... but your answers were so helpful on the last one, so here is my second question (hopefully last) for the night...(I trust you all more than just any random internet stranger bahaha)

    What kind of baby baths are best, soft plastic, hard plastic...are they a waste of money all together as the sink works best? 

    Cheapo blue hard plastic one. It goes from reclining infant (with mesh instert) to seated baby. I think it's like $18 on amazon.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    I am so glad I go to my dr once a week. I have yet another golf ball sized cyst under my right arm- it is so painful tonight it has me up in tears. I just gotta somehow survive until 3:15 tomorrow afternoon :cry:
    February Siggy Challenge- Post pregnancy indulgences

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    JLaVO888 said:

    You guys may hate me for this... but your answers were so helpful on the last one, so here is my second question (hopefully last) for the night...(I trust you all more than just any random internet stranger bahaha)

    What kind of baby baths are best, soft plastic, hard plastic...are they a waste of money all together as the sink works best? 

    I got the regular hard plastic one that @skruhmin was talking about with my first. Used it a few times. Honestly, I always ended up either bathing them with me or in the sink. I think it was just easier to actually be holding them (whether in the sink or in the tub with me). For whatever reason I just felt more secure actually holding them while still newborns at least. Once they can sit on their own I did just the sink and then moved to the tub when I felt like they weren't going to be accidentally falling over.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    smushismushi member
    edited December 2015
    @ecwk That's the Graco system we have.  Our little guy is just a heat brick so he would completely drench himself in sweat and start screaming in the car seat.  In the summer months we would just strip him to a onesie, and fold up a thin tea towel to keep under him to help with the sweating (and blast the AC).  This was when he was 3-4 months old.  He moved up to his Chicco Nextfit this summer and we stopped having the sweaty episodes and I was much more pleased with the padding.  I've since felt some Chicco Keyfits, and I think we may get one of those (but like @skruhmin said, all babies are different and react differently, so you just kind of pick a system and go with it, and modify as needed).  

    *Disclaimer:  It's not recommended for safety to add things to the car seat that it didn't come with (ie, the tea towel) but it worked and saved us a wailing baby for most trips.

    @charley15 ouch!  I'm so sorry :(
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    @jlavo888 We had several baby baths we received so we just sort of tried them all.  We got this nifty Puj Flyte Swedish thing we thought would be cool, but it didn't fit our smaller sinks, so that was a bust.  We got an Angelcare Baby bath support thing that sat him up nicely, but it was kind of stiff so we would end up lying a towel over it.  For the first two weeks we just did spit baths (lay them on a fluffy towel, and use a gentle wet wash cloth on them) due to the umbilical stump.  DS really didn't start enjoying bathtime til he was around 4-5 months old though.  So I honestly couldn't recommend a bath that I liked, because we didn't really like any of them :)
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