Baby Names

Which name do you like the best?

JulybirdJulybird member
edited July 2015 in Baby Names
We are having trouble deciding on a name for our little boy. We both like Avery and Harper but don't want him surrounded by girls named the same. Also, our daughter is named Ava so not sure about Avery and Ava as sibling names even some love the idea. I don't really care what other people think but some input would be helpful. Thanks! Scott is a family name so that's obviously staying.

Which name do you like the best? 113 votes

Carter Scott
52% 59 votes
Hayden Scott
10% 12 votes
Sawyer Scott
20% 23 votes
Avery Scott
12% 14 votes
Harper Scott
4% 5 votes

Re: Which name do you like the best?

  • All your names are pretty trendy for my taste. Carter is best. Definitely don't do Avery with sibling Ava
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  • Definitely don't do Avery with Ava. Waaay too matchy.

    Carter is definitely the winner. I like Sawyer as well but think Carter Scott sounds better.
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  • I don't really like any of them but if I had to pick one I would pick Hayden. I'm just not a fan of the surnames as first names trend. I like Scott though.
  • magsugar13magsugar13 member
    edited July 2015
    None of them
  • I like Carter best. I'm a fan of Sawyer too, but I know it doesn't get much love on here.

    Side note- I don't understand why carter is trendy? It's been in the top 100 for over ten years. When is a name just popular?
  • I voted Carter by default.  Ava and Avery are too close.  And I don't really like the names Hayden, Sawyer, or Harper.

    I do think Carter and Ava or Sawyer and Ava make the best sibset.

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  • I like Carter best. I'm a fan of Sawyer too, but I know it doesn't get much love on here. Side note- I don't understand why carter is trendy? It's been in the top 100 for over ten years. When is a name just popular?
    It falls into the whole random surname as first name trend. I find it odd it would be in the top 100 as I don't hear it often, but even if it has been, it doesn't make it a classic name.
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  • I definitely think Ava and Avery are too matchy. Harper is too common for girls. I wouldn't use it for a boy. I voted Carter. I know it's a surname, but I think it's classic, not trendy. Not all surnames are trendy. We're naming our son Graham, and I think that's classic, too.
  • lkfisherlkfisher member
    edited July 2015
    **Removed for TOU violation**
  • Scott.
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15

  • I like Carter best. I'm a fan of Sawyer too, but I know it doesn't get much love on here.

    Side note- I don't understand why carter is trendy? It's been in the top 100 for over ten years. When is a name just popular?

    It falls into the whole random surname as first name trend. I find it odd it would be in the top 100 as I don't hear it often, but even if it has been, it doesn't make it a classic name.
    Fair enough.
  • Carter works best
  • Avery and Harper are very common names for girl now, so I wouldn't go with either of those
  • I found it hard to vote as I can't stand trendy names, but I voted for Avery and then I forgot your dd is Ava, so I take that back and vote for Carter. I think Scott as a first name is great. Scott Avery?
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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  • love the trolls on here.
  • lkfisherlkfisher member
    edited July 2015

    **Removed for TOU violation**
  • flasflas member

    lkfisher said:

    lkfisher said:

    These are all hella trendy and annoying.

    And your comment is rude and unnecessary. I'm sure you'll respond with "this is an opinions board, and my opinion is just as valid, etc."

    Gotta love how a pregnancy forum brings out the total bitchiness in women.

    Pretty sure the OP doesn't need you to be her white knight.


    pretty sure op doesn't need you to be a cunt. now THERE'S my bitchy comment.


    Sorry, not sorry.

    Thank you for reporting it, my phone doesn't want to let me! Why anybody find it necessary to bring that word into discussion I will never know! Anyway I voted for Carter too as it was the least trendy for me.
  • I reported it too. That's wayyyyyyy over the line.
    LFAF September Siggy Challenge



  • JulybirdJulybird member
    edited July 2015
    How do you even tell if a name is trendy? Because they're not old and classic? I work with kids and don't hear these names hardly ever, some not at all. These are the only ones my husband and I can agree on. Neither of us love any of them. We don't want a super common name like with Ava because I had that growing up myself with Jennifer. Also, Scott is a no go since it's my husbands name. I will take any suggestions. Appreciate the help. No negative input please. Thanks for most of the responses.
  • lkfisher said:

    lkfisher said:

    These are all hella trendy and annoying.

    And your comment is rude and unnecessary. I'm sure you'll respond with "this is an opinions board, and my opinion is just as valid, etc."

    Gotta love how a pregnancy forum brings out the total bitchiness in women.

    Pretty sure the OP doesn't need you to be her white knight.


    pretty sure op doesn't need you to be a cunt. now THERE'S my bitchy comment.

    :-h that's a violation. No name calling! You can disagree without stooping down into the gutter yo...

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  • Let me clarify. Please be polite. It's just a request, I know everyone isn't going to follow it.

  • Julybird said:
    Let me clarify. Please be polite. It's just a request, I know everyone isn't going to follow it.
    was lurking and just have to say...
    you really can't control for that
    especially on the internet 

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  • Now that I am done being called a C U Next Tuesday, I would love to give suggestions @julybird. Sorry if my initial response was a little sarcastic. I've incorporated some classics as well as some names that I think fit your style but aren't as random surname-y.


    LFAF September Siggy Challenge: Pinterest Fails


  • sorry, NOT sorry!!! hahaha
  • LNic5LNic5 member
    If Avery wasn't so matchy with Ava, it definitely would've been my choice.

    Best fit I think is Carter
  • I know someone who named her daughter Carter Lilly and doesn't use just her FN when talking about or to her. Cringe.
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